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《山东外语教学》2021年第5期摘要一览 高端访谈:李亚飞→布莱恩·理查森
李亚飞1 布莱恩·理查森2
(1. 电子科技大学 外国语学院, 四川 成都 611731 2. 美国马里兰大学 英文系, 马里兰 大学公园 20742) 【摘要】本访谈围绕非自然叙事学的核心概念及弗鲁德里克和费伦等人对非自然叙事学理论属性的质疑展开。理查森教授在访谈中界定了非自然叙事,并将之与自然叙事、非模仿叙事等概念作了区分。他还详细阐述了非自然叙事的规约化问题。在理查森看来,非自然叙事指的是那些超越现实主义模仿规约的叙事实践,其核心在于反模仿。理查森教授在访谈中回应了弗鲁德尼克和费伦等人对非自然叙事学提出的批评。他指出,建构非自然叙事学的目的,在于通过聚焦反模仿叙事来对整体性的叙事诗学作出修正和拓展,以使叙事理论体系更为完整。谈及非自然叙事学的未来发展方向时,理查森认为寻求不同叙事研究流派之间的对话是推进非自然叙事学进一步发展的重要路径。
【关键词】布莱恩·理查森;非自然叙事;反模仿;后经典叙事学 Core Concepts and Critical Debates of Unnatural Narratology: An Interview with Professor Brian Richardson LI Yafei1, Brian Richardson2 ( 1. School of Foreign Languages, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,Chengdu 611731,China; 2. Department of English, University of Maryland, College Park MD 20742, USA) Abstract: This interview deals with the core concepts and Fludernik’s and Phelan’s skepticism about the theoretical vigor of unnatural narratology. Professor Richardson delineates unnatural narrative as a critical concept and distinguishes it from other related terms such as natural narrative and nonmimetic narrative. He further explains the conventionalization of unnatural narrative. For Richardson, unnatural narrative denotes the narrative practice defying realist mimetic conventions, with antimimeticism as its defining feature. In addition, Richardson responds to the criticisms about unnatural narratology launched by Monika Fludernik and James Phelan. He argues that unnatural narratology seeks to complement current narrative poetics through focusing on unnatural narratives. Richardson further points out that the collaborations between different sub-strands of postclassical narratology is the direction for the future development of unnatural narratology. Keywords: Brian Richardson; unnatural narrative; antimimetic; postclassical narratology 语言研究“话语研究”专题 主持人按语:王铭玉 “话语”(discourse)一词,最早来自语言学。但近些年该词热度急升,不仅在语言学中引发了“话语分析”“批评话语分析”“多模态话语分析”等研究的持续增温,还与社会学、文化学、人类学等多个学科形成交叉研究,致力于以话语研究的理论与方法解决人类社会文化领域中与交际有关的各种问题。近些年来,“话语”逐渐成为政治学领域中的核心术语,直接与“话语权”及国家文化软实力联系起来。这一方面说明语言学的重要性日益凸显,另一方面说明语言的社会功能引起了人们的高度关注。本栏目汇集了三篇文章,它们均以话语为核心语汇,分别从“一带一路”、国家形象及企业形象为话题展开研究,为语言学服务社会需求探讨必要的路径。 《“一带一路”背景下的对外话语体系与建构》首先从历史维度、价值维度、利益维度及制度维度阐释了“一带一路”的意义,并对其核心内容用标志性语言予以提炼。该文的焦点在“话语体系”,作者从超越语言之社会概念出发,从十个方面探讨了“一带一路”背景下中国对外话语体系的建构问题,具有重要的咨政价值。《“美丽中国”解说词的多模态翻译及国家形象建构研究》以BBC拍摄的自然风光纪录片《美丽中国》为例,通过比较两种语篇中的多模态关系,透析出与话语权相关的翻译问题,探讨译者如何利用多模态翻译策略改变“他塑”的中国形象。文章提出了适合多模态翻译的分析模式,对建构更加真实全面的中国形象具有启示意义。《基于语料库的能源企业身份建构的批评话语分析》以“中国石油”官方网站中的新闻报道为语料,运用语料库工具,从批评话语分析的视角,探讨“中国石油”如何通过运用不同的话语策略建构其积极的企业身份。对企业官方网站新闻报道进行批评话语分析,不仅能够明确该话语的语言学特征,而且对于树立企业良好形象,增强我国能源实力有所帮助。 话语体系就是一个意义表达系统,而与国家制度、国家利益相关的国际地位、国际形象、国际实力等要素均要通过话语权得以表现,因此,话语既是交往的工具,也是文化的神经,语言学对其深入研究和探索责无旁贷。 “一带一路”背景下的对外话语体系与建构
王铭玉1 崔雪波2
