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《山东外语教学》2021年第四期摘要一览 摘 要
高端访谈 孙有中 王卓 与时俱进,开拓中国外语教育创新发展路径 ——孙有中教授访谈录 孙有中1 王卓2(1. 北京外国语大学 英语学院, 北京 100089;2. 山东师范大学 外国语学院, 山东 济南 250358) 【摘要】我国提出的构建人类命运共同体、讲好中国故事、推动文明互鉴等国家发展战略对新时期的外语人才培养提出了新的要求。孙有中教授多年来致力于中国外语教育创新发展,先后提出“人文英语教育”“跨文化思辨育人”等外语教育创新理论,对我国新时期外语人才培养、教学改革、课程建设、教材建设等均产生了深远影响。此次访谈以孙有中教授提出的“人文英语教育”“跨文化思辨育人”等理念为出发点,对新时代我国外语教育发展的若干重要问题进行了深入阐释和剖析。 【关键词】外语类专业;大学英语;人文英语教育;跨文化思辨育人 Developing Innovative Approaches to China’s Foreign Language Education in the New Era: An Interview with Professor Sun Youzhong SUN Youzhong1, WANG Zhuo (1. School of English and International Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University,Beijing 100089, China; 2. School of Foreign Languages, Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250358, China) Abstract: Our country’s national development strategies such as building a community with a shared future for mankind, telling Chinese stories well, and mutual learning from world civilizations put forward new requirements for the cultivation of foreign language talents in the new era. Professor Sun Youzhong has been committed to the innovative development of foreign language education in China for many years. He successively and innovatively proposed the concept of “Humanistic English Education” and “Cross-Cultural Thinking Education” etc., which contributed to the cultivation of foreign language talents, teaching reforms, curriculum construction, and teaching materials in the new era. Based on the concepts of “Humanistic English Education” and “Cross-Cultural Thinking Education” proposed by Professor Sun Youzhong, this interview gives an in-depth explanation and analysis of several important issues in the development of China’s foreign language education in the new era. Keywords: foreign language majors; College English; Humanistic English Education; Cross-Cultural Thinking 语言研究“认知语言学”专题 主持人按语:文旭 认知语言学作为国际理论语言学界新兴的一种语言学研究范式,经过近40年的发展,无论是在理论上,还是在实践方面,均取得了令人瞩目的成就,已成为当代语言学中的“显学”。近年来,在人工智能和大数据的驱动下,认知语言学的内涵与外延不断得到拓展和深化,呈现出新的发展态势:在研究内容上趋于社会化和多样化,越来越关注语言的社会、心理和文化因素;在研究视角上趋于跨学科化,倡导交叉学科、跨学科及超学科研究,并逐渐形成了跨领域、跨学科、多学科和超学科的研究体系;在研究方法上趋于多元化,倡导内省与实证并重的研究方法,重视语言的量化分析;在本土化研究方面,基于中国语言事实的认知语言学研究已成为学界关注的焦点,等等。所有这些都彰显出认知语言学研究的勃勃生机和强大生命力。 本专题收录的三篇文章在一定程度上反映了上述趋势。倪涛一文聚焦状态变化事件表征的时空性问题,重点论述了状态变化的“位移性”“历程性”“隐喻性”及相关问题,不仅有利于厘清状态变化与空间位移概念的异同,也为状态变化事件的深入研究奠定了理论基础。王娟娟、孙毅一文借助比较详实的语料,深入阐释了汉语博喻的语篇功能,并尝试构建汉语博喻语篇功能分析模型,在识别汉语博喻词汇隐喻表征的基础上,挖掘语篇衔接、连贯和篇章架构的机制,为认知语言学在汉语语篇分析的应用研究提供了新视角。陈晓光、张京鱼一文借鉴参照点模式的跨语言研究成果,系统分析了汉语“前”“后”时空隐喻表达的时间指向问题,认为汉语“前”“后”时空隐喻表达的主导模式是Time-RP,而Moving Ego只是起补充作用的次模式,为汉语“前”“后”指向矛盾问题提供了统一的解释。 总之,本专题收录的三篇文章相互呼应,各有侧重,既有对老问题的新思考,又有对新问题的挖掘与开拓,呈现了当前认知语言学研究的焦点问题和最新进展,对未来认知语言学研究具有重要的启迪和借鉴意义,值得深入研读。 01 状态变化事件表征的时空性研究 倪涛(安徽艺术学院 人文学院, 安徽 合肥 230601; 河南大学 外语学院, 河南 开封 475001) 【摘要】在运动事件的表征中,空间概念较为突显。然而,就英汉状态变化而言,“空间”虽有利于凸显其与位移运动的共性,但也在一定程度上忽略了此类事件作为一个概念领域的特质。因为,由定量和定性分析可见,英汉状态变化在“形”和“义”两方面都与运动事件存在不同。对此,“性状的时间历程”比“性状的抽象位移”更具解释力,所以在状态变化的事件表征中,“时间”是更具优势的路径。由此,相对于“转变类型”,状态变化的“背景实体”是更为核心的概念要素。 