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高三教案 第451期


No more Lent: I’m giving up (P4)
Choose the best answer:
1. By saying “I washed chocolate off my hands this morning”, the author means that _____.
A. she just made something using chocolate
B. she has given up chocolate for Lent
C. she politely refused the chocolate that was given to her
D. it is a tradition to stop eating chocolate on the first day of Lent
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Lent in the UK?
A. In the UK, Lent is closely related to Christianity.
B. People often see Lent as a time to lose weight.
C. It is a perfect time of the year for people to have fun.
D. People often lose bad habits during Lent.
3. What is the main problem with Lent according to the author?
A. It limits people’s freedom.
B. It is boring and lasts too long.
C. It should encourage people to form good habits instead of giving up bad ones.
D. The bad habits people give up just come back when Lent is over.
4. What does the author think of the behavior of people in Beijing who don’t do Lent?
A. They enjoy excess and don’t care about their fitness.
B. They are lucky not to have to think of Lent.
C. They are honest about the way they live.
D. They should reflect upon their lifestyles.
How to address the madame (P5)
Choose the best answer:
1. By listing different ways of calling a woman in three different countries, the author intends to _____.
A. compare the status of women in different parts of Europe 
B. introduce the issue of women’s titles in France
C. inform us of the right titles for women in the three countries
D. show the differences between the terms for a married and an unmarried woman
2. What does the underlined word “abolition” in the third paragraph mean?
A. practice           B. abandoning   
C. protection              D. changing
3. The group Osez le Feminisme is against the use of “mademoiselle” because it thinks _____.
a. it is unfair to publicly declare a woman’s marital status
b. the title suggests youth and immaturity
c. it believes the title shows disrespect toward older unmarried women
d. the difference between “madame” and “mademoiselle” suggests gender discrimination     
e. the madame/mademoiselle distinction will encourage more young women to shun matrimony
A. a, b, c       B. a, c, d C. b, d, e        D. a, d, e
4. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the article?
A. In France, it’s common and reasonable to ask a woman about her marital status.
B. In France, married women have greater advantages than unmarried women.
C. Afraid of the changes in their title, many French young women give birth before getting married.
D. French women don’t need to identify themselves as married or unmarried any more when signing official documents.
Blood bank gets bigger (P5)
1. What are the key factors by which Landsteiner divided people’s blood into different groups? (No more than 8 words)
2. Why is it important to tell the difference between blood types? (No more than 12 words)
3. Why are most other blood types not known? (No more than 5 words)
4. What other aspects aside from medical needs do some people think are dependent on blood type? (No more than 10 words)
5. What is the main idea of the last paragraph? (No more than 8 words)
Market value (P6)
Choose the best answer:
1. Why did the author walk into Saturn at first?
A. Because he was interested in cars.
B. Because he wanted to buy a car for himself.
C. Because he wanted to buy a car for his wife.
D. Because he was wondering about their sales record.
2. Which of the following stood out about Saturn’s service?
a. They offered customers honest and open information on price and profit.
b. They were eager to help customers to buy a car as quickly as possible.
c. They made special and thoughtful arrangements for customers if needed.
d. They could sell and transport cars to customers in other cities.
A. ac            B. abc       C. acd           D. abcd
3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the article?
A. Sunday was the author and Jane’s fifth wedding anniversary.
B. Jane was angry that the author had forgotten the important day.
C. The author decided to buy Jane a new car to make up for forgetting the day.
D. The author took Jane to the Saturn store after making sure that they had the white car.
4. Why does the author write the article?
A. To advertise Saturn.
B. To thank the sales consultant and his team.
C. To show what excellent service means.
D. To share with us a memorable story between him and his wife.
No more Lent: I’m giving up (P4)
1. B。由第二段的“From Ash Wednesday (the first day, which fell on February 22 this year), people avoided sweet, rich food during the 40 days before Easter.”可知这里作者是想说自己avoid eating chocolate,所以选B。
2. B。由第三段的“It’s the perfect time of year – summer is coming, and you want to look good in your bikini (比基尼) or shorts.”可知人们在斋月期间会改变一些坏的饮食习惯,希望能够减肥,所以B正确。由第三段“Lent has little to do with Christianity”可知A不对;C项文中没有提及;由第五段的“When I look back, I realize that my various Lents always endowed (赋予) me with more bad habits to replace those I had given up.”以及第六段的“Once those 40 are up, any new leaves turned go back to the way they were.”可知D不对。
3. D。由第六段的“Once those 40 are up, any new leaves turned go back to the way they were.”可知答案为D。
4. C。由倒数第二段“but at least they are honest about their excess”以及最后一段可知C为正确答案。
How to address the madame (P5)
1. B。本文主要是介绍了法国对于女性称谓的新变化以及这一变化的缘由,所以第一段介绍由其他国家女性的称谓谈到法国女性的称谓,就是为了引出本文的主题,所以答案为B。
2. B。由下文可知女权主义者是反对这一称谓的,那么他们就会促使政府废除这一称谓,对应上文的“remove the title “mademoiselle” from official documents”,可知abolition的意思是“废除,移除,取消”,所以B为最佳选项 。
3. B。由第三段“Everywhere we are asked to declare our marital status. This is not imposed on men”可知a正确;由第四段“This is often inappropriate for older unmarried women as it suggests they are of lower status.”可知c正确;由最后一段“The madame/mademoiselle distinction... is a sign of standard sexism that endures in our society”可知d正确,所以选B。
4. D。由第二段第二句话“In late February, French Prime Minister Francois Fillon ordered all regional and local governments to remove the title “mademoiselle” from official documents.”可知D为正确答案。
Blood bank gets bigger (P5)
1. The red blood cells and the sera.
2. Because a wrong blood transfusion between two types could be fatal.
3. Most are rare.
4. Jobs, friendships, love, diet and so on.
5. Blood type does not affect personality.
Market value (P6)
1. D。从第一段可知,作者对Saturn的销售业绩很惊讶和好奇。
2. A。从第二段的可知Saturn车行里把价格政策和利润以及员工的收入对外公开,里面的销售人员也没有对作者进行狂轰乱炸地推销,所以a正确,b不对。从车行帮助作者给妻子惊喜可知c正确。向别的城市销售和运输汽车这是大多数车行业务范围之内的事,所以不能算Saturn车行的特别之处,d不对。
3. C。由文章的第三四段可知,作者忘了周日是妻子摆脱癌症第五年的纪念日,所以心里很愧疚决定给妻子买辆她喜欢的白色的车,因此C正确,A不对。B文中没有提到。D的“making sure”与第四段的“I said I’d take my chances…”不符。
4. C。从全文尤其是相呼应的文章的第一段和最后一段可知,Saturn之所以有这么好的销售业绩就是因为它与众不同的优质服务,可见服务的重要性。

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