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高三教案 第408期


I will fit in here (P3)
Choose the best answer:
1. When asked about what they had done the day before, _____.
A. most students were silent
B. the class came alive
C. the writer felt at home
D. the writer mentioned her part-time job
2. The underlined word “aloof” in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to _____.
A. distant    B. interested
C. nervous   D. careful
3. Which of the following statements is true according to the article?
A. The writer’s history teacher shared his home-made cookies with the students.
B. The cookies the teacher made were a kind of traditional American food.
C. When the writer hesitated to take a cookie, her teacher passed one onto her.
D. With the teacher’s encouragement, the writer overcame her shyness and helped herself.
4. It can be inferred from the story that the writer will ____.
A. begin to take an interest in drawing
B. learn how to make cookies from her teacher
C. become less shy and more sociable
D. find it hard to fit in with her classmates
1. B。由第三、四段可知,老师提了问题之后,作者的同学们都立刻参与了讨论,但是作者却在“skimmed notes”,所以B项正确。
2. A。根据第三、四段“… people seemed to feel at home with each other.
Not me. I stayed aloof from the discussion. I skimmed my notes until...”可知作者并没有参与讨论,所以aloof在此应该表示“远离的”,故选A。
3. D。由第四段I skimmed my notes until I looked up to see another teacher come in and share some cookies he had made yesterday.可知饼干不是历史老师做的,所以A不对;B项文中没有提及;由第五段“Go ahead and grab one!” It was the history teacher: “If you don’t stand up, nobody is gonna feed you!”可知作者的老师没有递饼干给她;由第六段I was still hesitant (犹豫的), but I got up and took a cookie with some other classmates.可知D项正确。
4. C。由最后一段可知,作者通过这次的饼干事件领悟到,在美国这种文化氛围里,自己必须要克服害羞,勇敢面对新的环境与新环境下的文化差异,所以C项正确。
Taking it to the public – on trains (P4)
1. Why does the author write “no stage is too small, – or moving too fast – for Donte Steele and his dance crew”? (Within 15 words)
2. What does “showtime” mean? (Within 8 words)
3. What does Paragraph 7 show? (Within 15 words)
4. Which sentence in the article is closest in meaning to the following one?
People began to applaud warmly.
5. If you were asked to put on a show, what would you perform? (Within 25 words)
1. They manage to perform beautifully in small, fast moving subway carriages.
2. The time when the performance begins.
3. It shows that Donte Steele’s dancing, in such a setting, is fascinating/incredible.
4. Clapping broke out.
When will we behave badly? (P5)
Choose the best answer:
1. In the second test, ____.
A. the participants that were unwilling to help and afraid to be found out were more likely to volunteer
B. the group that had to make an active decision was more likely to volunteer
C. the group that could avoid making a decision to help was more likely to volunteer
D. the participants knew that it was wrong to get help to complete the online test
2. From the research we can conclude _____.
A. most people are unwilling to behave unethically
B. most people will refuse to admit their unethical behaviors
C. people’s willingness to behave unethically depends on their moral character
D. people’s willingness to behave unethically depends on whether they have to make an effort
3. According to the article, which of the following would be a good suggestion for a charity website?
A. Give links that open automatically.
B. Reward donors (捐赠者) in certain ways.
C. Ask donors to choose the kinds of people they’d help.
D. Give detailed information about the people who need help.
4. The point of the article is to ____.
A. prove it is easy to make unethical decisions
B. explain why some people behave unethically
C. criticize people who are more likely to behave unethically
D. introduce new research findings on when unethical behavior is most likely to happen
1. B。根据第九段Participants were five times more likely to volunteer when they had to pick either ‘yes’ or ‘no.’.可知B正确。
2. D。根据第3段最后一句UTSC team discovered that people will behave badly — if it doesn’t involve too much work on their part. 可知D正确。
3. C。因为新的研究说明如果涉及者不需要做任何明确的事情,或付出任何努力就可以完成错事或者不道德的事情,多半他们回去做。而如果需要他们付出努力,比如选择“是”或者“否”,他们就不太会去做坏事情。所以C正确。
4. D。因为文章是在介绍什么情况下人更可能做出不道德的行为的研究,所以D正确。
Never give up on your dream (P6)
Choose the best answer:
1. What was Monty Roberts’ dream when he was very young?
A. To be a writer.        
B. To be a horse trainer.
C. To run a horse ranch.  
D. To raise funds with horses.
2. The teacher marked the boy’s paper with an “F” because ____.
A. there were many mistakes
B. the paper was too long but without detail
C. he thought the boy wrote it just for fun
D. he thought the boy’s goal was impractical
3. How did Monty react to his teacher’s advice?
A. He made some changes to his paper.        
B. He stuck to his own idea.
C. He became more realistic.
D. He worked harder for a better grade.
4. What idea does the story try to convey?
A. The road to success is often paved with failure.
B. For kids to grow teachers must encourage them.   
C. A realistic and down-to-earth person is more likely to succeed. 
D. Don’t be afraid to dream big, but you must be determined.
1. C。由第四段“That night he wrote a seven-page paper describing his goal of someday owning a horse ranch.”可知C项正确。
2. D。由第七段和第八段可知,老师给他评级为F,主要是认为他的这个梦想对于家境贫寒的他来说,有点异想天开,所以D项正确。
3. B。由第九段“Finally, after sitting with it for a week, the boy turned in the same paper, making no changes at all. He stated, ‘You can keep the F and I’ll keep my dream.’”可知答案为B。
4. D。故事讲述的是作者的一位朋友,虽然家境贫寒,但是志向远大,即使被老师质疑,仍然坚持自己的梦想,最终成功,所以D项正确。

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