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TEENS 2016-2017学年度第8期
教案课件听力资源同步练习答案解析答疑解惑教研聚焦 Monday Oct. 6, 2014
Rise of the TFboys
Talking his way to the top
[初一] New ping-pong star(P8)
[初二] Small wins for science(P4-5)
[初三] Creative bike storage(P3)
Heroic spirit stays
[高一] Photos telling stories(S1-P1)
[高二] Showing off nature (S2-P1)
[高三] Food coming together (S3 P4-5)
编读互动 TOP

4-5版:Tasty world 《美味世界》
6版:Fun puzzle 《欢乐猜猜猜》
8版:Manga express 《动漫速递》


★ 时尚设计
★ 热词放送
★ 图书连载
★ 时文精读
★ 泛听不停
★ 娱乐专版

欢迎大家积极参与讨论辩论栏目,有任何事宜,请联系编辑孙悦,邮箱: sunyue@i21st.cn


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直击中高考 TOP


栏目介绍: 中考 高考
拓展阅读 TOP


课本链接 TOP
[高一] Revision:Book 1 Module 7

Personalities found(S1-P5)

The Olympic Games:Book 2 Unit 2

Murray wins final(S1-P8)


[高二] Revision:Book 5 Module 7

US bees now in danger (S2- P5)

Poems:Book 6 Unit 2

Welcome fall with poem (S2-P4)

[高三] Pride and prejudice:Book 10 Module 1
Remember great poet (S3-P4)
教研活动 TOP

1. 主办单位:北京燕大菁华教育
2. 学术指导:北京大学外国语学院
3. 承办单位:北京二十一世纪国际学校
4. 媒体支持:中国日报社二十一世纪英语教育传媒
5. 课题支持:
1) 中国教育学会外专委“十三五”课题《指向核心素养的中学英语泛读教学实践研究》(课题编号NAFLE0316041);
2) 中国教育学会外专委“十三五”规划课题《基于英语报刊资源的校本课程开发研究》(课题编号NAFLE0216006)。

教案课件 TOP
[初一] [教案] 第555期 [课件] 第555期
[初二] [教案] 555 [课件] 555
[初三] [教案] 第503期 [课件] 第503期
more>> more>>
[高一] [教案] 第649期 [课件] 第649期
[高二] [教案] 第649期 [课件] 第649期
[高三] [教案] 第597期 [课件] 第597期
more>> more>>
听力资源 TOP
[初一] Flying to a comet(P6)
[初二] UN’s likely new leader(P2)
[初三] Finding how long humans can live(P6)
[高一] Every sock helps(S1-P6)

Avoiding pressure (S2-P6)

[高三] Take Mom’s advice (S3-P6)
同步练习 TOP
[初一] 初一七版 Quiz Time 练习
[初二] 初二七版 Quiz Time 练习
[初三] 初三七版 Quiz Time 练习
[高一] 高一七版 Quiz Time 练习
[高二] 高二七版 Quiz Time 练习
[高三] 高三七版 Quiz Time 练习
答疑解惑 TOP
本期Quiz time 答案与解析 TOP
初一 初二 初三
Page I

Task 1: CABAC
Task 2: BACAB
Task 1
1. W: What is Alice?
M: She is a policewoman. And she likes to help people.
Question: What does Alice do?
2. W: Excuse me. Could you tell me where I can buy some stamps?
M: Yes. There is a post office beside the bookstore.
Question: What does the woman want to buy?
3. W: Tom, when did people start to use telephone?
M: I think it was after 1876.
Question: What are they talking about?
4. W: How does Jeff go to work in the morning?
M: He usually goes to work by bike.
Question: How does Jeff go to work in the morning?
5. W: What is Grace going to do this weekend?
M: She's going to have piano lessons.
Question: What is Grace going to do this weekend?
Task 2
1. You look sad. What happened to you?
2. What about going to the park with us tomorrow?
3. Don't worry. You're sure to win.
4. When will you visit your parents?
5. Hi, Nancy. Didn’t you have short hair?