【关键词】空间;时间;运动;状态变化 On the Temporal and Spatial Representation of Change-of-state Event NI Tao (School of Humanities, Anhui Art College, Hefei 230601, China; School of Foreign Languages, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China) Abstract: In the representation of “motion event”, “space” is prominent. However, in English and Chinese “state change”, though “space” can highlight its similarities to spatial displacement, it also, to some extent, neglects the personalities of this domain as one subtype of macro-event. Through quantitative and qualitative analyses, the above two types of event in English and Chinese are different not only in the structure, but in the meaning, for which “temporal procession of property” can provide more plausible explanations than “abstract displacement of property”. Therefore, “time” is more prominent in the representation of change-of-state event and “ground entity” is more crucial than “transition type” in the conceptual structure of this event. Keywords: space; time; motion; state change 02 汉语博喻的语篇功能阐释及分析模型建构 王娟娟1 孙毅2 (1. 西安外国语大学 英语师范学院, 陕西 西安 710128; 2. 广东外语外贸大学 外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心, 广东 广州 510420) 【摘要】博喻的语篇衔接和语篇连贯功能已得到一定讨论,但其篇章架构功能涉及很少。同时,学界普遍认为博喻通过词汇隐喻和语法隐喻两种策略参与语篇建构。但研究表明,汉语博喻体现为语法隐喻的情况极少,且英语某些语法隐喻类型未必出现在汉语中。因此,本文以吴岩在高等学校专业设置与教学指导委员会第一次全会上的讲话为例,尝试论证汉语博喻完全可以通过词汇隐喻这一单一策略实现衔接、连贯,甚至篇章架构的语篇功能。由于其语言的独特性,汉语语篇博喻的实现策略有自己的独特性,可以通过延续整个语篇的词汇隐喻构建复杂网络系统,激活人们深层概念认知,为语篇搭建心理空间和信息流,从而实现在英语中只有通过词汇隐喻和语法隐喻两种策略才能达成的语篇功能。在此基础上,本文尝试搭建汉语博喻语篇功能的分析模型,为汉语语篇分析提供一个新的认知视角。 【关键词】汉语博喻;词汇隐喻;语篇功能;分析模型 Chinese Megametaphor: Discourse Functions and Tentative Analyzing Framework WANG Juanjuan, SUN Yi (1. School of English Teacher Education, Xi’an International Studies University, Xi’an 710128, China; 2. Center for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou 510420, China) Abstract: Extensive discussion has been carried out on the cohesive and coherent functions of megametaphor, but not its discourse framing function. Meanwhile, it is acknowledged that megametaphor contributes to discourse construction through both lexical metaphor and grammatical metaphor. However, little grammatical metaphor appears in Chinese language, and some types of English grammatical metaphor do not exist in Chinese language either. Therefore, taking Wu Yan’s Speech at the first Conference of Specialty Provision and Teaching Steering Committee in Higher Education as an example, this paper argues that Chinese megametaphor could achieve all the three discourse functions of cohesion, coherence, and discourse framing only with lexical metaphors, which results from its distinctive traits. Lexical metaphors in Chinese could trigger deep conceptual cognition in people’s mind by means of building a cognitive network which extends through the whole discourse, and construct mental space and information flow, thus achieving the same discourse functions of English megametaphor. Based on that, this paper constructs a tentative analyzing framework for Chinese megametaphor, hoping to provide a new cognitive perspective for Chinese discourse analysis. Keywords: Chinese megametaphor; lexical metaphor; discourse functions; analyzing framework 03“前”“后”时空隐喻表达时间指向的参照模式解释 陈晓光1 张京鱼2 (1. 西北政法大学 外国语学院, 陕西 西安 710122; 2. 西安外国语大学 英文学院, 陕西 西安 710128) 【摘要】汉语“前”“后”时空隐喻表达既可指过去又可指未来,以往使用“时间在动”和“自我在动”两个隐喻模式的研究并不能很好地解释这一时间指向矛盾,而新近的研究虽意在触及问题本质,实未达其功。本研究借鉴有关参照模式跨语研究成果,认为Moore(2006)及Núñez & Sweetser(2006)提出的自我参照点(Ego-RP)与时间参照点(Time-RP)时间认知模式能够很好解决汉语“前”“后”时间指向的争议。“前”表过去,“后”表未来属于Time-RP模式;“前”表未来,“后”表过去属于Ego=RP模式中的“自我在动”(Moving Ego)子模式。