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《山东外语教学》2021年第6期摘要一览 察学生之所需,探典籍之译道——何艾克教授访谈录 郭高攀1 何艾克2 (1. 上海外国语大学 英语学院, 上海 201620; 2. 犹他大学 哲学系, 美国盐湖城 84112) 【摘要】中国典籍翻译是我国优秀传统文化海外传播的重要途径,倾听汉学家译者的“有声思维”,可为中国典籍的翻译理论与实践、海外传播与接受提供有效参考。美国犹他大学哲学系何艾克(Eric L. Hutton)教授长期从事中国哲学典籍的翻译与教学工作,研究对象包括孔子、荀子、韩非子等思想家及其著作。笔者有幸采访了何教授,请他以《荀子》的教材型翻译为主线,就中国典籍翻译在美国大学生群体中的接受现状,典籍教材的翻译策略、编写特点、学生反馈,以及其个人的翻译经历与计划三个方面深入阐释了观点。希望此次访谈能为中国典籍海外教材的开发及翻译策略、目的国学生的需求及认知取向研究等提供参考。 【关键词】中国典籍翻译;《荀子》;何艾克;大学生教材 The Analysis and Discussion of Students’ Needs and Translation Strategies on Chinese Classics: An Interview with Professor Eric L. Hutton GUO Gaopan1, Eric L. Hutton2 (1. School of English Studies, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 201620, China; 2. Department of Philosophy, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA) Abstract: The translation and interpretation of Chinese classics provide us an effective way for their overseas communication. While a large amount of Chinese classics have been translated by sinologists, it is convincible to listen to their opinions on Chinese classics’ translation theory, practice and overseas reception. Professor Eric L. Hutton, from the Department of Philosophy of University of Utah, has long been dedicated to translating and teaching Chinese philosophy classics. His research interests include works of philosophers such as Confucius, Xunzi and Hanfeizi. I was honored to have an interview with professor Hutton. He reflected upon his professional experience and his translation of Xunzi as textbook, underlining the reception of Chinese classics among American college students, the translation strategies and compilation principles of Classical Studies textbooks. It is hoped that this interview would shed some light on the translation of Chinese classics, the development of overseas Chinese philosophy textbooks, and the study of students’ needs and cognitive orientation. Keywords: Chinese classics translation; Xunzi; Eric L. Hutton; college students textbook 语言学研究 基于接受理论的经典附加疑问句的翻译研究——以《红楼梦》英译本为例 周震 王进进 (宁夏大学 外国语学院, 宁夏 银川 750021) 【摘要】本文以读者接受理论为基础,通过语料库的方法对霍译和杨译两版《红楼梦》中的经典附加疑问句进行对比分析,发现:1)两个译本中经典附加疑问句的形式与读者审美习惯一致;2)霍译本中经典附加疑问句的数量和言语功能的使用更加符合译文读者的审美期待。语言文化背景的差异和翻译策略的不同是造成两个译本中经典附加疑问句应用差异的主要原因。 【关键词】读者接受;经典附加疑问句;《红楼梦》英译本;对比分析 A Study on Canonical Tag Questions in Translation Based on Reception Theory: Taking English Versions of Hongloumeng as Examples ZHOU Zhen, WANG Jinjin (School of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021, China) Abstract: Based on reception theory, this paper compares canonical tag questions in English versions of Hongloumeng by Chinese translator Yang Xianyi and British sinologist David Hawkes with the assistance of Chinese-English Parallel Corpus of Hongloumeng. The results are as follows: 1) the form of canonical tag questions in both versions conforms to the aesthetic conception of target readers; 2) the frequency and speech functions of canonical tag questions in Hawkes’ version satisfy better target readers’ aesthetic expectation. It has also been found that the differences in translators’ cultural background and translation strategies are the major causes of the discrepancies in the use of canonical tag questions. Keywords: reception theory; canonical tag questions; English versions of Hongloumeng; comparative study 动词语境意义变异的类公转型特征及其显著性层级差异 邬菊艳 (上海理工大学 外语学院, 上海 200093) 【摘要】对于语境中的词义变异现象,学界常冠以“不可捉摸”“变化无常”之名,但这貌似无常的背后,是否依然有章可循?