(1. 天津外国语大学 语言符号应用传播研究中心, 天津 300050 2. 延边大学 外国语学院, 吉林 延吉 133002) 【摘要】“一带一路”倡议是中国应对百年未有之大变局新形势向世界提出的中国理念和方案。八年来,该倡议从起初的规划设想已经变成了实实在在的国家间合作,发展势头令人可期。对“一带一路”倡议可以从历史、价值、利益、制度四个维度予以深层认识,可以从十个标志性数字加深对其内容的系统把握。“一带一路”旨在向全世界传达中国关于国际秩序的理念以及主张,亟待建构一个更加具有包容性、认同感的国际话语体系。“话语”一词来自于语言学,但目前已走入了政治学领域,尤其是与“权”字融合以后,它开始成为一个超越语言、超越学术的社会概念。中国对“话语体系”的研究意识很强,但仍需全面深入挖掘。为此,我们在“一带一路”背景下提出了建构中国对外话语的十个命题:主旨精神、主体定位、基本原则、内在条件、外在关系、传播元素、角色功能、翻译方式、思维模式、平台配置。“一带一路”建设任重道远,构建健康的对外话语体系更是新时代的一个重要课题。 【关键词】一带一路;话语;话语权;话语体系;建构 Discourse System for International Communication and Construction under the Background of the Belt and Road Initiative WANG Mingyu1, CUI Xuebo2 (1. Research Centre for Linguistic Semiotics, Tianjin Foreign Studies University, Tianjin 300050, China; 2. College of Foreign Languages, Yanbian University, Yanji 133002, China) Abstract: The Belt and Road Initiative is the Chinese concept and plan that China has put forward to the world in response to the greatest change and the newest situation over the century. In the past eight years, the Initiative has moved from a programmatic vision to a real partnership between countries, with promising momentum. The Initiative can be profoundly understood from four dimensions: history, value, interest and system. And there are ten landmark data which can lead to a deepening of grasp of the Initiative. The Belt and Road Initiative aims to convey to the world China’s ideas and propositions on the international order, and it is urgent to construct a more inclusive and recognizable international discourse system. The word “discourse” comes from linguistics, but it has entered the field of political science. Especially after merging with the word “power”,it starts to become a social concept beyond language and academic. China has a strong awareness of the study of “discourse system”,but it still needs to be thoroughly explored. Therefore, under the background of The Belt and Road Initiative,this paper puts forward ten propositions for constructing China’s discourse system for international communication: theme spirit, subject positioning, basic principles, internal conditions, external relations, communication elements, role functions, translation method, thinking mode and platform configuration. The Belt and Road Initiative has a long way to go. In this new era, it is an important task to establish a sound discourse system for international communication. Keywords: the Belt and Road Initiative; discourse; discourse power; discourse system; construction 基于语料库的能源企业身份建构的批评话语分析
孙秀丽 (中国石油大学(华东) 外国语学院, 山东 青岛 266580) 【摘要】能源企业的身份建构是企业提高自身竞争力的重要环节,但其重要性常被忽略。本文基于语料库的定量研究方法,从批评话语分析视角出发,研究“中国石油”如何通过其官方网站中的新闻报道建构企业身份。通过对特定高频词、索引行、搭配词及指称/命名策略、述谓策略和视角化策略的研究,探究新闻报道在建构企业身份时的语言使用特点,并揭示在新闻语篇中意识形态对语言使用的影响,以期对树立能源企业良好形象,增强我国能源实力有所帮助。 【关键词】能源企业;身份建构;批评话语分析;中国石油 Corpusbased Critical Discourse Analysis of Energy Enterprise Identity Construction SUN Xiuli ( School of Foreign Studies, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao 266580, China ) Abstract: The identity construction of energy enterprise is a significant part in enhancing its competitiveness. However, its importance is often underestimated. Therefore, based on the corpusbased quantitative research method, this paper studies how China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) constructs its identity through the news reports in its official website from the perspective of critical discourse analysis. Through the analysis of the specific high-frequency words, concordance lines, collocation words, denotation/naming strategies, predication strategies and perspective strategies, this paper explores the