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高三教案 第399期


Spoiling the view? (P2)
I. Pre-reading
1. Have you ever been to Italy? Which city did you think was the most beautiful?
2. Go through some pictures of Venice.
3. Today Venice’s beauty may be spoiled. Let’s read the story to find out more.
II. While Reading
1. Fast reading
What is spoiling views in Venice, according to some Venetians?        
Key: The huge ads/billboards. 
2. Detailed reading
[1]     Fill in the chart (Within 3 words for each blank)

Different opinions on billboards
Agreement signed by the city and the Dotter Group
l         The government has budget for _____1)______. But Italy has a rich architectural (建筑学的) heritage, and funds are always _____2)_____.
l         Without these ads, the city could not _____3)____ to maintain its heritage.
The Dottor Group is a company _____7)_____ for the restoration of the Bridge of Sighs and the Palazzo Ducale. It is allowed to ______8)_____.
But there is a ____9)____ in the agreement: The ads should not ____10____ public taste.
l         We can’t _____4)____ everything.
l         ___5)___ should be set for the ads.
l         Advertising billboard may _____6)_____ the monuments of the city.

[2]     Choose the best answer
1) The article is mainly about _____ in Venice.
A. restoration of cultural heritage
B. widespread commercialization
C. the conflict between ads and cultural heritage
D. the difficulty of restoring monuments
2) In the first paragraph, the beautiful view from the Bridge of Sighs is mentioned to ____.
A. introduce other of the monuments of the ancient city
B. show how many ancient structures need restoring
C. indicate that the view is blocked by huge ads
D. create interest in the famous city
3) From the article we can conclude that Renata Codello ____ the advertising.
A. is in favor of                                 B. is worried about
C. objects to                     D. doesn’t mind
4) Why do many Venetians complain about the ads?
A. They dislike commercialization.
B. They feel the ads are damaging the city.
C. The ads are usually “racy and in an American style”.
D. The ads don’t present a traditional view of Venice.
III. Post reading
Suppose you were the Mayor of Venice. Give your point of view about the monuments and billboards. What is your plan for the city?
Fill in the chart:
1)      restoration of monuments
2)      tight
3)      afford
4)      commercialized
5)      Rules
6)      clash with
7)      responsible
8)      sell ad space
9)      condition
10)   offend
Choose the best answer
1-4 CCAB
1) C。文章从开始提到了威尼斯美景后,说明了这美景很有可能被巨幅广告所代替。因为广告的钱要用来修复城市中众多的遗迹。但是广告引起了争议,因为很多广告不符合威尼斯民众的口味,觉得太商业化,不符合这个城市。之后呈现了各种例子来体现正反方的具体理由。所以C正确。
2) C。提了美景之后,作者立刻用however转折,引出了广告对此的影响。所以C正确。
3) Renata Codello是City officials的例子,所以他是支持广告的。
4) 从第五段too much is too much可知威尼斯人并非一点都不能忍受商业化,但是不能过分。他们希望有一个规定限定广告,但不是根本不允许,可排除A。威尼斯人觉得广告不符合城市形象,所以就对城市造成损害,所以B正确。C以偏概全。D强调的是广告没呈现城市传统的一面,这并不符合威尼斯人提出的原因。
Some can eat spicy, but some can’t (P4)
Choose the best answer:
1. The article is mainly about ____.
A. a traveling experience in Chengdu
B. a foreigner’s disagreement with his friends
C. a foreigner’s feelings about spicy food  
D. the love of many foreigners for spicy food
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Mountain climbing is the author’s favorite hobby.
B. The author thinks it is rude to remove one’s shirt while eating.
C. The author no longer finds eating spicy food a challenge.
D. The author prefers spicy food in large quantities.
3. What does the underlined word “it” refer to in the last paragraph?
A. Being laughed at by friends.
B. Not trying China’s spiciest food.
C. Trying China’s spiciest food.
D. China’s spiciest food.
4. From the article we can conclude that the author ____.
A. doesn’t like any kind of challenge
B. hates the friends who make fun of him
C. is jealous of friends who can eat very spicy food
D. doesn’t want to suffer after eating spicy food
1. C。文章主要谈到了作者吃辛辣食物的感受和看法。
2. B。线索是第五段,作者明显体现出觉得在饭馆脱掉上衣很不雅。事实上作者不是拒绝辛辣食物,少量辛辣可以接受。所以可排除CD。A光从文章无法判断是对的。
3. A。it指朋友calling my names。
4. D。从最后一句可判断作者知道很多人吃后不舒服,不想那样,可知D正确。同时也可排除C。A项单从文章不能确定作者对任何挑战都拒绝尝试,况且作者还是尝试了辛辣食物的。B根据最后一段第一句可排除。
What do you think, phone? (P5)
I. Pre-reading
Do you want a smart phone? How smart do you want it to be?
II. Reading
 1. Read the article and choose the best answer:
1) According to reports, smart phones in the future will be able to ____.
A. understand our thoughts and do what we ask
B. forecast our behavior and offer advice
C. collect personal information and give away secrets
D. think logically and make decisions for us
2) The text tells us that Justin Rattner ____.
A. believes that current software can already predict our desires
B. criticized some tech companies for analyzing customer desires
C. gave examples of new phone functions under development
D. has shown how the new smart phones work at the conference
3) To make more useful smart phones, scientists still need to ____.
A. train computers to analyze personality   
B. train computers to look at data from hard sensors
C. develop software that can collect detailed information
D. develop computers that can mix hard sensor data with soft sensor data
4) Which of the following statements about “think for themselves” computers is TRUE?
A. They are a dream that can never come true.
B. Scientists have not considered the negative effects they might have.
C. They are being used in some areas of life.
D. Scientists believe we will need to protect our privacy against the new technology.
2. Fill in the blanks according to the article.
A phone that can         1         

