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高三教案 第443期


Welcome to Cameron's little world of Little England (P4-5)
Choose the best answer:
1. What is the effect of Cameron’s veto over the Lisbon Treaty according to the article?
A. It might worsen the conflicts between Britain and the European Commission.
B. It might slow down the pace of financial recovery in Europe.
C. It shows the unwillingness of British politicians to submit an annual budget to the UN.
D. It reveals that Britain has no sense of responsibility for the world economy.
2. Which of the following is TRUE about the term “Little Englander”?
A. It is an impolite name for British people.
B. It has been used for more than 150 years.
C. It was invented by Brits to make fun of themselves.
D. It was first used during the time of the British Empire.
3. Which of the following statements might Dominic Sandbrook agree with, according to the article?
A. Cameron’s veto will have a bad effect on Britain’s national image.
B. It’s time for the British to stop separating themselves from the rest of the world.
C. Britain should stop using the Euro in the UK to strengthen British identity.
D. The boost of domestic tourism and popularity of ultra-British designs are helping to build a British identity.
4. What did German Prime Minister Angela Merkel mean when she said “I don’t believe David Cameron was ever with us at the table.”?
A. Cameron has never had dinner with European leaders.
B. Cameron is cold in his communication with European leaders.
C. Cameron always holds different opinions to European leaders.
D. Cameron is so proud of his country that he looks down upon European leaders.
Medical breakthrough (P5)
Choose the best answer:
1. What is the point of the article?
A. To explain to readers the importance of keeping fit.
B. To introduce some of the top 10 medical developments in the past decade.
C. To inform readers of some of the biggest medical advances in 2011.
D. To describe a number of newly discovered cures for fatal diseases.
2. Which of the following statements about stem cells is TRUE according to the article?
A. Stem cells only exist in blood and bone marrow.
B. The new stem cells could be used to treat a variety of diseases.
C. Stem cells can reproduce different kinds of DNA fragments in a person’s body.
D. The cloned stem cells could help leukemia patients recover completely.
3. Trained dogs are able to detect lung cancer by smelling people’s ____.
A. breath      B. sweat
C. saliva       D. clothes
4. What can we conclude from the last three paragraphs?
A. Scientists might be able to work out the exact ages of people from their DNA using a saliva sample.
B. Scientists could find out from people’s saliva that how much pressure people are under.
C. Not only saliva but also hair, skin cells and fingerprints can reveal a person’s age.
D. Saliva samples have turned out to be efficient tools for helping experts determine the age of criminals.
Luck means... (P6)
Choose the best answer:
1. The underlined phrase “in cahoots with” in Paragraph 3 probably means “____”.
A. was forced by         
B. was fighting bravely with
C. had teamed up with
D. was trying to beg
2. From the story, we learn that ____.
A. the woman was lucky to miss her flight
B. some people just never run out of good luck
C. robbers will get what they deserve 
D. if you feel yourself lucky, you will continue to be so  
3. Which of the following is the right attitude to adopt towards life, according to the author?
A. Don’t waste your time and energy because time is limited.
B. There’s no need to worry or get frustrated. Just believe in yourself.
C. Even when everything seems to be going well, we should keep fully alert. 
D. Worrying about what you don’t have means you miss out on opportunities for other things.
4. The story is intended to tell us ____.
A. fortune only favors the prepared mind
B. gains and losses go hand in hand
C. misfortune might be a blessing in disguise
D. we should save up for a rainy day
Welcome to Cameron's little world of Little England (P4-5)
1. B。由第一段的第三句话可知,《里斯本条约》修改条约的目的是帮助欧洲经济恢复。A文中没有提到。C的“UN”应为“European Commission”。D的“英国对世界经济毫无责任感”的说法太绝对了。
2. D。A的“is”应为“was”。第三段提到这个表达开始于19世纪的晚期,而且是对英国人不礼貌的称呼,所以B、C不对。
3. D。由第三、四段可知Dominic Sandbrook号召国民找回自己作为英国人的自豪感,他指出仍然有很多人喜欢在自己的国家度假,喜欢有英国特色的服装设计。A、B、C在文中都没有提到。
4. C。从语境理解,该句的意思应该是卡梅隆总是和欧洲的那些领导人意见不一,从来都没有站到他们那边。
Medical breakthrough (P5)
1. C。由第一段“Time magazine has released a list of the top 10 medical breakthroughs this year.”可知本文主要介绍的是2011年度的医学上的一些突破性发明,故选C。
2. B。第二段提到了干细胞可以用于治疗白血病,第四段提到了还可以治疗脊柱损伤和帕金森病,故选B。
3. A。由第六段“But when trained dogs were told to smell the breath of a group of people”可知A正确。
4. D。由最后一段“This new method could be a useful tool for investigating crime.”可知D正确。A的the exact ages不对;B项不对,不能查出某人承受多大的压力;文章只提到saliva可以测出年龄,其他的hair, skin cells and fingerprints只是提到了能够透露一些身份信息。
Luck means... (P6)
1. C。前文提到了一个男的上了计程车把她的手包都拿走了,而出租车司机与这个robber一样对她不善,把她放在黑暗的马路上,所以C为答案。
2. A。由第三段可知她本来要搭乘的飞机失事了,所以丢掉财产对于她来说是件幸事,故选A
3. B。由第六段“We must get rid of all these frustrations (挫折) and start all over again in the consistent faith that we will get what we deserve.”可知B为答案。
4. C。从文中描述的女士的遭遇可知坏事在一定条件下可变为好事,故选C

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