characteristics of language use in news reports during the process of constructing enterprise identity and reveals the influence of ideology on language use in news discourse, hoping to contribute to the construction of the good image of energy enterprise and the enhancement of our country's strength in energy. Keywords: energy enterprise; identity construction; critical discourse analysis; China National Petroleum Corporation 《美丽中国》解说词的多模态翻译及国家形象建构研究 武建国 李玓桥 张宏珊 (华南理工大学 外国语学院, 广东 广州 510641) 【摘要】纪录片集图像、声音、文字于一体,具有典型的多模态特征,在带给观众丰富感官体验的同时能有效地塑造和传递国家形象。鉴于此,本文基于Pastra(2008)的跨媒体互动关系和Delabastita(1990)的符际转换模型,以自然风光纪录片《美丽中国》为例,通过分析原文语篇中的多模态关系,识别出潜在的翻译问题,并探讨译者如何利用多模态翻译策略改变“他塑”的中国形象。分析表明,多模态关系主要表现为等价性、独立性和互补性,BBC利用延伸、选择、排除、强调、详述等方法塑造了特定的中国形象,而CCTV在保留或调整原文语篇多模态关系的基础上,通过增译、缩译、省略、编译等策略合理重塑中国形象。本文旨在提出适合多模态翻译的分析模式,探索有效的多模态翻译策略,从而建构更加真实全面的中国形象。 【关键词】多模态翻译;国家形象建构;翻译策略;《美丽中国》 Multimodal Translation of the Commentaries in Wild China and the Construction of National Image WU Jianguo, LI Diqiao, ZHANG Hongshanr (School of Foreign Languages, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, China) Abstract: Documentaries integrate images, sounds and words, full of typical multimodal characteristics, which can shape and convey the national image while bringing viewers auditory and visual delight. Given this, based on Pastra’s (2008) COSMOROE and Delabastita’s (1990) Intersemiotic Shifts Model, taking the natural scenery documentary Wild China as the example, this paper analyzes the multimodal relationships in the source text, identifies potential translation problems, then investigates how translators modify the “other-shaping” image of China by utilizing multimodal translation strategies. It is found that, based on three main types of multimodal relationships, namely equivalence, complementarity and independence, BBC creates a negative image of China by means of extension, selection, exclusion, emphasis and elaboration, while CCTV, on the basis of retaining or adjusting the multimodal relationships of the source text, reestablishes the national image through addition, condensation, omission and compilation. The paper aims to propose a suitable analytical model for multimodal translation and thereby explore the multimodal translation strategies for effectively constructing an authentic and comprehensive image of China. Keywords: multimodal translation; national image construction; translation strategy; Wild China 教学研究“二语习得研究”专题
主持人按语:蔡金亭 在应用语言学领域,二语习得与外语教学就像硬币的两面,其对象都是人们通过各种方式掌握一门新语言,两者具有密切联系,只不过前者侧重于学,后者侧重于教。二语习得研究描写、解释人们在学习、使用新语言过程中出现的各种现象,探求背后的社会、认知机制,其研究结果有助于我们理解学生在外语教学中出现的语言、行为和心理。正是因为这个原因,从20世纪70年代起,二语习得研究在世界范围内蓬勃发展;10多年后,我国也开始了相关研究。经过近50年的发展,二语习得研究在国际和国内已经比较成熟,不仅拥有Language Learning、SSLA、Second Language Research、《第二语言学习研究》等专业性期刊(集刊),而且我国大多数外语期刊上也发表了大量相关论文。近年来,二语习得研究在理论创新和教学应用方面都有新发展。新的理论视角包括基于使用的二语习得研究、复杂动态系统理论视角的二语发展研究等,教学应用的主要内容是探究教学在提升二语学习中的作用。为此,《山东外语教学》本期推出的“二语习得研究”专栏,包括三篇论文,恰好反映了我国学者在这三个方面的新探索。 蔡金亭、曾慧慧的论文从基于使用的视角,聚焦于英语动词论元构式,通过对TOELF11语料库中母语为德语、汉语、西班牙语学习者的同题目、同水平英语作文中该构式进行标注与分析,考察了二语学习者母语的语言类型对他们使用英语动词论元构式的影响。结果发现,母语与目的语之间的类型相似性仅对某些动词论元构式的类符频数有显著影响,但有助于提高该构式的准确度。 朱慧敏、刘艳梅的论文从复杂动态系统理论的视角,采用科学方法,对两名大学生的12次作文进行了细致分析,力图“窥一斑而知全豹”,了解学习者英语词汇复杂度各指标的发展规律、变异特点以及各指标之间的联动关系。研究结果证实了该理论的普遍价值,词汇复杂度的发展呈现出非线性和可变性的特征,各指标的发展具有联动性。作者还讨论了研究发现对教学的启示。 柳恒爽、黄天德的论文采用质性和量化相结合的方法,对近20年的文本强化二语教学研究进行了全面综述,厘清了前人研究在主题、设计、发现等方面的特征,并讨论了它们对我国开展相关研究的启发。阅读此类“为别人读书”的综述性论文,可以帮助读者快速了解某一专题的概况,为下一步调整焦点,做针对具体问题的实证研究,奠定良好的基础。 总起来看,这些论文反映了国际二语习得研究的新理论和新应用,并结合我国外语学习者进行了实证研究或理论探讨,希望对进一步推动我国二语习得和外语教学研究走向世界舞台中央做出积极贡献。 母语类型对二语学习者使用英语动词论元构式的影响
