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高三教案 第448期


My inner caveman speaks Chinese (P4)
Choose the best answer:
1. What is the point of the article?
A. To explain why the author wants to learn Chinese.
B. To show how the author improved her way of speaking Chinese.
C. To compare the differences between learning Chinese and German.
D. To explain why it is difficult for foreigners to learn Chinese.
2. The underlined word “snapped” in Paragraph 8 probably means ____.
A. gave out          B. worked up              C. helped             D. suffered
3. What finally helped the author discover the secret of the Chinese growl?
A. Her Chinese teacher’s assistance.
B. The hours she spent practicing Chinese.                                                                                               
C. The taxi driver’s insult to her.
D. Her unpleasant talk with a taxi driver.
4. What can be concluded from the last three paragraphs?
A. There are many similarities between Chinese sounds and German sounds.
B. People may master a language faster when they are feeling very emotional. 
C. The real secret to speaking a language is more basic than words.
D. All languages can be traced back to the Stone Age.
5. The tone of the article is ____.
A. humorous            B. serious            C. objective             D. angry
Meet Mr Manga (P4–5)
Choose the best answer:
1. How is Xiao Rong different from his peers?
A. He is studying manga in Japan.
B. He loves copying manga characters.
C. He has developed his hobby into a career.
D. He likes old Japanese mangas like Dragonball and Saint Seiya.
2. Why did Xiao Rong quit his job as the editor of a cartoon page?
A. Because he realized where his real interests lay.
B. Because he was given the opportunity to study in Japan.
C. Because the job did not fit well with his major at Foshan University.
D. Because he thought he could draw much better than the school kids.
3. Which of the following is TRUE about Xiao Rong before his trip to Japan?
A. Xiao Rong had been studying Japanese for a long time.
B. Xiao Rong had collected enough information about Japan.
C. Xiao Rong was aware that he might die during his stay in Japan.
D. Xiao Rong hesitated for a while when his parents were worried about radioactive leaks.
4. What makes Xiao Rong’s work popular, according to the text?
A. His Chinese background.
B. The fact that he focuses on surprising phenomena in Japan.
C. The fact that Japanese and Chinese people understand each other and are curious about each other.
D. The fact that he describes the real lives of Chinese students in Japan in a fun way.
Life as a heartless man (P5)
Choose the best answer:
1. What can we infer from the first two paragraphs?
A. Lewis feels he is unique because he has no heart.
B. Without the artificial heart, Lewis could have died.
C. After the operation, Lewis recovered rather slowly.
D. Lewis’ own heart kept working alongside the artificial one.
2. In what way was Lewis’ new heart special?
A. It was taken from a calf.
B. It could be indicated on the EKG machine.
C. It pushed and pumped blood instead of beating.
D. It had obvious advantages over other artificial hearts.
3. Which of the following is TRUE about this artificial heart?
a. It is smaller and quieter.
b. It will last longer.
c. It has not yet become infected.
d. It is going to be produced on mass scale.
A. ab           B. abc             C. abd       D. abcd
4. The writer seems to be ____ the artificial heart.
A. optimistic about     B. doubtful about
C. sure of             D. proud of
Reach for the sky (P6)
Choose the best answer:
