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初三战疫合刊P45 新闻测试题教案


Economy not in danger (P4)



What can you see in this picture?

What does the man wear on his face?

What is he doing? What is his job?


While reading

Complete the following tasks:

1. What is the author's purpose of writing Paragraph 2?



2. According to Tang Jianwei, will the outbreak affect the economy in the long run?



3. What percentage of food-producing and processing companies in China had started working again by Feb 10?



4. During the outbreak, you can turn to

____________ for online medical help.

5. How does Kristalina Georgieva feel about China’s economy?



Words in use


1. All the schools in China have d_________ the start of the new semester.

2. As the second largest e______ in the world, China is confident that it will overcome this epidemic.

3. Many families c______ their family reunions for Spring Festival.  



1. How did you spend the winter holiday?

2. Can you tell us about how your schooling has changed because of the virus?

Still more work to do (P5)



1. What do you know about the outbreak of the novel coronavirus?

2. What do you think of the prevention efforts that China has taken to control the epidemic?


While reading

Choose the answer:

1. How many new infections were reported in mainland areas outside of Hubei on Feb 24?

A. 470

B. 12

C. 9

D. 0


2. What is the latest news about vaccine development?

A. Scientists have started to test some vaccines on animals.

B. A special hospital is being built to develop vaccines.

C. Scientists still need to figure out how vaccines work.  

D. Some of the vaccines have started to take effect.


3. The last two paragraphs tell us that _____.

A. African countries are not affected by the epidemic

B. we have missed the best time to control the epidemic

C. the virus appears to be more dangerous outside of China

D. immediate action is needed globally to control the epidemic


4. What can we infer from the story?

A. China is no longer the center of the epidemic.

B. The turning point in Hubei will come in two weeks.

C. It is still not time for us to lower our guard.

D. New hospitals will be built in other countries.


Words in use


1. Can you c_____ what happened?

2. New things e_____ day after day.

3. Air, water, clothing and insects are all means of i_______.



As teenagers, what can we do during the outbreak of the novel coronavirus?




World takes caution (P6)



Some people think they can escape the novel coronavirus (新冠病毒) by going abroad.

Do you think this is a good idea?

Why or why not?


While reading

Choose the answer:

1. What do we know from the story?

A. WHO degraded its risk assessment for the novel coronavirus.

B. No patients have died of COVID-19 in South Korea.

C. Italy had the largest number of infections confirmed in one day.

D. The cases in Nigeria have a connection with Italy.


2. Paragraph 3 tells us ____.

A. how fast the virus is spreading around the world

B. why WHO upgraded its coronavirus risk assessment

C. what action WHO has taken to fight the outbreak

D. how many countries COVID-19 has affected


3. Why did the CDC publish a manual in foreign languages?

A. To help develop vaccines against the virus.

B. To promote a website that is about the virus.

C. To share the latest prevention information with the world.

D. To encourage people from other countries to visit their website.


4. Which is NOT a helpful suggestion for protecting ourselves, according to the last paragraph?

A. Wash our hands regularly.

B. Stop traveling if you have a fever.

C. Clean surfaces regularly with disinfectant.

D. Be careful while talking to people over 60.


Words in use


1. We need to _________ (采取预防措施) to ensure the safety of our students.

2. You can visit the football website for _______ (最新的) information on the latest scores.

3. He was able to lead a normal life _____ (尽管) the illness.


Post reading

Why is it irresponsible to call the novel coronavirus “China virus”?



Parents find lost son (P7)



It is normal for you to see your parents every day. But for Shen Cong, a 16-year-old

boy in Guangdong, the last time he saw his parents was a long time ago.

What happened to him? Let's read this text and find out.


While reading

Answer the questions:

1. How did Shen Cong disappear 15 years ago?


2. What did his parents do after he went missing?


3. Where did the police find him?


4. How many missing children are found every year?


5. What did the Ministry of Public Security do to solve this problem?



Words in use


1. Shen Junliang and his wife ____ (放弃辞职) their jobs after their son was abducted.


2.To ______ (处理) this problem, the Ministry of Public Security started an online platform.


