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高三教案 第376期

S376-S3 Answers to Quiz time   
1—4 AACA                                              5—8 DCBC                            9—11 DAB
12. Participants/Interviewees/Respondents                                                13. patient
14. young                                                15. 50/fifty                            16. kept on hold
17. impatience/anger                                    18. waiting for                           19. Half
20. the Internet/the online world/the Web                                           21. real /offline

Explaining piracy (P2)
1. The article mainly wants to ____.
A. explain the causes of and possible solutions to Somali piracy
B. warn people against sailing through the Gulf of Aden
C. criticize the ineffective international attempt to solve Somali piracy 
D. report on US Time’s Person of the Year 2009 list
2. Which of the following is contributing to the revival of Somali piracy, according to the article?
A. Poverty and chaos.                
B. Big ocean and dangerous waters.
C. Attacks from secret base camps.
D. High ransoms and international inaction.
3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
A. Pirate ships can’t be detected by radar, making it hard to warn passing ships of possible attacks.
B. Warships sent to the area are to blame for their poor patrolling and inability to destroy piracy.
C. Fishing boats sailing in the Gulf of Aden could be a danger to passing ships.
D. Countries affected by Somali piracy are not making efforts to solve the problem.
4. According to experts, the essential way to solve Somali piracy is to ____.
A. find solutions to the chaos and poverty in Somalia
B. have one country act as senior policeman
C. send more warships to patrol the area
D. unite all countries against pirates
1. A 主旨大意题。本文以索马里海盗成《时代》杂志年度人物候选人为由头,介绍索马里海盗近年来的猖獗,成因和根除办法。
2. A 细节理解题。文章第二段讲述的索马里海盗近年盛行的原因是战乱频繁,民不聊生。答案D中low risks显然不对。
3. C 细节理解题。根据文章倒数第三段,海盗船中有些是被劫持的渔船,因此,这类渔船对来往船只构成隐患。
4. A 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段内容得出答案。


Good at birth? (P6)
5. What is the article mainly about?
A. The behavior of young children.                     B. Debates over human nature.
C. The difference between babies and baby chimpanzees.
D. A new study of human nature.
6. According to Michael Tomasello, human beings are born ____.
A. similar to chimpanzees in nature           
B. selfish and vicious
C. sociable and helpful    D. with a liking for war
7. Of all the following, ____ has a negative attitude towards human nature.
A. Three Character Classic   B. Thomas Hobbes
C. Nicholas Wade           D. Michael Tomasello
8. According to the study, it’s safe to say that ____.
A. human beings are not selfish
B. children like to help others when they get a reward
C. different countries teach social rules at different times
D. children tend to be helpful if they are taught early
5. D 主旨大意题。根据全文来看,整篇文章主要描述的是Michael Tomasello对人性的研究,而A、C选项是研究的部分内容,B选项只是文章的小部分内容,也是为下面的研究做话题铺垫,故答案为D。
6. C 细节理解题。根据文章第三段最后一句可以得知答案为C。
7. B 细节理解题。根据文章第二段可以得知,Thomas Hobbes认为人的本性是自私、好战的。
8. C 推理判断题。根据文章第四段第一句可以排除A选项;根据第六段第一句可以排除B选项;根据第六段最后一句可以排除D选项。根据文章倒数第二段第二句“And it seems to happen across cultures, with their different timetables for teaching social rules.”,可以得知答案为C。


A smile makes a difference (P8)
9. Which of the following is TRUE according to the article?
A. Mr Dawson gave Janet an apple because she gave him a broad smile.
B. Mr Dawson was angry because the children in town always stole apples from his yard.
C. Amy had never invited Janet to stay at her house before.
D. Most kids in town were scared of Mr Dawson.
10. What does the underlined sentence “he started smiling real smiles” mean?
A. Mr Dawson started to accept Amy as a true friend with real feelings.
B. Mr Dawson didn’t know how to smile until he met Amy.
C. Mr Dawson didn’t believe in anyone in the town except Amy.
D. Mr Dawson regretted that he had only half-smiled at Amy before.
11. The last paragraph mainly tells us that ____.
A. we always look for too much in everyday life
B. smiling brings us positive feelings 
C. we have to pretend that we are wearing an invisible smile
D. if we want to accomplish something, we have to cheer each other up      
9. D 细节理解题。文章提到Everyone says he’s the meanest man in town. 可见镇子上的孩子们都觉得Mr Dawson不是好人。前文也提到Kids knew not to go into his yard to pick an apple, because old Dawson, they said, would come after you with his gun. 所以可以看出镇子上的孩子们都很怕他。
10. A 句意猜测题。划线部分的下一句提到She said he always offers her an apple now, and is always very kind. 可见Mr Dawson意识到了Amy的友好行为是真心的,于是他也开始善意地对待Amy.
11. B 主旨大意题。原文提到It’s easy to get caught up in everyday life that we forget how simple it can be to bring cheer to ourselves and others. 笑容能够给我们自己和他人都带来快乐,这是一种积极向上的感情。


UK begins to lose its temper (P5)

____ (12)

2,050 Britons.

Research findings

Britons are becoming less ____ (13) than before, especially _____ (14) people.

Supporting details

① Over ____  (15) percent of the people surveyed admitted getting angry more quickly than before.
② More than seven in ten lose their temper if forced to wait longer than a minute for a Web page to download.
③ Brits are most angry at being ____ (16), and will show signs of ____ (17) after five minutes and four seconds.
④ Diners ____ (18) their ordered food to arrive become impatient after only eight minutes, 38 seconds.
⑤ ____ (19) as many 18-24 year olds are prepared to wait for over 30 minutes for a friend compared with 55-64 year olds.

Possible cause

Maybe ____ (20) is to blame because as a result of its speed and convenience. People are less prepared to wait for things to happen in the _____ (21) world.

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