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初三教案 第345期


Issue 345
My peaceful journey home (P3)
1. Are you taking any after-school classes?
2. How do you usually get home after school?
3. What do you think of walking long distances?
While reading
1. What does the phrase ‘give you a head start’ probably mean in the passage?
A. succeed in
B. get you ready for
C. pay attention to
D. get on well with
2. What does the writer take part in after school?
A. a sports class
B. a chess class
C. a math class
D. a Spanish class
3. According to the passage, which of the following statement is not true?
A. I used to hate walking the long distance but I got used to it after a few months.
B. My parents couldn’t pick me up because they worked out of town.
C. No one gave me a hand even if the weather was bad.
D. Many people find walking long distances to be difficult.
4. What can you learn from the passage about modern technology?
A. It is useless.
B. It makes people’s lives much better than ever before.
C. It has its advantages as well as disadvantages.
D. It does harm to nature.
Vocabulary in use
Fill in the blanks with proper forms
get dressed, take part in, pick sb up, because of, get used to
1.         He cannot go to school ________ his poor family.
2.         I ____________ taking a shower every morning in order to refresh myself.
3.         Will you ___________ the sports meeting?
4.         My friend Mary will arrive in Beijing soon. Could you please __________ at the airport?
5.         I get up late, so I have to _________ quickly and then rush to the school.
1. What do you think of modern technology?
2. In your opinion, how can we keep the balance between the development of technology and the harmony of nature?
Spread knowledge, not disease (P4-5)
1. What is this symbol related to?
2. When is World AIDS Day?
3. How much do you know about AIDS?
While reading
1. Is AIDS one of the most dangerous human diseases on Earth?
2. What does AIDS stand for?
3. How many people have been infected with HIV since the 1980s?
4. How are HIV and AIDS spread?
true or false
1.         AIDS kills 5,000 people around the world every day.
2.         HIV makes people get AIDS quickly.
3.         T cells help our body fight diseases.
4.         HIV or AIDS can be cured.
5.         HAART can help reduce the number of deaths from HIV.
Vocabulary in use
Fill in the blanks with proper forms
get sick, affect, infect, stand for , reduce
1.         What does the color red _________ in China?
2.         It is obvious that smoking ______ our health.
3.         Tom didn’t go to school because he _________.
4.         The disease _______ her eyes, and she became blind.
5.         It is our duty to ______ the usage of plastic bags.
1. Would you like to be a volunteer to help those people with HIV or AIDS?
2. What can we do to help the people with HIV or AIDS?
The story inside your schoolbag (P5)
1. What did people use as schoolbags in ancient China?
2. What kind of schoolbag do you like? Why?
While reading
Choose the best answer:
1. In the Han Dynasty, kids usually put different things into their schoolbags. Which of the following things is not mentioned in the passage?
      A. brushes
      B. ink stones
      C. paper
      D. money
2. What was the budai also called?
      A. rucksack
      B. hip-pocket
      C. backpack
      D. schoolbag
3. According to the passage, which of the following statements is not true?
A. The budai was lighter than the bamboo box.
B. The budai was made of cloth and thread.
C. There were pictures of cartoons and pop stars on military rucksacks.
D. Wheeled bags can help students carry heavy textbooks.
4. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A. Modern schoolbags are better than the earliest schoolbags.
B. Modern schoolbags are much more colorful and fashionable.
C. Schoolbags are still changing.
D. Schoolbags have changed in the past few hundred years.
Vocabulary in use
Fill in the blanks with proper forms
fashionable, take…for granted, be made of, appear, divide into
1.         I just ____________ that you knew what happened.
2.         The cake is ________ eight parts.
3.         Paper _________ wood.
4.         Her new books will ________ in the stores very soon.
5.         Paris is a city with lots of ________ clothes and brands. 
1. What will the future schoolbags be like?
2. In 50 years, will students still use schoolbags? What will they use then?
Hard to please everyone (P6)
1. Do you change your mind easily because of what others say?
2. A man went to the market with his son and his donkey. Which of the following situations is best? Why?
A. The man rode the donkey and his son walked.
B. The man walked and his son rode the donkey.
C. Both the man and his son rode the donkey.
D. Both the man and his son walked.
While reading
true or false    
1.         A young man was surprised that the man and his son didn’t ride the donkey.
2.         The man asked his boy to get on the donkey because of the woman’s words.
3.         In the end, both the man and his son rode the donkey.
4.         The traveler’s words made the man and his son feel ashamed.
5.         The man and his son carrying the donkey on their shoulders made the travelers break into laughter. 
6.         It is not hard to please everyone.
Vocabulary in use
Fill in the blanks with proper forms
shameful, break into laughter, in surprise, break off, run away
1.         She cried out _________ when she saw a snake.
2.         The two countries have ________ relations with each other.
3.         He _____________. No one knew what was wrong with him.
4.         I saw a thief steal a woman’s handbag and ________.
5.         It is ________ to forget our history. 
1. What can you learn from this passage?
2. If you were the man, what would you do?
Key: P3 BDCC

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