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高一教案 第633期

Seriously playing (P3)
I. Pre-reading
Do you like playing computer games?
If computer games were used in class, do you think it would help students learn? Why or why not?
II. Reading
Read the article and choose the best answer for each of the following questions:
1. What can we conclude from the first four paragraphs?
A. Many US teachers devote themselves to creating computer games for students.
B. An increasing number of teachers think computer games can help students learn.
C. Teachers hold different views toward the application of computer games in schools.
D. Many US schools are encouraging students to play computer games to relax.
2. What factors have helped promote computer games in schools according to the article?
a. The affordability of tablet computers.                    b. The preferences of young teachers.
c. The advertisements of commercial companies.     d. Parents’ support.
e. Better games being produced.
A. a, b, c         B. a, c, d         C. a, b, e       D. b, d, e
3. The underlined phrase “fell flat” in Paragraph 8 probably means ____.
A. turned out successful      
B. deserved attention
C. didn’t make a profit
D. didn’t have the intended effect
4. What is Holladay’s attitude toward the idea of using computer games in class?
A. It allows students to learn in a fun way.
B. It is not as helpful as people thought it would be.
C. It reduces the interaction between teachers and students.
D. It sounds good but it makes it inconvenient for teachers to get feedback from students.
1. B。第一段为中心句,第二到三段用三位老师来举例说明老师们认为电脑游戏有助于辅助课堂教学,所以答案为B。
2. C。由第五段“The growing availability of inexpensive tablet computers and a new generation of young teachers who grew up playing on computers have spurred (激发) interest in games for serious purposes.”以及倒数第三、四段可知平板电脑价格降低、年轻一代老师们的青睐以及更多好的电脑游戏被生产制作都促进了电脑游戏在教学上的使用。
3. D。由下文谈到的商业公司更重视产品销售的盈利情况,而不是学生是否掌握了新技能,所以可以推知Popovic认为游戏与教学刚开始结合时,并获得预期的效果,所以答案为D。
4. A。由倒数两段的“building games that allowed students to compete with each other and giving him instant feedback (反馈) on their progress. The games reinforced (加强) the lessons he was teaching”可推知A为正确答案。
III. Language study
1. Washington teacher Tammie Schrader is so enthusiastic about computer games in education that she thinks they can be used to teach programming skills whichwill help students in college – starting in middle school.
2. Canadian teacher Justin Holladay wrote a few simple games to help his students practice math skills, and when they caught on, he started his own company to create more of them.
catch on: 流行,变得风行
The new folk song caught on really quickly.

Hawking Still Makes News (P5)
烟台开发区高级中学  季绍妮
I. Warming up
What do you know about Professor Stephen Hawking?
II. Fast reading
Read the passage and answer the questions
1. Why did Chinese social media go crazy on April 12?
Because Stephen Hawking joined Sina Weibo.
2. Why is Hawking so popular?
Because of his science work and his ability to continue working while suffering from a very serious disease.
3. What is the aim of Breakthrough Starshot?
To build tiny laser-powered spaceships.
III. Practice
Chinese social media ________(go) crazy on April 12 because of one man –Professor Stephen Hawking,_______ joined Sina Weibo .Why is Hawking so popular? Of course, his science work speaks for itself. Perhaps as ________(impress) as his scientific findings, though, has been his ability to continue working while ________(suffer) from motor neurone disease. So what’s next for Hawking after _________(join) Sina Weibo? Building spaceships. The project, _____(call) Breakthrough Starshot, is a research and engineering program ____________ aims to build laser beam-powered “nanocrafts”.
IV. Discussion
What have you learned from Hawking?

Bring yourself joy (Page 6)
山东烟台二中 杨敬
I. Warming Up
1. List the things you want to do best.
2. How many of them have you fulfilled?
3. If there are any you haven’t yet fulfilled, why?
II. Scanning
1.What made the writer decide to try something new for a change?
She watched the film Titanic.
2.  Was the writer’s sister too busy to turn down her invitation?
She was probably just too stubborn to depart from her routine.
3. How did the writer feel when she had the ice cream?
She would have died happy with no regrets.
4. What’s the theme of the passage?
Seize the day.
III. True or False Questions
1.Many people put off things because they really dislike them.
2.The women on the Titanic didn’t want to eat dessert at dinner out of fear that it would make them fat.
3. Many people are used to doing the things they want to under certain conditions.
4. Ice cream is bad for the writer’s health so in fact she shouldn’t have had it.
IV. Language Learning
Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the passage.
1. He has a bad habit of  _____ things _____.
2. I’m getting fat so I have to _____ exercise ___ my _____.
3. Susan made careful preparations ________ deliver a wonderful speech.
4. To my disappointment, your opinion _______ mine too far.
V. Fill in the blanks according to the article and put them into Chinese.
1.I wish I _____ (know) yesterday.
2. If my car ____ (hit) an iceberg (冰山) on the way home, I _________ happy.
VI. Exploration
   Let’s enjoy a poem by Robert Herrick (1591—1674, English poet ) .
               "To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time"
               Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
               Old time is still a-flying;
               And this same flower that smiles today
               Tomorrow will be dying.
               The glorious lamp of heaven the sun,
               The higher he's a-getting,
               The sooner will his race be run,
               And nearer he's to setting.
               That age is best which is the first,
               When youth and blood are warmer;
               But being spent, the worse, and worst
               Times still succeed the former.
               Then be not coy, but use your time,
               And, while ye may, go marry;
               For, having lost but once your prime,
               You may forever tarry.
VII. Further Thinking
1. What will you do about your wishes?
2. What’s the easiest wish you could achieve with just a little effort?
3. When are you going to achieve it?


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