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高三教案 第419期

Friends to rely on? (P4)
Choose the best answer:
1. What is the point of the article?
A. To inform readers about the importance of friendship.
B. To warn readers of the dangers of social networking.
C. To encourage people to interact more in the real world.
D. To analyze the advantages and disadvantages of social networking.
2. According to Sherry Turkle, ______.
A. technology is supposed to help us, not control us
B. modern technology has shortened the distance between people
C. if there were no social networking sites, the death of Simone Back would not have happened
D. social networking helps improve communicating skills in the real world
3. With the example of Simone Back, the writer shows that ____.
A. many Westerners are opposed to suicide
B. many are satisfied with only virtual actions
C. online friends are actually very cruel
D. social networking leads to depression
4. With the example of the snowstorm that hit Chicago, the author intends to show that ____.
A. with the help of social media, the stranded commuters were able to get through the storm
B. when in difficulties, people tend to turn to social networking sites for help
C. social media can help keep people in touch and solve “real world” problems
D. in most cases people are not used to talking to strangers, even when they are in trouble

Cell phone health doubts (P5)
A new study of the 1. ____ of the cell phone on the brain
Method Cell phones were 2. ____ to the subjects’ ears. One was switched off and the other was switched on.  The switched-on phone played 50 minutes of 3. ____messages. Later the researchers examined the 4. ____ results for the two sides of the subjects’ brains.
 1) Brain activity 5. ____ around the antenna of the cell phone.
2) According to the researchers, the effects were 6. ____ by the precise location of the cell phone antenna, the 7. ____ on which it operated, and how long the device was used for.
Comment According to the researchers, the finding is surprising, but whether the effect causes harm is still 8. ____
9._____ Keep conversations 10. ____, or use a speakerphone.

All thanks to my pal Mavis (P6)
Choose the best answer:
1. Which of the following statements about Fozzy is TRUE according to the article?
A. She didn’t want other waitresses to know her name.
B. She managed to live simply on her waitress’s wage.
C. She tried to provide the best service.
D. She didn’t care for the author.
2. The underlined word “modest” in Paragraph 4 probably means ____.
A. poorly managed         
B. not satisfying
C. not big or expensive
D. bright and fashionable
3. From the text, we can conclude that ____.
A. the author didn’t like the way her co-workers treated Fozzy
B. Fozzy knew the author would visit her that day
C. Fozzy went out of her way to help the author
D. Fozzy meant to celebrate her first Thanksgiving since her husband died
4. The article is mainly about ____.
A. how the author got ready for college
B. the joyful experience of working as a waitress
C. an unforgettable Thanksgiving dinner
D. a great surprise from Fozzy, a near stranger

Traffic solutions (PIII)
Choose the best answer:
1. According to the article, some British people, like the upper class woman, think that ____.
A. buses are inconvenient
B. bus services are unnecessary
C. having a car is a sign of success
D. only the upper class should have cars
2. Which of the following measures is taken by transport authorities in the UK to solve city center congestion?
A. The development of cycle hire schemes.
B. Increasing the number of parking spaces in the city center.
C. Installing light rail or tramway systems in out-of-town areas.
D. Banning commuters from traveling alone during rush hour.
3. The author mentions the example of Boris Johnson in the last paragraph to ____.
A. express his respect for the mayor of London
B.  point to the growing popularity of cycling to work in the West
C. criticize Beijing commuters for abandoning their bicycles for cars
D. show that cars are still the most common means of transportation for famous people in Britain
4. Which of the following might the writer agree with?
A. The British prime minister should give up his limousine.
B. Beijing commuters should learn from British commuters.
C. British solutions to public transport problems are inadequate.
D. Many car owners need to change their attitudes if the traffic problem is to be solved.

Friends to rely on? (P4)
1. D。本文主要是通过两种不同的观点来分析社交网络的好处和弊端,所以D项正确。
2. A。第三段“technology now “threatens to dominate our lives and make us less human…”、第四段“in fact, they are actually isolating (使孤立) us from genuine (真正的) human interactions in the real world.”以及第五段可知Sherry Turkle认为我们应该合理利用科学技术,让其为我们提供服务,而不是支配(dominate)我们正常的生活,故选A。
3. B。由第九段可知,Simone Back在网上发布了自己要自杀的消息,但是近在咫尺的网友也没有人前去阻止他的行为,最终悲剧发生。网友没有前往并非因为他们很残忍,而是因为他们一味地沉溺于网络虚拟世界中,没采取实际的行动,所以B项正确。
4. C。作者以芝加哥的暴风雪为例,说明社交网络也有它的优势,能够帮助人们建立联系,解决生活中的一些问题,故选C。

Cell phone health doubts (P5)
1-5 effects; attached/tied; silent/soundless; scan; increased/heightened;
6-10 determined/decided; frequency; unknown; Suggestions/Advice; short

All thanks to my pal Mavis (P6)
1. B It was clean, but a waitress' wage would only stretch so far…可知Fozzy仅靠当女招待的工资生活,过得很简朴。
2. C modest在这里不是谦虚的意思,而是朴素的意思,即不大也不昂贵。
3. C 根据文章内容可知,虽然Fozzy自己的生活并不宽裕,但是她还是尽其所能帮助了作者。
4. D 纵观全文,主要介绍了作者和同事Fozzy之间的故事,Fozzy虽然之前经常被人误解,但是作者通过和她的交往,同时也得到了她的帮助,发现Fozzy的真名是Mavis, 而Mavis的帮助也使得作者能够顺利地进行她的学业。

Traffic solutions (PIII)
1. C. 文章提到AN upper class British lady once declared: "Anyone seen on a bus after the age of 30 has been a failure in life. 可知某些人认为称作公共交通是人生失败的表现。作者批判的就是这一点。
2. A. 文章提到的缓解交通拥堵的措施主要是在郊外建立停车场,在市内开发轻轨和有轨电车,开发自行车租赁业务等措施。
3. B. 文章最后部分提到伦敦市长经常骑自行车,是为了作为论据支持倒数第2段While commuters in Beijing abandon their bicycles for cars, cycling to work grows in popularity in the West.这一观点。
4. D.作者在文章中驳斥了一些人反对乘坐公共交通的观点,可见,作者认为真正要解决问题,需要人们改变他们原来的态度。文章第六段开头句子为线索:It's an attitude which may have to change.


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