本文基于动词与名词互为语境视角,通过考察动词的语义依赖和语义密度两大属性,揭示动词语境意义变异的规律性特征。研究发现有三:一是词义共振原理是动词语境意义变异的机制和动力;二是动词语义因定义缺省,对名词具有依赖性,语境中的动词往往围绕名词进行意义构建,这种词义构建的变异模式体现出行星围绕太阳的类公转型特征;三是动词自身语义密度的高低与类公转型特征的显著性层级成反相关关系。 【关键词】语境意义变异;词义共振;类公转型;语义依赖;语义密度 Revolution-like Features of Verbal Situated Meaning Variation and its Salience Hierarchical Differences WU Juyan (College of Foreign Languages, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China) Abstract: Word meaning variation in contexts is widely considered elusive or changeable. However, going behind such seemingly irregular phenomena, do there exist regularities that can be followed? From verb and noun inter-contextualization perspective, the regular features of situated meaning variation exhibited by verbs are revealed in this paper through the observation of verbal semantic dependency and density. Three essential findings are presented as follows: 1) the principle of word meaning resonance is the working mechanism and impetus for meaning transformation of verbs in contexts; 2) verbal semantic content with their definition being default is dependent on nouns. Contextual verbs strive to be compatible with nouns in meaning construction, which displays features of the revolution like movement by a star around the sun; 3) the degree of semantic density is correlated inversely with the salience hierarchy of revolution-like features. Keywords: verbal situated meaning variation; word meaning resonance; revolution-like type; semantic dependency; semantic density 中外理科学者学术英语词块的语料库对比研究 娄宝翠 王蜜蜜 (河南师范大学 外国语学院, 河南 新乡 453007) 【摘要】本研究采用语料库对比方法,考察中外理科学者学术语篇中四词词块的结构和功能异同。研究发现,与国际学者相比,中国学者显著少用四词词块;在结构层面,中国学者过多使用动词词块,对介词和名词词块使用不足;在功能层面,中国学者显示出对文本结构词块的过度依赖,对框架、描述、立场词块等使用不足,且表达方式较为单一。中外学者在表达相同语篇功能时使用词块的结构具有差异性。研究结果对学术英语写作和教学具有借鉴意义。 【关键词】词块;语料库;学术语篇;理科学者 A Comparative Corpus-based Study of Lexical Bundles in Journal Articles Written by Chinese and International Science Scholars LOU Baocui, WANG Mimi (Faculty of International Studies, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang 453007, China) Abstract: By adopting the corpus-based approach, this study compares the structural types and functional categories of four-word lexical bundles in journal articles written by Chinese and international science scholars. The results show that, compared with international scholars, Chinese scholars useless four-word lexical bundles; structurally, Chinese scholars use more VP-based bundles, less PP-based and NP-based bundles; functionally, Chinese scholars overuse the structural bundles, underuse the framing, description and stance bundles, and employ a limited variety of bundles. It has also been found that Chinese and international scholars use lexical bundles differently in expressing the same textual function. The results of this study can be used for reference in academic writing and teaching. Keywords: lexical bundles; corpus; academic writing; science scholars 教学研究“外语教师专业发展”专题 主持人按语:王雪梅 2021年教育部工作要点中提及“高等教育高质量发展体系不断完善,紧缺人才培养质量持续提高”以及“深入落实教师教育振兴决策部署,构建高水平教师教育体系”等目标任务。就人才培养而言,在“一带一路”倡议推进和人类命运体构建过程中,我们需要更多有政治定力、语言能力、学科能力和话语能力的卓越多语人才,特别是“一带一路”沿线关键土著语言人才。就教师发展而言,在新文科、课程思政、线上教学等新常态背景下,随着“双万”计划和“六卓越一拔尖计划2.0”的推进,外语教师作为学生成长的引路人、人才培养的主力军和教学研究者,其课程力、情绪调节、身份认同等维度亟需研究。