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新时代培养“讲好中国故事”的外语人才倡议书 新时代培养“讲好中国故事”的外语人才倡议书
Telling China's Stories Well: Training Foreign Language Storytellers for the New Era An Initiative by the National Foreign Studies Universities Collaboration Committee for Student Affairs 为党而生,与党同行。外语人才在党和国家的发展历程中、在中国融入世界发展中,留下了深刻的时代印记。不忘初心,方得始终。新的百年奋斗征程,需要我们重整行装再出发,推动人类命运共同体构建、促进中外人文交流。为推动中国更好走向世界、世界更好了解中国,全国外语外贸院校发出如下倡议: Born for our Party; walking with our Party. Foreign language professionals have had a lasting influence on the development of the Party and the country, and on the integration of China into the world. Today, we must remain true to our mission if we are to accomplish our goals. As we embark on a new journey toward the second centenary goal of building a modern socialist country, we must prepare ourselves well so as to facilitate the building of a community with a shared future for mankind and to strengthen people-to-people and cultural exchanges with other countries. In order to help China better reach out to the world, and to help the world better understand China, foreign studies universities across China issued the following initiative: 一、贯彻落实回信精神。2021年9月25日,习近平总书记给北外老教授回信,强调“深化中外交流,增进各国人民友谊,推动构建人类命运共同体,讲好中国故事,需要大批外语人才,外语院校大有可为”。总书记的重要回信,是全国外语外贸院校的精神航标和行动指南,是培养新时代外语人才的美好愿景和时代考卷。我们要深刻领会回信蕴含的思想精髓,准确把握回信阐述的时代品格,切实担负回信赋予的神圣职责,深入落实回信提出的工作要求。 1.Putting General Secretary Xi Jinping's reply into practice. In his reply dated September 25th of 2021 to a letter written by a group of senior professors at Beijing Foreign Studies University, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasised that "to deepen exchanges between China and the world, strengthen friendship with people of all nations, promote the development of a community with a shared future for mankind, and tell China's stories well, a huge amount of foreign language professionals are needed and the country's foreign studies universities have a major role to play". General Secretary's reply letter serves as a guiding principle for all foreign studies universities in China. It is a grand vision to educate and train foreign language professionals in the new era. We need to fully appreciate the essence of the ideas embodied in the letter and properly understand the defining characteristics of the new era that General Secretary has described. The letter leaves us with a solemn responsibility that we must all undertake as we carry out the work that we have been asked to do. 二、主动融入时代新局。当今世界风云变幻,人类命运休戚与共,中国与世界形成了“你中有我”“我中有你”的紧密联系。面对百年未有之大变局,面对中华民族伟大复兴的战略全局,全国外语外贸院校要扎根中国大地办大学,胸怀“国之大者”,推动“一带一路”建设,服务国家,服务基层,服务西部;要坚持深化改革创新、充分激发外语教育事业发展的生机活力,全面提升办学质量和育人水平。 2.Taking the initiative to embrace the new era. In today's ever-changing world where humanity is increasingly interconnected, China's destiny is closely-knit with that of the rest of the world. Faced with a level of change unseen in a century and the strategic landscape for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, all foreign studies universities in China must focus on China's national realities and top priorities. The universities must drive the development of the Belt and Road Initiative, serve the needs of the country, the communities and the western regions. Educational reform and innovation should be further deepened, so as to galvanize foreign language education, and improve the quality and outcome of education. 三、潜心厚植家国情怀。“天地存肝胆,江山阅鬓华。”在纷繁复杂的世界大局中,家国情怀是热血报国的昂扬风貌,更是义不容辞的奋勇担当。我们要大力弘扬爱国主义精神、创新设计主题教育活动、注重培育引领“Z世代”的网络名师、精心打造线上线下红色教育矩阵,坚定培养有底气、有骨气、有志气的外语人才,感国家之所想、应国家之所急、赴国家之所需,为服务国家战略、站稳人民立场、投身强国伟业贡献青春力量。 3.Fostering a deep sense of duty to the nation. "The passionate commitment to one's nation remain unswerving in the vastitudes of time." Today, faced with an increasingly complex global environment, our sense of duty and commitment to nation is both an expression of our service to our nation and a moral responsibility that must be upheld. Universities must promote the spirit of patriotism and design innovative educational programs and events that focus on key national themes. They must focus on training online teachers who can guide Generation Z and create a web of patriotic education that extends both offline and online. Their teaching practices need to equip foreign language students with the self-confidence, courage and vision that they need to understand and meet the needs of their country. Students must be able to contribute to our national strategy, stand firm on the side of the people, and devote their youth to building a strong and prosperous country. 