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高三教案 第435期


Paradise threatened (P2)
Choose the best answer:
1. What is a big threat to East Africa’s flamingos according to the article?
A. The caustic waters of Lake Natron.
B. The soda ash at Lake Natron.
C. The plant which is to be built near Lake Natron.
D. The number of tourists visiting the flamingos’ breeding site.
2. The Tanzanian government intends to set up a factory by the lake ____.
A. to clean up the polluted water in the lake
B. to solve the unemployment problem
C. to produce soda ash for a Tanzanian company
D. to protect the wildlife living around the lake
3. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the article?
A. Lake Natron is home to a quarter of the world’s Flamingos.
B. Flamingos are so attractive that they draw more than one million tourists to Lake Natron every year. 
C. Thanks to the efforts of environmentalists, the Tanzanian government has agreed to stop building a factory near the lake.
D. Although the Tanzanian government has changed its plans, there are still worries about the habitat of the flamingos.
4. The flamingo issue reflects the conflict between ____.
a. economic development and environmental protection
b. the plans of the government and the needs of people
c. the needs of people and those of the nature
d. the limited natural resources and the growing world population
A. a, b         B. a, c         C. b, c          D. c, d
Nothings better than a book (P5)
Choose the best answer:
1. With the questions in the first paragraph, the author intends to _____.
A. tell us about the trend of “e-reading”
B. introduce the topic of the research
C. describe people’s preference for traditional books
D. describe the problems people have with electronic reading
2. What did researchers find from the study, according to the article?
A. Older people processed more information than the younger people did when they were reading.
B. Older people read more slowly when using the Kindle compared with the traditional book.
C. Most of the volunteers admitted that they preferred traditional books.
D. Younger people turned out to have better brain activity than older people.
3. What did the study reveal that proved skepticism of “e-reading” is wrong?
A. The iPad screen actually helps people read more efficiently.
B. It is much easier to annotate and highlight an e-book without spoiling it.
C. The volunteers showed faster eye movements when using e-books and tablet PCs.
D. People prefer printed books because they help them process information faster.
4. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A. The advantages of printed books.
B. The benefits of e-books and tablet PCs.
C. Why skepticism of “e-reading” has been proven wrong.
D. Why e-books and tablet PCs will gradually replace printed books.
They hold me up (P6)
Choose the best answer:
1. The author learned from his father that ____.
A. there’s no difficulty that can’t be overcome
B. goals can only be achieved step by step
C. being helpful to others can make you happy
D. love can make your life more meaningful
2. The author felt happiest when he ____.
A. heard the dean announcing his graduation
B. graduated with a masters degree in social work
C. became employed full time at the Texas Pain and Stress Center
D. got married to his long-time girlfriend
3. Which words can be used to describe the author?
A. Strong-willed and optimistic.    
B. Kind and organized.  
C. Careful and curious.        
D. Honest and humorous.
4. With his own experience, the author intends to tell us that ____.
A. good times always come later
B. joys come in most unexpected forms
C. try hard and you will overcome difficulties
D. relationships mean much more than other things in life
Paradise threatened (P2)
1. C。由第三段可知,坦桑尼亚政府决定在Lake Natron旁边建立一个工厂,开采这里蕴藏丰富的纯碱,这将对火烈鸟的生存环境造成不良影响,故选C
2. B。由第五段“On the other, the factory will provide jobs in a region where one in four people are unemployed.”可知B正确。
3. D。由第六段“Under pressure from environmentalists, the Tanzanian government has suggested moving the plant several kilometers away from the lake. However, this won’t solve the problem because there will still be pipes in the lake to pump the soda ash to the factory.”可知D正确。
4. B。第五段提到了“经济发展与保护野生动物之间的矛盾”;倒数第三段提到了我们要平衡“人类需要与自然的需要”,这与选项里a, c正对应,故选B
Nothings better than a book (P5)
1. B。第一段针对人们偏爱传统书籍这一现象推测了一些可能的原因,这是为了引出下文的研究成果,所以选B
2. C。由第五段“According to Professor Matthias Schlesewsky from Johannes Gutenberg University, although almost all of the participants still claimed that they liked reading a printed book best,”可知C正确。
3. A。由倒数第三段“The iPad screen helped people process information on the page. “We have thus demonstrated (证明) that the subjective (个人的) preference for the printed book is not an indicator of how fast and how well the information is processed,” concludes Schlesewsky.”可知iPad 事实上能够帮助人们处理页面上的信息,帮助人们更有效地阅读,故选A
4. B。最后两段主要讲的是电子图书的优势,故选C
They hold me up (P6)
1. B。根据第三段作者父亲常说的谚语“Mile by mile, it’s a trial; yard by yard, it’s very hard; but inch by inch, life’s a cinch” 可知,作者从他父亲身上学到,要脚踏实地,一步一步实现目标,故选B
2. D。根据倒数第二段“I realized that nothing could ever match the joy I felt as Sharon and I were married”可知,作者感到与他交往很久的女朋友结婚,是最幸福的事情。
3. A。从文章的字里行间可知作者是一个意志力坚强、乐观的人,故选A
4. C。作者以自身的经历告诉我们:面对挫折要坚强,不能放弃,终会成功,故选C

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