1. What can we infer from the first two paragraphs?
A. Chico planned to escape from the start.
B. The author cared about Chico even though he was only a bird.
C. As soon as Chico realized he could fly, he flew away.
D. The author cut Chico’s wings to make it impossible for him to fly.
2. Why did Chico agree to come back?
A. Because he was unable to find food outside.
B. Because the author wasn’t going to put him in a cage.
C. Because the author promised him his freedom.
D. Because the weather outside was terrible.
3. Chico died because of ____.
A. the weather
B. a fight with pigeons
C. an infectious illness
D. maltreatment by the author
4. What message does the author try to convey in the article?
A. People shouldn’t keep birds in cages.
B. Chico shouldn’t have risked his life to escape.
C. It is worth taking big risks for your freedom.
D. It’s hard to say whether life or freedom is worth more.
My inner caveman speaks Chinese (P4)
1. B。本文主要讲的是作者到中国来学习说中文的经历,一次在出租车上咆哮着说出了自己要去的目的地后,发现的哥竟然听明白了,这一经历让她对说中文的方式有了新的体会,所以答案选B。
2. A。从下文“Faced with an especially loud taxi driver, I bellowed (咆哮着说出) my address in his face like a mother tiger defending her young.”可知作者那时心情不好,所以应该是没有了耐心,give out表示“用光,耗尽”,符合语境,故选A。work up: 逐步建立,逐步发展。
3. D。由第八段 “Something amazing happened. The driver fell silent. He gave a nod. Fifteen minutes later, I was at my front door.”和第九段“I had located the secret of the Chinese growl (低声咆哮). From that moment on, my life changed.”可知答案为D。
4. C。文章倒数三段里谈论了汉语里抱怨说话的方式,谈到了非单词的语音在各种口语里都很常见;最后一段的“the heart of every language is still in the Stone Age”与第一段“When cavemen walked the earth, everything from declarations of love to arguing over a piece of meat could be said with a grunt.”相对应,石器时代的穴居人没有很多的词汇,他们交流都是咕哝一声,但是这并不影响他们的交流,所以说一门语言的基本不是掌握很多的词汇,因此,我们可以推断出C项正确。A、B项两项文中没有提及;D项错误理解了文章最后一句话。
5. A。本文作者行文多处用了比喻的修辞,非常形象幽默。例如:“I spent countless mornings and evenings “ma”-ing like a mad sheep to get my tones perfect.”“Faced with an especially loud taxi driver, I bellowed (咆哮着说出) my address in his face like a mother tiger defending her young.”所以答案为A
Meet Mr Manga (P4–5)
1. C。从第一段的“But unlike majority of his peers, Xiao, 29, didn’t just keep his hobby to…put his pen and his talent into creating his own manga comics, and has begun to carve an exciting career out of them”可知,他的独特之处是把自己的喜好变成了事业。
2. A。从第二段的“Their drawings inspired him. ‘It gradually occurred to me that my future career was in not in media, but in manga,’”可得此答案。BD文中没有提到。第二段里提到Xiao Rong在大学的专业是art and design,这和他当时做的报纸工作还是有一定的相关性的,所以C也不对。
3. C。第四段的这句话“I wouldn’t change my mind. But I did write a will” 中,will是名词,意思是“遗嘱”,所以Xiao Rong想到了在日本死亡的可能性。AD文中没有提到。第五段中的“I collected as much information as I could about the country before my trip, but didn’t find much”说明他搜集的信息还是不够,故B不对。
4. D。从第五、六、七段可以得此答案。A在最后一段提到了,但不是他作品流行的原因。Bfocuses on与文章不符。Cunderstand与第八段的“I found there are mutual misunderstandings”不符。
Life as a heartless man (P5)
1. B。从第一段的“He was told that he only had 12 hours to live”可得此答案。A文中没提到。从第二段的“Less than a week after the operation, Lewis was able to sit up in bed and speak to his family”可知,Lewis的术后康复还是很快的,所以C不对。从第二段的“They removed Lewis’ heart and replaced it with an artificial one.”得知,他原来的心脏被移除了,所以D也有误。
2. D。从文章的第五段可得此答案。A文中没有提到。第三段的“If you hooked him up to an EKG machine, the line would be flat.”中提到,如果连接上心电图仪器,仪器上只能显示直线。因此新的人工心脏不能在心电图上显示,B不对。从第三段的“Whereas the human heart pumps blood through our bodies by beating regularly, this artificial heart pushes the blood forward with two moving blades”可知,正常人的心脏是靠心脏的跳动而带动血液循环的,而Lewis的人工心脏是靠着推动力帮助血液循环的,C不对。
3. B。从第五段可推断abc正确,d文中没有提到,故B正确。
4. A。从最后一段的“But this artificial heart looks likely to bring a ray of hope to thousands of patients.”尤其是“likely”可知,作者还是比较乐观的。
Reach for the sky (P6)
1. B。从第一断的“hoping to make him happier”可得此答案。由第一段的后半部分可知,Chico开始被放上树枝的时候不知所措,并没有马上就想要飞走,所以AC不对。第一段里没有提到Chico的翅膀是作者剪短的,所以D也不对。
2. C。从第三段的“Finally, I made him a firm promise that if he did come back I would let him out every day the weather was nice. At that moment, he flew onto my shoulder.”可得此答案。ABD文中都没有提到。
3. C。从第四段的“The vet said that he had contracted a disease from the pigeons in the neighborhood.”可得此答案。Contract是“传染”的意思。D中的maltreatment意思是“虐待”。
4. C。从文章的最后一段尤其是最后的两个反问句可看出,作者的观点是:如果没有自由,活着又有什么意义?

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