Technology related
        2      is becoming more of a reality
How it works
It collects        3     about you and then does things with it, such as        4     what you might do next and        5    .
a        6     Intel worked on with Fodor’s Travel: It learns what types of foods you like to eat and what types of places you like to visit and then makes similar        7     when you visit a new city.
To develop computers that can        8     hard sensor data with soft sensor data
The final goal
To develop a computer understanding of        9    
A need for stronger        10     when phones and computers develop a better ability to “think for themselves”

III. Language study
Translate the following sentences with the given words or phrases.
1. 这项协议为持久的和平铺平了道路。(pave the way for)
2. 新医院即将竣工。(on one’s/the way to)
3. 该影片是根据巴金的小说改编的。(be based on)
II. Reading
2. 1) B。线索是第三段最后一句:the device could do things with that information, such as predict what you might do next and make suggestions. A错在do what we ask。C根据第三段可排除。D文章没提到。
2) C。线索是第五段举了一种正在研发当中的软件,其功能就对smart phones很关键。A错在已经可以预测,目前还都只是研发阶段,只是试图预测。B错在criticize。D错在时态,目前还没有能够做出预测的智能手机,所以没法演示它们怎么使用。
3) D。线索在第九和第十一段。说明目前的困难还在于不能把两者相结合。A项文章没提到。BC两项只说了其中的一方面。
4) D。根据最后一段的最后一句However, he said there will be a need for stronger privacy controls when phones and computers develop a better ability to “think for themselves”. 可知D正确,同时排除B。A根据该段第一句可排除。因为还是个目标所以目前不可能已经在使用了,排除C。
2. 1) read your mind      2)  context-aware computing       3) information
4) predicting            5) making suggestions          6) software
7) recommendations 8) mix          9) thoughts    10) privacy controls
III. Language study
1. The agreement paves the way for a lasting peace.
2. The new hospital is on its/the way to being finished.
3. The movie is based on a novel by Ba Jin.
Learning a valuable lesson (P6)
Choose the best answer:
1. Why did the author sign up for the race?
A. She was bored with the volunteer work.
B. The people doing the race inspired her.
C. She was really interested in running.
D. She wanted to prove that she was the best.
2. The defining moment came when the author _____.
A. found racing was uninteresting
B. didn’t know if she could finish
C. fell behind an old man
D. crossed the finish line
3. The author felt ____ at her race result.
A. regret               B. embarrassment       C. satisfaction           D. amazement
4. According to the article, if you find you are not as good as others, you should ______.
A. change or redefine your goal
B. try to explore other skills you might have
C. avoid comparing yourself with others
D. try to motivate yourself
1. B。细节理解题。由第一段的“Some ran past, some walked past and a few wheeled past. I saw so many types of people doing it, I thought maybe I can do it too! ”可以得出。
2. C。细节理解题。由第三段第一句可知,一位老人在靠近终点时超过了作者,这让她感到尴尬,随后引发了她更深层的思考,所以C项正确。
3. C。态度理解题。由第五段的最后一句“I was proud of my accomplishment”可知作者对她的比赛结果很满意。
4. D。主旨理解题。由倒数第二段Turn them into motivation and let them inspire you.可以得知。

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