鉴此,本期推出王雪梅、徐锦芬、杜小双、张莲等学者的三篇文章,以飨读者。第一篇在厘定相关概念的基础上,结合关键土著语言需求分析,探讨概念之间的关系,从课程开发、课程实施、课程评估、课程研究等讨论教师课程力发展路径。第二篇在明确教师情绪调节的重要性并综述相关研究的基础上,阐述情绪调节目标、情境选择、情境修正、注意分配、认知改变和反应调节等五种情绪调节策略。第三篇从复杂动态理论视角,描述了案例教师教学研究者身份认同的过程和变化,剖析教师认知发展的复杂动态性。以上研究对于提升课程与人才培养质量、促进教师专业发展具有启示意义。 关键土著语言通识课程视域下的外语教师课程力发展 王雪梅 (上海外国语大学 中国外语战略研究中心/上海外国语大学 世界语言博物馆, 上海 200083) 【摘要】“一带一路”倡议的推进对关键土著语言人才的需求日益增强,相应的通识课程建设与教师专业发展也逐步引发学界关注。本文基于对关键土著语言、通识课程、教师课程力的界定,结合相关调研数据分析关键土著语言人才培养对通识课程以及教师课程力的需求,分析教师课程力、关键土著语言通识课程与关键土著语言人才之间的关系,进而从课程开发、课程实施、课程评估、课程研究等维度探索教师课程力的发展路径,期望进一步丰富相关研究。 【关键词】关键土著语言;通识课程;外语教师;课程力;发展 Foreign Language Teachers’ Curriculum Competence Development from the Perspective of General Education Courses of Critical Aboriginal Languages WANG Xuemei (China Center for Language Planning and Policy Studies of Shanghai International Studies University, the Museum of World Languages of Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 200083, China) Abstract: The promotion of “the Belt and the Road” Initiative has increasingly demanded the critical aboriginal languages talents. The relevant general education courses development and teachers’ professional development have also drawn more attention from the academic field. Based on the definition of critical aboriginal language, general education courses and curriculum competence, this paper analyzes the requirements of cultivating critical aboriginal language talents on general education courses and teachers’ curriculum competence. It further analyzes the relationship among teachers’ curriculum competence, general education courses and critical aboriginal language talents, and further probes into the approaches of teachers’ curriculum competence development from the aspects of curriculum development, implementation, assessment and researches, in the hope of enriching relevant studies. Keywords: critical aboriginal languages; general education courses; foreign language teachers; curriculum competence; development 大学英语教师专业发展中的情绪调节:目标与策略 徐锦芬 (华中科技大学 外国语学院, 湖北 武汉 430074) 【摘要】教学是一种情绪实践,涉及许多情绪体验,但长期以来大学英语教师专业发展一直比较关注教师的专业知识和专业技能,而忽略了教师情绪及其调节对教学的影响。本文首先通过介绍情绪及其相关研究说明教师情绪调节对外语教学的重要作用,然后从工具性目标与享乐性目标、内在目标与外在目标、减弱情绪与增强情绪目标三大方面探讨了情绪调节目标,最后基于Gross的情绪调节过程模型介绍了情境选择、情境修正、注意分配、认知改变和反应调节等五种情绪调节策略。 【关键词】大学英语教师;情绪实践;情绪调节目标;情绪调节策略 Emotion Regulation in College English Teachers’ Professional Development: Goals and Strategies XU Jinfen (School of Foreign Languages, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China) Abstract: Teaching is an emotional practice, involving a lot of emotional experiences. However, for a long time, the professional development of College English teachers has paid more attention to teachers’ professional knowledge and skills, ignoring the impact of teachers’ emotions and emotion regulation on teaching. This paper first explains the important role of teachers’ emotion regulation in foreign language teaching by introducing emotion and its related research, then discusses the emotion regulation goals from three aspects: instrumental and hedonic goals, intrinsic and extrinsic goals, goals of decreasing and increasing emotions, and finally, based on Gross’s process model of emotion regulation, introduces the five emotion regulation strategies, i.e. situation selection, situation modification, attentional deployment, cognitive change and response modulation. Keywords: college English teachers; emotional practice; emotion regulation goals; emotion regulation strategies 学习成为教学研究者:英语教师身份认同变化个案的复杂动态系统分析 杜小双 张莲 (北京外国语大学 英语学院, 北京 100089) 【摘要】本文报告一项英语教师建构教学研究者身份认同的过程和变化案例研究,聚焦变化过程的复杂动态性。