四、开放培养全球视野。“形器不存,方寸海纳。”当下,国际力量对比深刻调整,世界进入动荡变革期。我们要担当使命、赓续奋斗,推动构建人类命运共同体,大力弘扬全人类共同价值。立足国家需求和学校实际,在课程体系建设、全球实习实践、资源优化配置等方面集中发力,鼓励学生进入国际组织,推动外语外贸院校“世界一流”建设进程,培育具备感知全球、理解世界、融通中外的新时代外语人才。 4.Developing a global outlook. "An unbounded mind can hold the vastness of ocean." The world has now entered into a period of turbulent changes where international forces are going through profound restructuring. We must remain resolute in our mission to build a community with a shared future for mankind and promote the common values of humanity. Taking into account the needs of the nation and the current circumstances of our universities, we must focus on developing curriculums, improving resource allocation and providing students with global internship opportunities. Students should be encouraged to take up positions in international organisations, and foreign studies universities should aim to position themselves as educational leaders on the world stage. As we move into the new era, our education needs to equip foreign language students with a strong awareness of the global context and a deep understanding of China's role in the world. 五、练就过硬专业本领。“十年磨一剑,一朝试锋芒。”过硬的专业本领,是外语人才促进中外交流的底气所在,是外语院校改革发展和人才培养的关键所在。我们要遵循思想政治工作规律、遵循教书育人规律、遵循学生成长规律,学习实践相结合,朋辈帮扶共成长,通过交流对话促思考,通过竞赛活动提能力,努力培养政治素质过硬、专业知识精博、外语基本功扎实的复合型外语人才。 5.Honing professional expertise. "It takes ten years to sharpen a sword." Professional expertise provides the groundwork from which foreign language professionals can confidently engage in exchanges with the international community. It is a key factor in reforming and developing foreign language institutions and fostering future talent. We must follow the best ways to conduct political and moral education and to impart knowledge and foster high moral standards in the best interests of students. Learning needs to be combined with practice and friends and peers should be encouraged to help each other grow and learn. Using communication and dialogue as a means of extending thinking and competitive activities as a means of extending ability, we must strive to raise well-rounded foreign language professionals that are endowed with high political calibre, extensive professional knowledge and a solid foundation in foreign language skills. 六、提高外语运用能力。语言是中外沟通的桥梁,是讲好中国故事的载体。在人工智能深度影响语言学习与使用的当前,语言能力的提升,不仅需要课堂上的讲授与训练,更需要课堂外的锤炼与实践。我们要迎接信息时代的挑战,确信人与人之间语言交流的不可替代性,专注于外语人才语言能力的娴熟运用,让学子在参与国家和地方外事外交活动,展现青年风采,塑造国家形象。 6.Improving application of foreign languages. Language is the bridge of communication between China and the world and the medium through which we tell China's stories. In an age where artificial intelligence is profoundly affecting the way we learn and use language, increasing language ability requires not only teacher instruction and training but also active practice in the world outside the classroom. Meeting the challenges that the information age poses, we must understand that human to human language exchanges are non-replaceable. This means that we need to focus on helping foreign language students master their language skills, and allow them to use their youth and vitality to shape the image of our nation at national and local diplomatic events. 七、提升跨文化沟通能力。文化是不同国家民族选择自身道路的内在基因,有效的跨文化沟通能够消除误解、实现共赢。外语人才需要扎根中国,保持自身文化底色;也需要放眼国际,理解不同文化逻辑。我们要搭建多样多彩平台,让各种不同的语言相遇相知,让不同的文化交流碰撞,鼓励学子体会语言之美、感受文化之魅,将自己的故事用对方能够意会言传的方式表达,进行不同文化的对话。 