我们的分析揭示汉语“前”“后”隐喻时空表达的主导模式是Time-RP,而Moving Ego只是起补充作用的次模式,因而对其指向矛盾问题提供了一个统一解释。 【关键词】时空隐喻;自我运动;时间运动;参照模式;自我参照点;时间参照点 A FoR Account for the Interpretation of Qian and Hou Spatio-Temporal Metaphorical Expressions CHEN Xiaoguang1, ZHANG Jingyu2 (1. School of Foreign Languages, Northwest University of Political Science and Law, Xi’an 710122, China; 2. College of English, Xi’an International Studies University, Xi’an 710128, China) Abstract: The spatio-temporal metaphorical expressions of Qian “front” and hou “back” in Chinese can indicate either the past or the future, the interpretation of which could not be resolved by resorting to the traditional “Moving Ego” and “Moving Time” models. Building on related cross-linguistic research findings regarding frame of reference, this study proposes that Moore’s(2006) and Núñez & Sweetser’s(2006) Ego-RP and Time-RP models can resolve the opposing interpretation of qian and hou temporal expressions. Qian referring to the past and hou to the future adopt Time-RP model while qian referring to the future and hou to the past employ Moving Ego which is a subtype of Ego-RP model. Our analysis gives a unified account to the interpretation issue of qian and hou spatio-temporal metaphorical expressions by revealing their predominant employment of Time-RP model with Moving Ego of Ego-RP only as a supplementary. Keywords: spatio-temporal metaphor; moving time; moving Ego; frame of reference (FoR); Ego-RP; Time-RP 教学研究“新时代师范生培养”专题 主持人按语:张莲 教育强则国家强。当今世界各国综合国力竞争之根本是人才的竞争,教育的基础性、先导性、全局性地位和作用日益突显。国家领导人2018年在“全国教育大会”上提出,坚持优先发展教育事业,坚持把教师队伍建设作为基础工作。教师教育是教育事业的工作母机,是提升教育质量的动力源泉。作为中国教师教育的主力和主体,师范教育经过100多年的发展,已基本形成以国家教师教育基地为引领、师范院校为主体、高水平综合大学参与、教师发展机构为纽带、优质中小学为实践基地的开放、协同、联动的中国特色教师教育体系。但面对新时期、新使命、新征程,师范教育、师范生培养还有许多问题亟待探索和研究。《山东外语教学》特别推出师范生培养实证研究专栏,恰逢其时。三篇文章分别聚焦新时代英语专业师范生培养模式创新、职业认同和信息技术整合教学认知,并在实践、实证基础上,提出对策和建议。 李涛、张莲的文章“英语专业师范生信息技术与课程整合教学认知及其影响因素”调研英语专业师范生关于信息技术整合教学的认知及影响因素。研究发现,英语专业师范生计算机兴趣、计算机焦虑、计算机辅助外语教学态度对其信息技术与课程整合教学兴趣预测力较强,其中计算机辅助外语教学态度预测力最强;计算机自我效能预测力较弱。研究提示,为帮助师范生适应信息化教学改革,在教师教育过程中,关注并优化他们对信息技术与课程整合教学的情感体验是关键。 高强的文章“英语专业师范生教师职业认同现状研究”调研英语专业示师范生职业认同现状及其影响因素。研究发现,教师职业认同包含职业准备、外在价值、职业效能、职业意愿、内在价值等五个维度,其中,职业准备认同水平显著低于其他维度;群体职业认同水平随时间变化,但个体差异较大;在职业认同形成过程中,个体认知投入、情感经历、社会交往三者之间存在互动关系。研究结果对国内英语专业师范生培养有重要启示。 汤红娟、徐波的文章“‘三全育人’视域下卓越英语师范生培养模式创新与实践”通过历时实验探索卓越中学英语教师人才培养模式,尝试构建英语师范生“三全育人”培养体系。调研结果显示,该体系在“一践行、三学会”等方面取得良好成效,解决了卓越师范生培养的难题,不仅有效辐射和引领英语类专业建设、服务地方基础教育,也为地方高师院校扶贫支教、振兴乡村外语教育提供了可资借鉴的范式。 落实教育优先发展战略,加快建设教育强国的先手棋是教师教育,特别是师范生培养。扎实、系统、科学的实证研究正是找到问题、认识问题、解决问题的主要路径和方法,我们期待更多的实践者、研究者、决策者一起加入观察、调研,共同为建强做优教师教育,推动新时代师范生培养创新发展,全面提升教师素质能力做出积极贡献。 01英语专业师范生信息技术与课程整合教学认知及其影响因素 李涛 张莲(北京外国语大学 英语学院, 北京 100089) 【摘要】研究依据“意愿-技能-工具”(WST)理论,通过对国内四所省属341名大四英语师范生进行问卷调查,运用SPSS23.0进行回归分析探讨了英语师范生计算机兴趣、计算机焦虑、计算机辅助外语教学态度和计算机自我效能对其信息技术与课程整合教学兴趣的影响作用。研究发现,英语师范生计算机兴趣、计算机焦虑、计算机辅助外语教学态度对其信息技术与课程整合教学兴趣预测力较强,其中计算机辅助外语教学态度预测力最强;计算机自我效能预测力较弱。研究表明,英语师范生能否在未来教学中有效地整合技术更取决于其对计算机技术的态度倾向。为帮助英语师范生适应信息化教学改革,教师教育在培养英语师范生技术应用能力的同时,需更多关注其对信息技术与课程整合教学的情感体验。 