结果表明:1)案例教师研究者身份认同变化表现在其自我形象、自我效能感、工作动机、工作投入、工作满意度、任务感知六个方面出现波动,体现了身份认同变化的混沌性和非线性特征;2)部分教师学习活动成为触发变化的典型事件,以“扰动”的方式颠覆教师原有认知、重构教师的知识和经验;3)“扰动”并非必然引起身份认同的良性变化,而是触发教师身份认同的波动起伏,这种非决定性的因果关系体现了教师身份发展的复杂动态性。 【关键词】英语教师;身份认同变化;复杂动态系统理论 Becoming a Teaching Researcher: A CDST Case Study of EFL Teachers’ Indentity Change DU Xiaoshuang, ZHANG Lian (School of English and International Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing 100089, China) Abstract: This paper reports a case study of how an English teacher constructed her identity as a teaching researcher through learning to do an action research project. The study focuses on the complexity and dynamics of the constructing process. Results show that in the first place the participant teacher’s change of identity as a researcher was substantiated in her self-image, self-efficacy, job commitment, satisfaction and perceptions of work, indicating the chaotic and non-linear nature of identity change. Secondly, some teacher learning activities served as typical events to perturbate the teacher’s cognition and reconstruct her knowledge and experience. Thirdly, perturbations did not necessarily lead to positive change of the teacher’s identity; rather, they only caused the fluctuations of her identity, rendering the complexity and dynamics of teacher identity development. Keywords: EFL teachers; identity change; Complex Dynamic Systems Theory 文学研究 重返“无返之门”——《月满月更之时》中的奴隶制、“居间性”和家族谱系 綦亮 (苏州科技大学 外国语学院, 江苏 苏州 215009) 【摘要】保罗·吉尔罗伊基于奴隶制记忆、从“跨民族和文化间性”视角构筑的“黑色大西洋”框架为解读讲述奴隶制和黑人流散的文学作品提供了重要切入点。但这方面的研究主要集中在英美两国黑人文学,缺少对其他国别和区域黑人文学的关注。加拿大著名黑人作家迪翁·布兰德的小说《月满月更之时》对“黑色大西洋”话语有明显介入。该作一方面以想象来回溯奴隶制历史,塑造挑战边界、处于居间状态的人物形象,呼应了吉尔罗伊的学术思想,另一方面通过构建彰显女性旅行经验和女性代际维系的家族谱系,描摹出黑人流散的心理轨迹和精神状态,从女性视角对“黑色大西洋”进行了再阐释。 【关键词】迪翁·布兰德;“黑色大西洋”;奴隶制;家族谱系;黑人流散 A Return to "The Door of No Return": Slavery, In-betweenness and Genealogy in At the Full and Change of the Moon QI Liang (School of Foreign Studies, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou 215009, China) Abstract: Based on the memory of slavery and a “transnational and intercultural perspective”, Gilroy’s notion of “the Black Atlantic” offers a frame of reference for the study of literary works concerning the history of slavery and the Black Diaspora. However, studies in this regard have almost exclusively focused on black writers from Britain and America. There is an overt correlation between “the Black Atlantic” discourse and At the Full and Change of the Moon, a novel written by the renowned black Canadian writer Dionne Brand. The novel both dovetails with Gilroy’s theory by imagining the history of slavery and portraying characters who challenge borders and occupy in-between space, and reinterprets it by mapping the psychological trajectory and spiritual guidance of the Black Diaspora through a genealogy that highlights women’s travelling experience and generational bond. Keywords: Dionne Brand; the Black Atlantic; slavery; genealogy; Black Diaspora 论“疯癫亚当”三部曲中的食物生态书写 唐建南 (中国石油大学 外国语学院, 北京 102200) 【摘要】加拿大女作家玛格丽特·阿特伍德在“疯癫亚当”三部曲中的食物生态书写不仅剖析了人类世的食物危机,也想象了对抗生态末日的乌托邦饮食体系。