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TEENS 2016-2017学年度第14期
教案课件听力资源同步练习答案解析答疑解惑教研聚焦 Monday Oct. 6, 2014
Rise of the TFboys
Princesses take control
[初一] Island saved by girl(P8)
[初二] Password safety tips(P6)
[初三] Derozan’s amazing arrival(P8)
Confused by French film
[高一] Day for making records(S1-P1)
[高二] Young queen stars in new show (S2-P1)
[高三] Trips sum up US(S3-P4)
编读互动 TOP

4-5版:Tasty world 《美味世界》
6版:Fun puzzle 《欢乐猜猜猜》
8版:Manga express 《动漫速递》


★ 时尚设计
★ 热词放送
★ 图书连载
★ 时文精读
★ 泛听不停
★ 娱乐专版

欢迎大家积极参与讨论辩论栏目,有任何事宜,请联系编辑孙悦,邮箱: sunyue@i21st.cn


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直击中高考 TOP


栏目介绍: 中考 高考
拓展阅读 TOP


课本链接 TOP
[高一] Films and TV programmes:Book 2 Module 6

Return of animator(S1-P4)



[高二] War and peace:Book 6 Module 6

Classic shows world(S2- P4)


教研活动 TOP



中国日报社已经连续成功举办了五届TEFL课程研修班,并为澳门濠江中学、首都师范大学附属实验学校、北京市京源学校、北京新英才学校、北京王府学校、北京农业职业学院、青岛科技大学、上海市工商外国语学校、上海市虹口高级中学、广州市香江中学、天津外国语大学附属滨海外国语学校、大连市中山区教师进修学校、长沙市第一中学、广州英孚英语培训机构、沈阳金桥教育 等公立学校、大型英语培训机构输送和培训数百名英语教师。培训后学员们无论对TEFL师资、TEFL的课程设置还是实用效果等都高度赞扬,并在日后的教学中把所学的最新教学方法和理念应用实际教学中。


教案课件 TOP
[初一] [教案] 第561期 [课件] 第561期
[初二] [教案] 561 [课件] 561
[初三] [教案] 第509期 [课件] 第509期
more>> more>>
[高一] [教案] 第655期 [课件] 第655期
[高二] [教案] 第655期 [课件] 第655期
[高三] [教案] 第603期 [课件] 第603期
more>> more>>
听力资源 TOP
[初一] Who speaks English well?(P2)
[初二] Man of many names(P8)
[初三] The long road to getting a license(P4)
[高一] Simple stories teach us lessons (S1-P6)

What really matters (S2-P6)

[高三] Help but don’t judge(S3-P6)
同步练习 TOP
[初一] 初一七版 Quiz Time 练习
[初二] 初二七版 Quiz Time 练习
[初三] 初三七版 Quiz Time 练习
[高一] 高一七版 Quiz Time 练习
[高二] 高二七版 Quiz Time 练习
[高三] 高三七版 Quiz Time 练习
答疑解惑 TOP
本期Quiz time 答案与解析 TOP
初一 初二 初三
Page I

Task 1: ACBCA
Task 2: BAABA
Task 1:
1. Good morning, boys and girls!
2. Hi, my name is Lin Ping. Nice to meet you.
3. You look great in this new dress.
4. I’ve got the first place in the English competition, Linda.
5. Can I help you with the bag?

Task 2:
Tommy and Jacky are good friends. They live in the same building and they also study in the same school, so they often walk to and from the school together. One afternoon on their way back home, it started to rain. Tommy quickly took out his umbrella from his schoolbag, opened it and said proudly, "My mother is really great. She can tell the future. This morning she said it would rain and told me to take my umbrella with me." Jacky smiled and walked close to him, and went under Tommy's umbrella. Jacky said to Tommy even more proudly, "My mother is even greater than your mother at telling the future. She didn't let me take my umbrella and told me to use yours.”

