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作者:21ST    来源:山东外语教学    日期: 2020-05-06


——赫尔辛基大学Anna Mauranen教授访谈录
(中国海洋大学 外国语学院, 山东 青岛 266100;
曲阜师范大学 翻译学院, 山东 日照 276826)

【摘要】在全球化背景下,英语作为通用语研究(English as a Lingua Franca,即ELF)迅速发展成为一个具有重要现实价值、深受学界重视的研究领域。赫尔辛基大学的Anna Mauranen教授是ELF研究的创始学者之一,为推动该领域深入发展做出了重大理论与实证贡献。在本次访谈中,应我刊邀请,Anna Mauranen教授对ELF的本质属性、研究热点、研究路径、发展趋势以及ELF与二语习得研究的融合等重要话题做了深入系统的阐释。

Understanding the Essence, Research Methods and
Future Directions of  English as a Lingua Franca:

An Interview with Professor Anna Mauranen 
(School of Foreign Languages, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, China;
School of Translation Studies, Qufu Normal University, Rizhao 276826, China)

Abstract: In the age of globalization, English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) has grown to a research area of great significance. This paper, based on the interview with Professor Anna Mauranen, one of the “Founding Mothers of ELF”, makes an effort to explore the essence, development, research methods and future directions of ELF as well as the integration of ELF with Second Language Acquisition (SLA) studies.

Key words: ELF; essence; research methods; future directions

(山东财经大学 外国语学院, 山东 济南 250014)


Affective Attitude and Ironic Interpretation:
A New Perspective on Ironic Communications in A Dream of Red Mansions 
(School of Foreign Studies, Shandong University of Finance and Economics, Jinan 250014, China)

Abstract: Regarded as intentional, affective attitudes in ironic communications may not only influence the eventual relevance of ironic interpretation, but also create fine-grained irony implications driven by cognitive relevance. Emphasizing the interaction between the contextual activation and the affective attitude in the ironic communication and considering the emotional mutuality between the addresser and the addressee, this paper provides a clear definition of affective attitudes and makes a systematic study on the non-propositional status, the pragmatic interpretation process and the cognitive functions of affective attitudes. The analysis of classical verbal ironies in A Dream of Red Mansions suggests that, the multiple contextual activation, the echo-dissociation identification and the feeling-emotion evaluation interact in a mutual parallel adjustment during irony processing, thus achieving the optimally relevant propositional-affective matching. Such a research route not only proves the importance and feasibility of exploring affective attitudes in the ironic communication, but also, for the dissection of the ironic art in A Dream of Red Mansions, provides a new cognitive reference framework by giving consideration to both propositional and affective attitudes and integrating different levels of irony implications.

Key words: verbal irony; affective attitude; contextual activation; mutual parallel adjustment; A Dream of Red Mansions
张玲 周俊子
(浙江财经大学 外国语学院, 浙江 杭州 310018)


A Study on the Characteristics and Functions of Illness Metaphor
Based on Frame Theory:

Take Metaphors for AIDS as Examples
ZHANG Ling, ZHOU Junzi
(School of Foreign Languages, Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics,
Hangzhou 310018, China)

Abstract: Framing, as an important function of metaphor, plays an important role in understanding utterances and expressions in AIDS discourses. This paper takes AIDS illness metaphors as the research object, and studies their types and roles in specific discourse based on frame theory. It proposes that (1) the frame of illness metaphor is heterogeneous due to disease types, languages and culture differences; (2) illness metaphor belongs to conceptual metaphor. The high social sensitivity of AIDS leads to the tendency of relevant metaphors to choose words that express positive attitudes and intentions; (3) frame and framing effect is the basis for the construction and understanding of disease metaphors in relevant discourse. Proper uses and a full understanding of AIDS metaphors are conducive to effective communication between doctors and patients, the equality and mutual assistance among members of society, and the effective implementation of policy formulation.

Key words: frame theory; illness metaphor; types and functions
李曦1 邓云华2
(1. 湖南财政经济学院 外国语学院, 湖南 长沙 410205;
2. 湖南师范大学 外国语学院, 湖南 长沙 410081)


Semantic Features and Pragmatic Functions of Focus Markers
in Cause-Effect Complex Sentences 

LI Xi1, DENG Yunhua2
(1. School of Foreign Languages, Hunan University of Finance and Ecnomics,
Changsha 410205, China;
2. School of Foreign Languages, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, China)

Abstract: This paper analyzes the semantic features and pragmatic functions of focus markers in cause-effect complex sentences. Based on the observation and statistics of related corpus, the research reveals the underlying reasons of why the focus markers can be placed in the front of causal connectives from the perspective of Subjective Viewpoint Theory. The analysis of focus markers in complex sentences can help people understand and study cause-effect complex sentences better. Meanwhile, it is also helpful in studying other complex sentences.

