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《中国翻译》2020年第4期目录及摘要 目 录
新时代翻译学科建构研究专栏 / 05 翻译学知识体系的创新与重构——一个关系论的视角 蓝红军 13 探索翻译学中国学派的知识范型与可行路径——兼论“做翻译”与“看翻译”两种范式之特质 刘军平 23 译学知识生产的建构性反思 李瑞林 译史纵横 / 32 清代翻译科钩沉 张政 冉蔓 40 卞之琳与穆旦诗歌翻译思想辨异——从《译诗艺术的成年》对穆旦的批评谈起 黄元军 译介研究 / 48 《浮士德》在我国的译介考辨(1903-2019) 陈巍 59 理雅各《墨子》译介成因钩沉 刘松 翻译教学 / 67 我国翻译在线开放课程现状及对策研究——基于新冠肺炎疫情期间在线教学的反思 覃军 向云 76 基于视频会议平台的远程同步口译教学——以北外高翻同声传译课程为例 卢信朝 书刊评介 / 85 “中学西传”在新世纪的回顾与思考——评《20世纪中国古代文化经典域外传播研究书系》 罗莹 学术访谈 / 92 政治文献外译须兼顾准确性和接受度——外交部外语专家陈明明访谈录 周忠良 译家研究 / 101 选择、互动与探索——雷威安与中国文学法译 陈嘉琨 刘云虹 翻译评论 / 110 古代纪时制度英译的价值取向与文化认同——基于韩南清代小说译本的研究 刘晓晖 朱源 行业研究 / 118 众包翻译平台的伦理问题及其对策:多案例对比研究 张慧玉 杨晰雯 翻译技术 / 127 计算机翻译辅助技术在同传中的应用及对同传生态系统的影响 李俊 学术争鸣 / 133 论“译文学”的理论实质及其意义 梁新军 实践探索 / 141 基于小句翻译移位对比的文学翻译描写研究 张道振 Christian Matthiessen 151 法律长句翻译的基本规律和流程——以合同条款的英汉翻译为例 李克兴 162 政治场域汉英口译中语块的增补性显化操作规范 李洋 张慧 自学之友 / 172 Is Advertising Good for Society? (Excerpt) (Alison Alexander & Jarisce Hanson) 周领顺 袁凝忆 译 177 说理文体的语言、逻辑及其翻译转换 周领顺 181 玫瑰的刺(庐隐) 蔡力坚 译 183 译者要知道自己在说什么 蔡力坚 英文摘要 词语选译 《抗击新冠肺炎疫情的中国行动》白皮书术语英译精选 本期主要论文摘要
新时代翻译学科建构研究专栏 / 翻译学知识体系的创新与重构
——一个关系论的视角 蓝红军 广东外语外贸大学 摘要:知识体系重构是新时代语境下翻译学创新发展的需要。当前,我们翻译学的知识体系是从实体论角度建构的,追求科学范式,探索客观真理,建构树形线性发展的知识结构。这与翻译知识生产的现实形成了一定的矛盾,翻译学亟需转化知识体系建构观念。从关系论角度来考察知识体系的建构,将对象性关系也纳为研究对象,将知识观由单值逻辑调整为多值逻辑,我们可以获得一个新的认识视角,能更清晰地定位我们自己在译学史上的理论贡献,也能得以明确我们未来的学科知识创新的路径。 关键词:翻译学;知识体系;逻辑基础;实体论;关系论 探索翻译学中国学派的知识范型与可行路径
——兼论“做翻译”与“看翻译”两种范式之特质 刘军平 武汉大学 摘要:翻译学中国学派命题的提出,是基于省察和建构中国当代新的翻译理论研究体系,反思当下译学历史演进历程。本文的基本观点是,为了突出翻译学中国学派的理论性和独特价值,我们应当整理其传统资源,检讨传统译论本身存在的缺陷。为此,作者首次提出“做翻译”与“看翻译”两种范式,并应用于分析比较中国传统译论“做翻译”与西方“看翻译”范式在知识范型之异同。同时作者提出构建中国学派的若干途径,主张借鉴“看翻译”范式之长和摒弃其短,从而实现“做翻译”新的范式转换。 关键词:翻译学中国学派;知识范型;反思;“做翻译”;“看翻译”; 译学知识生产的建构性反思
李瑞林 广东外语外贸大学 摘要:译学历经数十年的发展,基本形成以交叉研究为特征的知识生产架构,产生了相应的知识形态和话语结构。知识生产是学科内在建制的核心所在,元反思和自反思是学科知识臻于完备的基本要求。本文首先回溯译学知识建构的大致脉络,然后讨论影响译学知识系统化与创新发展的三个主要问题,即研究对象认知赤字、多元视角分而不合、理论实践二律疏离。囿于这些问题的制约,译学尚没有真正实现整体研究与领域研究的协调统一,未能沉淀出具有内部连贯性和外部指向性的一体化知识形态。针对上述问题,译学研究需要融通真理导向型的西方二元模式与过程导向型的东方一元模式,寻求具有普遍意义的研究范式;融通译学研究与他学科的关联知识,促进产出公理性学术观念;融通知识生产过程与翻译生产过程,增强译学的生态效度、学术品质以及社会关联度。 关键词:译学知识生产;研究对象;视角转换;翻译实践;知识融通 译史纵横 / 清代翻译科钩沉
张政 西北师范大学/北京师范大学 | 冉蔓 北京亦庄实验中学 摘要:自周以降,翻译人员便被赋予“传王声,柔远人”的重任,在贸易往来、文化交流等方面扮演着不可或缺的角色。遗憾的是,学界鲜有对近代翻译人才选拔的系统研究,影响颇大的清代翻译科的史料挖掘和整理也是东鳞西爪。本文重点爬梳和探究清代翻译科的科考目的、考务管理、社会影响等,评析其意义及不足,旨在丰富我国翻译史,为当下翻译人才选拔提供些许借鉴与思考。 关键词:翻译科;清代;满汉蒙;考务 卞之琳与穆旦诗歌翻译思想辨异
——从《译诗艺术的成年》对穆旦的批评谈起 黄元军 湖南师范大学 摘要:卞之琳《译诗艺术的成年》对穆旦的批评是值得关注的学术问题,但当代学界对此把握尚显模糊、混乱。本文以对《译诗艺术的成年》一文的重新解读为起点,探究两人诗歌翻译思想的本质,兼及其文学交往的来龙去脉,发现两人的矛盾焦点在于:诗歌翻译是否需忠实再现原诗形式全貌。卞之琳与穆旦诗歌翻译思想差异性的辨析,对于丰富中国翻译史研究议题、审视中国新诗与外国诗的关系以及辨认中国新诗的身份均具有重要学术价值。 关键词:卞之琳;穆旦;《译诗艺术的成年》;诗歌翻译思想 译介研究 / 《浮士德》在我国的译介考辨(1903-2019)