7.Enhancing cross-cultural communication abilities. Culture is the internal force that drives countries and nations to choose their own path. Effective cross-cultural communication can resolve misunderstandings and help parties achieve win-win results. Foreign language professionals need to be rooted within a Chinese context and maintain a strong Chinese cultural identity. At the same time, they must also have a global perspective and be able to understand the logic behind different cultures. We need to create a stage upon which the world's diverse languages and cultures can meet and learn from each other, encouraging students to experience the beauty of languages and cultures that are different from their own. We must help students to tell their stories in a way that resonates with their audience and provide them with the means to engage in intercultural dialogue. 八、增强国际传播能力。新媒体技术的运用,使传媒从人员、内容到空间都发生了根本性变革。应时而动,追赶潮流,敏感把握时代特点,努力发掘自身优长,以校内新媒体平台、社会新媒体平台为练兵场,培养兴趣爱好,培训专业技能,研究传媒对象,适应传播分众化,逐步建立传播好中国声音的意识,不断提高讲好中国故事的技能,在小平台上培养大人才。 8.Strengthening international communication. The use of new media technology has fundamentally revolutionised the media in terms of agents, content and space. We must keep pace with these changes and have a nuanced understanding of the features of our time. Students need to be encouraged to find their own strengths in applying new media and should use the new media platforms within their universities and society at large to practice creating new media content. We must develop their interests in new media, train them in the use of new technology, and foster their research into audience needs and targeted messaging approaches. Through this practice, foreign language students will be able to gradually become aware of the voice that is needed to tell China's stories and be able to master the techniques required to tell them well. In this way, we will be able to use local platforms to nurture the development of global media expertise. 九、突出特色打造品牌。各美其美。我们要结合实际,发挥优势,凝练特色,在就业创业、心理健康、共青团工作等方面积极探索,形成一批具有鲜明外语外贸院校特点的精品项目、特色品牌。我们要推进育人共同体建设,完善实践育人和社会育人机制,进一步加强校校合作、校地合作、校企合作、区域间合作。我们要营造培育“讲好中国故事”外语人才的氛围,提高网络新媒体育人能力,立体化多角度培养新时代外语人才。 9.Creating a brand through emphasising distinctive features. One should understanding the beauty of his or her own culture. In light of actual conditions, we need to give fully play to our advantages and draw on the uniqueness of Chinese culture to develop a range of projects and distinctive brands that are imbued with features unique to foreign language universities. This will involve actively searching across areas such as employment and entrepreneurship, mental health and Communist Youth League work. We need to promote the development of an education community and create mechanisms that allow for students to learn from both practice and society at large. Universities must further cooperation with other universities, local governments and the business community and encourage inter-regional cooperation. In the drive to create a multifaceted approach to training language professionals in the new era, we must create opportunities for students to be able to tell China's stories well and improve our ability to educate students in an online environment. 十、依托联盟形成合力。美美与共。我们要加强交流合作,深度研讨共性问题,广泛开展专题合作,在时代新命题、发展新难题面前,共同做好答卷人。我们要加强力量统筹,建立学工科研课题库,形成研究合力,产出科研成果,不断扩大协作会的影响力和贡献度,切实提升育人质量和水平。我们要充分发挥协作会的桥梁纽带作用,努力推动外语外贸类院校一体化建设,共享资源,共献智慧,共同培养“讲好中国故事”的外语人才。 10.Forming synergies based on alliance. One should converge the beauty of our own and others. We need to promote communication and collaboration, discuss common problems, and further cooperation in relation to specific themes and topics. It is vital that we work hard to meet the challenges posed by the times in which we live and our current stage of development. We must strengthen the coordination of resources, create student work related research project banks, form research synergies, generate research output and continue to increase the influence of the Collaboration Committee for Student Affairs, thereby improving the quality and outcome of education. We should give full play to the role of the Committee as a linking platform and strive to promote the integration of foreign studies universities, sharing resources, contributing ideas and working together to foster foreign language professionals who can tell China's stories well. 全国外语外贸院校学生工作协作会
2021年12月15日·北京 National Foreign Studies Universities Collaboration Committee for Student Affairs 15 December 2021 – Beijing 关键词:外语 |
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