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初三教案 第555期


Be careful when abroad (P2)
Have you ever watched Wolf Warrior 2?
Who can you turn to for help if you find yourself in danger while traveling?
While reading
1. Why does the author quote a line from Wolf Warrior 2?
A. To explain what the movie is about.  
B. To describe the feelings after watching the movie.
C. To stress that China will help every Chinese person.
D. To prove how strong China is.
2. Who usually gives warnings about traveling abroad?
A. People’s Daily.
B. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
C. Xinhua News Agency.
D. Travel agencies.
3. The draft suggests that _____.
A. Chinese people can’t travel to foreign places
B. free rescue services have come to an end
C. Chinese who travel to Maldives will run into trouble
D. people will not get free help if they ignore the MFA's warnings.
4. If the regulation is put into practice, we can infer that _____.
A. China will be the first country in the world to do so
B. people may have second thoughts about traveling to dangerous places
C. the number of people who can travel overseas will be less than 130 million
D. only rich people will be able to afford to travel overseas
Words in use
1. You don’t have to pay for the hat. You can get it f____ _____ if you buy the coat.
2. The snow has c________ the mountaintop as if it was a white veil.
3. We can speed up our research if we t_____ _____ _____ this new technology.
Make a poster.
What should a responsible tourist do when traveling in a foreign country?
Hunting for eggs in our classrooms (P3)
1.  How much do you know about Easter?
2.  Do you know what an Easter egg hunt is?
While reading
1. A/An _____ was held to celebrate Easter in the author’s school this year.
A. Easter party
B. Easter egg hunt
C. egg eating competition
D. chocolate eating competition  
2. The third paragraph is written to _____.
A. explain what an Easter egg hunt is
B. explain the plan that the author's team will use
C. introduce the author's group members
D. tell readers that the eggs they will hunt for are not real eggs
3. The chocolate eggs were mainly hidden in places that _____.
A. are dangerous to touch
B. students can find easily
C. are designed to hide things
D. students usually don’t notice
4. What did the author learn from the game?
A. It’s important to work together with others.
B. No pain, no gain.
C. Experience is the mother of wisdom.
D. Celebrating Easter is a kind of cultural exchange.
Words in use
Fill in the blanks:
1. We were able to watch the lions from a distance in complete ______ (安全).
2. Word ______ (传播) quickly that she is leaving next week.
3. After first appearing on May 2, it remained _______ (在展览中) until June 9.
If your school organized an Easter egg hunt, where would you hide the eggs?
How would you plan to win the hunt?
New discovery in your body (P6)
1. Lets play a game: name as many human organs (器官) as you can in English.
2. Do you know what each of these organs does?
While reading
1. The story is mainly about _____.
A. an organ that was recently discovered
B. the way scientists study the human body
C. chemicals that can damage the interstitium
D. methods to cure diseases like cancer
2. What does the underlined word “it’ refer to in Paragraph 2?
A. Intersitium.
B. Skin.
C. Network.
D. Fluid.
3. How did researchers discover the new organ?
A. They used chemicals to treat tissue samples.
B. They used a new microscope to examine the human body.
C. They used a new technique to examine living tissue.
D. They drew clear pictures of tissue samples.
4. Why might this discovery be important?
A. Because it helped doctors solve a mystery about the human body.
B. Because it inspired a new imaging technique.
C. Because it tells us where lymph comes from.
D. Because it could help with the study of diseases.
Words in use
1. 我们无法去爬山了。这是因为天气的突然改变。
   We can’t go mountain climbing. This is _________ a sudden change in the weather.
2. 你还是去医院检查一下身体吧。
   You’d better go to the hospital and ask the doctors to _______ your body.
3. 以目前的情况来看,还有什么选择呢?
What choices do we have in the ______ situation? 
Technology is advancing every day. Can you tell us what changes you want to see most in the future?
1. C。从第三段首句 The movie sends the message that overseas Chinese will always receive timely help from China. 即可得知,影片旨在传达一个信息:在外国的中国人总是会得到祖国及时的援助。因此选C。
2. B。由第四段最后一句 without considering warnings given by the MFA” 以及第五段首句和最后一段的叙述都可以得知,发布赴外行程安全提醒的是MFA,即中国外交部。因此选B。
3. D。由文章第四段第二句 The draft says that those who insist on (坚持) traveling to dangerous places without considering warnings given by the MFA will not be able to take advantage of free rescue services.” 可知答案为D。
4. B。由文中描述可知,外交部提出这个草案是针对那些不顾国家发布的安全提醒,依然要赴外旅游的人们,通过提高获得援助的门槛来督促国民考虑自身安全,做出理智的出游决定。因此,政策一旦出台,人们势必会再三考虑自身安全问题。因此答案为B。
1. B。由文中第二段首句“This Easter, our upperclassmen held an Easter egg hunt.”可知,学校里高年级的学生组织了一场寻找复活节彩蛋的比赛。因此选B。
2. B。由文中第三段,作者说他们很想赢得比赛,所以,班干部们就制定了一个计划,要早来学校,并分组进行。所以这一整段都在介绍他们的计划。因此选B。
3. D。从文章第五段列举的藏复活节彩蛋的地方来看,“teacher’s drawers”“behind the whiteboard”“a hole in a doorframe”等都是平时学生不会注意到的地方。因此选D。
4. A。由最后一段最后一句“If everyone sticks together as a team, then we can do anything!”可知,作者从这个游戏中学到团结合作的重要性。因此选A。
1. A。由文章第一段“‘interstitium’ it is a newfound organ that was only recently discovered by doctors.”以及下文中介绍它是什么,还有科学家是如何发现的它,它的作用等可知,本文是在介绍这个新发现的器官。因此选A。
2. A。文章第二段主要介绍了“interstitium”是什么,从句中的明确的表示“interstitium”到后面的“the organ”以及最后的“it”都是指的“interstitium”。因此选A。
3. C。由文章的第四段可知科学家使用了一种新的成像技术来检查体内活组织,然后发现了一些充满了液体的空间,即:“interstitium”。因此选C。
4. D。从第五段最后一句“Studying the organ further could give researchers clues about how diseases like cancer spread through the body.”可知,对这个新器官的研究可以帮助研究者们揭开疾病扩散到全身的谜团,如癌症等。因此选D。

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