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高三教案 第398期


Express yourself, Glee style (P3)
I. Pre-reading: Background knowledge
What is “Glee”?
The Wall Street Journal described this TV drama as “High School Musical meets Gossip Girl”.
Set in a fictional (虚构的) high school in Ohio, it follows an optimistic teacher, Will Schuester, who attempts to save the school’s glee club (合唱团) from disbanding (解散) and helps a group of aspiring (有抱负的) students realize their star potential.
Will’s hope lies with two members with true talent: Rachel Berry, a self-proclaimed (自称) star who is convinced that MySpace is one of her tickets to fame. The second is Finn Hudson, the popular soccer player with movie-star looks but no goal in life.
Will is determined to do whatever it takes to make the group great again. Everyone else thinks he’s mad, but Will is determined to prove them wrong.
Listen to the song “Don’t stop believing” and watch the video for a sense of what Glee is all about.
II. While reading:
1.       Go through the article quickly and sum up the main idea.
2.       Collect information about Glee and Glee camps from the article and fill in the chart

3. Choose the best answer:
1) Glee appeals to Theresa Murphy so much because ____.
A. the characters in the show are lifelike and different from those in other shows
B. it is affecting trends in high school clothing
C. it deals with all kinds of teenage issues and is very positive
D. many famous actors star in the show
2) Which of the following statements about “Glee” is TRUE?
A. The show is set in a real high school.
B. The music in the show is mostly classical.
C. It is very popular among US teenagers.
D. The show reflects a huge interest in musicals.
3) There are many “Glee” summer camps being held across the country because ____.
A. many people love singing 
B. teenagers want to be chosen to appear in “Glee
C. “Glee” is such a hit and many people tap into its ideas
D. many people want to experience what it is like to be a star
4) Shellee Frazee thinks “Glee” spreads the message that ____.
A. it is hard to come to terms with who we are
B. we should learn and accept who we are
C. we must learn how to fit in with others
D. we have to be talented to be accepted by others
III. Post-reading:
Use the chart to list the features of your favorite TV show or movie. Write a short article on that show. Don’t forget to choose great pictures for it when you show it in class.
II. While reading:
1.       The popularity of Glee and Glee camps.

