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高三教案 第453期


Can’t buy me love (P2)
Choose the best answer:
1. Why did Greg Smith resign from Goldman Sachs?
A. Because he wanted to devote himself to writing.
B. Because was bored of investment banking.
C. Because he was frustrated with his company’s principles.
D. Because he had failed to make management changes.
2. In which cases are employees most likely to get promoted in Goldman Sachs, according to Greg Smith?
A. When they make a good profit for the company.
B. When they show good character and leadership skills.
C. When they put their clients’ interests first.
D. When they work well together with their colleagues.
3. The underlined word “veered” in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to _____.
A. recovered              B. turned                 C. profited           D. influenced
4. What is the writer’s suggestion to people who want to make a career out of investment banking?
A. They should be honest with their clients.
B. They should learn to ignore how others see them.
C. They should prepare themselves for the pressures that face them.
D. They should consider the culture of the financial sector before they get involved in it.
My way to play (P3)
Choose the best answer:
1. We can learn from the article that Cymber Larkin ____.
A. is confident that she will get a scholarship to college
B. has decided to sign with a better production company
C. has had a clear idea about her future career all along 
D. prefers to sing songs that she has written herself
2. The underlined word “excel” in the sixth paragraph probably means ____.
A. stand out         B. be praised
C. make progress       D. practice regularly
3. Which of the following statements about Cymber Larkin is TRUE according to the article?
A. She thinks dressing up is important for a performer.
B. She plays lacrosse to win her father’s respect.
C. She doesn’t take lacrosse seriously.
D. She doesn’t want to live in her father’s shadow.
4. By saying “She’s getting there now”, Sarah Hamp means Cymber ____.
A. is meant to be a singing star
B. has put a lot of effort into practicing her performance
C. is on the way to a musical career
D. has mastered great singing skills
Next stop: outer space (P5)
Choose the best answer:
1. What is the main idea of the text?
A. The application of maglev train technology in space research.
B. A new means of transport for space travel.
C. How the “StarTram” space train was invented.
D. The advantages of a space trip on the StarTram.
2. The tunnel for the space train would be vacuum sealed in order to _____.
A. protect the train against damage
B. make the train travel more quickly
C. stop the train from traveling too fast
D. make full use of the magnetic force
3. How do scientists plan to hold up the exit end of the tunnel?
A. By building giant pillars to support it.
B. By suspending it in the air from high-strength ropes.
C. With a magnetic force created by electricity.
D. By fixing a cable to the ground to support it.
4. What can we conclude from the last three paragraphs?
A. The StarTram could one day replace rockets to carry things into space.
B. The StarTram could help scientists detect more asteroids in space.
C. People will be able to travel into space on the StarTram within about a decade.
D. The StarTram could help handle an asteroid or comet threatening to hit the Earth.
Fireman Billy (P6)
Choose the best answer:
1. How did Billy’s mother feel when she found out that her son was dying, according to the first paragraph?
A. Sad and fed up.
B. Frustrated and guilty.
C. Positive and comforted.
D. Sad but determined.
2. By saying “We can do better than that”, Fireman Bob meant the following EXCEPT ____.
A. They would take Billy on the way to fight fires
B. They would allow Billy to drive the fire engines
C. They would have a special fire uniform tailor made for Billy
D. They would let Billy experience a fireman’s life for one day 
3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the article?
