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高三教案 第458期


The grad medal (P3)
Choose the best answer:
1. The phrase “the Great Perhaps” in the first paragraph refers to _____.
A. a mysterious world              B. the unknown future           
C. society                                  D. memory
2. What is the article mainly about?
A. High school graduation traditions.
B. The popularity of class rings in high schools.
C. Why different high schools give different gifts.
D. How to make a great yearbook.
3. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the article?
A. Before graduation, students are all invited to compile the yearbook.
B. Students are free to choose all their own photos for the yearbook.
C. Yearbooks are more popular than class rings in the US and Australian high school.
D. Sporting groups, clubs, popular classes and teachers are often included in high school yearbooks.
4. The underlined word “swap” in the second-to-last paragraph is closest in meaning to _____.
A. discuss            B. gather             C. exchange           D. compile
Sounds of Irish soul (P4)
Choose the best answer:
1. How many famous Irish musicians or bands are mentioned in the article?
A. Three.              B. Four.
C. Five.         D. Six.
2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the article?
A. The upper classes in Ireland did not like harp music.
B. Irish music developed quickly in the 18th and 19th centuries.
C. It was not until in the 1920s that Irish music came to other countries.
D. The lower classes in Ireland made creative contributions to Irish music.
3. What can people feel in Irish music according to the article?
a. sadness           b. ambition
c. hope and peace      d. people’s own thoughts
A. abc                  B. acd
C. bcd                  D. abcd
4. What does the underlined word “conjure up” in the last paragraph mean?
A. make you forget
B. make you think of
C. make you focus on
D. make you keep to yourself. 
Sad films start smiles (P5)
Choose the best answer:
1. What is the point of the article?
A. To tell us that a negative mood can have benefits.
B. To explore the healing functions of tragedies.
C. To analyze why watching or reading a tragic story can make people feel better.
D. To show what you can do to brighten your day.
2. According to the article, after watching a tragic movie, people are likely to _____.
A. feel upset and anxious
B. complain about their lives
C. think about the troubles they’ve experienced
D. appreciate the close relationships in their lives
3. What can we conclude from the article?
A. Negative emotions tend to lead people to reflect on life in a positive way.
B. Negative emotions are a major source of happiness in our lives.
C. Positive emotions enable people to understand their situation better.
D. Positive emotions improve creativity and problem-solving skills.
Send him home! (P6)
Choose the best answer:
1. By the time they talked to the author, the school authorities _____.
A. had already made up their minds
B. had researched and observed her son
C. had sought advice from medical health professionals
D. had tried to fully discuss with the author and come to an agreement
2. When it was suggested to the author that her son be given ADHD medication, how did she react?
A. She believed that a child with ADHD could behave well in school.
B. She felt a strong sense of pity for her son and couldn’t help crying.
C. She felt the school authorities must be wrong and argued with them.
D. She defended her son and felt sad that the school authorities wouldn’t listen.
3. What examples does the author give to show that her son is marvelous?
a. He was always ready to help.
b. He was willing to team up with others.
c. He used his knowledge in hands-on projects.
d. He could manage his own time and schoolwork.
A. abd           B. abc     C. acd              D. abcd
4. What is the main idea of this article?
A. Why the author home schooled her son.
B. Children can easily be labeled as having ADHD.
C. School education compared with home schooling.
D. Children’s abilities can be overlooked by their teachers.
The grad medal (P3)
1. B。第一段提到了高中结束后,学生们就将离开童年世界,踏入the Great Perhaps,这里强调的是一种时间上的承接,所以从过去踏入的应该是将来,结合字面意思Perhaps可猜知,the Great Perhaps指的是“充满可能性的未来,未知的未来”,故选B
2. A。本文主要讲的是美国、澳大利亚以及英国的高中生的毕业传统,文章的中心句是第二段的第一句,最后一段的第一句话又做了小结,所以答案为A
3. D。由第四段第二句话可知毕业册由专门的委员会成员制作,他们负责收集同学们的相片、写短小说明、收集语录,所以AB不对;C项文中没有提及;由第五段第一句话可知D为正确答案。
4. C。上文提到了学生们拿到了毕业册,翻阅自己在毕业册里出现的频率。然后学生们swap yearbooks with classmates,收集同学们的签名与留言,所以这里swap应该是“交换”的意思,只有交换了才能互相留言。
Sounds of Irish soul (P4)
1. D。分别提到的爱尔兰音乐家和乐团有六个:U2,Westlife,Amhlaeibh Mac Innaighneorach,Michael Coleman, The Dub-liners,Enya。
2. D。由第二段的“soldiers and sailors combined… with…”可知D正确。该段的“Harp players were favored by aristocrats”说明A不对。第三段的“In the 1950s and 60s, when…, Irish music exploded”中的explode是“快速发展”的意思,所以B的时间不对。C文章中没有体现。
3. B。由倒数第二段的“… from peaceful landscapes, to the tragedies of history, to hope for the future”和最后一段可推出答案。Ambition的意思是“雄心”,文章里没有体现。
4. B。从最后一段中的语境“爱尔兰音乐能____人们的其它思绪,那些不知道爱尔兰音乐和爱尔兰神话的联系的人,将在爱尔兰音乐中诠释他们自己的思想”可以推断,该词组应该是“使人想到”的意思。
Sad films start smiles (P5)
1. C。本文主要讲的是研究发现人们看悲剧电影之后通常感觉更幸福这一现象,并分析了这一现象背后可能的原因,故选C
2. D。由第六段第一句话“Researchers found that the sadder students felt while watching the movie, the more likely they were to think about real people they had close relationships with in life.”与倒数第三段最后一句话“So seeing a tragic movie may make you sad, but that will cause you to think more about your own close relationships and appreciate them more. ”可知D正确。
3. A。倒数第四段提到了“negative moods make people more thoughtful”,倒数第三段提到了“But negative emotions, like sadness, make you think more critically about your situation…that will cause you to think more about your own close relationships and appreciate them more.”可知A正确,C不对。由最后一段“relationships are a major source of happiness in our lives”可知B不对; D项文中没有提及。
Send him home! (P6)
1. A。从第五段的“But there was no real discussion. A conclusion had been reached without asking me, my husband, or a mental health professional.”可知,学校领导没有咨询过专业医生,也没有与作者进行诚恳的交流,就固执地认定作者的儿子是多动症,所以A正确,CD不对。B的researched文中没有体现。
2. D。从第五段的“I tried to stand up for my child”、“A conclusion had been reached without…”和“I told myself to be calm and rational”可知,作者极力为儿子辩护,可是当发现校方已经盖棺定论后觉得悲愤,但是她还是控制住了自己的情绪,没有哭闹,所以D正确,BC不对。A文中没有提到。
3. B。从第六段的“he was disorganized with his schoolwork”可知,作者的儿子不能够合理地安排时间完成作业,所以d不对。从该段的“… then he used math easily for projects such as designing his own models out of wood. I noticed how cooperative and cheerful he was… and loved to help others.”可知adc正确。
4. A。全文作者讲述的是自己和儿子的经历,虽然儿子被学校认定为多动症,有这样那样的缺点,但是后来退学后在家里自己学习后一样成才了。所以A的答案最贴近。

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