人类世的诸多问题导致食物严重匮乏,但是跨国资本主义消费体系中的类食物、转基因食品以及快餐文化却加剧了生存危机。鉴于此,阿特伍德设想了两种互为补充的乌托邦饮食实验:慢食实践与素食主义。前者宣扬回归自耕自食传统,后者加强人类与非人类自然之间的亲密联系,但是后人类时代的草食实践作为极端的素食主义掩盖了灭绝人类的血腥。三部曲中的食物生态书写表明人类有必要采取多种方式塑造可持续的韧性食物体系。 【关键词】玛格丽特·阿特伍德;食物书写;生态;韧性食物体系 An Ecocritical Study of the Food Writing in the MaddAddam Trilogy TANG Jiannan (School of Foreign Languages, China University of Petroleum, Beijing 102200, China) Abstract: In Margaret Atwood’s MaddAddam Triology, the writer exposes the food crisis in the Anthropocene and imagines a new food system in her utopian world. The multiple problems result in the overwhelming shortage of food. However, the ersatz food, GMOs, and the fast food supported by the global capitalist consumerist culture lead to the worsening of the ecological crisis. To counteract this dystopian tendency, Atwood puts forward two complementary food practices: slow food and vegetarian activism. The former encourages people to adopt the self-sufficient lifestyle and the latter promotes the kinship between human and nonhuman nature. However, grass-eating, as an extreme form of vegetarianism, conceals the cruelty of exterminating humanity. The ecological dimension of food writing in the trilogy shows the necessity of building a sustainable resilient food system in multiple ways. Keywords: Margaret Atwood; food writing; ecology; resilient food system 美国南方“新怪谭”小说《湮灭》的后自然书写 张鲁宁 韩启群 (南京林业大学 外国语学院, 江苏南京 210037) 【摘要】21世纪美国南方作家杰夫·范德米尔在多部“新怪谭”小说中积极回应全球性和区域性环境危机,赋予作品鲜明的后自然书写特征。本文分析其代表作《湮灭》,从小说中X区域独特的后自然特征和人类“湮灭”事件这两个层面考察范德米尔后自然书写的叙事机制,以此透视小说的独特审美价值以及作家的环境伦理观。作为美国南方生态文学创作领域的“怪谭梭罗”,范德米尔的创作植根于新世纪以来美国南方日益凸显的环境危机现实,其独特的后自然书写有效拓展了21世纪美国南方文学环境危机的叙事路径。 【关键词】杰夫·范德米尔;“新怪谭”;《湮灭》;后自然书写;美国南方生态文学 The Post-natural Writing in the New Weird Fiction Annihilation ZHANG Luning, HAN Qiqun (School of Foreign Studies, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China) Abstract: American southern writer Jeff VanderMeer made vigorous responses to the global and regional environmental crisis in his New Weird fictions, which are permeated with distinctive features of post-natural writing. This paper, through close reading of VanderMeer’s Annihilation, explores the post-natural narrative mechanics in this novel from two aspects, respectively the unique post-natural surroundings and the human annihilation in the post-natural world. By doing so, it is to find out the ecovalue of the fiction and the writer’s understanding of environmental ethics. VanderMeer, dubbed as the “weird Thoreau” in American southern ecoliterary circle, has rooted his work in the progressively alarming environmental crisis in the South, and has enriched the narrative strategies of environmental crisis in American southern literature by his post-natural writing. Keywords: Jeff VanderMeer; New Weird; Annihilation; post-natural writing; American southern eco-literature 翻译研究“PBL翻译教学研究”专题 主持人按语:李德超 1972年,当时任教于荷兰阿姆斯特丹的美裔学者James S. Holmes发表《翻译研究名与实》(The name and nature of translation studies)一文。该文详细地勾勒了对翻译这门学科的名称、应所涵盖研究内容的设想和目的,认为学科应由纯翻译研究及应用翻译研究这两部分组成。这篇文章的面世,对当时仍受主观性、规定性研究和经验总结左右的译学界而言,无疑注入一股清流,为翻译研究在上个世纪80年代初期逐渐成为一门正式的学科,奠定了坚实的理论基础。大约50年后的今天,Holmes所规划的学科蓝图中的许多领域(尤其是在理论研究及描写研究方面)取得了长足的进步。相比之下,隶属于应用研究领域之下的译员培训——亦即翻译教学研究方面,进展却仍然较为缓慢,个人经验总结和翻译教学技巧的描述至目前为止仍然占相当比重。在某种程度上,这些教学观察和体会对翻译的教与学确有启示作用,但因其往往带有主观性、片面性,无法上升到具有一定普适性的理论高度。另外,由于缺乏源自教育学或教育心理学坚实的教学理论或学习理论作为基础,这些个人的教学行为到底在多大程度上对翻译教学以至于整个二语习得理论有何贡献,仍然值得商榷。 