Key words: Subjective Viewpoint; cause-effect complex sentences; focus marker; semantic feature; pragmatic function
(天津科技大学 外国语学院, 天津 300457;
香港理工大学 人文学院, 香港 999077)


On the Recontextualization and Functional Variation of Projection
LIU Xiangdong
(School of Foreign Languages, Tianjin University of Science & Technology, Tianjin 300457, China;
Faculty of Humanities,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong 999077, China)

Abstract: This paper examines projection from the perspectives of context and recontextualization, addressing the systematic relationship between projection assemiotic and reality as society. It first reviews the projection system and its discourse functions; then it places the projection phenomenon under the three dimensions of context to examine its recontextualizing functions andvariations. The study shows that projecting structures have cohesive functions, introducing the field and tenor of one context into another; the mode of projection accords with and in return realizes the construction of the field and tenor mode. This study contributes to a clearer understanding of the projection system and its functions; it is also conducive to discourse analysis and creation.

Keywords: projection; context; recontextualization; configuration; functional variation

阮炜1 殷企平2
(1. 湖南师范大学 外国语学院, 湖南 长沙 410081;
2. 杭州师范大学 外国语学院, 浙江 杭州 311121)


Discussion on English Major and Humanistic Education
RUAN Wei1, YIN Qiping2
(1. Hunan Normal University, School of Foreign Languages, Changsha 410081, China;
2. Hangzhou Normal University, School of Foreign Languages, Hangzhou 311121, China)

Abstract: Professor Ruan Wei and Yin Qiping expressed their profound concern for the status and prospects of foreign language education in China, against the background of constructing new liberal arts. This conversation mainly expounded the two scholars’ understanding of the essence of humanistic education, explored the nature and realization of English education, and analyzed the limitations of the instrumental view of foreign language teaching. The conversation not only has a historical retrospective and overall outlook, but also is full of consideration of reality. All in all, the English language learning is an organic unity of skill and humanity. Well-prepared for the possible changes, we can reach the “ideal state”of English education .

Key words: English major; English education; humanistic education
(上海外国语大学 英语学院, 上海 200083)


The Associative Thinking in the Humanistic Teaching of English
(School of English Studies, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 200083)

Abstract: The humanistic education concerns not just the knowledge delivery and the competence improvement, but also the character shaping and the individual growth. The application of the humanistic educational concept to the English teaching is to reorient the English discipline back to its subject attribute, and to direct the reform and development of English teaching to the right course. Fostering the associative thinking in the English teaching is the practice of the humanistic concept: first, the associative thinking is both cognitive and creative, contributing to the development of critical thinking; second, the associative thinking might reinforce the interaction between new knowledge and old knowledge, promoting the expansion and renewal of knowledge realm; third, the associative thinking might, integrated with comparison and reflection, help construct students’ empathy, shape their character, and then realize their individual growth and sustainable development.

Key words: humanistic education; English teaching; associative thinking
(广东外语外贸大学 英文学院, 广东 广州 510420)


Dialogicality of Language and Humanity of Teaching: A Philosophical Study of CECL and its Design
ZHENG Lingjuan
(Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Faculty of English Language and Culture,
Guangzhou 510420,China)

Abstract: Drawing on Gadamer’s hermeneutical philosophy of language, this paper intends to examine the philosophical ideas underlying the design and compilation of Communicative English for Chinese Learners (CECL). The study finds that the essential philosophical unity between language and thought has been reflected in CECL through its substantial descriptive and explanatory dialogical tasks combedded with cultural differences and individual variations. The innate qualities of language as being open, dynamic and cyclic have been realized in CECL as its facilitation of the intersubjective dialogical connection and interaction between learners. Thus, CECL could be described as a flexible, humanity-centered and forward-looking English language coursebook.

