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高三教案 第390期

Uniform with style (P3)
1. According to the author, the girls at Carondelet High School in California ____.
A. don't have to wear uniforms to school every day
B. welcome their new polo-and-plaid skirt uniforms
C. creatively adapt their uniforms to their own style
D. have almost all been punished for not wearing their uniforms properly
2. Which of the following statements about students in different periods is FALSE?
A. Students in the 1970s wore colorful sneakers with their uniforms.
B. Students in the 1980s preferred "poofy" hair.
C. Accessories were popular with students in the 1990s.
D. Most girls around the author's age are "rebellious teenagers" angry about the strict uniform rules.
3. Which of the following combinations might Carondelet High School students think stylish?
a. grey bracelets b. pink shoes laces c. green headbands
d. patterned tights e. red polos
A. abc B. bde C. bcd D. ace
4. What is the main point of the article?
A. The history of girls' uniforms at Carondelet High School in California.
B. How the author made her own school uniform stylish.
C. The author's memories of high school uniforms and the lessons she learnt from wearing them.
D. The debate over restrictions on high school girls' uniforms.
1. C 根据文章第一段,Though most teen girls frown at the idea of uniforms, at my high school Carondelet High School in California, many students tweak their uniforms to suit their own style. 可知选C.
2. A 文章提到In the '70s, students accessorized their uniforms with platform shoes.Today, wingers are the skilled playmakers who start out wide and bring the ball in-field. 70年代流行的是platform shoes(厚底女鞋), 而不是旅游鞋。
3. C For any stylish Carondelet student, accessories are key. 参考上文可知,学生中校服搭配的流行趋势。
4. C 纵观全文,讲述了作者对其高中时代校服的回忆,也在最后讲了自己通过穿校服学到的一些道理。

We're living in an age of 15-minute stardom (P4)
1. Susan Boyle became world famous mainly because ________.
A. she took part in the reality TV program Britain's Got Talent
B. she was given fifteen minutes to sing in front of the world
C. she had singing talent although she was plain-looking and old
D. her singing video posted on the internet was viewed worldwide
2. The underlined words "instant stars" probably refer to those ________.
A. who become famous overnight
B. who are really important people
C. who finally get to show their true talent
D. who remain popular for a long time
3. Many once-famous people fade from view quickly if ________.
A. they come from ordinary families
B. they don't often appear on reality shows
C. they have no time to improve themselves
D. they have nothing of interest to show the public.
4. What can we infer from the article?
A. Andy Warhol knew the Internet would help people become famous.
B. Reality shows give ordinary people a chance to show their talent.
C. Ordinary people attract more attention than pop stars and actors.
D. People with digital video will become famous.
1. D 根据文章第4段"Boyle's success was largely due to a video posted on YouTube"可知。
2. "Instant star"意为"一夜成名的人",选A。
3. 从倒数第2段"they may be awarded extra time to prove themselves worthy of the media and public attention."可知只有能够吸引媒体和公众注意的人才能留在公众视野之中,选D。
4. 从第2段"The most common way that ordinary people today become famous is through reality shows."可知答案为B。

Our tears may be unique (P5)
1. Robert R. Provine's study shows that people shed tears to ________.
A. draw more attention to facial expressions of emotions
B. get help more easily
C. reduce emotional stress
D. distinguish human beings from other creatures
2. Scientists believe the ability to cry emotional tears is the result of ______.
A. evolution B. experiences
C. physical growth D. social needs
3. Which of following is FALSE, according to the text?
A. Charles Darwin was interested in the story of an elephant that shed tears.
B. Newborns do not have tears when crying in their first few months.
C. Faces with tears make people think they are sadder than those without tears.
D. People want to be left alone while they are crying.
4. The article conveys the message that ____.
A. people need to cry now and then
B. crying means people are emotionally weak
C. crying is a unique human act
D. we need to find out why animals don't cry
1. A。根据第六段可知Provine的研究说明,人类流泪可以让别人更关注他的情绪,包括悲伤。
2. A。根据倒数第四段The fact that animals don't cry emotional tears - plus the fact that it takes newborns several months to add tears to their crying - supports the researchers' belief that emotional crying is a recent evolutionary development, says Provine.哭泣是进化的结果。
3. D。根据最后一段可知人们会在人前哭也会独自哭泣。
4. C。这个文章的主题就是在阐述哭泣是人类进化的结果,是人类所特有的。

Giving the great gift of love (P6)
1. Which of the following statements about the writer's parents is TRUE?
A. They are a team and never argue with each other.
B. They always enthusiastically praise each other.
C. They each shoulder shared half of the family responsibilities.
D. They love their children more than they love themselves.
2. What does the writer think of people making unkind remarks about spouses?
A. It's something people usually do and is harmless.
B. It's a way for people to show their love for their spouses.
C. It is a kind of complaining, but not serious.
D. It is an unloving and disrespectful thing.
3. The crew boss expected to hear from the author's father ____.
A. some teasing remarks about women
B. the author's father's sincere praise of his mother
C. a debate over women's spending habits
D. sharply criticism of his wife
4. What did the author learn from his father?
A. Parents should cooperate and help each other.
B. Unkind remarks affect the relationship between spouses.
C. Love is the best gift parents can give to their children.
D. A man's love is shown by the respect he shows for his wife.
1. B。从"Dad always speaks of Mom in the most glowing (生动的) terms. As does she of him."可以知道答案B正确,父母总是热情地赞扬对方。A选项中的"never argue with each other"和文章内容不符。从"marriage was never a 50/50 arrangement"可以知道C选项错误。D选项是文章没有提到的内容。
2. C。推理判断题。"Sure, they're 'only kidding,' or maybe they are not.",这是文章中作者对夫妻之间"unkind remarks"的直接评述。其中"only kidding"还是引述,是通常人们对此的理解,并不代表作者的看法,从作者的语气来看,他的看法更倾向于后者,即"maybe they are not", "unkind remarks"并不是纯粹的"kidding",而是某种程度的有感而发,或多或少代表了说话人某种程度的抱怨和不满。
3. A。负责安装地毯的老板"was looking for negative banter (戏谑) about wives",所以答案是A。他们习惯以嘲弄的口吻谈论妇女,但不是选项D所说的"激烈的批评"。
4. D。文章中讲到"Dad taught me one very important thing.", "This lesson made such an impression on me, ",这指的是父亲和负责安装地毯的老板之间的一段对话,父亲不肯说任何有损母亲的话,即使是玩笑话也不肯,此事"taught me more about loving and respecting your wife",所以答案选D,我从父亲那里学到的是爱就要完全的尊重和维护。

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