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高三教案 第410期

Go to Yale online (P2)
Choose the best answer:
1. What is the point of the article?
A. To inform readers about some fun websites.
B. To promote a new way of learning.
C. To recommend some free online university course materials.
D. To introduce some overseas universities with low tuition fees.
2. Why are the MIT course materials available online highly recommended?
a. The materials offered are in different formats.
b. MIT is the first university to put coursework online for free.
c. MIT offers live and and on-demand webcasts of certain courses.
d. The courses are translated into a variety of languages.
e. There are more than 1,800 free courses offered through its website.   
f. MIT’s undergraduate and graduate-level course materials are both offered.
A. a, d and e
B. a, c and d
C. c, d and e
D. b, d and e
3. To download free biology courses to your iPod, you can log onto ____.
A. http://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm
B. http://openlearn.open.ac.uk
C. http://webcast.berkeley.edu/courses.php
D. http://oli.web.cmu.edu/openlearning
1. C。由第一段“There are many top universities that offer courses online. ”以及下文重点介绍的四所大学的网络课程可知,作者旨在向读者推荐一些好的免费网络课程资源,故选C。 2. A。由第五段“More than 1,800 free courses are offered”、“Courses are in text, audio and video formats and translated into a number of different languages.”可知a, d, e项是作者推荐MIT的原因,故选A。由第二段“the free education movement got a boost from Massachusetts…”可知MIT并非第一所免费提供网络资源的大学,但是它推动了这一服务的发展,所以b项表述不符合事实。F项是Open University大学提供的网络资源的特点。 3. C。由倒数第二段“Hundreds of UC Berkeley courses are now available as podcasts and webcasts.”以及“Courses cover a range of subjects, including astronomy, biology…”可知答案为C。
She needed us (P3)
1. What kind of girl is Annabeth? (No more than 3 words.)
2. How was Annabeth that day? (No more than 8 words.)
3. How did the writer and her friends comfort the girl? (No more than 20 words.)
4. What does the phrase “fall apart” mean? (No more than 2 words.)
5. What did the writer learn from the experience? (No more than 15 words.)
1. Bright and positive.
2. She was trying to hide her sadness.
3. They walked to her side and showed their support for her through smiles and squeezing her hand.
4. Break down.
5. Sometimes there are more powerful forms of expression than words.
Trying to explain attraction (P5)
Choose the best answer:
1. Which factor can be stronger than all others in deciding those we are attracted to, in the view of Perrett?
A. Our families.
B. Our skin color.
C. Our brain chemistry.
D. Our social experience.
2. Which of the following is TRUE, according to Perrett?
A. People like faces that are unfamiliar to them.
B. One likes a person more if one’s peers pay little attention to the person.
C. The more masculine a man’s face is, the more attractive he probably is in people’s eyes.
D. The more feminine a woman’s face is, the more attractive she probably is in people’s eyes.
3. Which of the following statements would Perrett probably agree with? 
A. Most attractive faces are actually unusual ones.
B. Symmetry determines whether a person’s face is attractive.
C. Looking healthy is far more important to being considered attractive.
D. Finding out how likeable people are makes us think them attractive.
4. What is the point of the article?
A. To introduce a newly published book outlining conclusions about the reasons for attraction.
B. To analyze how much a person’s family and friends influence their idea of attractiveness.
C. To explain the psychological reasons why some seem more attractive than others.
D. To tell us how to make ourselves more attractive.
1.根据第7段However, our brain chemistry can break all the rules and draw us to one person…可判断C正确。
3. A根据第四段最后一句可排除。原文提到symmetry只是很小的一个因素,所以用determine不正确。C项文章没有涉及。D的依据是最后一段,当有共有的、亲密的经历让彼此互相更了解更喜欢对方也会让我们觉得他/她更有魅力。
4. 整篇文章都是介绍一本新书对于什么样的脸更有魅力的发现。所以A正确。
Christmas wreaths for all (P6)
Choose the best answer:
1. What attracted the writer when she was shopping in a jewelry store?
A. A gilded table.   
B. A golden wreath.
C. Ornaments on sale.     
D. Beautifully designed necklaces.
2. It can be inferred from the article that ____.
A. the ornaments the writer was very fond of sold well before Christmas
B. the writer returned to the store to find the price of the ornaments had gone down
C. the writer went to buy more ornaments because her family liked them
D. a Christmas tree and wreaths are not a tradition in the writer’s family
3. The underlined word “They” in Paragraph 6 refers to ____.
A. the writer’s friends       
B. the decorations
C. those who didn’t have a family in the community
D. the less fortunate people in the writer’s community        
4. What message does the writer intend to convey with the story?
A. Giving can be rewarding.
B. Realizing how unhappy some are makes us feel happier.
C. The Christmas spirit should be spread as widely as possible.
D. It’s fun to exchange gifts with the people around you.
1. C。细节题,根据第一段 I discovered a clearance (清仓) table of gilded (镀金的) ornaments可知。
2. A。推断题,根据第三段…to discover that the piles of ornaments had been reduced even further,其中不定式to discover表示“出乎意料的结果”,“那堆装饰品进一步减少”说明买的人多,与A项符合。文中没有提及装饰品价格的变化。作者家里过圣诞会有圣诞树和花环。由第二段最后一句话…a thought crossed my mind: Wouldn’t some of our family and friends like these, too?可知作者返回商店是因为她考虑到她的家人和朋友也可能会喜欢这些装饰品,而C项表述的是她家人的看法,与文意有出入。
3. D。词义猜测题,根据第五段I thought about others perhaps not so fortunate及第七段 the aged, the widows, the lonely等可知D项正确。
4. A。作者意图题,根据最后两段 we had made and given…/who received the greatest blessing等可知。

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