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高三教案 第403期

A game of great honor (P4)
I. Pre-reading
What do you know about the game of golf? In which way is it different from basketball or soccer games?
II. Skimming
1. How many clubs does a player allow to take along in a golf tournament? 
2. What was wrong with Zach Nash when he participated in a junior tournament this summer in Wisconsin, US?
3. How did he deal with his medal?
III. Scanning
Choose the best answer:
1. Zach Nash returned a medal he won in a junior tournament because ____.
A. he was caught cheating by a player
B. he decided to follow the rules of golf
C. he used another player’s club by mistake
D. he made a mistake calculating his final score
2. Which of the following statements about golf is TRUE according to the article?
A. Golf players usually do whatever it takes to win.
B. Golf referees watch each shot and call penalties.
C. Early golf players didn’t care about the rules.
D. In golf honor comes before victory.
3. The underlined phrase “teeing off” in the last paragraph probably means ____ .
A.   getting started
B.   getting caught
C.   leaving
D.   winning
4. What is the main point of the article?
A.   Zack’s medal.
B.   The history of golf.
C.   Honesty counts in golf.
D. Golf is a rich man’s game.
II. Skimming
1. 14.
2. He took along 15 clubs, one more club than allowed, with him. 
3. He packed up his medal and dropped it in the mail.
III. Scanning
1. 根据倒数第二段Zack的话But this was golf, and rules are rules. I just knew what I had to do,”可知他决定按照规则处理这件事。所以B正确。
2. 根据第5-8段对golf这一运动的描述可知它不同于其他运动,诚实是荣誉的徽章,而真正胜败没有那么重要。所以D正确。
3. 应该是比赛开始前,他先确认自己带的杆子数量正确。
4. 文章通过Zack这个典型的例子体现了golf的规则,所以C正确。
Think about your waiter (P5)
Choose the best answer:
1. Dining out in the US is becoming more and more expensive because ____.
A. food prices are growing rapidly in the US 
B. restaurant rents are increasing
C. waiters expect much higher tips
D. waiters’ tips are increasing as meal costs rise
2. If you fail to give the minimum tip in a US restaurant, you will ____.
A. get charged by the waiter
B. make the waiter unhappy
C. receive better service next time
D. be laughed at by other customers
3. Which of the following is the author’s attitude toward waiters?
A. He believes that mistakes made in a restaurant are usually the fault of waiters.
B. He is sympathetic to waiters and thinks they should be treated properly.
C. He thinks that kitchen staff should be better paid than waiters.
D. He expects good service from waiters even when he doesn’t tip.
4. Which of the following could be the best title for the article?  
A. Working in a restaurant.
B. How to give tips in the US.
C. Dining costs rise in the US.
D. Go easy on waiters when you dine out.
1. 根据第一二段尤其是第二段的American diners now pay, on average, a 19.1 percent tip.可判断C正确。
2. 根据第五段you will probably upset the waiter.可判断B正确。
3. 根据最后一段可判断作者自己也做过服务生,所以很明白他们的不易,劝诫读者善待他们。所以B正确。
4. 作者从开始讲到小费上涨,说明了都有哪些行当收小费,不给小费的结果以及自己的态度,说明作者觉得小费还是应该多给,所以选择D最合适。
Learn how to treat burns (P5)
I. Pre-reading
What first aid should you give if someone gets burned lightly?
II. While reading:
1.      Read the article and fill in the table/blanks below.

Of burn
1st degree
Red and ____. The skin over the burns may _____ after a day or two.
____ is usually not necessary.
Simply ____ the burns with ____ water.
They take _____ days to heal.
2nd degree
Blisters and _____ painful. The skin may swell a lot.
These burns _____ medical treatment.
They take _____ to heal.
3rd degree
Damage to ____, causing _____ pain.
These burns need _____ medical treatment.
They take _____ to heal.

