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初三教案 第366期


Issue 366
北京市第三十五中学 闫婷
Search and you find (P2)
1. How many search engines do you know?
2. Which search engine do you prefer, Google or Baidu?
3. Do you know the history of Google?
While reading
True or false?
1. Google is the most popular search engine in the world.
2. Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded Google company in 1995.
3. Google was the first search engine in the world.
4. Google ranks websites simply by how many times the webpage has been visited.
5. Google maps is popular with everyone.
Choose the best answer:
1. Google, the search engine, was founded in _________.
A. 1993       B. 1995      C. 1998      D. 1997
2. Google ranked websites by _____
A. how many times the webpage has been visited
B. the number of the website users
C. the number of other websites that linked to that site
D. how much information the website provides
3. The main idea of this passage is ____.
A. How successful Google is
B. The development of Google
C. Google’s expanded business
D. the origin of Google
Vocabulary in use
Fill in the blanks with the proper forms.
search, come up with, engine, expand, organize
1. Baidu is a well-known search ________ on the web.
2. Google is used to ________ for useful information.
3. It is Betty who _____________ that great idea.
4. WTC is an ________ for world trade.
5. The company has _________ their business to other fields.
1. After reading the passage, could you state the development of Google?
2. What functions would you like Google to develop?
The real United States (P3)
1. What do you know about America?
2. How do you know the American culture? Do you believe all the information?
While reading
True or false:
1. In America everyone owns a gun.
2. Not all the American food is junk food.
3. The author believed all the information about America in the articles.
4. The “y’all” accent shows a wild, free spirit.  
Comprehension check
1. The author once read the following, except _____.
      A. Every American had a southern cowboy accent       
      B. Everything the Americans ate was deep-fried
      C. Every American owns a gun
      D. Every American likes McDonald’s
2. According to the author, ____.
      A. we should believe what the books said.
      B. not everything in the books is true.
      C. Americans prefer junk food
      D. none of the above
3. What is the main idea of this passage? _____
   A. Americans eat many things Chinese do not know.  
   B. Not everyone in America has a gun.
   C. We should not simply believe everything in the books.
   D. Americans prefer southern cowboy accents.
While reading
Fill in the blanks with correct forms:
1.       I remembered _______(locking, to lock) the door, but it was still open.
2.       Recently I bought a book _________ (describing, described) the beauty of Switzerland.
3.       Guangdong is in the _____ (south, southern) of China, and people there have a _______ (south, southern) accent.
1. Did you ever read a book that said something untrue?
2. How can we truly know foreign cultures?
Raising the bar on Mars (P5)
1. Do you believe there is life on Mars?
2. How much information do you know about space adventure?
While reading
True or false?
1. Curiosity is a robot sent to the moon.
2. The robot reached Mars safely on August 6.
3. The robot carries 17 cameras, ten research instruments and moves with eight wheels.
4. The robot’s primary goal is to find life on Mars.
5. There is water and carbon on Mars.
Comprehension check
1. NASA is _____.
      A. an organization for researching the sea      
      B. an organization for researching animals
      C. an organization for researching in space
      D. an organization for the researching life
2. As curiosity got close to the red planet, a giant parachute helped to slow down its landing ______.
      A. to help it take photos
      B. to make it cool down
      C. to avoid it crashing to the ground
      D. to send a black-and-white picture of its own wheel on Mars
3. According to the passage, which statement ISN’T true? ____
  A. Curiosity is the biggest and heaviest Mars explorer ever.
   B. Curiocity has a battery to keep it moving for more than 20 years.
   C. Curiosity weighs about 900 kilograms, is about 2.8m long and is as big as a small car.
   D. Curiosity carries 17 cameras, ten research instruments and moves with six wheels.
4. The main idea of this passage is ____.
   A. life on Mars
   B. whether Mars is habitable or not
   C. the robot Curiosity
   D. NASA
Vocabulary in use
 Fill in the blanks with the proper forms.
exist, avoid, get close to, reach, habitable
1. Scientists want to figure out whether Mars is _______.
2. No one can _______ making mistakes.
3. It took me three hours to ________ the top of the mountain.
4. It is dangerous for children to __________ to ponds.
5. Children believe in the _________ of aliens in the space.
1. How do you feel about the exploration on Mars?
2. Do you like movies about aliens?
Walk in your own shoes (P6)
1. Do you always change your mind because of others?
2. Do you believe in miracles?
While reading
True or false?
1. The author’s daughter couldn’t walk or talk when she was a baby.
2. The tap dancing shoes they bought were new.
3. People would never allow their daughter to wear tap dancing shoes to the grocery store.
4. The author felt sorry for her daughter.
Vocabulary in use
 Fill in the blanks with the proper forms.
shine, worthwhile, try on, patience, allow
1. Students are not ________ to eat during the class.
2. Excuse me, may I __________ the red shirt?
3. Teachers must be ______ with their students.
4. The ______ diamond dazzled my eyes.
5. Our effort was ___________. We achieved our goals.
Comprehension check
1. People would never allow their daughter to wear tap dancing shoes to the grocery store because _____.
      A. They make noise
      B. They are expensive
      C. They are dirty
      D. It is not allowed
2. What does the sentence” They don’t walk in your shoes” mean? _____
   A. They don’t have the same shoes as yours. 
   B. They don’t know how you feel.
   C. They don’t walk the same way as you.
   D. They don’t know the size of your shoes.
3. What is the main idea of this passage? _____
   A. Wearing tap dancing shoes is not good.     
   B. Sometimes you shouldn’t care what others say.
   C. Tap dancing shoes can help people walk.
   D. Others’ suggestions are not good.
1. Do you agree with the author?
2. If you are in a dilemma, will you stick with your own decision or listen to others?

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