【关键词】英语师范生;计算机态度;计算机自我效能;信息技术与课程整合教学 Exploring Factors Influencing EFL Student Teachers’ Disposition of Teaching with Computer Technology LI Tao, ZHANG Lian (School of English and International Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing 100089, China) Abstract: Based on Will Skill Tool(WST) model, this study made a survey on 341 EFL senior student teachers in four provincial universities to explore the extent to which computer attitudes and self-efficacy influence their motivation to teach with computer technology in their future classroom, Regression analysis found that EFL student teachers’ computer attitudes are the main predictors of their interest in teaching with computer technology in their future classroom while computer selfefficacy has little impact. To be specific, EFL student teachers’ attitudes toward computer-assisted language teaching and computer enjoyment have more impact than their computer anxiety. The results indicated that EFL student teachers’ disposition to teach with computer technology in their future classroom depends on their computer attitudes rather than on their computer self-efficacy. To facilitate student teachers to teach with computer technology in their future classroom, teacher education needs to address their affective engagement in addition to their competence development. Keywords: EFL student teachers; computer attitude; computer self-efficacy; teaching with computer technology 02 英语专业师范生教师职业认同现状研究 高强(济南大学 外国语学院, 济南 250022) 【摘要】教师职业认同是师范生未来从教的心理基础,但它在我国英语专业师范生培养中尚未受到足够关注。为探索其教师职业认同现状,本文对881名非公费英语专业师范生开展了问卷调查,并对其中9人进行了个案访谈。结果表明,其教师职业认同包含职业准备、外在价值、职业效能、职业意愿、内在价值等五个维度,各维度总体水平较高,但职业准备显著低于其他维度;总体而言,其教师职业认同随年级上升显著增强,但个体差异较大;个人偏好、师范教育、日常生活、社会环境等因素从正反两面对其产生影响,反映出认知投入、情感经历、社会交往在其教师职业认同建构过程中的互动。基于这些发现,文末指出了本研究对我国英语专业师范生培养的启示。 【关键词】英语专业师范生;教师职业认同;年级;影响因素 Exploring Teacher-oriented English Majors’Professional Identity: A Survey GAO Qiang (School of Foreign Languages, University of Jinan, Jinan 250022, China) Abstract: Though it serves as the psychological basis of teacher-oriented students’ willingness to teach, teacher professional identity has not received its due attention in the cultivation of teacher-oriented English majors in our country. This paper explores their teacher professional identity through a questionnaire survey of 881 self-paid teacher-oriented English majors complemented by case interviews with nine of them. Results indicate that their teacher professional identity consists of five dimensions, namely professional preparation, external value, professional efficacy, professional willingness and internal value. They are on the whole acceptably high but professional preparation is significantly lower than the others. As a whole, their teacher professional identity increases with the rise of their academic years, but cases vary significantly. Personal preference, pre-service teacher education, daily life and social context exert both facilitating and impeding impacts upon their teacher professional identity, indicating that its construction is an interactive process of cognitive engagements, emotional experiences and social interactions. Based upon these findings, the paper concludes by pointing out its implications for pre-service English teacher education in our country. Keywords: teacher-oriented English majors; teacher professional identity; academic year; influencing factors 03“三全育人”视域下卓越英语师范生培养模式创新与实践 杨红娟 徐波(乐山师范学院 外国语学院, 乐山 四川 614000) 【摘要】基于立德树人“三全育人”理念,依托省级卓越教师培养计划项目,在师范专业认证理念和要求指导下,笔者通过组建卓越英语教师实验班,开展为期三年的实验,探索卓越中学英语教师人才培养模式,尝试构建了“六个三”卓越英语师范生“三全育人”培养体系。