蔡金亭1 曾慧慧2 (1. 上海财经大学 外国语学院, 上海 200433; 2. 曲阜师范大学 外国语学院, 山东 曲阜 273165) 【摘要】母语的语言类型对英语动词论元构式可能有影响,但国内尚无相关研究发表。因此,本文通过对TOELF11 语料库中母语为德语、汉语、西班牙语学习者的同题目同水平英语作文进行标注与分析,考察了二语学习者母语的语言类型对他们使用英语动词论元构式的影响。结果发现:(1)学习者的母语与目的语的类型相似性对VL和VOL构式中动词与介词的类符频数都没有显著影响,但对形符频数有显著影响,类型相似性越高,形符频数越高。(2)母语与目的语的类型相似性有助于提高动词论元构式使用的正确率。但类型相似性在两类构式中对动词错误都没有显著影响,对介词错误的边缘显著影响只在VOL构式中存在。 【关键词】基于使用的二语习得;语言类型;母语迁移;动词论元构式 The Effects of First Language Typology on the Use of English Verb Argument Constructions by L2 Learners CAI Jinting1, ZENG Huihui2 ( 1. School of Foreign Studies, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai 200433, China; 2. College of Foreign Languages, Qufu Normal University, Qufu 273165, China ) Abstract: The effects of language typology on the acquisition of verb argument constructions (VACs) are an important issue, but have been unfortunately neglected in China. In order to fill the gap, this paper investigated how L1 German, L1 Chinese and L1 Spanish learners used VACs in parallel English argumentations from TOELF11 corpus. After data coding and analysis, the following findings were yielded. First, the typological similarity between learners’ L1 and English did not significantly affect the type frequencies of verbs and prepositions, but exerted significant influence on their token frequencies, which suggested the facilitation of typological similarity. Second, typological similarity seemed to benefit the learners in using VACs correctly. In terms of its influence on errors, it was not significant in verbal errors in both VL and VOL constructions, but peripherally significant only in prepositional errors in the VOL constructions. Keywords: usagebased approaches; language typology; L1 transfer; verb argument constructions 二语写作词汇复杂度动态发展个案研究 朱慧敏1 刘艳梅2 (1. 山东财经大学 外国语学院, 山东 济南 250014; 2. 山东财经大学 公共外语教学部, 山东 济南 250014) 【摘要】本文运用复杂动态系统理论的可视化数据处理技术和回溯访谈,考察两名初始水平相当的非英语专业大学生两学年内的限时英语议论文,探究个案词汇复杂度动态发展特征及其影响因素。结果显示:二者的词汇复杂度存在不同程度的变异性和个体差异性,不同指标呈现非线性发展;各指标间表现出动态纷呈的联动发展特征,词汇密度和词汇变化性关联生长,但两人的词汇密度与词汇复杂性、词汇变化性与词汇复杂性的交互发展模式具有显著性差异。研究表明,学习者的内外部资源和词汇系统交互影响词汇的变异发展,有限的认知资源及其分配的不均衡导致个体内和个体间不同的联动发展模式。 【关键词】词汇复杂度;动态发展;二语写作;复杂动态系统理论;个案研究 A Case Study on the Dynamic Development of Lexical Complexity in Second Language Writing ZHU Huimin1, LIU Yanmei2 ( 1. School of Foreign Studies, Shandong University of Finance and Economics, Jinan 250014, China; 2. School of Foreign Languages Education, Shandong University of Finance and Economics, Jinan 250014, China ) Abstract: By adopting visual data processing techniques based on the complex dynamic systems theory and retrospective interview, this study explores the dynamic developmental features of lexical complexity by keeping track of the timed argumentative writings by two nonEnglish majors with similar initial English proficiency in two academic years. It is found that the development of lexical