Key words: CECL; Gadamer; dialogicality; humanity; philosophy of language


正是在这样的背景下,本期推出了海外著名学者对数字时代阅读理论的新思考。纽约城市大学李圭(Kyoo Lee)教授在《一个特写:论大写的你—内/外部读者》中提出“内-外部读者”这一概念,阐释了读者主体在互联网中的模棱两可性和间隙性。“内/外部读者”既是主体又是客体,不固着在网络内部,但也不自外于网络。他们在互联网中被称为“你”(U),以数据点的形式存在,像晶体管一样起着作用。读者虽然在数字时代变得面目模糊,但并没有消失在信息的汪洋大海中,反而借助互联网搜索、超链接的功能,像照相机一样放大细微的细节,挖掘出事件、文本中的复杂而隐微的意义。斯坦福大学玛乔瑞·帕洛夫(Marjorie Perloff)教授在《微阅读/微写作》中提出“微诗学”一说,对李圭教授进行了回应。“微诗学”是指细读时考虑诗歌文本中的每一个音素、词素、单词,即“声视词式”的阅读。她借用马塞尔·杜尚的“虚薄”观,分析了斯坦因《毛小姐与皮小姐》和当前政治话语中的细微差异,揭示了其中的文字游戏和陈词滥调。两篇论文既有宏观的理论探讨,也不乏精细的文本分析;虽旁征博引、横跨多个学科,但却并未远离文学阅读;行文虽然时时有新造术语带来的艰涩,但其中蕴含的幽默、机巧也令人叹服。
(1. 美国纽约城市大学 约翰·杰伊学院, 纽约 NY10019;
2. 山东师范大学 外国语学院, 山东 济南 250358)


A Close-up: On U, the Reader InOutside 
KyooLee1;  ZHAI Naihai2 (trans.)
(1. John Jay College, City University of New York, New York, NY10019, USA;
2. School of Foreign Languages, Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250358, China)

Abstract: Where, or who, is the “close reader” today in the age of imMEDIAted information overflow? This essay introduced a new figure, the “inoutside reader”, focusing on its interstitially interactive ambiguity, its selfie-like sobjectivity (simultaneously subjectiveand objective). Seen and seeing through the “window”, the inoutside reader that often counter-reads as well is called and calling “you” out there and in here; neither exactly an insider nor definitely an outsider but “openly” invited as one or those of you (vous) freely generated and liberally generalized as such, “U” in the net-work, this data-point-like transistor-reader, acts like a butterfly on the window. The bookish reader, more classically sedentary, “closely” and “deeply” “responsive” to the text, is not lost in this bidirectional analog-digital migratory process but rather entrenched therein, emerging as a sort of instantly recalibrated, (de-)compressed super(ficial)-reader. Reading(X) goes on.

Key words: you; close reading; inoutside reading; counter-reading; Paul de Man; Stephane Mallarme; mediatic
(1. 美国斯坦福大学 英语系, 斯坦福 CA 90272, 
2. 浙江理工大学 外国语学院, 浙江 杭州 310018)


Microreading / Microwriting 
Marjorie Perloff1; HE Qingji2 (trans.)
(1. English Department, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 90272, USA;
2. School of Foreign Languages, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou, 310018, China)

Abstract: This essay, following upon Kyoo Lee’s case for “counterreading”, argues for what I call “micropoetics”: A close reading that takes into account every phoneme, morpheme, and word of a poetic text and reads that text “verbivocovisually”, touse James Joyce’s term. I take as my model Marcel Duchamp’s concept of the infrathin — the smallest possible distinction, whether temporal or spatial, between A and B. Similarity and analogy, I argue, have been overstated and produced the problematic political discourse of the present with its clichés and vapid generalizations. Infrathin reading, on the other hand, establishes difference and the uniqueness of a given text, as I show in the case of Gertrude Stein’s “Miss Furr and Miss Skeene”, where the seeming repletion of phrasing is actually a form of elaborate word play.

Key words: micropoetics; infrathin; repetition; difference; Duchamp; Stein; de Campos; Baudelaire; counterreading; cliché
邵璐1 黄丽敏2
(1. 中山大学 外国语学院, 广东 广州 510275;
2. 广西民族大学 外国语学院, 广西 南宁 530006)

【摘要】概念隐喻不仅是一种语言现象,更是一种反映人类思维的认知手段,可用来跟踪作者和译者的认知过程。《尘埃落定》以傻瓜二少爷为第一人称视角,运用多个隐喻来表现其思维方式和心理感受。本文从认知文体学视角出发,将概念隐喻理论和概念整合理论相融合,建立翻译认知模型,通过对比分析《尘埃落定》及其英译本Red Poppies中动物、植物和颜色三个主要隐喻类别下的概念隐喻翻译,探索翻译中译者的认知过程。研究发现,译者在处理概念隐喻的过程中,势必受到文化语境、文学语境和上下文语境因素的影响。

A Cognitive Stylistic Study of the English Translation of
Conceptual Metaphors in Red Poppies 