陈巍 宁波大学 摘要:1903年王国维首次翻译了歌德《浮士德》的六行诗,百余年来这部长达12111行的诗剧先后出现了50多种汉译本。本文以这些译本诞生的时代为主线,分析与考证了新中国成立前后两个历史阶段《浮士德》汉译本的内容、出版年代、版次,同一译者不同版本之间的递进关系以及盗版与抄译现象,概述了郭沫若、张荫麟、周学普、梁宗岱、钱春绮、董问樵、樊修章、绿原、杨武能、潘子立、姜铮等代表性译者的翻译思想及其译本价值,力图书写中国翻译学史上的一段精彩华章。 关键词:歌德;《浮士德》;汉译;考辨 理雅各《墨子》译介成因钩沉
刘松 湖南大学 摘要:理雅各在《中国经典》第二卷《孟子》卷中收入《兼爱》三篇,这是《墨子》在西方译介之滥觞。理雅各在儒家经典中译介其他学派这一不同寻常的做法尚未引起学界关注。文章试图将这一复杂的译介行为置于当时社会语境下考察,以19世纪新教与儒家关系为线索,结合译者的宗教背景和人生经历,窥探作为新教传教士的理雅各对儒、墨、耶三种不同文化的态度,继而从译者及文化层面揭示出理雅各译介《墨子》的深层次动机。探讨理雅各译介《墨子》之动机,不仅对理译《中国经典》能有一个更为全面的观照,同时亦有助于揭示19世纪儒、墨、耶三种不同文化碰撞与融合的复杂图景。 关键词:理雅各;《中国经典》;《墨子》;儒学;基督教 翻译教学 / 我国翻译在线开放课程现状及对策研究
——基于新冠肺炎疫情期间在线教学的反思 覃军 向云 湖北民族大学 摘要:自2015年教育部要求加强在线开放课程建设以来,我国翻译在线开放课程建设取得了较大的进展。新冠肺炎疫情爆发后,为落实教育部“停课不停学”的精神,各高校陆续开展在线教学,翻译在线开放课程选课人数超50万人次,极大促进了翻译课的线上教学。本文通过挖掘我国翻译在线开放课程的相关信息,从上线平台、开设院校、立项认定、混合教学等多维度总结了该类课程的建设现状,并结合新冠肺炎疫情期间利用翻译在线开放课程开展在线教学的经验与问题,提出了相应的对策与建议,以推进大数据时代的翻译教学改革。 关键字:翻译在线开放课程;建设现状;新冠肺炎疫情;在线教学;问题与对策 基于视频会议平台的远程同步口译教学 ——以北外高翻同声传译课程为例 卢信朝 北京外国语大学 摘要:新冠肺炎疫情期间,北京外国语大学高级翻译学院通过视频会议平台进行远程口译教学。本文以其中的远程同声传译课程为例,采用问卷调查与访谈方法,分析、对比师生对远程教学过程、效果、优势与不足等方面的感受和评价。结果表明:基于视频会议平台的远程同步同传教学可行、有效;师生对远程教学过程、效果与优势总体较为认可,但也认为远程教学方式、平台等存在不足;学生评价比教师更为积极。未来的口译教育中,远程教学或可与面授互补,形成混合式教学/学习模式。 关键词:视频会议平台;远程教学;同步网络课堂;同声传译课程 书刊评介 / “中学西传”在新世纪的回顾与思考
——评《20世纪中国古代文化经典域外传播研究书系》 罗莹 北京外国语大学 摘要:译介学作为比较文学的新兴领域,对其所涉文献材料予以系统梳理,对以往翻译理论予以总结反思,用以服务不同时代精神导向下的译介实践,是深化该领域研究的要务。《20世纪中国古代文化经典域外传播研究书系》(19卷本)是新世纪中国学界首度系统地对中国古代文化典籍在域外的传播轨迹予以回顾与评判,该书系不仅致力于对世界主要国家的中国古代文化经典译本以编年书目的方式予以呈现,亦籍由多语种的书目统计和不同时期的个案研究,试图对百年来中国本土译介实践的得失以及当下中国典籍外译事业所面临的问题进行深入思考,并期盼学界能以开放求真的批判精神吸纳域外中国学的研究成果,更好地向世界展现中国文化的世界意义。 关键词:典籍外译;文献编年书目;“中译外”理论;跨学科研究;批评的中国学 译家研究 / 选择、互动与探索
——雷威安与中国文学法译 陈嘉琨 刘云虹 南京大学 摘要:作为翻译活动的主体,译者对译本品质、文学译介与传播效果具有重要影响。法国汉学家、翻译家雷威安为中国文学在法语世界的译介与接受做出了杰出贡献。本文立足于法国汉学发展的历史进程,考察雷威安对翻译文本的选择以及对译本完整性的追求,分析其翻译与研究之间的互动关系,并着重关注译者在其翻译理念与原则的指引下拓展翻译可能性的探索式实践,力求为中国文学在海外的译介与传播提供借鉴。 关键词:雷威安;中国文学;译介;选择 翻译评论/ 古代纪时制度英译的价值取向与文化认同
——基于韩南清代小说译本的研究 刘晓晖 大连外国语大学 | 朱源 中国人民大学 摘要:中国古代纪时制度承载了中华文明的演变轨迹,翻译时既要考虑古今有别,又要顾及中外差异,常常涉及价值取向与文化认同问题。从“同化”与“保留”翻译价值取向出发,通过考察汉学家韩南六部清代小说译本的古代纪时制度译例语料,可以发现译者在两极取向之间的倾向程度及处理方式,反推韩南对中国古代纪时制度的认同态度,揭示汉学家译者对不同文化元素的选择立场,客观定位汉学家译者在中国文化“走出去”中的作用。 关键词:韩南清代小说翻译;古代纪时制度;价值取向;文化认同 行业研究 / 众包翻译平台的伦理问题及其对策:多案例对比研究
张慧玉 浙江大学 | 杨晰雯 英国曼彻斯特大学 摘要:基于众包翻译的独特优势,诸多众包翻译平台出现并得到认可,但背后也有诸多争议,其中伦理问题首当其冲,而理论界对该问题关注不足,停留在浅层的纯理论分析或依赖单一零散的举例,且缺乏跨学科思考。基于此,本文运用多案例对比研究方法,以七家典型的众包翻译平台(中国的译言网、豆瓣同文馆、做到、Fiberead,韩国的Flitto,美国的TranslateFacebook,荷兰的Global Voices)为主要案例,从道德与法律的视角指出:在参与用户层面,主要存在内容合法性、著作权、任意退出等伦理问题;在众包翻译平台方层面,主要存在劳动剥削、维权方式不明等问题。以此为基础,我们进一步从法学与管理学的跨学科视角针对上述问题提出系列改善性建议,同时指出,本研究中部分案例平台的做法值得其他平台借鉴。 关键词:众包翻译;众包翻译平台;伦理问题;道德问题 翻译技术 / 计算机翻译辅助技术在同传中的应用及对同传生态系统的影响
李俊 北京大学 摘要:随着技术的发展,翻译活动中语音识别、机器翻译等翻译辅助技术的使用变得普遍,然而,在技术辅助的同传、技术对同传活动参与各方的影响方面,学界研究较少。本研究依据笔者的实践经验、现场观察、访谈、搭档译员的反馈,探讨技术辅助的同传的现状及对参与同传活动的各方带来的影响,以期为同传生态系统的重构、翻译行业的发展提供参考。 关键词:机器翻译;语音识别技术;翻译;翻译行业研究;技术与社会 学术争鸣 / 论“译文学”的理论实质及其意义