About skin grafting
Skin grafting is used to treat _____, especially when the ____ are involved.
Benefits: ____ the time a patient has to stay in hospital;
____ the function and ____ of the burned area
Donor sites: best from ____;
from locations ____
2.      Choose the best answer:
1) What is the article mainly about?
A. How to treat burns.
B. An explosion.
C. Skin grafting.
D. First aid.
2) According to the article, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Selina and Yu Haoming suffered different degrees of minor burns.
B. Among burns, third-degree burns are the most painful.
C. Medical treatment is often unnecessary for first-degree burns.
D. Skin grafting patients usually recover in 10 to 14 days.
3) The underlined word “grafting” in the sixth paragraph is closest in meaning to to ____.
A. removing something from a part of the body    
B. attaching something to a part of the body     
C. making human-made skin                     
D. replacing something with something
4) From the article we can conclude that skin grafting ____.
A. means a patient needs only a short stay in hospital
B. is used to treat second-degree and third-degree burns
C. can lead to the recovery of the function and appearance of a burned area
D. is necessary when a person’s neck and chest are seriously burned
III. Post-reading:
Translation exercise:
1. 他背部和手臂遭到二级烧伤。
2. 轻微烧伤不需要医疗护理就可以复原。
3. 要很长时间之后这些烧伤才会恢复。
I. Pre-reading
 Run cool water over the burns.
II. While reading

Of burn
1st degree
Red and painful.
The skin over the burns may peel off after a day or two.
Medical/Professional attention is usually not necessary.
Simply cool/wash the burn with cold running water.
It takes 3-6 days to heal.
2nd degree
Blisters and more painful.
These burns require medical treatment. It takes 2-3 weeks to heal.
3rd degree
Involving damages to all skin layers, causing little or no pain.
These burns need emergency medical treatment.
They take a long time to heal.

Skin grafting is used to treat serious burns, especially when the face, hands or feet are involved.
Benefits: reduce the time a patient has to stay in hospital;
improve the function and appearance of the burned area
Donor sites: best from the patient’s own unburned areas;
from locations not ordinarily visible
2. 1) 文章从两位明星在爆炸事件中烧伤谈到烧伤的各种情况如果处理。所以A正确。
2) A错在minor。根据文章可知在三级烧伤的时候,nerves in the skin皮肤的神经都受到了损害,所以感觉不到疼痛,可排除BC的线索是第三段First-degree burns do not usually need professional medical attentionD根据最后一句可排除。
3) 从最后两段可知skin grafting最好是从烧伤本人的身上取一块皮,移植到受伤的皮肤上,所以B正确。
4) 根据倒数第二段的第二句It could reduce the number of days of a patient in the hospital可判断A正确。因为植皮是对严重烧伤采取的措施,文中的二级伤描述没这么严重,所以排除BC项和原文的improve the function…还是有区别,不能确定是否能够完全恢复。D项把烧伤的部位说错了。
III. Post-reading
1. He suffered second-degree burns to his arms and back.
2. Minor burns heal without medical treatment/attention.
3. It will be a long time before these burns heal/recover.
Nothing in the world beats me (P6)
Choose the best answer:
1. When the writer’s teammates joked about her, they ____.
A. felt great pity over the fact that she had just one leg
B. intended to comfort her and encourage her to be optimistic
C. never thought she would have breast cancer
D. wanted to make her feel bad about herself
2. After the surgery, the writer ____.
A. recovered from the cancer very quickly
B. couldn’t get over her pain and sadness
C. devoted herself to ski racing and became a world champion
D. drew strength from the feeling of breaking her own barriers in ski racing
3. The writer of the article seems to be ____.
A. open-minded and shameless
B. strong-willed and loving
C. outgoing and thoughtful             
D. independent and motherly
4. The article conveys the idea that ____.
A. scars have their own beauty
B. nothing is impossible if you set your mind to it
C. we should not become frustrated when we are laughed at
D. self-confidence makes a woman, even a disabled one, beautiful
1. C。细节题,根据第一段“Little did they know how true that would become”可知答案为C
2. D。细节题,根据第四段最后一句“The same tenacity (坚韧) that served me so well in ski racing helped me survive my second fight with cancer.”可知。
3. B。事实推断题,只有B项完全正确,根据倒数第三段my male sidemy female side推断作者既有男性的刚强又有女性的爱心。
4. A。作者意图题,根据文章倒数第二段可推知。

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