SHAO Lu1, HUANG Limin2
(1. School of Foreign Languages, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China;
2. School of Foreign Studies, Guangxi University for Nationalities, Nanning 530006, China)

Abstract: As a language phenomenon and a cognitive process that mirrors the human mind, conceptual metaphors can be employed in literary translation to track the cognitive processing of the author and the translator. The novel Red Poppies adopts a variety of metaphors to unfold the mentality and feelings of the primary narrator, the young Maichi master who is with mental deficiency. From the perspective of cognitive stylistics, this paper integrates the conceptual metaphor theory with the conceptual blending theory to build a translation cognition model that is applied to the comparative analysis of Red Poppies and its English translation with regard to the novel’s conceptual metaphors used in three categories, namely animals, plants, and colors. Its aim is to probe into the psychological process of the translator in the translation process. It is found that the translator, in translating the conceptual metaphors, is bound to be influenced by the cultural context, the literary context, and the textual context in which the translation work is carried out.

Key words: Red Poppies; English translation; cognitive stylistics; conceptual blending; conceptual metaphor
王烟朦 许明武
(华中科技大学 外国语学院, 湖北 武汉 430074)


Analysis of the English Renderings of Rhetorical Devices and Underlying Styles in
T’ien-­kung K’ai­-wu: From the Perspective of Translator Behavior Criticism 

WANG Yanmeng, XU Mingwu
(School of Foreign Languages, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,
Wuhan 430074, China)

Abstract: One of the four greatest late Ming Chinese scientific and technological classics, T’ien-­kung K’ai­-wu, systematically records Chinese old technologies of agriculture and handicraft, but the writing technique is influenced by literary tradition and employs rich rhetorical devices, which is an integral part of its language style. Based on translator behavior criticism, this paper describes and compares the translations of typical ones such as adduction, personification and simile as well as corresponding language styles of its one English version translated by E-­tu Zen Sun and Shiou-­chuan Sun, and another one by Li Ch’iao­-ping. The final results indicate that under the influence of social factors and the translators’ subjectivities, Sun & Sun’s version achieves a balanced effect in the truth-­seeking and utility­-attaining continuum, and the corresponding translators’ behavior is quite reasonable, while Li’s version approaches the utility­-attaining end. This article advocates that the renderings of literary and cultural values of Chinese scientific and technological classics should consider the readability and adequacy simultaneously.

Key words: scientific and technological classics; English versions of T’ien­-kung K’ai­-wu; rhetorical devices; style; translator behavior criticism
商瑞芹 刘曌龙
(南开大学 外国语学院, 天津 300071)


Reinterpreting the Dream:
A Study on the Peritexts of the Bilingual The Story of the Stone 

SHANG Ruiqin, LIU Zhaolong
(The College of Foreign Languages, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China)

Abstract: Paratexts are an integral part of the texts. Similarly, paratexts in translation are also indispensable to translated texts. Paratexts in translation provide a new perspective and dimension for a deeper and more accurate understanding of the translated texts, the translators and their cultural contexts. They can also offer new information which the texts themselves fail to reveal. This paper, guided by Genette’s paratextual theories, analyses the peritextual elements in the five-volume bilingual The Story of the Stone published by Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press in 2014, and unveils various information about this set of books, such as the prominence of Chinese elements, the marketing purpose of the press, the goal of the collator, and the change of target readership. Furthermore, the paper points out the academic values of these peritextual elements, thus shedding new light on translation studies in The Story of the Stone and deepening related research on this subject.

Key words: paratexts; peritexts; Genette; bilingual The Story of the Stone; translation studies
(郑州航空工业管理学院 外国语学院, 河南 郑州 450046)


On the Cultural Value of Translation and the Trends of
Chinese Translation History from the Perspective of Cultural Morphology

YUAN Shuaiya
(Foreign Language School, Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics, Zhengzhou 450046, China)

Abstract: The historical viewpoint of cultural morphology considers culture as an organism with development stages of birth, growth, prosperity and decline, and attempts to analyze and explain the history of human beings by comparing the rise and fall of different cultures. From this perspective, we can see that translation can promote the metabolism of cultural organism and is an important way for the renewal and evolution of culture. There are two major trends in more than 2000 years of the Chinese translation history. The first is the translation of Buddhist culture from India, and the other is the translation of modern culture from the West. A survey of trends of Chinese translation history from a long-term perspective is of great significance to the construction of contemporary Chinese culture.

Key words: cultural morphology; cultural value of translation; Chinese translation history; in-coming translation trends



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