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高二教案 第658期

Taking on biggest UN role (P1)
沈阳市第二中学 常虹
I. Lead-in 
Have you ever seen this sculpture? 
Do you know where it is found? 
What do you think it means?
The United Nations Headquarters, NY 
Many celebrities have been here to give a speech on the world’s development.
The former secretaries-general of the UN 
II. While reading
Who is next?
Read the article and answer the following questions.
1)Who is the next secretary-general of the UN?
Antonio Guterres, 67, from Portugal.
2)What problems are waiting for him?
Refugee crises, terrorism and the war in Syria.
3)Why can people count on him?
Guterres has a reputation for being outspoken when talking about the poor. He is also an effective "doer", not just a "sayer".
Read the article again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
1. Guterres didn’t dare to criticize the US government because he needed its support.          (F)
2. Refugee crises are of the greatest concern to Guterres.                                 (F)
3. Guterres succeeded in reforming the organization where he worked for 10 years.            (T)
4. Guterres has an unusual plan for dealing with the problems outside the UN.                (T)
III.Language focus
Find out the expressions in the passage according to the explanation.
1.      count on    : rely on
2.     moral center  : a very good person who can be depended on to lead
3.      call out     : ask or order a person or an organization to help, especially in a difficult or dangerous situation
4.  be caught up in   : be involved in
5.  when it comes to  : when we talk about
IV. Language work
Translate the following sentences.
a. Guterres has often been the voice of world refugees; a sort of moral center who would put his own career on the line by calling out powerful countries.
b. The UN must focus more on delivery and less on process, more on people and less on bureaucracy.
c. But it is also humility that is needed to serve the most vulnerable, victims of wars, of terrorism … poverty and unfairness in this world.
V. Post-reading
Discuss in groups:
1. Based on what you now know, use your own words to describe Guterres.
2. What do you know about the UN? Share your information with others.
VI. Homework
Make a poster for the UN.
New show takes us all over Earth (P4-5)
浙江省金华市外国语学校   翁冰玫
I. Pre-reading 
1)Some information about David Attenborough.
Sir David Frederick Attenborough (born 8 May 1926) is an English broadcaster and naturalist. He is best known for writing and presenting the nine Life series, which show animal and plant life all over our planet.
Attenborough is the only person to have won BAFTAs (英国电影学院奖) for programs in each of black and white, color, HD, and 3D. He is widely considered a national treasure in Britain. In 2002 he was named among the 100 Greatest Britons following a vote all over the UK.
2)Some information about Planet Earth II.
Planet Earth II comes a decade after the original Planet Earth. The new series began with Sir David, now 90, floating above the Alps in a hot air balloon. He has also narrated the six episodes of the series. 
More than 9 million people watched the first episode on Nov 6.
The Daily Telegraph TV critic Gerard O’Donovan said Planet Earth II had set“yet another quality benchmark(基准)".
He wrote: “…Planet Earth II has surpassed the previous series - it was one of the most stunningly vivid and engaging natural history films I've ever seen."
II. While reading
1. Pre-reading discussion
What can you learn about the new show from Gerard O’Donovan’s comments on it?
The new show is of high quality.
It’s second to none among all natural history films.
It’s well worth watching.
It’s a feast for the viewers’ eyes.
Which part of the article conveys a similar meaning?
The first paragraph.  If you only have time to watch one television series in the whole of 2016, “you have to make it Planet Earth II”.
2. Read through the article and answer this question: Which opinions do the following examples support?
3. Read the article again and answer the question: What do you think caused the differences between the 2006 Planet Earth and the 2016 Planet Earth II?
The development of technology
The changes in the planet itself
4. Paraphrase the following sentences
1) “Let’s get ourselves into the lives of the animals, and see it through their eyes.”
Get close to animals, experience what they experience and tell their stories.
2) When an animal fights its enemy, “don’t expect this to be a completely sunny look at nature. The darker side is in there.”
In the world of animals, there is fierce competition, fighting and even death, as well as peace and love.
3) “… the planet itself has changed in those 10 years, too; never has it been more fragile and precious.”
Developments in technology and the economy have brought about progress in human society. Meanwhile, it has caused damage and even natural disasters. The planet has been badly hurt, and it is therefore becoming particularly precious.
III. Post reading
Share your opinion about the following question:
It took 42 cameramen 2089 days to finish filming Planet Earth II. Its director and narrator, David Attenborough, is 90 years old this year. If you were him, would you find it worthwhile to take part? Why/why not?
My great present (P6)
山东省烟台第二中学 赵娟
I. Lead-in
Question for discussion:
What has been the most exciting moment in your life?
Receiving a gift
Winning a prize
going traveling
being on holiday
II. While reading
Read the article and answer the following questions. 
1. How did the author feel when Christmas was coming? How can we tell?
She felt really excited about Christmas and anxious about her gifts.
1) Snow fell as I ran toward our red barn, telling two dogs, “Santa’s coming, Santa’s coming!”  
They sensed my excitement …
2) I rushed to the barn and hit Betty.
3) I wondered: … Would I get my gifts?
2. In the end, what special gift did the author get for Christmas?
The love that had spread in her family.
Careful reading for more details:
1. What did the author see and hear when night came? And how did she feel?
She saw: A bulb in the corner of the barn lit up the falling snow a little. The snow fell gently, forming a curtain in front of the house. Then the Christmas tree lights came on. 
She heard: the sounds of the calves, the rabbits and the cows.
è She felt: All the ordinary sounds I heard every day became charged with the presence of something I couldn’t name. I felt a sense of peace settling all around.
I was fascinated, and wanted to stay with that feeling of being part of it all.
A barn (谷仓,牲口棚) is said to be the place where Jesus Christ was born according to the biblical story.
During Christmas, homes are often decorated with evergreen wreaths. Candles and stockings are hung by the fireplace with small gifts and treats placed inside them.
Below are things you often see on Christmas Day.
2. When they ran into the house, what did the author see and feel?
She saw: The Christmas tree’s soft lights bathed the living room in warm colors. Then I saw my gifts.
I saw my parents sitting and watching. They looked content. 
She felt: Again I felt the same presence as in the barn.
3. What was the special something the author couldn’t name?
Only then did I know its name: love.
III. Grammar focus
only所修饰的副词、介词短语或状语从句放在句首时, 要进行部分倒装,如:
Only then did I realize the importance of learning English.
Only in this way can you hope to improve your situation.
Only after her death was I able to appreciate her. 
Only he knows what happened.
Only then   C   how much damage had been caused.(2006 陕西,16)
A. would she realized      B. she realized
C. did she realize        D. she had realized
IV. Language focus
Fill in blanks with the verbs’ correct forms.
1. Snow fell as I ran toward our red barn, telling two dogs, “Santa’s coming, Santa’s coming!” 
2. You know we can’t go into the house until Santa turns on the Christmas tree lights and all the milking and feeding are done.
3. The snow fell gently, forming a curtain in front of the house.
4. My breathing slowed as I watched the snow fall.
5. The barn seemed to answer my questions with the sounds of the calves, the rabbits and the cows. 
6. I wanted to stay with that feeling of being part of it all. 
7. Hey, the lights are on! Jim and Betty have only four more cows to milk.
8. Then I saw my gifts: the repainted toys, the new sheets in a flower design and my favorite doll with new clothes made of the same material as mine.
V. Post-reading
Talk about yourself:
Would you like to talk about you one of your most exciting moments during a Chinese festival?

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