针对翻译教学研究进展缓慢的局面,我们觉得一个可行的方案就是参考在其它专业领域运用较为成熟并证明行之有效的教学理念和方法,将其有机移植至翻译教学研究领域之中,而基于问题学习(problem-based learning,简称PBL)即是一种可借鉴用于翻译课堂的教学模式。PBL由加拿大麦克马斯特大学健康科学学院教授Howard Barrows和Robyn Tamblyn在上个世纪60年代所倡导,最早是运用真实的病例于课堂之上,以培训医科生获得像正式医生那种做出诊断时的思维过程。该方法主要有以下几个重要的特点:一是学生自主学习,教师只提供类似脚手架(scaffolding)的辅助作用;二是学习中所用的问题除了需是现今社会中所出现的真实、重要问题之外,还需是弱构型(illstructured),即问题迷惑性大,没有明确直接的解决方法;三是学习必须是要紧密结合其它相关学科的知识,而非靠自己本学科的单一知识来解决问题;四是高度注重学习过程中的学生之间的合作过程;五是考核必须围绕学生在解决问题上取得的进度来进行;六是PBL不能只当作课程的一种教学方法使用,而应该是作为一种教育理念,贯穿至整个课程设计的方方面面,包括教学环境的设置、PBL的具体执行和之后评估等等。 时至今日,PBL因其实用性和有效性而越来越多地运用于医疗以外的教学领域,包括商业、建筑、法律等等。同时,该方法也走出高等教育,开始在中小学教育启用,并取得了丰硕的成果。相比之下,PBL用于翻译教学方面却仍然较为鲜见。为此,《山东外语教学》本期推出“PBL翻译教学研究”专栏,包括三篇论文,聚焦于PBL在中国翻译教学中的应用遇到的挑战与对策、PBL在计算机辅助翻译(CAT)教学中的应用和PBL的自我导向学习(SDL)教学方法在翻译硕士专业学位(MTI)“文类翻译通论”课程的运用,从宏观课程建设及微观个案分析角度探讨了PBL译员培训的前景、操作方法及其利弊。希望有志于此的同行能管中窥豹,从中得到一定的启发,共同促进PBL翻译教学研究的发展。 PBL在翻译教学中的应用:挑战与对策 李德超 (香港理工大学 中文及双语学系, 中国香港) 【摘要】Problem-based learning(简称PBL)是一种基于问题的学习理念,主张用现实中的真实问题来驱动学习。在教学中应用PBL需满足以下三个条件:构建“以学生为中心”的教学主张,提升学生自主和合作学习的效率,提供学习所用的外部资源。为把PBL应用于翻译课堂,我们通过问卷调查法,对内地和香港多所高校翻译课堂教学的情况进行了初步调查,结果显示目前翻译课堂教学普遍存在以下问题:(1)教师对学生自主学习能力的评价较低,信心不足,课外资源使用机会较少;(2)小组合作机会不多,而问题较多,课堂管理难度较大;(3)真实的翻译问题使用频率较低。因此,为有效实施PBL翻译教学,教师要加强对学生自主学习的指导,学习管理小组合作的技巧,提高学生的学习效率;教师也要学习PBL翻译教学理念,制定教学细则,帮助学生成为学习的中心;教师还要积极参加翻译实践,熟悉真实的翻译问题,并将之用于课堂教学。 【关键词】PBL翻译教学;翻译教学;挑战;对策 Applying Problem-based Learning toTranslation Classrooms: Challenges and Solutions LI Dechao (Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China) Abstract: Problem-based learning (PBL) is an educational philosophy which advocates that learning should be driven by authentic problems. The application of PBL to translation classrooms should meet the following criteria, including the facilitation of student-centered learning, the promotion of students’ learning efficiency and the provision of external resources for such learning. To understand the challenges of applying PBL to translation teaching in Chinese mainland and Hong Kong, we have conducted a large scale questionnaire survey about the status quo of teaching and learning of translation in the universities in these areas. Survey results have identified three existing issues in the current translation classrooms: (1) translation teachers do not have enough confidence in students’ ability for conducting self-directed learning by themselves due to a shortage of external resources; (2)opportunities for students’ cooperative learning are insufficient because teachers find it difficult to manage the classroom effectively with this mode of learning; (3) authentic translation problems are not frequently adopted in translation classes. To apply PBL to translation classroom effectively in these areas, it is suggested that translation teachers should facilitate students’ self-directed learning and master the skills for managing cooperative learning in the classroom in order to promote the efficiency of learning. In addition, translation teachers are also advised to familiarize themselves with the philosophy of PBL used in the context of translation and prepare teaching guidelines to help establish student-centered learning environment in the classroom. Translation teachers are also reminded to actively engage in real-life translation practices to know more about authentic translation problems which can be adopted in their problem-based translation teaching and learning. Keywords: PBL translator training; translation pedagogy; challenges; solutions CAT环境下PBL翻译教学模式应用个案研究 刘立香 (集美大学 外国语学院, 福建 厦门 361021) 【摘要】PBL是基于问题的学习理念,主张用真实而复杂的问题驱动学生学习,让学生通过自主学习和合作学习的方式,在教师支架的辅助下,探索出解决问题的方案,形成解决问题的策略和能力,并逐步提升其批判思维、独立判断、人际交往和创新思维等全人能力。