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初三教案 第359期


Issue 359
辽宁省实验中学北校  董冰
Why do we hate teachers? (P3)
Pre-reading questions:
           Do you like all your teachers?
           Which teacher do you like? Why?
           Which teacher do you dislike? Why?
While reading
True or false:
( F ) 1. This article is about some unpopular teachers and some popular teachers.
( F ) 2. The students thought there was something wrong with the Spanish teacher.
( T ) 3. The author didn’t agree with what his classmates said.
( F ) 4. Almost everyone hated the history teacher, including the author.
( T ) 5. The history teacher was fun but had a bad temper. 
( F ) 6. The science teacher was unpopular because she liked singing.
Post-reading activities
I. Role playing
    1) Work in groups of four.
    2) Act out the situation in the Spanish teacher’s class.
    3) Work out the lines of the Spanish teacher.
    4) You can add more lines for the students.
II. Discussion:
Have you had any teachers like the teachers mentioned in the article?
Choose one example and share it with your classmates.
      1. teachers who offended you
      2. teachers whom you find strange
      3. teachers who are too strict to give you a good grade.
      4. teachers with a bad temper
Use the words or phrases in the article to complete the sentences.
1. 我很快就适应了新环境。
I quickly ______ ______ the new environment.
2. 你要么住宿舍要么租房子住。
You can ____ live in the dormitory _____ rent a flat.
3. 我经常提醒自己注意均衡的饮食。
I often ______ myself ____ I should keep a balanced diet.
What are Americans really like? (P4-5)
           Would you like to visit the USA? Why?
           What do you think of American people? Please use some adjectives to describe them.
           Where did you get those impressions from?
While reading
Choose the correct answers:
( C ) 1. The author is _____ in China.
A. traveling             B. studying
C. working              D. visiting friends
( B ) 2. The author thinks that US$1,000 is ____. 
A. a little money
B. a lot of money
C. affordable
D. reasonable
( A ) 3. The Chinese woman met the author and his friend _______.  
A. at her son’s school    B. on a trip to Japan
C. because they are Americans  
D. because they are rich
( D ) 4. Which of the following misunderstandings is not mentioned?
A. All Americans are rich.  
B. All Americans have guns.  
C. Americans like killing robots.
D. Americans like traveling.
Post-reading activities
I. Role playing:
1. Act out the conversation between the Chinese woman and the author. You can add more lines to make the conversation complete.
2. Act out the conversation between the author and his students. You can add more lines to make the conversation complete.
II. Try to find some interesting misunderstandings about Chinese people from the Internet.
III. Write a short article about them and make a speech in class.
Use the phrases in the article to complete the sentences
1. 玛丽提出要帮我补习英语。
Mary _____ _____ help me with my English
2. 不要太为难他,毕竟,他已经尽力了。
Don’t be too hard on him. ____ ____, he has tried his best.
3. 从报纸上,我得知了很多最近新闻。
I have _______ a lot about the latest news ____ the newspapers. 
Big fears, bigger spiders (P5)
1. What does a spider look like?
2. What may be the reasons for people’s fear of spiders?
While reading
True or false.
1. The new study was done by the Journal of Anxiety Disorders.
2. The study lasted eight weeks.
3. In the first experiment, people had to touch the spider.
4. According to the study, people who are afraid of spiders may draw longer lines to show how big the spider is than those who are not afraid of spiders.
5. Sometimes it is fear that makes a spider look bigger.
Vocabulary in use
 Fill in the blanks with the proper forms.
throughout, fear, actual, effective, overcome
1. As long as you put your heart into your studies, every difficulty can be ________.
2. A good method can make you work ________.
3. She has a great _____ of darkness.
4. It snowed _________ the night.
5. The boy looks about 15 years old, but ________ he is only ten.
1. We can see many kinds of spiders in daily life. Are spiders good or bad? Why?
2. People fear all kinds of things, such as darkness, insects and so on. Do you fear something? What do you fear? Is there any way you can overcome your fear?
Rough hands, warm heart (P6)
1.      Think about the things your mother always does for you. What impresses you most?
2. When does your mother touch your head? What do you feel when she touches you?
While reading
Answer the questions.
1.      What does “it” in the second paragraph refer to?
2. How old is the writer’s mother now?
3. Can the author’s mother still take care of the family in her old age?
4. When did the writer apologize to her mother for shouting at her?
While reading
Fill in the blanks according to the passage:
    My mother used to come push my _____ with her ____ and ____ me good night on my forehead. But one day, I began to feel ______ because of her _____hands. Years later, I felt _____ for the night I ______ at her. After apologizing to my mother, the _____ that was in my heart for so long was gone, thanks to my ____ mother and her ____ hands.
1.      Discuss
   “But my mom didn’t know what I was talking about. She had forgotten it long ago.” What do these sentences tell you?
2. Every mother loves her child in her own way. But sometimes we don’t understand her. Have you ever said or done something bad to your mother, which might hurt or upset her? What do you want to tell her now?

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