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TEENS 2015-2016学年度第38期
教案课件听力资源同步练习答案解析答疑解惑教研聚焦 Monday Oct. 6, 2014
Rise of the TFboys
Following your heart
[初一] Making a difference (P1)
[初二] Olympic flame burns (P4-5)
[初三] Proving yourself (P1)
Nicky stays different
[高一] New case solved (P4)
[高二] Picasso hits Beijing (P1)
[高三] Still beautiful (P4-5)
编读互动 TOP

4-5版:Tasty world 《美味世界》
6版:Fun puzzle 《欢乐猜猜猜》
8版:Manga express 《动漫速递》


栏目名称:Shakespeare lives 经典对白
本栏目由英国使馆文化处供稿,精选莎翁经典剧作,将其对白改编成浅显易懂的现代英语。如《哈姆雷特》、《罗密欧与朱丽叶》、《李尔王》等。并配有教学专家设计的读解练习题或者专门板块讲解沿用至今的莎翁始创的英语,如”in my heart of hearts” “love is blind”等。


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直击中高考 TOP


栏目介绍: 中考 高考
拓展阅读 TOP


课本链接 TOP
[高一] Book 4 Module 5:A trip along the Three Gorges (New Standard English)
Learning more about US’ past through trips around world (P4-5)

[高二] Book 8 Module 4: Which English? (New Standard English)

English comes in different forms (P5)

教研活动 TOP
关于举办 2016 年暑期美国 TESOL 教师培训 通 知


随着教育全球化进程的不断加速,作为国际性语言的英语更显重要。在中国,由于市场经济的快速发展,使得与国际间的交流与合作日益频繁,学校教育与国际接轨的普及成为必然。 加之全民学习英语热潮的到来,更显中国高水平高素质英语师资的匮乏。具有标准化、 规范化的专业教学技能的国际英语教师更是凤毛麟角。因而对国际型教师资源的需求更加迫切。

国际英语教师资格证,是专门教授非英语国家英语学习的国际通用教学标准。在母语为非英语的国家里,把英语当作外语教学的英语 师资的教学,其证书为“TESOL 英语教师资格证书”。 TESOL 是“英语作为外语教学”的称谓,其内涵与 TEFL(英语作为外语)和 TESL(英语作为第二语言)基本相同。权威的 TESOL 培训作为一种英语教学知识及教学法的学习,对于在全球范围内从事英语作为第二外语教 学的教师具有很好的意义。

教案课件 TOP
[初一] [教案] 第540期 [课件] 第540期
[初二] [教案] 540 [课件] 540
[初三] [教案] 第495期 [课件] 第495期
more>> more>>
[高一] [教案] 第634期 [课件] 第634期
[高二] [教案] 第634期 [课件] 第634期
[高三] [教案] 第589期 [课件] 第589期
more>> more>>
听力资源 TOP
[初一] Finding a special name (P5)
[初二] Can animals really raise humans? (P4)
[初三] Parents struggle to find unique baby names (P4)
[高一] John’s big day (P6)

Win small victories (P6)

[高三] Finally at school (P6)
同步练习 TOP
[初一] 初一七版 Quiz Time 练习
[初二] 初二七版 Quiz Time 练习
[初三] 初三七版 Quiz Time 练习
[高一] 高一七版 Quiz Time 练习
[高二] 高二七版 Quiz Time 练习
[高三] 高三七版 Quiz Time 练习
答疑解惑 TOP
本期Quiz time 答案与解析 TOP
初一 初二 初三
[Day 1]

【Listening cafe】ABA
It is difficult to live in a foreign country without friends. Luckily, I have made some good friends since I came to China last year. Jane is my best friend. She is from Toronto, Canada. She’s 32 years old. She is a high school teacher in Beijing. Kumiko is from Tokyo, Japan. She is 20 years old and very lovely. She is a nurse at a hospital in Beijing. Huang Bo is from Tianjin. He is 25. He is an office worker in Beijing. He is good at singing. We come from different countries, but we all have the same interests. We like riding bicycles during the weekends. .

[Day 2] 【P3】DA
[Day 3]


[Day 4]  
[Day 5]
[Day 1]

【Listening cafe】BBBC
In China, children ask their parents for pocket money. However, in western countries, most children make pocket money for themselves. They make money in many different ways. They can make money at home by helping parents do housework. They can also get some part-time jobs. The best time for part-time jobs is during the summer holiday. They can send newspapers or work in a fast food restaurant. Making pocket money by themselves can teach children a lot. They learn it’s not easy to make money, so they will not waste money. They will buy things they need or want, such as books, pencils, movies and even clothes they like. So parents should encourage their children to make pocket money.

[Day 2] 【P4】ADBC
[Day 3] 【P5】ABDD
[Day 4] 【P6】CCBD
[Day 5]

【Cloze】1-5 CAABD 6-10 CAABD
1-5 BDDAA 6-10 CBADC

[Day 1]

【Listening cafe】BBAC
Dear students,
May I have your attention, please? Mr Chaplin can’t be here because he has gone to the US for a teacher training course. He asked me to tell you something about today’s English exam. The exam starts at 9 o’clock this morning. It will last for 2 hours. It’s an important exam. Before you answer the questions, relax yourselves. You have to read the questions carefully before answering them. Don’t forget to write the answers clearly. If there is a difficult question, don’t worry. Go on to the next one and come back to it if you have time. Try not to leave questions unanswered when you finish the test. Sometimes a guess may be helpful. Mr Chaplin and I wish you good results.

[Day 2] 【P3】CDBB
[Day 3] 【P4】BDCB
[Day 4] 【P5】DCDB
[Day 5] 【短文填空】 1. jokes 2. succeed 3. angry 4. thank 5. rest
6. life 7. presents 8. together 9. December 10. seen
高一 高二 高三
[Day 1] 1-3 CDA
[Day 2] 1-4 CCDD
[Day 3] 1. Some interesting facts about flying.
2. It is stored in tanks on planes.
3. Wind, thunderstorms and closeness to mountains.
4. Round windows can reduce the stresses caused by the different atmospheric pressures inside and outside the plane.
5. 如果(飞机的)储水池在高空中泄露了,漏出来的水一接触外面的空气就结成了冰,在落地之前就已经融化了。
[Day 4] 1-4 BBAD
[Day 5]

1-4 ABDB

[Day 1]

1-4 ACAD

[Day 2] 1-4 ABAB
[Day 3] 1-4 CDDB
[Day 4] 1-3 BCC
[Day 5] 1-4 ADBB
[Day 1] 1-3 DCC
[Day 2] 1-4 CCDB
[Day 3] 1-4 CACC
[Day 4] 1-4 ABCC
[Day 5] 1-5 DABCB 6-10 ADCBA 11-15 DBCDB 16-20 ADCBA
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