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高三教案 第418期


What’s the best class size (P3)
Choose the best answer:
1. What is the article mainly about?
A. The necessity to reduce class size.
B. Class size and its influence on students.
C. The growing popularity of one-on-one classes in the US.
D. Differences between education in Asia and America.
2. How many students are allowed at most for a high school class in Tennessee?
A. 25.   B. 33.           C. 35.      D. 36.
3. According to the article, which of these statements might Finley King agree with?
A. Class size doesn’t make a big difference to students.
B. The larger the class, the more motivated students will feel.
C. Larger classes benefit students more than one-on-one classes.
D. Smaller classes offer teachers the chance to devote more time to each student.
4. What can we conclude from the article?
A. Most teachers in Asia prefer larger class sizes to smaller ones.
B. Classes at Central have grown larger due to the decrease of funding.
C. In US schools students have the same skill levels, making it easy for teachers.
D. The US government will try to reduce class sizes to improve learning.
The law isn’t there to encourage selfishness (P4)
1. What has caused controversy, according to the first three paragraphs? (Within 15 words)
2. What does the writer think of the woman? (Within 6 words)


3. Why does he think so? (Within 15 words)
4.    Which sentence in the article is closest in meaning to the following one?
We should be considerate.
5. Do you think the writer has a point? Why or why not? (Within 30 words)
Why are brains smaller (P5)
Choose the best answer:
1. The main purpose of article is to ____.
A. explain why human brains have become smaller
B. analyze the effect of living conditions on human brain size
C. inform about theories about the smaller human brain 
D. state what a smaller human brain means to modern humans
2. Some scientists believe the human brain has become smaller because _____.
A. humans no longer need to compete to get food
B. living conditions have changed for the better
C. foods have become complex and tasty
D. population density has decreased
3. According to the text, David Geary ____.
A. considers the smaller human brain to be a sign of lower intelligence
B. mainly studies the social environment between 1.9 million and 10,000 years ago
C. claims human brains may have become smaller in size, but more efficient
D. believes human brain size decreased in a rather short time considering human history
4. From the article, we can conclude ____.
A. the brain size has nothing to do with body size
B. the author is worried about the downsizing of the human brain
C. chimpanzees are smarter than bonobos, which are physically quite different
D. Brian Hare thinks that the decrease in brain size may be a sign of improving ability to cooperate
My victory against fear (P6)
1. What is the story mainly about?
A. What the author loves about snowmobiling.
B. What difficulties the couple faced during their adventure.
C. What interested the author during her time snowmobiling.
D. How the author overcame her fear during her adventure.
2. What can be concluded from the article?
A. The author was confident as she was driving in the deserted wild.
B. The author wasn’t worried until she started to drive through the deserted wild.
C. Aware that she and her husband were the only people around, the author became anxious.
D. The author was so nervous that she almost crashed into a big tree.
3. According to the article, after lunch the author _____.
A. gradually calmed down
A. stopped to enjoy the beautiful scenery
C. saw some wildlife on the mountain
D. was afraid to continue her journey
4. The underlined word “resent” in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to _____.
A. consider         B. appreciate
C. hate               D. recognize
5. What message does the story convey?
A. A person’s biggest enemy is his or her inner self.
B. Don’t give up when you meet with a difficulty.
C. Take time to enjoy the beauty of nature.
D. Respect and take pride in yourself.
What’s the best class size (P3)
1. 本文从田纳西州的某高中生对以前小班的怀念引入了该州的新现象:目前该州的高中班级都人数增多了。之后讨论了大班的利弊,所以B正确。
2. 根据第三段第一句可判断C正确。
3. Finley King校长的话在第四段,意思大致是班级人数多就会导致每个学生受到的关注减少,所以D正确。
4. B根据第三段第二句中的because of budget cuts可判断正确。A错在most;原文虽然提到亚洲的大班级学生的技能水平差距较大,但这不意味着美国的班级中学生技能水平就完全一样,所以C错误;根据第五段第一句可排除D。
The law isn’t there to encourage selfishness (P4)
1. A young woman refusing to give up her seat for an elderly person.
2. She should feel guilty./She was wrong.
3. The woman was using the law for selfish reasons.  
4. We need to see things from the point of view of the other person.
5. 略
Why are brains smaller (P5)
1. 本文主要讲述了研究发现人脑在最近的2万年中缩小了,科学家认为的原因以及是否意味着人类变笨的讨论。所以C正确,所以C正确。A、B、D都只涉及了文章的一部分。
2. 原因根据第五段最后一句可判断B正确。
3. 根据第8段可知A正确并排除C。根据第六段可排除B;根据第三段可排除D。
4. 根据最后一段可知D正确。根据第五段可排除A;文章只是客观讲述相关研究、解释以及科学家的观点,所以B错误;C错在smarter。
My victory against fear (P6)
1. 本文作者描述了终于可以雪上汽车冒险了非常兴奋的心情,但是真正开始后,作者又被一种莫名的恐惧所笼罩。直到午饭后,周围的幽静美景让作者彻底地放松、清静下来。因此作者把最后一段旅程作为克服自己恐惧的机会,成功后喜悦而自豪,所以D正确。
2. 根据第一段可确定B正确。根据第二段可排除A;根据第一段最后一句可排除C;文章中作者只是担心会撞倒树上,所以D错误。
3. 根据第三段可判断A正确。
4. 根据本词出现的下面一句说作者内心希望克服恐惧,可知应该是讨厌这种恐惧感。
5. 全文重点是作者突如其来的恐惧感以及最后如何克服的,所以A正确。

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