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高三教案 第449期

本期配套教案共2页:  1  2


Hike the dream path (P3)
Choose the best answer:
1. Why did Pitts decide to hike the Appalachian Trail?
A. To fulfill his parents’ expectation.
B. To satisfy his desire for adventure.
C. To explore his choices before college.
D. To gather writing materials for his fantasy novel. 
2. What was the greatest difficulty for Pitts on his journey to the Appalachian Trail according to the article?
A. He had to endure long days over rough terrain.
B. He had to put up with the terrible weather there.
C. He had to deal with unexpected dangers sometimes.
D. He had to try not to see the journey just as a task.
3. The underlined word “breeze” in Paragraph 6 probably means ____.
A. something easy         B. something annoying
C. nothing interesting     D. nothing important
4. What is Pitts’ parents’ attitude toward his gap year plan?
A. Doubtful.                B. Opposed.
C. Supportive.                   D. Uncaring.
The man who made the sky the limit (P4-5)
Choose the best answer:
1. What does Piccard mean by saying “And as long as we fight horizontally, against life, against the winds, against what’s happening to us, life is a nightmare”?
A. There are many directions which we can take in life.
B. We should make use of what life brings us.
C. When life is a nightmare, we should think about our directions in life.
D. We shouldn’t fight against life; instead we should accept what life offers us.
2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the fifth paragraph?
A. If life goes in any possible direction, we will have to fight.
B. Habits, certainties, and so on will help us go further in life.
C. Changing your “altitude” in life is as easy as doing the same in a balloon.
D. By getting rid of habits, certainties, and so on, we can change our “altitude” in life.
3. Why should we explore the vertical axis?
A. Because it will help us decide on our direction.
B. Because by doing so we will become pioneers in certain fields.
C. Because it can help us reach our destination in a short time.
D. Because we can improve our actions and thinking during the process.
4. In what ways is our life like a balloon according to the article?
a. unpredictable directions
b. the vertical axis needs to be found
c. we have to change altitude sometimes
d. we need to drop something if necessary
A. bcd             B. acd      C. abd           D. abc
Laser doctor doubtful (P5)
Choose the best answer:
1. What is point of the text?
A. To introduce the development of laser eye surgery in Taiwan.
B. To analyze the possible side effects of laser eye surgery.
C. To inform readers of the working principles of laser eye surgery.
D. To remove people’s doubts about the safety of laser eye surgery.
2. Cai Ruifang says he will not conduct laser eye surgery again due to ____.
A. his falling health
B. his failure in recent laser eye surgery
C. his concerns over the potential risks
D. his lack of confidence in his professional skills
3. Which of the following statements about laser eye surgery is TRUE according to the article?
A. The Lasik surgery technique was invented nearly two decades ago.
B. Laser eye surgery reshapes a patient’s cornea to sharpen their vision.
C. About 300 thousand people in China have received Lasik surgery so far.
D. After Lasik surgery, the separated piece from the surface of the cornea becomes useless.
4. What is He Qingsong’s attitude toward the application of Lasik surgery?
A. Optimistic.            B. Critical.       
C. Doubtful.               D. Negative.
The worst time? (P6)
Choose the best answer:
1. When the author found out his parents were getting a divorce, ____.
A. he didn’t feel surprised at their decision
B. he was deeply affected and worried about how his life would become
C. he tried to tell his parents not to split up
D. he was relieved that they were going to begin a new life
2. What qualities did the author develop after his parents’ divorce?
a. a sense of responsibility            b. self-discipline
c. distrust      d. care for others     e. a strong will
A. abc            B. abe       C. bce        D. bde
3. By describing his decision not to drink alcohol, the author wants to show that ____.
A. he doesn’t like to have fun
B. he doesn’t like others pressurizing him
C. he tries to be different from others
D. he sticks to decisions that he thinks are right
4. The main message that the author wants to convey is that ____.
A. you can turn things around as long as you work hard
B. divorce may not only have bad effects on children
C. life is a struggle, so you have to fight
D. there’s no point in blaming others
Hike the dream path (P3)
1. B。由第二段“At 15, he began to plan a gap year to relieve his itch for adventure. As part of this, he decided to hike the A.T.”可知B项正确。
2. D。由第六段“Sometimes the hardest thing for me to do was to enjoy myself”可知,对于作者来说最困难的事是充分享受旅行的过程,所以D正确。
3. A。前面提到了对于作者来说最困难的事是充分享受旅行的过程,由“but once I did”可知,这里表示转折,一旦作者做到了,小径就变得____,根据语境可知breeze的意思应该与hard意义相对,所以答案为A。
4. C。由第四段“To celebrate the finish of his five-month hike, Pitts’ family climbed to the summit of Spring Mountain in Georgia to greet him.”以及最后一段话“What a better time to explore when you’re young?”可知Pitts的父母对他的间隔年计划是持支持态度的。
The man who made the sky the limit (P4-5)
1. A。这句话的意思是“如果我们水平地与人生、风力以及面对的事情抗争,生活就会像噩梦一样。”也就是说在面对这些东西的时候,我们最好不要一味对抗,而应该转变方向或者是高度。
2. D。A没有提到。在第五段中作者把人生中的“Habits, certainties, convictions, exclamation marks, dogmas”比喻成热气球里的砂囊,如果需要改变高度则需要选择性的抛弃一些,这比直接扔掉砂囊要困难,所以D对,BC不对。
3. A。从倒数第二段的“before we find the one that goes in the direction we wish”可得此答案,在探索了所有的可能性以后我们能够找到我们最想要的那个方向。BCD都没有提到。
4. B。从第二题的解析里断定cd可选,从第三段的“we go very well in unforeseen directions”可知,方向的不可预料性也是生活和热气球的相似之处。
Laser doctor doubtful (P5)
1. D。本文先提出了Ray Tsai宣告将不再做激光视力矫正手术,然后分析了这一手术的原理,最后专家He Qingsong指出只要手术前严格检查,LASIK这一手术还是安全的,所以答案选D。
2. C。由第二段“Earlier this month he said that he would never be performing laser eye surgery again, because of the problems it had caused for some of his patients.”可知C正确。
3. B。从第三段最后一句话“The laser eye surgery reshapes the cornea using a laser beam to make it work correctly. ”可知B正确。A项的nearly two decades ago不对,文中没有提及The Lasik surgery technique发明的具体时间;由倒数第二段第一句话可知C项的in China不对,应该是in Taiwan; 由倒数第三段最后一句话可知D项不对,被分离的切片还需要放回在伤口上,以防细菌感染。
4. A。由最后一段“As long as you have a proper and thorough examination before the surgery, LASIK is a safe procedure.”“He pointed out that even NASA approved LASIK surgery for its astronauts in 2007.”可知He Qingsong对于Lasik surgery持乐观态度。
The worst time? (P6)
1. B。从第一段的“My heart plunged…I thought that my life was going to fall apart.”得此答案。
2. B。从第二段可知在父母离婚以后,作者学会了自力自律,有了责任感。从第四段可知,作者坚持不让自己染上酗酒的恶习,这体现了他的坚强意志。
3. D。从第四段的“I am always determined to be an individual and not participate in anything that I feel is wrong.”可以得此答案。
4. A。文中作者描述了父母离婚初期他觉得他将度过最糟糕的时光,但是随着自己的努力,他发现他也因此受到了锻炼变得更加优秀。尤其是最后一段的“…success, and hard work, determination, and self-discipline can turn your worst time into your best time”这句话点出了全文的主题。
本期配套教案共2页:  1  2

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