complexity shows different degrees of variability and individual differences, and the developmental trajectories of componential elements within the lexical complexity subsystem are nonlinear; the componential elements show interactive and nonsynchronous developmental patterns and lexical density versus variation are connected growers, but the interactive developmental patterns of lexical density versus sophistication, and of variation versus sophistication of the two learners show significant difference. This study verifies that the interaction of the internal and external resources and the lexical system influences the development of lexical variability, and the limited cognitive resources and their unbalanced distribution result in the different interactive developmental patterns of intra and interindividual vocabulary indicators. Keywords: lexical complexity; dynamic development; second language writing; complex dynamic systems theory; case study 近20年国外文本强化二语教学研究进展 柳恒爽1 黄天德2 (1. 广东外语外贸大学 外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心, 广东 广州 510420; 2. 广东外语外贸大学 西方语言文化学院, 广东 广州 510420) 【摘要】质性和量化分析显示,2000至2019年间国外37项文本强化二语教学研究多采用成人被试,被试的母语或二语多为字母语言,二语教学的目标(即文本强化的对象)侧重语法领域,且文本强化教学干预的时长和频次尚存提升空间。上述发现可为我国国内的文本强化二语教学研究提供如下启示:(1)文本强化研究应系统关注未成年人的二语语音、词汇、语法、语用教学;(2)以汉语为母语或二语的文本强化研究理应在国际学界有更响亮的发声;(3)文本强化二语教学研究应兼顾教学干预的持久性与外显性。 【关键词】文本强化;输入强化;二语教学;质性分析;量化分析 Second Language Teaching with Textual Enhancement in the English Literature of the Past 20 Years: A Qualitative and Quantitative Review LIU Hengshuang1, HUANG Tiande2 ( 1. National Key Research Centre for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou 510420, China; 2. Faculty of European Languages and Cultures, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou 510420, China ) Abstract: Based on qualitative and quantitative analyses of 37 English studies using textualenhancement interventions in second language teaching from 2000 to 2019, the study revealed that most of the 37 studies preferred to recruit adult participants whose first or second language was alphabetic language. In addition, grammar was the most popular target domain of textual enhancement in second language teaching, and the duration and the frequency of textualenhancement interventions were always inadequate and unideal in the past 37 studies. Based on these findings, implications were provided for future studies in China: (1) future studies should systematically focus on the instruction of phonology, vocabulary, grammar, and pragmatics in the nonadult population; (2) studies investigating the effect of textual enhancement in Chinese native speakers or second language learners of Chinese need to be more vocal in international academia; (3) the duration and the explicitness of textualenhancement interventions need to be coordinated in future studies. Keywords: textual enhancement; input enhancement; second language teaching; qualitative analysis; quantitative analysis 文学研究“外国文学经典及其改写研究”专题 主持人按语:王卓 外国文学经典及其改写和传播具有重要学术价值和现实意义。从某种意义上说,人类生存的一个精神层面就是不断创作、传播文学经典,并在文学经典某些永恒的价值陶冶中成长、成熟、升华。哈罗德·布鲁姆说,“文学是一切时间、一切地点的一切人类文化的特征”,可以说文学是人类命运共同体中一个永恒的文化元素。尽管文学经典生产和传播的并非通常意义上的有用信息,但这种传播却具有追求真理、陶冶情操、认知社会、认识自我的特定价值。