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初三教案 第358期


Youku and Tudou become one (P2)
Choose the best answer:
1. What is the main reason for Youku.com Inc and Tudou Holdings Ltd to merge?
A. Because they were short of money.
B. Because they wanted to lower their copyright purchase prices.
C. Because both sides wanted to get rid of the copyright charges they were facing.
D. Because they wanted to share each other’s rights to air series and movies.
2. What does the underlined phrase “in the red” mean in the third paragraph?
A. At a loss.                B. In negotiation.
C. In a big fight.                D. In a craze.
3. What do the last two paragraphs imply?
A. Shi Yu doesn’t think it a good idea for the two companies to merge.
B. The merger is actually a win-win deal for both companies involved.
C. Though there will still be competition after the merger, this will not threaten Youku Tudou Inc.
D. Neither the merger nor becoming the largest online video company can promise a bright future for Youku Tudou.
4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the article?
A. The merger will benefit the online video industry to some degree.
B. The merge will put an end to the competition in the online video industry.
C. Youku Tudou Inc currently controls about half of the online video market in China.
D. The merger might harm customers because the new company may take over the market.
Storms of destruction (P5)
Choose the best answer:
1. What is the article about?
A. Why the Mayans worshipped the sun.
B. What a solar storm is and how it starts.
C. The possible impact of a solar storm.
D. Typical solar storms and how to deal with them.
2. Which of the following statements about the solar storm on March 8 is TRUE, according to the article?
A. It was the largest solar storm for a decade.
B. It turned out to be less severe than had been expected. 
C. The measures scientists recommended proved effective to reduce the impact of the storm.
D. Ticket machines and some TV networks stopped working because of the storm.
3. According to the article, when a solar storm strikes the Earth, ____.
A. it is a good time for astronauts to do spacewalks
B. there can be big changes in the weather
C. a stream of charged particles from the sun races toward the Earth 
D. people in Europe and the US are able to watch the northern lights
4. How do solar storms affect the earth?
a. They disturb the Earth’s magnetic field.
b. They produce particles that are harmful to people’s health.
c. They could disrupt electrical power systems, GPS and airplane flights.
d. They could destabilize the Earth’s atmosphere.    
e. They could cause magnificent aurora displays.
A. a, b, c        B. b, d, e C. c, d, e        D. a, c, e
Luck every time (P6)
Choose the best answer:
1. Why is it not always good for athletes to follow routines?
A. Routines are superstitious.
B. Doing routines can take time away from getting properly prepared.
C. Breaking a routine could make an athlete expect bad luck.
D. Athletes could start thinking they can win by luck instead of by hard work.
2. Which of the following is TRUE about the game Pass the Pigs?
A. The game fun enough to make them stop focusing on the event.
B. The author and Leon played the game before diving to ease their anxiety.
C. Winning the game was as important as winning a diving competition for the author and for Leon.
D. The author and Leon played the game at the Olympics, even though other divers made fun of them.
3. Which of the following is TRUE about the author’s routine with Tom?
A. It was as effective for building a partnership as the routine he followed with Leon.
B. The author’s confidence grew because of the routine.
C. The author preferred the routine to the one he followed with Leon.
D. The author preferred to go over dive moves in his mind.
4. What is the story mainly about?
A. The best way of competing.
B. How to get rid of the element of unpredictability.
C. Some ways of having a good mindset in sports competitions.
D. How to let superstitions work for you.
Youku and Tudou become one (P2)
1. A。第三段提到去年两家公司花了太多的钱购买播放许可权,这使得两家公司都面临亏损,尤其是“Funding pressures are the main reason for the deal”这句话说明,资金压力是双方决定合并的主要原因。其他三个选项所述都是合并之后可能导致的结果。
2. A。见第1题的解析。
3. D。最后两段提到,新公司仍然面临市场竞争,并引用Shi Yu的话说合并不一定会产生“一加一大于二”的效果,他们还应该找到盈利的其它新方式,这句话“… do not feel the deal will secure the market for Youku Tudou”尤其说明:虽然合并了新公司的前景并不乐观。所以A、C不对。B文中没有提到。
4. A。从第三段的“After the merger, there might be a fall in copyright purchase prices, which is good for the industry in the short term.”可知,合并在短期来看对行业有好处,A正确。由倒数第二段可知,优酷土豆合并之后还有其他如sohu.com等竞争对手,所以网络视频行业的竞争还在继续,故B不对;两家公司合并以后大概所占市场份额的21.8%加上13.7%35.5%,所以没到一半,C不对;D文章中没有提到。
Storms of destruction (P5)
1. C。本文主要讲的是太阳风暴对地球的危害,所以选C。
2. B。由第二段最后一句话not as serious as they had feared可知B正确。由第二段第一句可知这次太阳风暴是五年来最大的,所以A的decade不对;文中没有提及科学家采用什么措施应对太阳风暴,所以C不对;D项所述是1998年发生在美国的太阳风暴的影响。
3. C。由第三段第二句话可知C正确。由第四段最后一句话可知太阳风暴出现时宇航员在太空行走是非常危险的,故A不对;B项文中没有提及;由文章最后一段最后一句话可知,美国和欧洲的人们只有在太阳风暴比较强的情况下才能看到北极光,所以D项不对。
4. D。由第四段第一、二句话可知a正确;由该段第三句话“People on the ground are rarely harmed”可知b不对;由第五段第二句话可知c正确;d项文中没有提及;由最后一段可知e正确,所以答案为D
 Luck every time (P6)
1. C。从第二段的“Having a routine can be risky. If for some reason the routine is broken, it can put negative thoughts into your mind. You fail to perform because of some tiny, unrelated thing.”可知,如果一贯进行的惯例因为某种原因没有顺利坚持下来,这也许会给运动员的情绪带来负面的影响。
2. A。从第四段的“It stopped us thinking about the dive...”可知A正确。B的before diving不对,因为第五段提到了“after doing our dives we would run straight off to play that game”,他们有时在跳水完了以后也玩这个游戏。C文中没有提到。D的made fun of不对,文中第五段里只提到了当作者和搭档在奥运会比赛现场玩这个游戏的时候,别的运动员对他们投来好笑的眼神,并没有嘲笑他们。
3. A。从四五六段可以看出来,作者分别和Leon跟Tom的惯例虽然不同但都很有效果。BC文章都没有提到。是Tom喜欢在脑子过一遍跳水动作,不是作者,所以D不对。
4. C。全文先是说在体育比赛的输赢中,运气有一定的作用。所以很多运动员参加比赛时有自己的惯例,一些运动员有点迷信的惯例其实不好,然后作者分享了他跟前后两个搭档的惯例,最后总结:适合自己的就是最好的。

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