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初三教案 第313期

Issue 324
天津南开大学附中 李璐
北京市文汇中学 李树红
Poor schools add ads (P2)
1. If your school was filled with different ads would you be happy or not? Why?
2. Why do you think these ads should be allowed in school?
While reading
Judge true or false.
1. Ads can be found everywhere in the school.
2. Schools in the US are selling ad space to make the campus beautiful.
3. Programs like art, sports and music need money brought in by the ads.
4. The parents object to the ads appearing in the schools.
5. Teachers are not sure whether the ads are good or bad for the students.
6. Susan Linn thinks it a good choice to make room for the ads in the schools.
Vocabulary in use
Fill in the blanks with the proper forms.
make room for, bring in, draw the line, all the time
1. Could you possibly ___________my friend to sit down here?
2. She leaves the lights on ________.
3. A really good article will ______ a handsome sum.
4. We should _________ at using violence.
1. In your opinion, what kind of ads should be allowed in schools? Would you please give us some examples of bad ads for schools?
2. Ask some of your friends about their attitude towards the use of ads in school and give a report to your classmates.
Military camp for future soldiers (P3)
1. Have you ever experienced life in the military? Did you enjoy it?
2. What kinds of training does a boot camp offer?
While reading
Choose the best answer:
1. When does Tony go to the boot camp in the Army Reserve Unit?
A. everyday                  B. every Thursday
C. Weekdays                D. weekends.
2. Where does Tony receive physical training?
A. in the hospital      B. in the community
C. at boot camp        D. in the church
3. Tony did a lot of things when experiencing his military life, except _____.
A. talking with veterans               
B. setting up a church festival
C. acting as a security guard          
D. practicing shooting
4. How did Tony like his military life at boot camp?
A. Tony was bored with his military life.
B. Tony wasn't satisfied with his military life.
C. Tony was happy with his military life.
D. Tony was indifferent to his military life.
Put the sentences in correct order.
1. Tony looked into the camp.
2. Tony was asked what he wanted to be in the future.
3. Tony joined the camp.
4. Tony influenced his sister and brother.
5. Tony was told about a boot camp.
The correct order should be ________.
Vocabulary in use
Fill in the blanks with the proper forms.
look forward to, in addition to, by accident, look into
1. We met ___________ at the airport.
2. He has to do all the housework __________ holding down a full-time job.
3. She is ____________ going home.
4. The doctor _________ the history of his patient.
1. Are there any places that give students the opportunity to get a taste of military life in your city?
2. Are you willing to join the army just like Tony in the future? Why or why not?
I’ll always be there for you (P6)
1. What do you think about when you see this title” I will always be there for you?”?
2.   All parents love their children. How do your parents show that they love you?
While reading
1. The earthquake in US killed more than 30,000 people in 1989.
2. The man made a promise to his son.
3. All the parents arrived and helped the man dig
4. The fire chief suggested the man stop digging.
5. The man went on digging because he was sure that his son was alive.
6. The story is ended with a happy result.
1.Tell us a story about something that happened to you and your parents.
2. What do you learn from this true story?
Down to the last minute (P8)
1. What do you think about the saying, “Time is money”?
2. If you must use every minute well in a day, what will you do?
While reading
1. The writer changes her lunch form “Quick Choice” to “Minute Gourmet”, because…
   A. She likes the food of Minute Gourmet.
   B.   The food of Minute Gourmet is cheaper.
   C. Cooking food from Minute Gourmet takes less time
   D. She doesn't have enough money to buy Quick Choice.
2. Which of the following is not true in the US?
 A. people leave home early and return late.
 B. people usually work until they are 70.
 C. people in the US have heart attacks a lot.
 D. people only have 20 minutes to sleep everyday.
3. In “everything in America seems to be divided into very small parts of time”, “divide” means...
   A. 分开   B. 提供   C. 分配   D. 利用
4. Why are words like “multi-tasking” popular in the US?
 A. people in the US like doing everything by themselves.
 B. People in US are busier and busier, they don’t have too much time to waste.
 C. They don’t know how to use precious minutes.
 D. Things like “multi –tasking” are new machines.
Post -reading
1. What do you think of “the clock is ticking and I don’t have a minute to waste!”
2. Is being too busy everyday good or bad?
P3 BCDC   2-5-1-4-3

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