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高三教案 第428期


Photo map for campus (P3)
1. Why did Daniel Brooks develop an iPhone app IC Connector? (No more than 8 words)
2. What is Brooks’ teachers’ attitude towards the app he developed? (No more than 14 words)
3. What is the main idea of Paragraph 8? (No more than 7 words)
4. What does Brooks aim to do now? (No more than 10 words)
5. Use one word to describe Brooks. (No more than 1 word)
Life Down Under (P4-5)
Choose the best answer:
1. What is the article mainly about?
A. Multiculturalism in Australia.
B. The world’s most livable city, Melbourne.
C. The comfortable environment and lifestyle in Australia.
D. Qualities that make Australia stand out as “the most livable” place in the world.
2. What can be concluded from the article?
A. Melbourne is the most culturally diverse city in the world.
B. The majority of Australians are fascinated with sports and art.
C. The Australian government tries to make immigrants feel at home.
D. Australians are considered to be the most patriotic in the world.
3. The underlined phrase “the underdog” in Paragraph 8 probably refers to a competitor who ____.
A. is least likely to win a fight or contest
B. is expected to win a fight or contest
C. is not from one’s own country
D. has a passion for Australian culture
4. With the example of the African swimmer, the author intends to show that Australians ____.
A. are very good at swimming
B. understand the feelings of the underdog
C. are courageous in face of adversity
D. understand that having fun and playing a game does not have to mean winning
Not just a load of rubbish (P5)
Choose the best answer:
1. The article is mainly about ____.
A. the confusion over different kinds of garbage
B. a new garbage recycling machine
C. new waste management measures in the UK and France
D. a new invention that sorts out garbage efficiently
2. Which of the following shows the correct order of how the Magpie system works?
a. the same kinds of garbage are blown into the correct tubes for recycling
b. all garbage is placed onto a conveyor belt
c. garbage of the same kinds are identified and numbered
d. different kinds of waste are scanned
A. dbac         B. bdca                  C. dbca          D. bdac
3. The underlined word “future-proof” means that ____.
A. the effect of the new system still remains to be seen in the future
B. the new system will be proven effective in the future
C. the new system will still function well when there are new types of waste
D. the new system can be easily changed for future use
4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the article?
A. The Magpie technology was borrowed from France.
B. The Magpie system can separate any kind of waste.
C. The Magpie system is already in use in the UK.
D. The Magpie system is highly beneficial to the environment.
Time for others (P6)
Choose the best answer:
1. What is the point of the article?
A. To recall the author’s friendship with Bob Hope.
B. To tell how Bob Hope influenced the author.
C. To describe Bob Hope’s visit to the airbase in Saudi Arabia.
D. To show how the author treated soldiers with problems.
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the article?
A. Bob Hope put on his traditional Christmas show for all the troops each year.
B. The author failed to get an autograph from Bob Hope because his wife refused.
C. Bob Hope taught the author a lesson in how to treat others.
D. The author managed to tell Bob Hope how much he admired him before he left.
3. What was the author’s impression of Bob Hope during his visit?
A. He looked serious and mysterious.
B. He looked young and energetic.
C. He was humorous and talkative.
D. He was easy-going and thoughtful.
4. The underlined phrase “yield to” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to _____.
A. agree to           B. turn down
C. appreciate              D. recognize
Photo map for campus (P3)
1. Because he wanted to make checking grades easier.
由第三段可知学校的系统不方便,需要点击多次才能看到全部成绩,所以为了查成绩更方便,Daniel Brooks发明了新的一套应用程序。
2. They appreciate it and are pushing him to develop a version for them.
由第六段“His app is now so successful that users want more; in particular, his teachers have started pushing him to develop a version for them.”可概括出答案。
3. The conflict between Infinite Campus and Brooks.
倒数第二段主要讲的是Infinite Campus与Brooks之间的纠纷:Infinite Campus认为Brooks有侵权行为,Brooks正在想办法解决。
4. To improve the app and design an Android version.
由最后一段“he continues to try to improve the app and hopes to put out an Android version soon”可知。
5. Creative/inventive/ innovative.
Daniel Brooks遇到问题能够想到创新地去解决问题,所以用creative/inventive/ innovative来形容他最恰当。
Life Down Under (P4)
1. D。第一段“In fact, four cities Down Under are among the top ten most livable cities.”交待了澳大利亚有四座城市名列世界十大宜居城市,下文接着分析这之后的原因,故选D。
2. C。由第五段“We have tried to instill (灌输) a sense of belonging in Australia”可知,澳大利亚尽力让移民有归属感,所以C正确。
3. A。倒数第二段提到的游泳者以及2003年橄榄球赛中的日本队,都在比赛中处于劣势,再根据“had little hope of winning”可知A正确。
4. D。由最后一段“Australians don’t need to be victorious in order to feel like a worthy person. When they cheer for the underdog, …, they get the emotional gratification (满足) they need”可以推知,在澳大利亚人的眼里,输赢对于比赛而言并不是最重要的东西,所以D项正确。
Not just a load of rubbish (P5)
1. D。由第二段可知本文介绍的是一种新型的能够将垃圾高效地分类的系统,故选D。
2. B。由第3-5段可以看出B正确。
3. C。由下文的“because it can adapt to new materials which may not exist yet”可知C正确。
4. D。由倒数第三段第一句可知AFrance不对,应该是The UK;又由这一段的“The first Magpie factory in Britain will open in Padworth, Berkshire, on October 1.”可知C不对;由第二段“The system can separate different kinds of waste, except food, at the local rubbish factory.”可知B选项中的“any kind of waste”不对;由倒数第二段可知D正确。
Time for others (P6)
1. B。根据第一段“I learned them from the best.”以及最后一段“With a simple gesture and a few minutes of his time, he touched me like no one else has ever done.”可知,Bob Hope在访问期间所说的I always have time for you以及为作者所做的事,对他影响很大,故选B。
2. C。由第一段第一句以及最后一段The next time someone, perhaps even a stranger, asks you: ‘‘Have you got a minute?” think twice before you answer: “Not now”.可知作者从Bob Hope身上学会了如何待人处事,故选C。
3. D。虽然年事已高,而且身心疲惫,但是Bob Hope仍然应作者请求为他签名,而且由衷地表达自己对下属的关照,可见Bob Hope是个平易近人,体贴他人的人。
4. A。由下文Instead可知,Bob Hope原本可以听从他妻子的提议登机休息的,所以yield to在这里表示“同意”,故选A。

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