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高三教案 第427期

Sandwich time (P4)
Choose the best answer:
1. What is the article mainly about?
A. The popularity and origin of the sandwich. 
B. Varieties of sandwiches.
C. How to make a sandwich.
D. Why sandwiches are popular in the UK.
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the article?
A. The sandwich is a traditional English breakfast.
B. BLT sandwiches are better received than ploughman’s in the UK.
C. There is a very wide variety of sandwiches for people to choose from.
D. The most popular sandwich fillings in the UK are mayonnaise and meat.
3. What can we conclude from the article?
A. Sandwiches were invented completely by accident.
B. Rich people only ate sandwiches at lunchtime.
C. Gibbons didn’t think sandwiches were healthy food.
D. Sandwiches have been popular in the UK since the early 1760s.
4. The Fourth Earl of Sandwich preferred sandwiches because ____.
A. sandwiches were very easy to make
B. sandwiches were popular at his gambling club
C. he wanted to add some more flavor to his bread
D. he didn’t need to stop gambling while he was eating sandwiches
Uniform war (P4-5)
1. What is the article mainly about?
A. The benefits of school uniform.
B. The debate over school uniform.
C. New school uniform rules in the UK.
D. The popularity of school uniform across the world.   
2. According to Efrat Tseelon, school uniforms are popular in the UK mainly because ____.
A. they represent good etiquette
B. they are cheaper and easier for parents
C. they help schools keep kids under control
D. they can protect kids from potential dangers
3. What does Partrick Barkham think of stars like Britney Spears wearing girls’ school uniforms in music videos?
A. They appear more easy-going in this way.
B. They promote school uniforms at school.
C. They present a positive image to young girls.
D. They might encourage teenage girls to behave in the same way.
4. What is Jana Giles’ attitude towards school uniforms?
A. No opinion.               B. Supportive.
C. Negative.                 D. Critical.
5. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the article?
A. School uniforms originated in 15th century England.
B. Girls are forced to wear trousers instead of skirts in all secondary schools in the UK.
C. Canadian kids are not allowed to wear clothing with visible labels or logos at school.
D. Joe Haynes believes that school uniforms are a good way of stopping competition over fashion.
Unlock the criminal code (P5)
1. What is the article mainly about?
A. The possibilities opened up by DNA technology.
B. The controversy over DNA databases.
C. How DNA databases are built.
D. What role DNA plays in solving crimes.
2. Which is TRUE according to the article?
A. DNA evidence has been widely used in criminal law cases.
B. Everyone in the world has their own unique DNA composition.
C. In America, anyone who has been convicted must submit a DNA sample. 
D. America’s DNA database is the biggest national DNA database in the world.
3. Some people suggest building a database containing everyone’s DNA because ____.
A. it would mean fewer people would commit crimes
B. it would make it more convenient for the government to gather information
C. it would help the police identify suspects more efficiently and accurately
D. such a database could be helpful in many more fields besides solving crimes
4. What are the great concerns over the DNA database according to the article?
A. Some people might make use of it to make money.
B. It would threaten people’s individual privacy and rights.
C. The DNA stored in the database might be labeled wrongly.
D. The DNA would have a gene mutation and become inaccurate.
How the Apple grew... (P6)
1. Which of the following is TRUE about Apple?
A. It rejected one of its founders when he turned 30.
B. It once fell apart due to different visions of the future.
C. NeXT became its parent company and made a great comeback.
D. It has survived after it had a destructive blow.
2. The underlined phrase "falling out" could be replaced by ____.
A. a complete change B. a huge debt
C. quarrel                        D. race
3. What did Steve Jobs learn from his failure at Apple?
A. He realized how to get along well with partners.
B. He lost what had been the focus of his adult life.
C. It helped him figure out what he loves.
D. It helped redirect the entire course of his life.
4. Steve Jobs probably values ____ most according to his speech.
A. patience        B. faith          C. inspiration          D. luck
Day 5
Choose the best answer:
1. –What a mistake!   
 –Yes. I ____ his doing it another way, but without success. (2011年四川卷)
A. was suggesting            B. will suggest  
C. would suggest              D. had suggested
2. That piece of music sounds quite familiar. Who ____ the piano upstairs? (2011年重庆卷)
A. has played              B. played     
C. plays                            D. is playing
3. After getting lost in a storm, a member of the navy team ____ four days later. (2011年上海卷)
A. rescued           B. was rescued           C. has rescued             D. had been rescued
4. When Alice came to, she did not know how long she ____ there. (2011年新课标卷)
A. had been lying       B. has been lying   
C. was lying               D. has lain
5. The fact that so many people still smoke in public places ____ that we may need a nationwide campaign to raise awareness of the risks of smoking. (2011年江苏卷)
A. suggest                B. suggests        
C. suggested                     D. suggesting
6. The manager was worried about the press conference his assistant ____ in his place but, luckily, everything was going on smoothly. (2011年浙江卷)
A. gave                        B. gives                        C. was giving               D. had given
7. Experiments of this kind ____ in both the US and Europe well before the Second World War. (2011年北京卷)
A. have conducted                B. have been conducted
C. had conducted                D. had been conducted
8. –I didn’t ask for the name list. Why ____ on my desk?  