计算机辅助翻译(CAT)技术为PBL理念在翻译教学中的实践提供了平台,我们在CAT环境中应用了PBL翻译教学模式,研究显示:(1)CAT支持下的PBL翻译教学模式具有独特的资源优势;(2)不同层次的学生在真实翻译问题的驱动下各有所获,可发展出解决真实问题的策略和方法;(3)学生对翻译真实问题的认识程度直接影响译文质量。问题认识越清晰,译文质量越高,反之亦然。研究启示,为了更好地在CAT环境下应用PBL翻译教学模式,需要教师在PBL前、中、后各个阶段进行引导,发挥问题支架、方案支架、资源支架的作用。 【关键词】PBL教学理念;计算机辅助翻译工具;翻译教学 Applying Problem-based Learning to CAT Course: A Case Study LIU Lixiang (School of Foreign Languages, Jimei University, Xiamen, 361021, China) Abstract: Problem-based learning (PBL) advocates that learning is driven by aproblem. Under the guidance of facilitators, the authentic and complex problems may promote students’ self-directed learning and collaborative learning in the search of solutions for the defined problems, which may foster students’ critical thinking, independent judgments, communication and creation. CAT provides a platform for the practice of PBL translation teaching. In the application of PBL to the CAT environment, the findings are as follows: (1) CAT provides an ideal platform for the practice of PBL. (2) Driven by authentic translation problems, students at different levels could make progress in their own speed and develop strategies to tackle authentic translation problems. (3) Students’ translation quality is directly related to their recognition of translation problems. The more clearly they know the problems, the better their translation quality would be, and vice versa. From the case study, we should realize the importance of the scaffolding role of the teacher in the application of PBL. Specifically, the teacher should function as a scaffold to guide students in the recognition of problems, the solution of problems and the use of external resources. Keywords: educational philosophy of PBL; CAT tools; translation pedagogy 基于问题学习环境中的译者自我导向学习能力培养研究 杨晓华 (西安外国语大学 高级翻译学院, 陕西 西安 710128) 【摘要】本次研究遵循知识的建构性、社会性、复杂性和情景性等知识观,以西安外国语大学翻译硕士专业学位(MTI)“文类翻译通论”课程为例,在基于问题学习(PBL)的环境中通过自我导向学习(SDL)教学方法确定课程目标、提出设计原则、制定教学策略和评价学习效果,创新翻译教学模式,既培养学习者的文类能力和专业文类翻译专长、又培养应用型翻译问题研究和问题解决能力、知识迁移能力和职场所需的通用能力。 【关键词】基于问题的学习;自我导向学习;翻译专长;知识迁移 Fostering Translators’ SDL Competence in PBL Environments YANG Xiaohua (School of Translation Studies, Xi’an International Studies University, Xi’an 710128, China) Abstract: This paper subscribes to the notion that the constructive nature of learning is a complex socially-situated process and then proposes that SDL in PBL can be a pedagogy to innovate the instructional practice such as course design, teaching strategies and the assessment of learning outcomes. Taking “Introducing Genre Translation” (IGT) course offered to the candidates studying in the MTI program in Xi’an International Studies University as a case, the paper proceeds to apply SDL in PBL approach to foster the students to be self-directed learners with the capacity for critical thinking, problem-solving, translation expertise and knowledge transfer. Keywords: Problem-based Learning; Self-directed Learning; translation expertise; knowledge transfer 关键词:外语教学 |
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