梁新军 苏州大学 摘要:“译文学”的概念体系在翻译思想史上有一定创新性。在描述译文生成模式方面,它有较强的实用价值,在译文质量评价方面也值得应用。它吸收了“翻译文学”本体意识,凸显了“翻译文学”研究的自觉。但就实质来看,它属于一套较为传统的文学翻译质量评价体系,在问题领域上开拓不大。在研究目标上它主张把语言学上的“忠实”论与文学上的“审美论”结合起来,但如何对译文进行审美价值判断,论述明显不足。“译文学”的理论建构对翻译理论建设而言,有积极的启示也有值得警醒之处。它在翻译话语的建设上有一定成就,但忽视了新理论建构中的问题导向原则。 关键词:译文学;王向远;翻译文学;译介学;问题导向 翻译实践 / 基于小句翻译移位对比的文学翻译描写研究
张道振 广东工业大学 | Christian Matthiessen 香港理工大学 摘要:描写译学研究肇始以来,国内对翻译及其现象的社会文化研究似乎成为主流范式,而从语言学层面出发的描写译学研究却不多见。本文在模式化小句及物性分析的基础上,对翻译移位进行描写和解读。通过对具体案例的讨论,探索翻译描写背后的解读理据和效果。研究发现,在解读和解释层面,翻译移位不仅改变了读者对原文效果的解读倾向,还导致了文类的变形。本研究通过奇幻型儿童小说翻译的描写研究,证实话语表层词汇语法的移位可以导致符号学效果的变异,从而进一步说明文学作品语言及其效果的传译是个系统复杂的科学化过程。 关键词:及物性模式;语言功能;文学翻译;描写;移位 法律长句翻译的基本规律和流程
——以合同条款的英汉翻译为例 李克兴 浙江外国语学院 摘要:法律英汉翻译最大的难题是长句的翻译,而确切理解长句往往是经验不足的译者的梦魇。本文演示两种行之有效的分析、解读、翻译法律英文中长句、复杂句的方法及其过程。笔者通过操作分析、语法分析、文体分析等多种方法,对一段“藤蔓纠缠”的合同条款作细致入微的语篇分析,揭示复杂法律文本汉译的基本规律和流程。 关键词:操作分析;语法分析;语篇分析;古旧词;配对词;简明英语;重写 政治场域汉英口译中语块的增补性显化操作规范
李洋 东北大学 ︳张慧 华中师范大学 摘要:已有显化研究主要以词或短语为单位,较少考察多词单位的语块。本研究利用口译语料库自动提取高频的4词语块,基于双语转换的语言对比制定完全增译和局部增译的描写方案,发现语块既能独立使用,亦能连接使用,增添源语缺失的信息,从而形成增补性显化操作规范,即增加译语长度、语块循环使用、保持术语翻译完整性。 关键词:语块;口译语料库;高频率;显化;操作规范 本期主要论文英文摘要
(英文摘要修订:刘亚猛) Epistemological Reflections on the Knowledge System of Translation Studies By LAN Hongjun (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, China) p.5 Abstract: This paper reflects epistemologically on the ontological inadequacy of the existing system of Translation Studies for production of knowledge. Calling attention to the fact that a substantialism underlies andinforms the practice of TS, the paper goes on to identify four manifestations of such a modus of being: restricting the discipline’s research object toentities only; adopting a scientistic paradigm of practice; defining thedisciplinary goal in terms of a search for objective knowledge alone; and setting up a tree-like structure as its knowledge organization. To solve these issues, the paper proposes that we switch our commitment to a multiple-valuedrather than single-valued logic and subscribe to relativism instead of substantialism. Only with such a fundamental change in our conceptualization of TS can a new perspective for evaluating our theoretical contributions and orienting our knowledge innovation in the future be obtained. Keywords: Translation Studies; knowledge system;construction; substantialism; relativism “Doing Translation” vs. “Observing Translation”: In Search of an Epistemological Paradigm and Potential Paths for Developing a Chinese School of Translation Studies By LIU Junping (Wuhan University, Wuhan, China) p.13 Abstract: This paper holds that to develop a Chinese school of translation studies with distinct