Page II 应用文实战演练 BDC
Page III

Task 1: CADB
Task 2: 2. hurt 3. boil 4. happened
5. turn to 6. swept
Task 3: TFFT

Page IV

Day 1: BBBD
Day 2: BCDA
Day 3: AADA
Day 4: BBAC
Day 5: 1. D 2. D 3. free 4. periods 5. protect
6. image 7. rules 8. believe 9. hit
10. Is it possible to

Page I

Task 1: BCAEF
Task 2: ABBCB
Task 1
1. Peter likes to read stories about astronauts, doesn’t he?
2. Some students lined up to get on the school bus.
3. Maria is riding a horse in the field.
4. Ben will take part in a tennis match next Monday.
5. Would you please turn down your music?

Task 2
Charles Dickens is a great British writer. He was born in 1812, but most of his books are still popular today. Dickens’ works are all about hope. He wrote sad and dark stories, but they are always filled with humor. And most of his stories have happy endings.
When Dickens was a little child, he didn’t like playing with other boys, but he loved reading books. Childhood was not easy for Dickens. When the family moved to London, Dickens’ father was in prison for debt. He began to work in a factory to help his family at the age of 12.
When Dickens was 15, he went to the library of British Museum. There he spent long hours in reading. And in this way, he received his education in his early life. Dickens became a reporter for a newspaper at the age of 16. During that time, Dickens wrote his first book, The Pickwick Papers. The book made Dickens rich and famous. His hard times were at an end.

Page II 应用文实战演练 CBB
Page III 挑战原版
Task 1: CDBA
Task 2: 1. is used; 2. use/used; 3. was treated; 4. discovered; 5. were injured
Task 3: ABAB
Page IV

Day 1: BBCC
Day 2: CDAC
Day 3: BCDA
Day 4: AADC
Day 5: 1-5 CBACB 6-10 AABCC 11-12 CA


Page I

Task 1: ACBAB
Task 2: CAAB
Task 1
1. Li Lei likes running every morning.
2. Tom bought a beautiful lunch box yesterday.
3. I enjoy reading, especially Confucius’s books.
4. I’m afraid you can’t take photos. Look at the sign here.
5. Computers play an important role in our life.
Task 2
Alice was a 10-year-old girl. She always thought herself right and never agreed with others.
One afternoon her father came back and said: “Here are two tickets for a movie. Your mom and I will be busy tonight. Take Fred to the cinema.”
Fred was Alice’s brother. He was 6 years old. Alice liked movies, and she heard a lot about the movie from her friend. After supper she went out with Fred. The two kids enjoyed themselves at the cinema. After the movie it was late. They took a bus and soon got home. There was no light in the room. Alice was afraid to stay in the dark room and said: “Go and turn on the light, Fred.”
Fred went into the room. A few minutes later, he came out. But it was still dark.
“What’s the matter?” asked Alice.
“I can’t see the switch (开关) in the dark,” Fred replied.
“How silly you are!” said Alice. “You turn on the light first and then you can see the switch.”

Page II 应用文实战演练 BACB
Page III

Task 1: ABC
Task 2: 1. The first rubber trees were planted in South Asia and South America.
2. What are truck tires made from?
3. The rubber tree genome is formed by long chains of DNA.
4. Natural rubber is used because it lasts longer.
Task 3: 1. Man-made rubber; 2. natural rubber;
3. man-made rubber; 4. natural rubber;
5. natural rubber

Page IV Day 1: BBDA
Day 2: CDCA
Day 3: ADBB
Day 4: BBAC
Day 5: 1-5 BCADD 6-10 ACBCA 11-12 CD
高一 高二 高三
[Day 1]

1-4 CABD

[Day 2] 1-3 BBA
[Day 3] 1-3 DBC
[Day 4] 1-4 CACD
[Day 5]

1-5 DCACB 6-10 DBDAC 11-15 DBADA 16-20 ABCCD

[Day 1]

1-4 BADC

[Day 2] 1-4 CDAB
[Day 3]

1-6 Reputation, Regularly, European, close-up, whole, walks
7-12 classes, storyteller, simple life, reflection, huge/grand subject, to life

[Day 4] 1-4 DDCA
[Day 5]

1-5 CDABD 6-10 DACBA 11-15 BCDAB 16-20 ADBAA

[Day 1] 1-3 BDD
[Day 2] 1-4 BCCD
[Day 3] 1-4 DCAB
[Day 4] 1-4 DABC
[Day 5] 1-4 DACC
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