研究文学经典文本的前世今生,从文学谱系的角度尝试揭示文学经典生成与传播的内在规律性,也是文学批评中某些重要的批评方法和理念的核心所在。比如弗莱的原型理论、布鲁姆的“影响的焦虑”、克里斯蒂娃的互文性、巴赫金的对话性等均是基于文本之间内在关联性孕育而生的。 外国文学经典的跨媒介呈现既作为外国文学经典传播的有效途径,也作为文学经典流变的社会文学语境,成为考察文学经典生成与传播的一个独特视角。在文学史上,文学经典通过跨媒介改编和跨文化传播,获得了新的生命。比如《俄狄浦斯王》和《神曲》的影视改编、莎士比亚戏剧在当代媒体中的改写和传播、《浮士德》的戏剧、音乐及影视改编、布莱克诗歌经典化过程中“诗画结合”创作因素和诗歌的跨媒介传播、奥尼尔戏剧《琼斯皇》的电影和舞台剧的颠覆性改编、《布拉格之恋》的视觉转换等均是跨媒介跨艺术研究的经典范例。文学经典的跨媒介改编和传播突破了从文本到文本的衍生路径,以动态、立体、跨学科、跨媒介方式考察文学的再生性和重构性,为文学经典的重构和传播提供全新的路径。 本期三篇文章均选自于本刊联合主办的“外国文学经典及其改写高端论坛”(2021年7月9-11日)的主旨发言。陈红薇、邹带招在《<夜莺之爱>中的神话重述与政治诗学》中分析了当代英国女剧作家布莱克·韦滕贝克在剧作《夜莺之爱》中对菲洛墨拉、忒瑞斯、普洛克涅、希波吕托斯、酒神等多个神话的改写策略,阐释了剧作家的女性主义文化政治观和对人类认知的再认识。李方木在《加缪对福克纳<修女安魂曲>的改编》中以加缪对福克纳小说创新性、跨媒介、跨文化的改编为对象,指出加缪在新剧中删除了原作中的三篇序言,突出了男性角色,改变了小说的叙事形式,但升华了原作中的人道主义关怀。翟乃海的《当代英语小说中的经典改写与审美政治》是一篇综论,该文跳出后现代主义提供的互文性和身份政治等分析框架,从“创造”“原创”观念来重新定义当代英语小说对经典的改写,并利用哈罗德·布鲁姆的“六个修正比” 和“误读之图”来阐释当代英语小说中经典改写的策略和路线,以及相应的审美效果与政治功能。三篇论文既有细致入微的文本细读,也有视野宽广的理论阐释,彼此呼应,为读者提供了全面理解外国文学经典及其改写精髓的本文案例。 《夜莺之爱》中的神话重述与政治诗学
陈红薇 邹带招 (北京科技大学 外国语学院, 北京 100083) 【摘要】自上个世纪后半期,神话重述风靡西方主流剧场,成为后结构时代一种重要的文化棱镜。在《夜莺之爱》中,当代英国女剧作家汀布莱克·韦滕贝克以菲洛墨拉、忒瑞斯、普洛克涅、希波吕托斯、酒神的女祭司等多个神话为起源文本,从女性主义神话学的角度构建了一种基于神话话语之上的剧场叙事,不仅揭示了传统神话书写之下的潜流,也改写了希腊神话中关于人类认知的宏大主题。 【关键词】神话再写;神话话语;女性主义神话学;政治诗学 Myth Rewriting and Poetic Politics in The Love of the Nightingale CHEN Hongwei, ZOU Daizhao (School of Foreign Studies, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China) Abstract: Spurred by postmodernism, myth rewritings became a cultural prism in the western mainstream theatres in the late 20th century. Based on the myths of Philomele, Procne, Tereus, Hippolytus, Phaedras and Bacchae, Timberlake Wertenbaker constructs a contemporary mythical story from the perspective of feminist myth criticism, revealing the undercurrent beneath the mainstream narration of traditional myths, and revising the grand cognitive themes about mankind in Greek myths. Keywords: myth rewriting; mythical discourse; feminist myth criticism; political poetics 加缪对福克纳《修女安魂曲》的改编 李方木 (山东科技大学 外国语学院, 山东 青岛 266590) 【摘要】加缪对福克纳获诺贝尔文学奖之后创作的第一部作品《修女安魂曲》进行了创新性改编。他删除了原作中的三篇序言性长文,将两位女性人物坦普尔和南茜悲剧命运淡化处理,强调坦普尔丈夫的困境,把他塑造为西西弗式的现代悲剧英雄形象。加缪对福克纳的改编很大程度上改变了原作的叙事形式,主旨却是殊途同归,再度升华了原作的人道主义关怀。加缪的福克纳改编是对同时代作家的隐形借力,是个人创作理念的去个性化表达,福克纳也得以实现了跨媒介、跨文化传播。 【关键词】加缪;福克纳;《修女安魂曲》;戏剧改编 Camus’ Adaptation of William Faulkner’s Requiem for a Nun LI Fangmu (School of Foreign Languages, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590, China) Abstract: Requiem for a Nun, the first new novel by William Faulkner after being awarded the Nobel Prize in literature, was creatively adapted by Albert Camus in 1956, who abridged the three prose essays prefacing each act and exerted more emphasis not upon those female characters of Temple and Nancy, but upon Gowan Stevens, a Sisyphus-like character as a modern tragic hero. Camus’ adaptation deviates dramatically from Faulkner’s narrative forms but remains much faithful to, even highlights the original theme of humanistic concern. Camus gains more impetus after this successful adaptation, in which his own conception of artistic creation reveals itself indirectly, whereas Faulkner goes further intermedial and cross-cultural. Keywords: Camus; Faulkner; Requiem for a Nun; dramatic adaptation 当代英语小说中的经典改写与审美政治 翟乃海 (山东师范大学 外国语学院, 山东 济南 250358) 【摘要】改写经典是当代英语文学在形式和主题上自我建构的重要方式。