    –I put it there just now in case you needed it. (2011年安徽卷)
A. does it land               B. has it landed
C. will it land                  D. had it landed
9. –Tommy is planning to buy a car.
   – I know. By next month, he ____ enough for a used one. (2011年江苏卷)
A. saves                  B .saved        
C. will save                 D. will have saved
Sandwich time (P4)
1. A。本文从三明治在英国大受欢迎谈到了它的起源,故选A
2. C。由第二段第一句“However, there are hundreds of different types of sandwich, and each variation has its own flavor.”可知C正确。由第一段“At lunch time”可知A不对;第二段提到了BLTPloughman’s在英国都很受欢迎,但是没有比较它们谁更受欢迎,所以B不对;. 由第一段“The bread is usually buttered, or spread with mayonnaise”可知Mayonnaise不是filling,所以D不对。
3. A。由倒数第二段可知三明治是the Fourth Earl of Sandwich赌博时为了方便随意发明的一种吃法,故A正确。
4. D。由倒数第二段“Sandwich was a gambler, and was so addicted to gambling that he would often refuse to stop even to eat meals!”“so that he always had one hand free to play cards and gamble, and his hands wouldn’t become dirty from the meat.”可知D正确。
Uniform war (P4-5)
1. B。由第一段“Welcome to the school uniform debate.”以及第四段第一句“Recently there has been even greater controversy over new rules to make girls wear trousers in some secondary schools in the UK.”可知本文讲的是有关校服的争议,故选B
2. C。由第三段最后一句“He believes that British people distrust their kids and want to control them.”可知C正确。
3. D。由第四段最后一句“Many people, he says, believe this is inappropriate for school and puts young girls in danger.”可知明星们穿的超短裙可能会对女学生产生不良影响,明星效应可能会导致学生跟风,所以推知D正确。
4. B。由倒数第二段最后一句话“She believes children would no longer be distinguished by their clothes, but by their schoolwork or extracurricular (课外的) achievements.”可知Jana Giles对学生穿校服持支持态度,故选B
5. D。由第二段“Ever since it was introduced during the reign of King Henry VIII (1509-1547)”可知A15th century不对;由第四段第一句可知B15th century不对all secondary schools in the UK;由倒数第四段可知CCanadian kids不对;由最后一段“We wanted to avoid any possibility of gang (黑帮) problems, of some groups of kids deciding to buy the same brand…”可知D正确。
Unlock the criminal code (P5)
1. B。本文谈论了DNA数据库在协助警察破案方面的重大作用,同时谈论了关于建立所有人的DNA数据库的争议,所以B正确。
2. A。由第三段第一句“There is no doubt that DNA evidence is becoming a very powerful tool for law enforcement officers.”可知A正确。由第二段“Every person, except for identical twins, has unique DNA information.”可知B不对;由第三段第二句“In the US, all 50 states and the federal government keep DNA databases of some criminals after they have been convicted.”可知Canyone不对;D项所作对比文中没有提及。
3. C。由倒数第三段可知,建立所有人的DNA数据库可以更好地协助警察破案,而且也能减少他们破案误判的可能性,所以C正确。
4. B。由最后一段第一句“However, other people are worried that it would violate (侵犯) their privacy.”可知B正确。
How the Apple grew... (P6)
1. A。根据第一段第45句“We had just released our finest creation - the Macintosh - a year earlier, and I had just turned 30. Then I got fired. How can you get fired from a company you started?”可知,乔布斯作为苹果公司的创始人之一,被苹果公司开除,故答案选A
2. C。根据falling out之前的句子“… and for the first year or so things went well. But then our visions of the future began to diverge and eventually we had a falling out.”,以及后面的“So at 30 I was out.”可知,苹果公司开始的几年,一切进展很顺利,但后来创始人之间有了分歧,然后争吵,最后乔布斯被开除,可知答案选C
3. C。根据第三段可知,乔布斯认为被苹果公司开除,对他最大的好处就是,他真正弄清楚了自己喜爱的工作,故答案选C
4. B。根据这篇演讲可知,乔布斯通过自身的得失,告诉大家这样一个道理(最后一段第三句)Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith. 故答案选B
6-9 CDBD
1. D。由语境可知因为没有采纳我的建议,现在他出了错。出错已经发生,是过去,那么我的建议应该是在他做这件事情之前,即过去的过去,所以要用过去完成时。
2. D。句意为:音乐听起来很熟悉,是谁在弹钢琴呢?由语境可知,弹钢琴的动作应该是正在进行,故选D
3. B。由关键词four days later可知这里描述的是getting lost之后发生的动作,用一般过去时就可以,由于该海军队员是被营救,所以要用被动语态。
4. A。当Alice醒来时,她不知道自己在那里躺了多久。这里强调她苏醒之前一种持续的状态,要用过去完成进行时。
5. B。这里描述的是现在的某种状况,故用一般现在时,主语是the fact,谓语动词用单数。
6. C。由下文“everything was going on smoothly”可知新闻发布会正在进行中,故选C
7. D。这里指二战之前做的试验,所以要用过去完成时,由于试验是被做的,要用被动语态。
8. B。由第一句的didn’t(表过去)到第二句的 just now (刚刚)可知这本书一直在我桌上,所以要用现在完成时
9. D。由时间状语by next month可知要用将来完成时。

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