3. 1) 根据第二段the honesty of the high school characters(体现出人物的真实)和第四段the characters are so original和下一句(体现出人物很新颖,和其他电视剧都很不一样)可判断A正确。BCD项文章都没有提到。
2) 从Glee camps因为电视剧Glee而火起来,而其主要面对的对象都是teenagers可判断C正确。根据倒数第三段可排除A项。根据第七段可知B错误。D项文章没提到musicals是否受欢迎。
3) 根据第五段的Inspired by the great popularity of the musical comedy-drama可判断C正确;tap into指充分利用。A没指出和Glee的关联,所以错误。BD项错在原文没有提到参加了这些camps可以成为明星或者加入Glee剧组。
4) 根据最后两段可知Shellee Frazee认为Glee重在鼓励青少年做自己。所以B正确。A刚好与此相反。CD都不是Shellee Frazee的看法。
Brits love to spend an hour in the pub (P4)
I. Skimming
   Skim the article and find its main idea.
   The article is mainly about ____.
A. the British pub losing popularity
B. the author’s love of pubs
C. how the British socialize
D. the local British pub
II. Scanning
1. Read the article again and choose the best answer:
1) Many British people say that the pub is a cornerstone of British life because ____.
A.   it is nearby and convenient
B.   it is a great place for meeting friends
C.   it is far cozier than a bar to have a drink
D.   it is easy to bump into people they know in a pub
2) From the text, we can conclude that gastropubs ____.
A. will replace the local pubs
B. attach more importance to drinks
C. are somewhere between a restaurant and a bar
D. attract beer lovers as well as wine lovers
3) Which of the following is TRUE according to the article?
A.   The author is in favor of gastropubs.
B.   Wine is thought to show one’s class and taste.
C.   British people do not go to pubs as often as before.
D. Local pubs are being seriously affected by gastropubs.
2. Answer the following questions:
1) Why do the author prefer to go to a pub to a bar?
2) What change is taking place in many pubs according to a survey done in August?
3) Why are some local British pubs closing?
III. Word study
guarantee   emphasis   sink      bump into  spring up
1. New housing developments are _________ all over the state.
2. They _________ that the diamonds they sell are top quality.
3. I _________ a friend at the store yesterday.
4. The temperature _________ quickly after the sun sets.
5. She places great _________ on developing good study habits.
I. Skimming
D。文章首尾都表现出对the local British pub的喜爱,解释了大多数英国人喜爱的原因,并提到了目前它们受到的挑战。所以D正确。
II. Scanning
1. 1) 根据第四段第二句Coming together over a drink, usually of beer, is generally considered the best way to catch up with friends.可知B正确。
2) 根据第五六段可知gastropubs相比local pubs而言,重点在食物而不是酒水;是适合与商业的伙伴交往的更正式的场所,配餐多用葡萄酒而不是啤酒。所以C正确。
3)根据第七段可知很多local pubs因为gastropubs的影响而关掉了。所以D正确。A根据文章首尾段落可排除。其他两项文章没有提及。
2. 1) Because she finds a pub is far cozier and has a more relaxed atmosphere.
2) Eating, rather than drinking has become the main source of income for our 52,000 pubs.
3) Because new gastropubs are proving more profitable.
III. Word study
1. springing up        2. guarantee             3. bumped into     
4. sinks                     5. emphasis
Flowers know their own (P5)
Choose the best answer:
1. What is the article mainly about?
A.   New discoveries about plants.
B.   How plants compete with each other.
C.   Family recognition among plants.
D.   Jewelweeds and the Great Lakes sea rockets.
2. When the McMaster University scientists experimented with Jewelweeds, they ____.
A.   planted Jewelweeds alone
B.   separated jewelweeds from their siblings
C.   planted Jewelweeds in an unusual environment
D.   grew jewelweeds together with either family or strangers
3. Which of the following shows that Jewelweeds compete with others?
A.   Jewelweeds grow more branches rather than more leaves.
B.   Jewelweeds grow more branches as well as extra leaves.
C.   Jewelweeds grow extra leaves.
D.   Jewelweeds grow taller than usual.
4. From the text, we can conclude that the Great Lakes sea rockets ____.
A.   prove the same point as Jewelweeds
B.   compete with strangers for sunlight
C.   cannot recognize their siblings
D. grow more leaves when planted with strangers
1. D。文章从第一段就开宗明义,说明了Scientists say some plants recognize their own family.之后举了两种植物试验为例,所以D正确。A错误因为这并不是新发现。Jewelweeds之前已经有别的植物体现了这个特征。
2. D。根据第三段In their experiments, Murphy and Dudley planted jewelweeds in pots with either siblings or strangers.可知D正确。
3. C。根据提问迅速找读,第四段This response suggests that plants are competing with strangers for sunlight说明本句前面应该是答案。所以the plants started to grow more leaves than…是正确的。
4. A。根据最后三段可知A正确,同时排除C项。根据最后一段sea rockets, on the beach, get plenty of sun but struggle for water可排除B项。根据倒数第二段可排除D项。
A desperate experience (P6)
Choose the best answer:
1. What is the point of the article?
A. To introduce Callahan’s solo voyage across the Atlantic.
B. To encourage readers to take on risks like Callahan.
C. To teach readers some basic survival skills.
D. To tell readers how to deal with a hopeless situation. 
2. According to the article, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Callahan was rescued 76 days after he began his voyage.
B. It was easy for Steven Callahan to fix the life raft.
C. Callahan never lost hope and managed the situation creatively.
D. Callahan was able to rescue some supplies when his sailboat sank.
3. Callahan didn’t give up because he believed that ____.
A. he was able to deal with the difficulties
B. he had best survival skills
C. his equipment would save him
D. the life raft he had would help him survive
4. The article sends the message that ____.
A. a person should use an extreme circumstance as a challenge
B. studying history makes a person appreciate their own fortunate situation
C. it helps to think of those less fortunate than you in desperate situations
D. a person will be unable to keep going unless they realize how fortunate they are
1. D。本文作者通过介绍Steven Callahan的逆境求生的故事,告诉我们在没有希望的情况下,学习他如何保持信念,走出困境,所以答案为D。
2. C。由文章可知Callahan在获救希望渺茫的情况下没有失去信心和希望,创造性地利用各种办法来生存,所以C项正确。由第一段可知Callahan是在帆船出事的76天后被救的,所以A选项不对;由第三段最后一句话可知他的救生衣被刺破了,一直无法修复将他折腾得筋疲力尽,故B项不对;由第一段His supplies were few可知D项不正确。
3. A。由第五段“I tell myself I can handle it”可知A项正确。
4. C。最后一段 “words that can give us strength” 指的就是后面提到的“Whatever you’re going through, tell yourself you can handle it. Compared to what others have been through, you’re fortunate…. It’s a wise thought and worth thinking.”所以身处不幸时,告诉自己一定能够挺过去,同时想想比自己更不幸的人,这种幸福感会增加你面对困难的勇气与信心,所以C项正确。根据第四段Many people in similarly desperate circumstances give in or go mad. 可知作者认为大多数人在绝望的情况下很难坚持下来,所以A项(鼓励人利用绝境来磨练、挑战自己)并不是文章的本意。

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