通过实验班与普通班对比研究,发现首届卓越班毕业生在教师资格证考试通过率、考研率、学科竞赛获奖数和创新创业训练项目立项数等显性指标方面明显高于普通班,卓越班人才培养在“一践行、三学会”等方面取得良好成效,并产生社会效益,解决了卓越师范生培养的四大难题,有效辐射和引领英语类专业建设及服务地方基础教育。师范生积极参与凉山州教育脱贫,在省内外产生了示范引领作用,为地方高师院校扶贫支教、振兴乡村外语教育提供了范式。 【关键词】“三全育人”;师范专业认证;卓越英语师范生;人才培养模式创新与实践 Innovation and Practice of Cultivation Mode of Outstanding English Education Students from the Perspective of “Three All-round Education” TANG Hongjuan, XU Bo (School of Foreign Languages, Leshan Normal University, Leshan, Sichuan 614000, China) Abstract: Based on the concepts of “Three All-round Education” of moral education and the provincial project “Outstanding Rural Middle School English Teacher Training Program in Western Region” and guided by the rationales and requirements of Teachers’ Professional Accreditation, the authors have been doing an experiment for three years through constructing outstanding English teacher classes and have been exploring the mode of cultivating outstanding middle school English teachers to build “six-three” outstanding English education students and “Three All-round Education” cultivation system. Through contrasting the experimental class and the control classes, favorable results have shown that some explicit data like the pass rate of Teacher Qualification Certificate Examination and Postgraduate Entrance Examination, number of awards in discipline competitions, and number of projects for innovative entrepreneurial training projects in the first experimental class are much higher than those in the control classes. Talent cultivation in the outstanding English education class has made good achievements in “One Practice and Learnings” and has resulted in social benefits, which has effectively solved four puzzles in cultivating outstanding English education students, radiated and facilitated English major construction while serving the local basic education. Education students’ active participation in poverty alleviation through education Liangshan Prefecture has set a pioneering role model within and outside Sichuan Province and has provided a paradigm of poverty alleviation through education and revitalization of rural foreign language education for local normal colleges and universities. Keywords: “Three All-round Education”; Teachers’ Professional Accreditation; outstanding English education students; innovation and practice of talent cultivation mode 文学研究 01《远岸》中的跨种族命运共同体与反人权批判 徐彬(东北师范大学 外国语学院, 吉林 长春 130024) 【摘要】在《远岸》中,卡里尔·菲利普斯讲述了非洲黑人男性难民加布里埃尔/所罗门和英格兰白人女性多萝西分别遭受英格兰种族暴力和英格兰白人男性“规训与监视”的故事。加布里埃尔/所罗门和多萝西在斯通利新区意图构建的跨种族命运共同体是二者抵抗种族暴力和男权压迫继续生活的希望所在。有关加布里埃尔/所罗门之死和多萝西“变疯”的描写内含菲利普斯对构建跨种族命运共同体希望的幻灭和对20世纪末英格兰境内特定反人权现象的政治文化批判。 【关键词】《远岸》;跨种族命运共同体;反人权批判;非洲难民;白人女性 The Cross-racial Community of Common Destiny and Criticism on Anti-human Rights Cases in A Distant Shore XU Bin (School of Foreign Languages, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024, China) Abstract: In A Distant Shore, a novel written by Caryl Phillips, Gabriel/Solomon, a black African male refugee, and Dorothy, a white English woman, are the victims of racial violence and “discipline and surveillance” from English white men respectively. Gabriel/Solomon and Dorothy’s construction of cross-racial community of common destiny in Stoneleigh is the way they can resist racial