theoretical postulates and uniquevalues, it is necessary that we draw on the resources of traditional translation discourse while rejecting the conceptual dross therein. To this end, a distinction should be made between “doing translation” and “observing translation,” as two paradigms of practice for analyzing and comparing the epistemological characteristics of traditional Chinese translation discourse and contemporary Western translation theories. Some possible paths for constructing the Chinese School are also proposed so as to facilitate a shiftto the “doing translation” paradigm that overcomes the “observing translation”model’s weaknesses and yet retains all its strengths. Keywords: Chinese School of Translation Studies;epistemological paradigm; reflection; “doing translation”; “observing translation” Consilience as a Means for Enhancing Knowledge Production in Translation Studies
By LI Ruilin (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, China) p.23 Abstract: Ever since Holmes mapped out its disciplinary development in the 1970’s, Translation Studies has undergone a transformation from a branch of academic inquiry intoan independent area of studies, with a structure of discourse and an architecture of knowledge for undertaking cross- and inter-disciplinary researches. To further promote the researches, this paper offers some meta- and self-reflections on TS’s mode of knowledge production. Following a general review of the trajectory of TS’s disciplinary growth, the paper addresses three critical problems that have hampered the systematization and innovation of the knowledge generation in question, i.e., inadequate cognition of the central object of its studies, a lack of congruence among the diverse perspectives brought to bear on translation, and the divergence between theory and practice. Weighed down by these problems, TS remains unable to turn itself into an internally consistent and socially relevant knowledge system capable of taking into full account both domain-general and domain-specific mechanisms of translation. To contribute to the solution of these problems and to enhance the discipline’s output quality, the paper proposes in conclusion that TS strivefor consilience on three planes: between the truth-oriented dualistic Western model of thinking and the process-based unitary Oriental model of thinking, between Translation Studies perse and other relevant disciplines, and between knowledge production processes and real-world translation operations. Keywords: Translation Studies; knowledge production; object of study; perspective shift; translation praxis; consilience The Imperial Translation Examination in