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高三教案 第423期

Brain chemical danger? (P5)
Choose the best answer:
1. According to the text, oxytocin could play a role in ______.
A. making very simple decisions
B. investing money in a risky business
C. paying back your investors
D. designing a smart advertisement
2. According to the article, which of the following is TRUE?
A. Oxytocin is only found in humans.
B. Oxytocin determines whether to purchase things.
C. Oxytocin makes people fall in love.
D. Oxytocin might be used to help people with social anxiety.
3. Which of the following does Damasio believe?
A. Speculations about Oxytocin need further proof.
B. Oxytocin is released in people who are in love.
C. Skilful ad designers know about oxytocin.
D. Oxytocin could be misused by politicians.
4. It can be inferred from the article that ____.
A. the more oxytocin people have, the better it is
B. there are worries about Oxytocin being wrongly used
C. we should think critically about advertisements
D. investors need to investigate trustees
A great lesson from Dad (P6)
Choose the best answer:
1. Why did the author’s father ask him to do the dishes?
A. Because his father wanted to listen to a sports show on the radio.
B. Because his father thought the other children were too young for the job.
C. Because his father thought the author was old enough to take some responsibility.
D. Because it would have been shameful for his father to have worn an apron in his son’s presence.
2. What does the last paragraph imply?
A. A man should show his love for his family by doing the dishes.
B. The author finally gave in because he wanted to make his mother happy.
C. The incident with the apron led the author to understand his father.
D. The author has made up his mind about the career path he wanted to take.
3. According to the article, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. The author’s brother was in charge of clearing the breakfast table.
B. There was a tradition of crossword puzzle solving in the family.
C. The author’s father seemed to enjoy washing dishes.
D. The author offered to wash the dishes because he knew his father was tired.
4. What is the main point of the article?
A. How a father and son can maintain a relationship.
B. How to overcome your bad feelings.
C. The difficulties involved in raising a big family.
D. The need to take responsibilities.
Dictionary debate (PII)
Choose the best answer:
1. The underlined phrase “went a little nuts” in Paragraph 1 means became a little ____.
A. amused           B. embarrassed
C. confused         D. shocked
2. The point of Paragraph 3 is to ____.
A. note the growing number of texters worldwide
B. note that texters are familiar with initialisms
C. explain that it is natural for additions to be added to the OED
D. indicate that the practice of text-messaging is growing around the world
3. What is textspeak?
A. A kind of dictionary.
B. Language used in texting.
C. A special textbook.
D. A type of message.
4. Which of the statements below best sums up the point of view of the article?
A. The author thinks OED should keep its high level rather than try to please young people.
B. The Oxford English Dictionary updates its online dictionary to satisfy the needs of texters.
C. Textspeak is not always appropriate.
D. Textspeak has affected written English.
5. The author has a(n) _____ attitude to the latest updates to the online version of the Oxford English Dictionary.
A. positive              B. negative
C. objective                  D. surprised
A tale not to be trusted (PII)
1. What caused the panic buying of salt? (Within 6 words)
2. What does this phenomenon reflect, according to Chen Fang? (Within 8 words)
3. What does the author think Chinese people shouldn’t do? (Within 10 words)
4. What does the underlined word “surge” in Paragraph 6 mean? (Within 2 words)
5. Translate the following sentence into Chinese.
It is true that these people paid extra money, but they created the crisis in the first place and caused the price to rise.
 Brain chemical danger? (P5)
1. B。根据文章第五段,吸入oxytocin的受试更容易相信受托人,而把筹码交出去,可推断出oxytocin会影响人做出冒险的投资行为,故推知答案选B。
2. D。根据文章最后一句,oxytocin可能被用于治疗有社会恐惧症的人,帮助其克服社会焦虑,可推知答案选D。A项文中并未提到;B,C项oxytocin影响人的信任,但并非导致人购买行为和相爱的决定因素。
3. B。根据文章第六段,Damasio认为oxytocin是love medicine,让相爱的人间产生爱情中必须的信任,故可推知答案选B。
4. B。根据文章第七段第一句,人们担心oxytocin可能被滥用于让人相信政治候选人或罪犯,可推知答案选B。
A great lesson from Dad (P6)
1. C。“There comes a time in every boy’s life when he must take on responsibilities.”可知作者的父亲想让他通过家务劳动学习分担责任。
2. C。根据文意,作者从围裙想到了父亲一直以来的辛苦劳动,理解了父亲让自己做家务的用意。
3. C。父亲刷盘子的时候都要唱歌,可见父亲很享受做家务劳动的过程。
4. D。纵观全文,主要讲述了作者通过家务劳动学会承担责任的故事。
Dictionary debate (PII)
1. D。根据文章上下文语境,OED是公认的英语权威字典,而如今却在网络词典中添加initialisms。人们对此消息的反应可从The news that the OED has used initialisms is both shocking, but really not that surprising.推断出是震惊,意外。故选D。
2. C。文章第三段,作者通过举例说明大量短信使用者的存在以及短信的使用,initialisms已为人们所熟知并成为主流,人们不应该对此感到意外。从而阐明OED对网上词典做出更新的举措是很自然的事情。故选C。
3. B。根据文章第三段,大量短信使用者的存在以及短信的使用使得textspeak成为主流,textspeak指的就是短信中使用的特殊语言,是shortened forms of language on mobile phones(短信使用中的首字母缩略)。故选B。
4. C。文章的主要观点是OED为满足社会需求,对网络词典做出了更新,添加了initialisms,但是使用者应知道initialisms不能取代written English,在正式的书面语中不能使用。A项由文意可知作者对OED的更新持支持态度;B项概括不全面;D项与文意不符。故选C。
5. A。由文章最后一段I'm glad to see...可知作者对OED的更新持支持态度。故选A。
A tale not to be trusted (PII)
1. Two major rumors on the Internet.
2. People’s lack of trust in government and experts.
3. Chinese people shouldn’t believe rumors or follow others blindly.
4. Rise.
5. 的确这些人多花了钱,但是是他们首先引发了危机,导致了价格上涨。

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