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各大英文词典先后公布2021年度词汇 韦氏词典:Vaccine疫苗 据CNN报道,近日韦氏词典公布了今年的年度词:疫苗。对于一些人来说,疫苗是希望和健康的象征,然而对于另一些人来说,这代表着一件政治化事件。 Merriam-Webster just announced its Word of the Year. For some, it is a symbol of hope and health. For others, it's a representation of a politicized issue. 与2019年相比,今年该网站上对于Vaccine一词的查询增长了1048%。今年8月, Vaccine的搜索量上涨535%,原因跟全球部分地区的大规模接种、疫苗政策、审批以及接种率等有关。彼时,正值美国纽约和加州推行医护人员强制疫苗接种政策,并向公众提供新冠疫苗加强针接种等,从而引发有关疫苗分发不公的讨论。 There was a 1,048% increase in site lookups this year compared to 2019. This August, lookups of "vaccine" jumped 535% due to widespread distribution in parts of the world and major stories about policy, approval and vaccination rates. It was also the time when New York and California instituted vaccine mandates for healthcare workers, as well as national announcements about booster shots for the general public, which led to debates about inequities in vaccine distribution. 秋末时节,Vaccine一词的搜索量仍然稳定,因为大家在讨论奥密克戎变种以及疫苗对其的有效性。 And searches have remained stable through late fall, especially with talk about the Omicron variant and the efficacy of vaccines in stopping it. 无独有偶,牛津英语词典的2021年度词也和“疫苗”有关,单词Vax意为“打疫苗”。词典方面称,由于新冠肺炎疫情,2021年与疫苗相关的词汇更加频繁出现,“接种过两剂疫苗的”( double-vaxxed)、“未接种疫苗的(unvaxxed)”和“反对疫苗人士”( anti-vaxxer)这些词汇的使用频率骤增。Vax第一次出现在上世纪80年代,作为名词使用;随后在21世纪初开始,逐渐作为动词使用。 Vax has been chosen as the word of the year by lexicographers at the Oxford English Dictionary (OED). Words related to vaccines have spiked in frequency in 2021 due to Covid, with double-vaxxed, unvaxxed and anti-vaxxer all seeing a surge in use. The word first appeared as a noun in the 1980s and then started to be used as a verb in the early 21st century, according to the report. 剑桥词典:Perseverance 毅力 剑桥词典在网站上宣布了2021年度词为Perseverance(毅力),称“这个词完美体现了在充满挑战的2021年,全世界人民不屈不挠的意志。”同时,Perseverance也表现出全球对于美国宇航局“毅力号”火星探测器的关注。 Cambridge Dictionary has announced perseverance as its Word of the Year 2021. It’s a word that perfectly captures the undaunted will of people across the world to never give up, despite the many challenges of 2021. And, of course, the global interest in the NASA mission to Mars. 柯林斯词典:NFT 非同质化代币 NFT为non-fungible token的缩写,表示的是“唯一的数字认证,在区块链中注册,用来记录某一资产的所有权,比如艺术品收藏品等。”词典方面也表示,NFT是否会有长期影响仍有待观察,但是NFT的突然出现并引发全球讨论,足以让其被选为年度词汇。 An NFT is "a unique digital certificate, registered in a blockchain, that is used to record ownership of an asset such as an artwork or a collectible." "Whether NFTs will have lasting influence is yet to be determined, but its sudden presence in conversations around the world makes it very clearly our Word of the Year,” the dictionary said. Dictionary.com网站:Allyship 同盟关系 Dictionary.com网站将allyship定义为:宣扬并为某边缘群体或政治敏感群体积极工作从而使该群体融入社会各界的人的身份或角色,这些人不隶属于该群体,但是为群体斗争发声,接受群体领导。 Dictionary.com defines "allyship" as "the status or role of a person who advocates and actively works for the inclusion of a marginalized or politicized group in all areas of society, not as a member of that group but in solidarity with its struggle and point of view and under its leadership." 该网站表示,Allyship是今年用户在其网站搜索的前850词之一,搭配搜索的词汇还包括workplace(工作场所)等,因为企业会公开承诺在多元、平等以及包容上多做努力。 "Allyship" was one of the top 850 search terms that steered online users toward the site in 2021, Dictionary.com said, often searched with the word "workplace" as companies publicly pledged to invest in diversity, equity and inclusion efforts. 网站指出,今年,Allyship一词越来越多的被用来指代黑人和性少数群体,同时还包括在疫情期间边工作边看孩子的父母,医护人员,教师及航空工作人员。 This year, the word was increasingly used in reference to Black and LGBTQ people, Dictionary.com reported, as well as for parents working and handling child care during the pandemic, healthcare workers, teachers and airline employees. 关键词:年度词汇 |
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