violence and male oppression in order to keep their hopes for better lives. The description of the death of Gabriel/Solomon and the “madness” of Dorothy revealed Phillips’s disillusionment of the construction of the cross-racial community of common destiny and his political and cultural criticism on particular anti-human rights cases in England at the end of 20th century. Keywords: A Distant Shore; cross-racial community of common destiny; criticism on anti-human rights cases; African refugee; white women 02 后殖民理论与第三世界的反殖马克思主义 丁兆国(山东财经大学 外国语学院, 山东 济南 250014) 【摘要】在20世纪50、60年代第三世界的民族解放运动中,一批受马克思主义影响的黑人知识分子著书立说,积极投身于反殖民抵抗运动。20世纪80年代兴起的后殖民理论最初并没有关注这些第三世界的反殖民马克思主义者,而是借助后结构主义的话语权力和差异性政治理论,全力批判殖民话语的权力表征、杂糅性和殖民主体性。本文通过分析塞泽尔和桑戈尔的“黑人性”身份政治观和阐述卡布拉尔和法侬的民族文化观念,揭示后殖民理论与第三世界反殖马克思主义的思想渊源和历史关联。 【关键词】后殖民理论;马克思主义;第三世界;黑人性;民族文化 Postcolonial Theory and the Third World Anti-Colonial Marxism DING Zhaoguo (School of Foreign Studies, Shandong University of Finance and Economics, Jinan 250014, China) Abstract: In the 1950s and 1960s, a number of black intellectuals from the Third World, writing under the influence of Marxism, were deeply involved with the anti-colonial national liberation movements. Postcolonial theory emerging in the 1980s, with little interest in these black intellectuals, turned to politics of difference as well as theories of discourse and power in post-structuralism to make a full critique of the representations, hybridity and colonial subjectivity in colonial discourses. The paper, through analyzing the identity politics of negritude proposed by Aimé Césair and Léopold Senghor and discussing the concept of national culture elaborated by Amilcar Cabral and Frantz Fanon, argues that postcolonial theory owes an intellectual debt to and bears an historical continuity with the Third World anti-colonial Marxism. Keywords: postcolonial theory; Marxism; the Third World; negritude; national culture 03 盖斯凯尔小说《克兰福镇》:饥饿美学与雅致经济 丁礼明 (广西师范大学 外国语学院, 广西 桂林 541004) 【摘要】英国维多利亚时期伊丽莎白·盖斯凯尔的小说《克兰福镇》是作家的现实主义文学力作,作者刻意描绘的雅致经济和饥饿美学意在揭示时代背景下小镇女人们狭隘的思想意识,批判她们不合时宜的经济行为和过分节俭的生活习惯。研究表明,雅致经济和饥饿美学实则展示的不仅是英国旧式文化范式:压抑欲望来提升美德,借助节俭风范来加强道德修养,最终实现审美理性目标。而且,小镇女人们刻意追求的雅致经济和饥饿美学主要目的是为了建构女性的社会身份和塑造高贵的社会地位。 【关键词】盖斯凯尔;《克兰福镇》;雅致经济;饥饿美学 Gaskell’s Cranford: Hunger Aesthetics and Elegant Economy DING Liming (School of Foreign Languages, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541004, China) Abstract: Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell in the Victorian period of England is a realist masterpiece of the author. The author deliberately depicts the elegant economy and hunger aesthetics to reveal the narrow ideology of the small-town women of that time, and criticizes their inappropriate economic behavior and excessively thrifty living habits. My argument is the elegant economy and hunger aesthetics actually show more than the old British cultural paradigm: suppress desire to promote virtue, strengthen moral cultivation by virtue of thrift, and finally achieve the aesthetic rational goal. Moreover, the main purpose of elegant economy and hunger aesthetics pursued by women in small towns is to construct women’s social identity and create noble social status. Keywords: Gaskell; Cranford; elegant economy; hunger aesthetics 翻译研究 01 社会翻译学视域下中国当代文学外译机制研究——以贾平凹《高兴》英译为中心 冯正赋1 唐雪2 (1. 