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高三教案 第370期

S370-S3 Answers to Quiz time 

1—4 BADB                                              5—8 DABC
9. Lending their favorite books to their friends.
10. You can lend an e-book to your friend and it returns after two weeks.
11. ① Lending.                                          ② Color touch screen.
③ Read Barnes and Noble’s e-books for free by Wi-Fi in their stores.
12. 但很讽刺的是,Nook可能对于巴诺公司而言是赔钱的买卖,至少对于巴诺公司员工而言,可能意味着饭碗不保。
13—17 ABDCC

Could you eat like this? (P4)
1. According to Mary Lawrence, people are now more interested in the vegan diet because ____.
A. it is popular among celebrities
B. people are attaching more importance to healthy lifestyles
C. vegan cookbooks tell how to cook delicious food
D. vegan food is less expensive than meat
2. Which of the following statements about Donald Watson is FALSE?
A. He was an American vegetarian.
B. He created the word “vegan”.
C. He founded the Vegan Society.
D. He preferred not to eat animal products.
3. What attitude does Priscilla Feral have toward the vegan diet?
A. Suspicious.        B. Negative.       
C. Indifferent.        D. Supportive.
4. The underlined word “in” in Paragraph 4 is similar in meaning to ____.
A. successful     B. fashionable     C. tasty     D. healthful

1. B 细节理解题。根据文章第三段最后一句“Now, with the new emphasis on healthy lifestyles, people are more interested.”,可以得知答案为B。
2. A 细节理解题。根据文章第六段可以得知,Donald Watson是一位英国的素食主义者,故答案为A。
3. D 根据文章最后一段可以得知,Priscilla Feral认为素食不但味道好,提供了足够的营养,而且有利于与大自然的和谐共处,故答案为D。
4. B 词义猜测题。In 在此处表示“时兴、流行”,可根据上下文猜出词义。

Don’t talk to me, I’m busy with my iPhone (P5)
5. People in London do not make eye contact on the subway because they are busy ____.
A. going to work              B. reading books
C. thinking private thoughts
D. playing games, reading e-books, listening to music or watching films
6. Those who like war games can download ____ to their iPhones.
A. iShoot      B. Tube Exits      C. iSteam      D. iPod
7. The underlined word “occupied” in the last paragraph probably means ____.
A. delighted                     B. busy      
C. amused                     D. controlled
8. The article tells us that ____.
A. London commuters are unfriendly to strangers
B. Apple has earned a lot of money from selling 40,000 apps
C. technology is changing how London commuters spend their traveling time
D. with all the new time-fillers, London commuters often forget to get off the train

5. D 细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一行“people are just too busy to bother looking”和后文列举的消磨时光的新方式,可以得知答案为D。
6. A 细节理解题。根据文章第四段第二句“One “app”, called iShoot, is a game that features tanks.”可以知道答案为A。
7. B 词义猜测题。根据文章最后一段前后文可以推断出,如果游戏、电子书和音乐还不足以使你忙碌的话,掌上DVD还能提供给你看电影的机会,故答案为B。
8. C 主旨大意题。整篇文章讲述的是伦敦地铁里的人们用新一代电子产品消磨时间的现象,可以得知答案为C。

E-books step it up (P6)
9. What do booklovers take pleasure in, according to the text? (10 words or less)
10. According to Paragraph 2, in what way is Nook an improvement? (within 15 words)
11. List three new features of the Nook. (within 15 words)
12. Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.

Why I’ve chosen joy (P8)
13. What does the writer mean by saying “They are still in awe of my continued existence.”?
A. They are amazed that I am still alive.
B. They are afraid that I will die.
C. They still think of my existence a threat.
D. They admire my positive attitude.
14. The author became ____ after she got multiple sclerosis.
A. depressed                      B. optimistic
C. stressed out              D. supportive
15. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. The author has learned to hide her pain.
B. The author felt bitter when she heard her family doctor’s words.
C. The author is unable to move now that she has multiple sclerosis.
D. The author’s sickness has taught her to see the good in people.
16. The author uses the word “culprit” in Paragraph 9 to mean ____.
A. virus                      B. cancer
C. disease                      D. criminal
17. What can we learn from the text?
A. Hurtful remarks cause permanent damage.
B. Serious illnesses always make people stronger.
C. We need to face our problems bravely.
D. We should treat other’s ill-considered remarks as jokes.

13. A 句意理解题。患重病36后仍然存活,这个奇迹的确令预言他活不到今天的人们感到吃惊。故答案为A。
14. B 情感态度题。作者在患病后用积极的态度面对别人的眼光、言论,笑对生活。因此答案为B。
15. D 细节理解题。根据文章主旨,运用排除法,可知答案为D。
16. C 词义猜测题。culprit指作者患的疾病——mltiple slerosis (多发性硬化),而不是癌症或病毒。
17. C 主旨大意题。正如作者的经历。不管是疾病还是别人不适时地的评论,要学会勇敢面对和泰然处之。

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