不同于互文性和身份政治等分析框架,本文从“创造性”角度重新定义当代文学改写,提出改写是作家在现代性语境中通过修改、重述代表传统观念的经典作品来重构身份、知识、价值或想象未来的创造活动;本文指出,哈罗德·布鲁姆的“六个修正比” 和“误读之图”能够更为有效解读当代英语小说中的经典改写策略,而借助“暗恐”(the uncanny)这一审美范畴能够更为深入审视经典改写的效果和意图,探索其中对人性知识的拓展和文化批判的政治意图。 【关键词】改写;创造性;“误读之图”;暗恐;审美政治 On Rewriting Classics in Contemporary English Novels and Its Aesthetic Politics ZHAI Naihai (School of Foreign Languages, Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250358, China) Abstract: Rewriting classic works is a major way of constructing contemporary English literature formally and thematically. Dispensed with the frameworks of intertextuality and identity politics, this study recovers “creativity” in the rewriting of contemporary literature and redefines it as creation of human beings in modernity by critiquing, revising convention and establishment encoded in classics in order to reconstruct identity, knowledge, values, or revision a different future. In terms of textual analysis, Harold Bloom’s “Six Ratios” and “The Map of Misreading” are apparently more effective and comprehensive in interpreting the strategies used in rewriting. Moreover, the aesthetic category “the uncanny” will enrich our understanding of human nature and the culturalpolitical critique involved in literary rewriting. Keywords: rewriting; creativity; “map of misreading”;the uncanny; aesthetic politics 翻译研究 《人间词话》“境界”理论的英译对比研究
——以涂经诒译本与李又安译本为例 荣立宇1 王洪涛2 (1. 天津师范大学 外国语学院, 天津 300387; 2. 北京外国语大学 英语学院, 北京 100089) 【摘要】文章围绕着《人间词话》“境界”理论及其衍生的“造境”与“写境”、“有我之境”与“无我之境”、“隔”与“不隔”等核心概念,对该著涂经诒、李又安两个译本的相关英译做了系统、深入的对比研究。研究发现:从理解认知层面来看,较之涂译,李译对于“境界”理论中的重要概念有着更加深刻的认识与更为细化的把握,这对于西方读者深刻理解“境界”说理论更加具有建设性的意义;从翻译策略层面来看,涂译应当属于“格义”处理,而李译则更加具有“正名”性质;在中国文论的国际传播方面,涂译在英语世界可以起到认知铺垫的作用,而李译在西方学界则可以更多地发挥概念还原的功能;在“中国文化走出去”宏大背景之下,李译的“正名”译法较之涂译的“格义”处理更加贴合时代的主题。 【关键词】《人间词话》;文学批评;境界说;格义与正名 A Comparative Study of English Translation of the “Jingjie” Theory in the Two Versions of Jen-chien Tz’uhua Respectively by Tu Jingyi and Adele Rickett RONG Liyu1, WANG Hongtao2 ( 1. School of Foreign Languages, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin 300387, China; 2. School of English and International Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing 100089, China ) Abstract: Taking as an example two English versions of Jen-chien Tz’uhua translated respectively by Tu Jingyi and Adele Rickett, this article makes a comparative study of English translation of the “Jingjie” theory and its derivative concepts such as “Zaojing” and “Xiejing”,“Youwo Zhijing” and “Wuwo Zhijing”,“Ge” and “Buge”in a systematic and indepth way. It concludes as follows: from the perspective of understanding and cognition, Rickett’s version shows more profundity in the mastery of the major concepts appeared in the “Jingjie” theory and more meticulousness in their translation, which is more constructive for the western readership to gain an indepth understanding of this theory; from the perspective of translation strategy, Tu’s version falls in “Geyi”,whereas Rickett’s version assumes more characteristics of “Zhengming”;from the perspective of the worldwide spread of Chinese literary criticism, Tu’s version paves an easier way for the English