西安科技大学 人文与外国语学院, 陕西 西安 710600; 2. 西安外国语大学 研究生院, 陕西 西安 710128) 【摘要】作为建构中国文化软实力的重要力量,中国文学“走出去”浪潮席卷而来,我国众多作家及作品走出国门,享誉国际文坛。贾平凹作为中国当代文学场域最具代表性的作家之一,其作品的英译活动受到学界广泛关注。2017年,《高兴》英译本由亚马逊跨文化出版事业部向全球出版发行,就译介效果而言,堪称贾平凹小说海外传播的巅峰之作。本文结合海外销量、OCLC馆藏量及海外大众读者书评,探析贾平凹小说的译介与传播效果,并通过布迪厄社会实践论与拉图尔行动者网络理论考察《高兴》译介行为过程。研究发现,《高兴》项目发起网络、翻译生产网络、出版发行网络及评价网络的有效运行是译本海外传播的关键所在,可以为中国当代文学“走出去”提供启示。 【关键词】中国当代文学;《高兴》;译介与传播;社会翻译学 Translation Mechanism of Contemporary Chinese Literature from the Perspective of Socio-translation Studies: With Jia Pingwa’s Happy Dreams as a Case in Point FENG Zhengbin1 TANG Xue2 (1. College of Humanities and Foreign Languages, Xi’an University of Science and Technology, Xi’an 710600, China; 2. Graduate School, Xi’an International Studies University, Xi’ an 710128, China) Abstract: As a major strategy to raise Chinese cultural soft power, Chinese literature “going-out” has received increasing attention. At this backdrop, numerous Chinese writers have won world reputation, and Jia Pingwa, a representative of Chinese contemporary writers, is among them. In 2017, the English version of Happy Dreams was published worldwide by Amazon Crossing, which turned out to be a success. This paper is a case study to analyze Happy Dreams’ reception in the English-speaking world in terms of overseas sales, OCLC world share collection and public readers’ book reviews, and also an examination of its translation and dissemination process drawing on Bourdieu’s Theory of Social Practice and Latour et al.’s Actor-Network Theory. It is found that the project initiation network, the translation production network, the publication and dissemination network and the evaluation network are the major underpinnings of the overseas success of Happy Dreams. The findings will provide inspiration for the “going-out” of contemporary Chinese literature. Keywords: contemporary Chinese literature; Happy Dreams; translation and dissemination; socio-translation studies 02 叙事冲突视角下葛浩文英译莫言小说叙事流变 王金贵 吕世生(南开大学 外国语学院, 天津 300071) 【摘要】Mona Baker(蒙娜·贝克)的叙事性阐释理论揭示了翻译本体叙事与目标语集体叙事和公共叙事的对抗关系。在该理论指导下,通过文本细读和对比分析葛浩文英译莫言小说发现,葛浩文在叙事选材、叙事结构和翻译策略等方面发生了从以归化为主到以异化为主的流变过程,其原因在于翻译叙事在对抗冲突中具有动态性和累积性,在动态叙事累积中传递文化和创造文化。 【关键词】叙事冲突;叙事流变;葛浩文;莫言 Narrative Evolution of Howard Goldblatt’s Translation of Mo Yan’s Novels from the Perspective of Narrative Conflict WANG Jingui, LV Shisheng (College of Foreign Languages, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China) Abstract: Mona Baker’s narrative interpretation theory shows that there is antagonistic relation between the ontological narration of source language and the public and the collective narration of the target language. Under the guidance of the theory, through close reading and comparative analysis of the texts, it is found that the translations have changed from domestication to foreignization in the aspects of narrative selection, narrative structure and translation strategies. The reason lies in the dynamic and cumulative nature of translation narration in the narrative conflicts, which transfers culture and creates culture in the accumulation of dynamic narration. Keywords: narrative conflict; narrative evolution; Howard Goldblatt; Mo Yan 关键词:山东外语教学 |
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