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高三教案 第439期


Lock up problems (P3)
Choose the best answer:
1. What does the article mainly talk about?
A. The history and development of lockers in US high schools.
B. The trend of getting rid of lockers in US high schools.
C. The impact of new technology on some US high schools.
D. The advantages and disadvantages of lockers in US high schools.
2. According to the article, lockers are being taken away from US schools _____.
A. due to the spread of new technology
B. in response to parents’ requests
C. for the sake of student security at school
D. to save construction costs
3. What are the benefits of getting rid of lockers at school according to the article?
a. There is less noise at school.
b. It gives students a “sense of space”.
c. It can help reduce chances of campus violence.
d. It allows students more flexibility in the classrooms.
e. Students can prepare for school more efficiently.
A. a, b, c              B. b, d, e      
C. a, c, e                  D. c, d, e
4. The underlined word ”accommodating” in Paragraph 8 probably means ____.
A. comfortable         B. careful
C. strict               D. helpful
5. What does Lippman suggest schools that have removed lockers should do?
A. Give students as much freedom as possible in the classroom.
B. Provide students with an extra set of textbooks in the classroom.
C. Create more learning opportunities for students in the new free space.
D. Put shelves at the back of the classroom for students to leave their bags.
Shake and make up (P4)
Choose the best answer:
1. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the article?
A. Suarez offended Evra by calling him “negro” on the pitch.
B. Suarez admitted that he didn’t mean to offend Evra and apologized for what he had said. 
C. The FA tried to settle the racist incident between Evra and Suarez peacefully but failed.
D. The dispute between Evra and Suarez is still ongoing and the final result remains to be seen.
2. The underlined word “row” in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to ____.
A. talk                 B. competition     
C. argument                D. misunderstanding
3. How did Hugh Robertson respond to Sepp Blatter’s solution to racial abuse on the football field?
A. He is in favor of it.
B. He asked Blatter to step down. 
C. He doesn’t think it’s a perfect solution.
D. He thinks it would only work in some situations.
4. What can be inferred from the last three paragraphs?
A. Racism is a problem deeply rooted in society so it will take time to get rid of it.
B. There is less racism on the football field than in politics. 
C. Barack Obama’s success will eventually change people’s attitudes towards black people.
D. In John Barnes’ view, a world where no one feels looked down upon is not far away.      
Faster than the speed of light (P5)
Choose the best answer:
1. The scientists at CERN drew the conclusion that ____.
A. Einstein’s special relativity theory was completely wrong
B. our understanding of the laws of nature should be changed
C. their experiments backed up the theories of modern physics
D. there may be a kind of particle which can travel faster than the speed of light
2. What is the impact of the new finding according to the article?      
A. It might prove that Einstein’s special relativity theory is wrong.
B. It will be helpful for space research.
C. It will help scientists to find a new detector.
D. It will completely change people’s understanding of the universe.
3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the article?
A. It will be easy for people to travel in time.
B. No one has ever doubted special relativity theory before.
C. No matter can travel faster than the speed of light.
D. Some scientists doubted that the speed of the neutrinos was accurate.
Mom’s hands (P6)
Choose the best answer:
1. The author didn’t like her mother’s long-standing custom, because ____.
A. she didn’t love her mother
B. she thought she was too old for this kind of thing
C. her mother’s rough hands made her uncomfortable
D. she didn’t like the way her mother pushed her hair away
2. From the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3, it can be inferred that the author ____.
A. pushed the incident into the back of her mind
B. felt guilty and missed her mother’s expressions of love
C. thought her mother was angry with her
D. wondered if she could express her love to her kids in the same way
3. According to the story, which words can be used to describe the author’s mother?
A. kind but forgetful                
B. talkative but kind-hearted
C. considerate and tolerant             
D. hardworking and strict
4. With this story, the author intends to ____.
A. express her guilt to her mother
B. tell readers to love their mothers
C. warn people not to do bad things
D. show how great a mother’s love is
Lock up problems (P3)
1. B。本文主要讲的是美国高中学校储物柜正在减少的趋势,并分析了这一趋势的原因与利弊,所以答案为B
2. A。由第二段可知A正确。
3. C。由第三到六段可知C正确。
4. D。由下文“have shelves at the back of the classroom on which students can leave their bags”以及“provide an extra set of textbooks in the classroom, so students don’t have to carry books from home”可知老师设法帮助学生解决没有储物柜的不便,所以accommodating在此表示“乐于帮忙的”。
5. C。由最后一段“Lippman said he would like to see schools starting to use the new free space to provide less structured learning opportunities for students, including gathering areas and learning centers.”可知C正确。
Shake and make up (P4)
1.D。由第四段“Eventually on November 19, the FA charged him with racist abuse (辱骂). Reuters reports that Suarez will plead not guilty.”可知答案为D。
3.B。由第六段Britain’s sports minister Hugh Robertson questioned whether the 75-year-old Swiss man should remain head of world soccer and urged him to resign “for the sake of (为了) the game”.可知B正确。
4.A。由“but 400 years of indoctrination (灌输) into thinking about a group of people as inferior (下等的) is not going to change overnight”可知种族主义一时半会不会改变,所以答案为A
Faster than the speed of light (P5)
1. D。根据第二段“In September, scientists discovered that a kind of neutrino (中微子) could travel faster than light.”可知,可能有一种粒子的速度可以超过光速,故选D
2. A。由第二段“However, Einstein’s special relativity theory (狭义相对论) has almost been proven wrong.”以及第四段“That tiny amount of time may completely change our understanding of the laws of nature because modern physics has been based on Einstein’s special relativity theory since he first came up with it in 1905.”可知A正确。
3. D。根据倒数第二段的“Doubtful physicists questioned the carefulness of CERN’s time measuring and analysis.”可知,有些科学家怀疑对中微子速度测量时的精确性,故选D
Mom’s hands (P6)
1. C。根据第二段“for they felt rough against my young skin”可知,作者嫌她母亲的手粗糙,让她不舒服,故选C
2. B。根据作者的叙述可知,随着年龄的增长,她越来越想念小时候母亲给她掖被角,临睡前的一吻,同时,她也越来越后悔多年前的一晚,对母亲粗鲁的态度,这种复杂的感觉一直都在作者的内心深处,故选B
3. C。根据作者的叙述可知,她母亲是一位宽容体贴的伟大母亲,故选C
4. D。作者写这篇文章来赞扬母爱的伟大,故选D

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