the Qing Dynasty as a Useful Reference for Selecting Qualified Translators in Our Time By ZHANG Zheng (Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou, China / Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China) & RAN Man (Beijing Etown Academy, Beijing, China) p.32 Abstract: Translators have been playing a key role intrade and cultural exchanges since the ancient times, and yet few studies have been made so far on the procedure for selecting qualified translators. In an attempt to fill the gap, this paper calls attention to the Imperial Translation Examination during the Qing Dynasty as a historical case in translator selection. By looking into the purpose, management and enrollment procedure of the Examination and finding out the extent to which the official procedure worked, the paper assesses its successes and failings as a way to select competent translators. The study is meant to shed some useful light on today’s practice in translator selection, and to add a missing piece to the historical account of Chinese translation as well. Keywords: The Imperial Translation Examination; the Qing Dynasty; exam affairs Bian Zhilin vs. Mu Dan: Divergent Views on Poetry Translation by Chinese Translation Scholars By HUANG Yuanjun (Hunan Normal University, Changsha, China) p.40 Abstract: Bian Zhilin’s criticism of Mu Dan in his essay “The Mature Age of the Art of Poetry Translation” raises a notable academic issue that remains neglected by contemporary studies of translation. By way of a reinterpretation of Bian’s polemic, this paper looks into and compares the two critics’ core understandings of poetry translation and literary communication, finding their views divergent primarily over whether or not the form of theoriginal ought to be faithfully reproduced in poetry translation. Their conflict of opinions deserves further attention from Chinese translation scholars, since a sustained conversation on the issue promises to shed new light on the relationship between modern Chinese poetry and foreign poetry,thus to clarify the generic identity of China’s “new poetry” and to enrich the historical account of the development of Chinese translation. Keywords: Bian Zhilin; Mu Dan; “The Mature Age of the Art of Poetry Translation”; poetry translation On James Legge’s Translation of the Mozi By LIU Song (Hunan University, Changsha, China) p.59 Abstract: In the second volume of his Chinese Classics, The Works ofMencius, James Legge included his renditions of three articles by Mozi under the title “Universal Love.” Whereas these are the earliest known translations of Mohist texts in the western world, why Legge should have decided to mix