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初一教案 第673期


How we enjoy Halloween (P3)

I. Pre-reading

1. Do you celebrate Halloween?

2. When is Halloween?

3. Do you know any Halloween traditions?


II. While reading

Fill in the blanks:

Happy Halloween


On Oct 31.

What decorations (装饰) do people put up?

* Jack-o’-lanterns.

* 1. _____ cats.

* Orange and black lights.

For the writer's family:

*Lights, fake pumpkins and 2. _____.

On Halloween night

* Some people sit 3. _____  with candy.

* Parents can watch 4. _____ ____ on a large screen on one street and kids can find 5. _____.

In the writer's street:

* There are lights and 6. _____ on the front porch.

* Kids meet their 7. _____, but they might not know who they are.

* All families are happy to give out candy when there are 8. ________.



III. Word in use


1. 学生在墙上张贴了很多海报。

    The students _____ many posters on the wall.

2. 他在大街上碰到了小学同学。

    He______ his primary school classmate on the street.

3. 她进来后打开灯。

    She came in and then ________ the light..


IV. Post-reading

Black cats

Back in the middle ages (中世纪), people began to mistrust (怀疑) black cats. At that time witchcraft (巫术) was well-known. People thought that witches could change into black cats and walk around at night, doing bad things. It was even believed that witches could become black cats when they died!

    Witches and their black cats have now become a commercial symbol (商业标志) of Halloween. Cat costumes are the most popular Halloween costumes!

Chat with friends and ... (P5)

I. Pre-reading

1. What do you say when you want to talk to a stranger?

2. What do you often talk about with your friends?


II. While reading

Choose the answer:

1. The conversation at the beginning _____.

A. tells us to wear long johns in autumn

B. shows that the weather is getting cold

C. is an example of small talk

D. tells us how to start a conversation


2. Small talk can help us _____.

A. work out difficult problems

B. make friends with others

C. try different kinds of snacks

D. understand how great we are


3. The last paragraph tells us that we can make small talk with _____.

A. families

B. teachers

C. people who need help

D. people we don’t know


4. The story is about _____.

A. what small talk is

B. how to talk to other people

C. the importance of friendship

D. how to talk about common interests


III. Word in use


 1. I want to build ________ (友谊) in my new school.

 2. People greet each other differently in different   _____. (文化)

 3. The children came out to see what was  _____ (发生).

 4. We can talk about and ______ (分享) everything.


IV. Post-reading

How to start a conversation.

Make people feel like you care.

2. Ask questions without interrogating (质问) the person. 

3. Be funny.

4. Ask open-ended (无预期结论的) questions.

5. Know what not to do.

Speed of our minds (P6)

I. Pre-reading

1. Do you walk quickly or slowly?

2. Do you know about the relationship (联系) between how fast someone walks and their IQ?

II. While reading

1. Scientists found that people who walk slowly _____.

A. are smarter

B. are good at working

C. might be less smart

D. have high IQ scores



2. What do we know about the study?

A. Scientists studied more than 1,000 people.

B. Most people in the study were 42 years old.

C. Scientists tested people’s walking speed more than once.

D. All of the people in the study were smart.


3. Paragraph 4 tells us _____.

A. how people use the study

B. the findings of the study

C. how scientist started the study

D. when the study was done


4. Which of the following things can help people keep their brains healthy?

A. Walking slowly.

B. Playing sports.

C. Eating less.

D. Changing their genes.


III. Word in use

Fill in the blanks:


reach             result              skill              study

We surveyed the students. Here are the ________.

2. Doing chores can teach us new life  ______.

3. The students didn’t stop until they ____     the school gate.              

4. The scientists ______ wild animals in Africa last year.

IV. Post-reading

How to walk fast

Keep the right posture. 
Use your arms. 

Make it fun.

Stay motivated (积极性).

Walk often.




II. 1. Black  2. bats  3. outside  4. sports games  5. candy  6. pumpkins  7. friends   8. trick-or-treaters


III. 1. put up      2. run into    3. turned on



II. 1. C。根据第3. This little conversation could happen when you run into your classmate at school. Its an example of small talk.可知,这是和同学问候的事例。故本题选C

2. B。根据第4It can help you meet new people and build friendships. 可知,它有助于我们认识别人,建立友谊。故本题选择B

3. D。根据最后一段Sometimes, it may seem a bit difficult to start talking with someone you dont know People can be more friendly than you might think. 可知,发起短小谈话可以和不认识的人交流,人们的态度也会更友好。故本题选择D

4. A 本篇文章主要讲短小谈话的重要性,谈话对象以及涉及到的话题,故本题选择A。。

III. 1. friendships      2. cultures         3. happening           4. share     



II.  1. C。根据第2Scientists at Duke University, US, found that the slower a person walks, the less capable his or her brain is.可知走路越慢,人的智商越低。故选C

2. C。根据第3Over 42 years, scientists tested their walking speed many times.. 可知科学家经过42年多次测试他们的走路速度。故选C

3. B。根据第四段开头写道They found that the speed had something to do with the brain…,后文总结了发现走路速度和智商之间的关系。因此,本段讲述了发现结果,故选B

4. B。第一段However, smarter people might be more likely to do physical activity, which means they might tend to walk faster later in life.可知要想大脑保持健康,就要多运动 ,故选B

III. 1. results      2. skills       3. reached       4. studied 


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