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第十三届全国口译大会暨国际研讨会(2020.12) 由于新冠疫情在世界范围内形势依然严峻,原定于2020年9月中旬举办的研讨会将推迟至2020年12月18至20日,并以网络云会议的形式举办。 我们相信在这一艰困的时刻,人类社会发展更加需要口译职业人和研究者的热情推动。我们也相信始于1996年,每两年一届全国口译大会的传统需要坚持。我们更相信在现代通信技术的帮助下,本次研讨会仍将能够开得丰富精彩。 一、会议主题:新时代的口译研究——跨学科聚合发展 二、会议时间:2020年12月18至20日 三、会议地点:Zoom平台 四、会议主要议题: 1. 口译理论建构 2. 口译认知过程 3. 口译史研究 4. 多模态口译 5. 口译技术研与用 6. 多语种口译教学 五、会议形式 为将本届大会办成精品学术论坛,第13届全国口译大会暨国际研讨会将对参会者提交的论文摘要及全文进行严格审查,并控制每个分论坛的论文发言数量,以给参与者充分的发表和讨论时间。除大会主旨发言以外,每个分论坛均主要关注口译研究的某一个学科面向,包括元研究、认知科学、社会/历史学、传播学、信息工程学、教育学等。每个分论坛安排一名专家做引导性主旨发言。 六、会议费用 本次会议为网络云会议,不收取会务费用。参会者也勿需任何交通食宿费用。 七、重要日期 1. 2020年8月31日前,提交报名表及论文摘要。请填写此公告附件报名表发送到大会专用邮箱kouyi13@126.com。报名表内容主要包括: (1)中英文论文题目及关键词(3—5个); (2)中英文摘要(英文250词,汉语400字); (3)作者信息(包括姓名、工作单位、电子邮箱等)。 特别说明:在此公告前已经向大会专用邮箱提交了报名表及论文摘要的,报名申请有效并已进入审查环节,请勿重复提交。 2. 2020年9月30日前,组委会经过匿名审查向通过评审的摘要作者发送录用通知及邀请函。 3. 2020年10月31日前,入选发言的参会代表提交论文全文。 组委会将持续通过中国译协官方网站和公众号推送发布大会通知。 The 13th National Conference & International Forum on Interpreting (Updated Conference Schedule) Ancient Chinese scholars believed that “things will last longer with changes; and new approaches emerge with convergence.” With China’s social development stepping into a New Era, and humanities ushering into a brand-new decade of the 21st century, Interpreting Studies has gradually taken on a new look of “changes” and “convergence” with multi disciplines, various methodologies, and multiple pathways. At this critical juncture, we cordially invite interpreting scholars from home and abroad to participate The 13th National Conference & International Forum on Interpreting, hosted by Translators Association of China and Sun Yat-sen University, and organized by the Interpretation Committee of TAC and School of Foreign Languages, SYSU. This biennial grand gathering of the interpreting studies circles will afford us the opportunity to explore ways forward and discuss the “changes” and “convergence” in the field, based on revision of the development of interpreting studies in China, and more importantly, discussions on the multi-disciplinarity in interpreting studies for a New Era. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic across the world, the Conference, which was to take place in Mid-September, is now re-scheduled for December 18 to 20 as a conference on the cloud. We believe that in this very difficult time, the international community needs more than ever the active participation of interpreting practitioners and researchers alike. We believe that the tradition of the grand biennial gathering of the Chinese interpreting community since 1996 should be followed. We also believe that with the help of modern ICT technologies, this will be a most interactive and exciting conference. 1. Conference Theme Interpreting Studies in A New Era – Towards Multidisciplinary Convergence 2. Conference Time December 18 to 20, 2020. 3. Conference Venue Zoom platform. 4. Sub-themes of the Conference (1) Theoretical Exploration into Interpreting (2) The Cognitive Process in Interpreting (3) The History of Interpreting (4) Multi-modality in Interpreting (5) Research and Application of Technologies (6) Multilingual Interpreter Training 5. Conference Format To make this Conference a top-quality academic forum, the Organizing Committee shall strictly review all abstracts and full scripts, and make efforts to control the number of papers to be presented. In this way, enough time will be available for the presentations and discussions among attendees. Apart from the themed speeches on the plenary sessions, each sub-forum will mainly focus on a certain disciplinary orientation, such as meta research, cognitive psychology, sociology and history, communication, information engineering, and education science. An expert will be invited to give an introductory keynote presentation at the beginning of each sub-forum. 6. Registration Fee As the conference will go virtual, it will be FREE to the participants. No transportation and hotel fees are needed either. 7. Important Deadlines (1) Deadline for submission of registration form (attached to this announcement) with abstract for individual presentation: August 31, 2020. Submission shall be made to the conference mailbox kouyi13@126.com. Please fill in the following: a. Presentation title and 3-5 keywords; b. Abstract (250 English words); c. Personal information, including name, affiliation and contact details. NB: No repeated submission is needed for registration forms that were already submitted to the conference mailbox. Previous registrations are effective and the submissions have already been in review process. (2) Notification of acceptance for individual presentation: September 30, 2020. (3) Submission of full article for individual presentation: October 31, 2020. Continuous updates will be announced on TAC official website and social media. 关键词:全国口译大会 国际研讨会 |
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