them up with Confucian canons has yet to attract attention from relevant scholarly fields. In a bid to tackle the question, this paper takes a close look at Legge’s complex translation behavior against the social circumstances of his time. Pointing to the relationship between Protestantism and Confucianism in the 19th century as a clue, the paper explores Legge’s attitude towards Confucianism, Mohism and Christianity as away of identifying the motives lying underneath his translation of the Mozi. The exposureof these motives helps to bring about a fresher and more comprehensive view of his Chinese Classics, making available a complex picture of the collisionand fusion among three different cultures in the 19thcentury. Keywords: James Legge; Chinese Classics; Mozi; Confucianism; Christianity Distance Teaching of Interpreting: Delivering Simultaneous Interpreting Courses via Video Conferencing at GSTI, BFSU
By LU Xinchao (Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, China) p.76 Abstract: COVID-19 pandemic has made it necessary to substitute a video conferencing-enabled online mode for the traditional face-to-face interpreting teaching at the Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation, Beijing Foreign Studies University. To find out how the processes, outcomes, benefits and drawbacks of distance learning and teachingin synchronous cyber classrooms have been perceived, this paper conducts aseries of surveys and interviews of the trainers and trainees concerned. While the findings tend to corroborate the feasibility and effectiveness of the online delivery in general, they also point to some deficiencies of the new teaching paradigm and thus pose some challenges to the application of distance mode and video conferencing technology. To successfully meet these challenges and implement either a fully online training or a blended one, it is imperative that interpreting-related businesses, educational institutions, teachers and other stakeholders be encouraged to collaboratively build a vibrant community for the promotion of China’s smart interpreting education. Keywords: video conferencing; distance teaching; synchronous cyber classroom; simultaneous interpreting course André Lévy and His Contributions to the Dissemination of Chinese Literature in theFrancophone World By CHEN Jiakun& LIU Yunhong (Nanjing University, Nanjing, China) p.101 Keywords: André Lévy; Chinese literature; translation and dissemination; choice Value Orientation and Cultural Identity that Inform theTranslation of Ancient Timing System: With Hanan’s English Rendition of QingNovels as a Case in Point