A. Billy died without warning.
B. Billy died three months after his fireman day.
C. The firemen came to say goodbye to Billy in a special way. 
D. Billy’s mom asked the firemen to come and say farewell to him.
4. What is the main idea of the article?
A. Some firemen are very kind.
B. How people should cherish life.
C. How a mother helped her dying son.
D. How a dying boy achieved his dream.
Can’t buy me love (P2)
1. C。由第二段最后一句话“he wrote an article… describing the “toxic” culture of the company…”以及第五段第一句话“…I can no longer in good conscience say that I identify with what it stands for”可知Greg Smith 辞职主要是因为他不认同该公司的文化,所以C项是正确答案。
2. A。由第六段的“Now, Smith said, promotion is based on how much money you earn for the company”可知答案为A
3. B。理解第五段涉及veered的这句话可知,从Greg Smith 加入Goldman Sachs以来,该公司____了如此之多,以至于他不能再问心无愧地说他认同该公司的立场,选项里只有B符合语境。Recover 恢复,复苏;turn 转变;profit 盈利;influence 影响。
4. D。由最后一段第一句话“Students hoping to make a career in investment banking might want to think twice about the culture of the finance sector.”可知D正确。
My way to play (P3)
1. C。文中提到Cymber “wants to earn a college scholarship”但并没有说她有信心一定会得到。文章也没有说她要换制片公司。根据her future is clearly in music可知Cymber志向坚定,一定要当一名歌手。
2. A。excel表示“表现卓越”的意思。根据文章可知,Cymber的曲棍球技术高超,连队友都对她赞赏有加。
3. D。文中提到play dress up, 指的是Cymber和朋友们玩过家家游戏的话,她老是把自己打扮成歌手。这并不能说明她很在意自己的穿着。文中讲Cymber的父亲鼓励她参加曲棍球运动,但是她很喜欢该运动给她带来的乐趣,她的表现也很优异,所以她并不是为了父亲而打球。此外,文章结尾也强调了Cymber不想人们因为他父亲的名声而了解她。而想通过自己的努力获得名声。她不想生活在父亲的阴影里。
4. C。文中提到Cymber出了首张专辑并在纽约为单曲拍摄了MV。这充分表明there所指代的地点就是暗示她已经走上了梦想的歌手的道路,而且正在这条道路上努力前行。
Next stop: outer space (P5)
1. B。本文第一段提到了人们将来有望到太空旅行,下文接着介绍了一种新的交通设备——the “StarTram” space train,作者进一步介绍了这种火车运行的轨道的设计方案,所以答案为B。
2. A。由第三段第二句话“The tunnel would be vacuum sealed so that the train did not get torn apart by the air if it traveled too fast.”可知A为正确答案。
3. C。由第四段最后一句话“Instead of building giant pillars to support it, they are going to suspend it in the air using a magnetic force.”容易误选B,但是B中的from high-strength ropes不对;结合第五段“The magnetic force created by the electricity will raise four tons per meter of cable length to a height of 20 kilometers.”可知科学家将通过运用特制电缆传输的电流来创造磁力,然后通过这一磁力使隧道的出口端悬浮空中,所以C项为正确答案。
4. D。由倒数第二段可知当有小行星或者彗星撞击地球时,科学家可以通过StarTram提前运送导弹和一些相关设备来积极应对,所以D项正确。A项文中没有提及;最后一段只提及了可以帮助科学家利用太空的资源,例如太阳能和小行星上的稀有矿物,但是并没有提到可以帮助科学家发现新的行星,所以不对;由最后一段第一句话可知Cwithin about a decade不对。
Fireman Billy (P6)
1. D。从第一段的“Her heart was filled with sadness, but like any parent, she wanted her son to fulfill all his dreams.”可知,Billy的妈妈感到伤心的同时,想要帮他完成心愿。
2. B。从第四五段可知,消防队员们给Billy专门做了一件消防服,带他去消防队,带他出火警,让他亲身体验了消防队员的一天。但是文章中说的是“Billy helped drive it back to the fire station.”是让Billy帮着开消防车而不是完全让他开。
3. C。从倒数第三段的“16 firefighters climbed up a ladder and through the window to Billy’s room”可知,消防队员们爬上消防梯通过Billy的窗户进到他的房间,可见C正确。在Billy去世之前他的生命指征突降,从护士有时间通知家属和消防队来看,他并不是毫无征兆的就去世了,A不对。Billy是比医生预料的时间多活了三个月,并不是自体验消防日那天三个月后去世,B不对。这次是护士给消防队员打的电话,不是Billy的妈妈,D不对。
4. D。文章以Billy的愿望为主线,讲述的是他的妈妈和消防队员帮助他实现最后的心愿的故事。

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