readership to get themselves familiar with “Jingjie” theory, whereas Rickett’s version will be more functional in presenting the original meanings of Wang Guowei’s basic concepts; against the background of “Chinese Culture Going Global”,Rickett’s version with more “Zhengming” tint is more suitable to the themes of our era. Keywords: Jen-chien Tz’uhua; literary criticism; the “Jingjie” theory; “Geyi” and “Zhengming” 白居易《长恨歌》五种英译文翻译策略体系研究 刘锦晖 文军 (北京航空航天大学 外国语学院, 北京 100083) 【摘要】翻译策略研究无论对于翻译批评还是翻译实践都有重要的借鉴意义。汉语古诗英译是中国文化外译历程中一项重要内容,汉语古诗因文体的特殊性和内容的历史性、文化性,其英译策略理应得到更多关注。本文以汉语古诗英译策略体系为描写框架,对《长恨歌》五位译者的译文进行系统描写与对比。分析发现五位译者的策略在语言、形式、词汇转换和附翻译层面上各有特色,每种译文的内部策略自成体系。进一步分析后发现,汉语古诗英译策略的选择会受到译者的翻译观、翻译目的以及诗学等多重文本外因素的影响。 【关键词】汉语古诗英译策略体系;《长恨歌》;影响因素 A Study of the Translation Strategy System of Five English Translations of Changhenge by Bai Juyi LIU Jinhui, WEN Jun ( School of Foreign Languages, Beihang University, Beijing 100083, China ) Abstract: The study of the translation strategy of translating Chinese classical poems will benefit our understanding of the complexity and variety of translation strategy. Because of the distinctiveness of the ancient Chinese poetry, its translation deserves more attention from the academia. By drawing on the strategies system of the English translation of Chinese classical poems, this paper takes the five English translations of Bai Juyi’s Changhenge as the research object and systematically analyses their translation strategy in the levels of language, form, content and paratranslation. The analysis shows that these five translations have different features in the above four aspects and within each translation the translation strategies in the four levels are interconnected. A further exploration reveals that the choice of strategies in translating Chinese classical poems will be influenced by various extratext elements, like the poetic, the translation idea and purposes. Keywords: the strategy system of English translation of ancient Chinese poetry; Changhenge; influencing elements 《红楼梦》话语标记语英译之视角等效 祖利军 (对外经济贸易大学 英语学院, 北京 100029) 【摘要】文章首先对话语标记语的定义进行了梳理,发现话语标记语翻译研究不但具有理论意义,而且具有实践意义;然后通过将认知语义学识解理论中的视角维度同传统等效理论相结合,提出了视角等效的概念,总结了实现《红楼梦》话语标记语英译视角等效的六种翻译策略。文章认为,视角等效不但适用于话语标记语翻译,也适用于总体翻译实践。 【关键词】视角等效;话语标记语;英译;《红楼梦》 Perspective Correspondence in English Translation of Discourse Markers in Hongloumeng ZU Lijun ( School of International Studies, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing 100029, China ) Abstract: Sorting out the definitions of discourse markers (DMs), the present study recognized both theoretical and practical significance of their English translation. By coalescing the perspective dimension of construal in Cognitive Semantics with the traditional theory of correspondence, we proposed the concept of Perspective Correspondence. After a discussion of six translation strategies found in English translation of DMs in Hongloumeng, a conclusion was reached that perspective correspondence applied not only to the translation of DMs but also to translation practice of all kinds. Keywords: perspective correspondence; discourse marker; English translation; Hongloumeng |
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