Abstract: The timing system in ancient China had borne witness to the advancement of Chinese civilization. It is important therefore that in rendering it into English one should take into consideration both the differences between the East and the West and those between the pastand the present, and should reflect on the value orientation and the cultural identity that necessarily inform the translation process. On the basis of the relevant data collected from Patrick Hanan’s six translations of Qing novels,this paper identifies his two major value orientations, i.e., preservation andassimilation, in an attempt to observe whither the pendulum of the translator’s choice swings and how the choice is made. The study shows the extent to which Hanan recognizes China’s ancient timing system, revealing his attitudinal variation toward different cultural elements. It also helps to define the roles played by sinologists-cum-translators in China’s on-going initiative to introduce its culture abroad.By LIU Xiaohui (Dalian University of Foreign Languages, Dalian, China) & ZHU Yuan (Renmin University of China,Beijing, China) p.110 Keywords: Hanan;English translation; fiction of Qing Dynasty; ancient timing system; value orientation; cultural identity Ethical Problems of Crowdsourcing Translation Platforms and Their Possible Solutions: A Comparative Case Study By ZHANG Huiyu (Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China) & YANG Xiwen (The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK) p.118 Abstract: Because of the unique advantages they offer,crowdsourcing translation platforms have developed rapidly in recent years. However, behind their rapid growth lurk a multitude of problems, of which the ethical issues are the most invidious and at the same time the most neglected. Combining a moral and alegal perspective, this paper conducts a comparative case study of 7 representative crowdsourcing translation platforms worldwide. Among the findings that: i) for users of such platforms, the ethical problems they face mainly concern legitimacy of content, copyright, and the decision to quit the platform at their own discretion; and ii) for the platforms, exploitation of labor and failure to offer protection for the participants’ legal rights are the most troublesome problems ethically. To mitigate and eventually solve such problems, we offer some suggestions derived from an interdisciplinary perspective of law and management. And we also hold out some platforms as exemplary of ethical practices for others to emulate. Keywords: crowdsourcing translation; crowdsourcing translation platform; ethical problem; moral problem 关键词:《中国翻译》 |
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