Page II 应用文实战演练:1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B
口语应用:1. E 2. F 3. D 4. C 5. B 
Page III

Task 1: BCDA
Task 2: 1. favorite 2. out 3. helping 4. dream
Task 3: 1. No, he didn’t. 2. Once a week. 3. Because he likes parts where he can make people laugh.

Page IV

Day 1: CABA
Day 2: ABAD
Day 3: DDB
Day 4: CBA
Day 5: 1. until 2. took 3. of 4. something 5. kinds

Page I

Task 1: 1-5 CFDEA
Task 2: 1-4 BBCC
Task 1

1. Bruce used to like music and play the piano.
2. Peter runs faster than Mike.
3. I want to be a doctor when I grow up.
4. I want to buy some stamps because I am going to post some letters.
5. Jimmy passed the math exam yesterday.
Task 2
A: This is Joe. I’m currently unable to take your call. Please leave your name, phone number, and a brief message, and I will contact you as soon as possible. Thanks.
B: Hello,Joe, this is Peter. Today is my 14th birthday. Would you like to join my birthday party? It will be held at McDonald’s. There will be a lot of friends there, including Maria and Lily. We are meeting at the entrance of the restaurant at 12:30. We will wait for you for 15 minutes before we go inside and start our lunch party. I want to remind you that we are going to the cinema at 3 pm to watch the hit movie Star Trek. The cinema is near the restaurant. So we don’t have to walk very far. I really hope you can join us. It will be a wonderful afternoon.

Page II 应用文实战演练:1. C 2. B 3. D 4. B
口语应用:1. D 2. B 3. G 4. E 5. A
Page III 挑战原版:
Task 1 1. d 2. a 3. e 4. c 5. b
Task 2 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T
Task 3 1. called 2. hadn’t told 3. didn’t have to 4. going
Page IV

Day 1: BDCA
Day 2: CCDB
Day 3: BCDC
Day 4: CAD
Day 5: 1-5 CACAB 6-10 DBBBC 11-12 DD


Page I

Task 1: CBCAC
Task 2: AABC
Task 1
1. Jason makes his living by farming.
2. The Greens are on holiday in Paris.
3. Mary bought a 10-dollar silk tie for six dollars.
4. Oh, what a beautiful dress!
5. It took me one hour longer than usual to get to my office.
Task 2
An American housewife keeps a monkey as a pet. She has had the monkey for five years. The most interesting thing about this monkey is that it can wash dishes. It washes the dishes for the woman every day. The monkey likes to wash dishes. It will spend hour after hour washing dishes. It never breaks a dish. But sometimes it washes the same dish over and over again. If the woman tries to stop it, it then gets angry. It begins to throw the dishes everywhere. But this does not happen very often.

Page II 应用文实战演练:1.C 2. D 3. C 4. D
口语应用:1. G 2. B 3. F 4. E 5. C 6. D
Page III

Task 1 1. e 2. c 3. b 4. f 5. a 6. d
Task 2 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C
Task 3 1. a few minutes’ walk from the city center; 2. Africa; 3. samba; 4. goat curry; jerk chicken

Page IV Day 1: DCDC
Day 2: DDCB
Day 3: ABAD
Day 4: DCDDA
Day 5: 1-5 CCABD 6-10 AABBD 11-12 AB
高一 高二 高三
[Day 1] 1-4 DADA
[Day 2] 1-4 CBDD
[Day 3] 1-3 BCC
[Day 4] 1-4 DCBD
[Day 5]

1-5 BCADB 6-10 DADAB 11-15DCABC 16-20 ABCDC

[Day 1]

1-4 BCDA

[Day 2] 1. natural 2. Location 3. south 4. volcanoes 5. glaciers 6. October 7. heavenly 8. inspiration 9. writers 10. birthplace
[Day 3] 1-4 DCAB
[Day 4] 1-4 DACB
[Day 5]

1-5 BACDC 6-10 DABAC 11-15 ABDCA 16-20 DBCBD

[Day 1] 1-4 BCCA
[Day 2] 1-4 BCAC
[Day 3] 1-4 BDDC
[Day 4] 1-5 BDABA
[Day 5] 1-5 CBDAB 6-10 ADBCA 11-15 CBDCA 16-20 DABCA
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