3.It is ______ (确诊) that 70,000 children go missing in China every year.


Post reading

What can you do to protect yourself from being abducted?






P4:Economic not in danger

1. To show that some industries have been affected by the epidemic.

从第二段首句As China Daily reported, the epidemic has directly harmed some of China’s main industries.可知疫情已经直接影响了中国一些主要行业由此第二段展开举例说明如旅游业和加工业以此辅佐中心句观点

2. No, it won’t.

从文章第三段开头一句“Despite the temporary influence on the Chinese economy, the outbreak won’t affect the economy’s mid- to long-term fundamentals 可知尽管疫情的爆发对中国经济暂时产生了影响但是它不会动摇中国经济中长期的基础

3. 94.6 percent of them.

从文章第四段第二句As of Feb 10, 94.6 percent of food-producing and processing ( 加工 ) companies in China had resumed work可知食品生产和加工公司截至210复工率已达94.6%。

4. platforms like Tencent and Ali Health。

根据文章第五段最后一句Platforms like Tencent and Ali Health are providing online medical consultation services to allow people to get medical help without leaving home.可知腾讯和阿里健康平台正提供线上医疗咨询服务让人们足不出户就可以得到医疗帮助

5. Confident.

由文章最后一段“We are confident that China’s economy remains resilient,”可知中国经济将保持很好的适应性对于这一点,Kristalina Georgieva很有信心

Word in use

1. delayed

2. economy

3. cancelled


P5:Still more work to do



3.D。从文章第五段第一句和第六段“He called on the international community to act quickly to control the epidemic before the window closes completely”中可以得知中国境外的新冠肺炎的确诊情况也是令人担忧的因此世卫组织的总干事特沃德罗斯·阿达诺姆呼吁国际社会迅速采取措施以控制疫情故答案为D。

4.C。从文章标题“Still more work to do” 及最后一段可以得知中国采取的措施虽然已初见成效但是国内外形势仍然严峻国际社会应该共同努力来控制疫情因此我们仍有许多工作需要落实不能放松警惕故答案为C。  

Words in use:

1. confirm

2. emerge

3. infection


P6:World takes caution

1.D。此题为细节理解题文中第二段最后一句 Denmark, Estonia, the Netherlands and Nigeria have all reported cases that have links to Italy.可以得知和丹麦爱沙尼亚和荷兰一样,Nigeria有报告的病例这些病例与Italy有关系(link)。故答案为D。

2.B。此题为段落大意题正是因为过去几天the continued increase in the number of cases, and the number of affected countries 引发了广泛的关注(concern),世卫组织才上调疫情全球风险级别

3.C。此题为细节理解题文中第五段第一句 To share the most up-to-date COVID-19 control and prevention information,可以得知中国疾病预防控制中心出版外语手册的目的是为了与全世界分享最先进的新冠肺炎的防控信息故答案为C。

4.D。此题为细节理解题为了保护好自己文中最后段提到了A. wash their hands regularly, B. clean surfaces regularly with disinfectant (消毒剂),C. avoid traveling with a fever or cough.但是最后一个建议是take extra precautions (警惕) if being over the age of 60,而并不是在和60岁以上老人说话时要小心. 故答案为D。

Words in use

1. take precautions

2. up-to-date

3. despite


P7Parents find lost son

While reading

1. Two gang members broke into Shen’s house, tied his mother up, and took him away.


2. They quit their job and traveled to lots of places to look for him.


3. The police finally found him in Meizhou, Guangdong.


4. About 3,500 or less children are found.

根据文章第七段, “It is estimated that 70,000 children go missing in China every year,...... However, only a very small number perhaps 5 percent or even less are ever found and reunited with their families.” 可以计算出大约有3500名被拐儿童被找到

5. They started an online platform called “Tuanyuan” to share information about missing children.


Words in use

1. quit

2. deal with

3. estimated

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