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高三教案 第466期


Austen’s words live on today (P4)
Choose the best answer:
1. What is the point of this article?
A. To describe the impact of Jane Austen’s works.
B. To promote Jane Austen’s novels among teenagers.
C. To analyze why Jane Austen’s novels have such a lasting appeal.
D. To introduce how Jane Austen’s personal life influenced her novels.
2. According to the author, what made Jane Austen’s works so popular?
a. Her books are easy to read and understand.
b. Most of them have a happy ending.
c. People can still relate to them today.
d. They are mostly about romantic love and family life.
e. They tell how females can succeed in a male-dominated society.
A. a, b, c                 B. a, c, d       
C. c, d, e                  D. b, c, e
3. What does Kate Henry mean in the second-to-last paragraph?
A. You cannot miss the politics and feminism in Austen’s books.
B. You can take whatever you want from Jane Austen’s books and focus on what interests you.
C. Some readers find the political and feminist elements in Austen’s work too difficult to follow.
D. Some readers find the political and feminist elements in Austen’s work old fashioned.
Why not beat Beijing’s traffic by bike? (P4-5)
Choose the best answer:
1. What is the point of the article?
A. To tell us what makes the author love cycling.
B. To compare cycling in Beijing with London.
C. To introduce the differences between Mabel and Mandy.
D. To explain why Beijing is made for cycling.
2. What can we conclude from the first paragraph?
A. Bicycles are the most popular means of transport in London.
B. To save money, the author used to travel around by bus in London.
C. The expense of public transport makes some people want to buy a bike.
D. The author didn’t travel around London because of the high cost of public transport.
3. What does the author think of cycling around Beijing?
A. The city’s twisting streets make it hard for the rider to find the way.
B. Cars, taxis and motorbikes on the cycle lane pose a threat to cyclists.
C. With the flat terrain and wide cycle lanes, it’s safer to cycle in Beijing than in London.
D. The traffic in Beijing is worse than in London due to the city’s flexible road rules.
4. What can we infer from the article?
A. In the author’s view, Beijing drivers are less polite than London drivers.
B. In London, cars, taxis and motorbikes are allowed to use the cycle paths.
C. People in London follow the traffic rules much more closely than those in Beijing.
D. Mandy breaks down so easily that it makes the author miss her London bike Mabel.
Ocean coral is fading (P5)
Choose the best answer:
1. What can we learn about the Great Barrier Reef from the article?
A.With the world’s second-largest coral reef, the Great Barrier Reef was listed as a UNESCO world heritage site.
B. The Great Barrier Reef has lost more than half of its coral cover since 1985. 
C. At the present rate of loss, the coral cover will reduce by another 30 percent within a decade.
D. Coral reefs are an important part of the ocean’s ecosystem and can prevent ocean acidification.
2. The underlined phrase “under threat” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ____.
A. at risk                    B. out of sight
C. in demand             D. beyond recognition
3. Which of the following has led to the biggest loss of the coral cover?
A. Coral bleaching.
B. Increased storms.
C. Rising ocean temperatures.
D. Outbreaks of coral-eating starfish.
4. What can we do to prevent further coral decline of the Great Barrier Reef according to article?
a. Improve water quality.
b. Reduce global carbon dioxide emissions.
c. Disrupt the coral-eating starfish’s ability to build structures.
d. Control the population of the crown-of-thorns starfish.
e. Make ocean absorb more carbon dioxide from the air.
A. a, b, c        B. a, b, d       C. a, c, e       D. b, d, e 
Music that moves (P6)
Choose the best answer:
1. Why did the author’s mother say so at the end of Paragraph 1?
A. She believed her husband had the ability to save her world.
B. She thought her husband could always get strength from his violin.
C. She was unhappy that her husband loved his violin more than her.
D. She believed music has the power to save the world.
2. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. At first Mr Nordyke was too shy to play the violin.
B. The neighbors often dropped in to hear Mr Nordyke’s music.
C. Mr Nordyke’s music entertained and encouraged friends in the community.
D. The farmers realized Halley’s Comet would not destroy the earth after listening to the music.
3. From the last three paragraphs, we could see that Mr Nordyke was a ____ person.
A. generous and optimistic
B. popular and creative
C. sensitive and determined
D. energetic and humorous
4. What is the main idea of the article?
A. One father’s everlasting love of a violin.
B. A father’s popularity in the community.
C. How one man used his violin to make a difference.
D. How farmers fought threats of comet and boll weevils.
Austen’s words live on today (P4)
1. C。文章第二段提到了“So why is Austen still popular?”下文围绕这一主旨展开,详细分析了简·奥斯丁的作品受欢迎的原因,所以答案为C
2. B。第六段的“All of Austen’s books are easy to read making them popular with children and adults”说明a正确;从第三段可知简·奥斯丁作品里的话题和今天的生活仍然相关,c正确;第四段的“Her novels are about women trying to find a perfect husband, but also explore issues surrounding marriage, friendships and the family”说明d正确,故选B
3. B。在倒数第二段中Kate Henry说,你能选择阅读其中关于政治和男女平等的话题,但是如果你不想看这些内容,你也可以跳过不看。再联系上文,这里她的言下之意是,你还有别的很多内容可以看,总能找到你喜欢的。
Why not beat Beijing’s traffic by bike? (P4-5)
1. B。作者由伦敦昂贵的交通费用,谈到了自己在北京骑自行车的经历,比较了在北京与伦敦骑自行车的不同,所以答案为B
2. C。第一段里提到了在伦敦公共交通出行费用比较高,但没有提及哪种交通方式最流行,所以A不对;该段提到了作者为了省钱,选择骑自行车出行,所以可以推知B不对,C正确。文中提到了“I didn’t need to travel this way anyway. I had Mabel – my London bike.”这不等于作者不外出游览,所以D项不对。
3. B。由第四、五段提到的在北京自行车道上的潜在危险可以推知B正确,C项的it’s safer to cycle不对。由第三段“The city’s north/south/east/west grid structure is also easier to navigate than London’s unplanned, twisting streets.”可知twisting streets 指的是伦敦的情况,所以A项不对;由第六段“Despite the beeping, though, Beijing traffic is more good-natured.”可知D不对。 
4. C。从第四段作者描述的北京马路上的交通状况“The rules of the road are flexible. Bikes, cars, pedestrians all float up and down lanes in both directions.”可知,在北京人们在马路上行走过于随意,所以可推知C正确;由倒数第三段“In London, the road is an active war zone. People shout, swear and beat on each other’s windows. Beijing drivers never get actively angry.”可知A不对;第五段提到了“But cars, taxis and motorbikes see no reason why they shouldn’t use these as a shortcut, and why they shouldn’t beep at you to get out of their way when they do.”从作者说话的语气可推知在伦敦,cars, taxis and motorbikes应该是不允许开上自行车道的,所以B不对;D项所述的因果关系文中没有体现,所以不对。
Ocean coral is fading (P5)
1. B。由第一段可知A项不对;由第二段“Coral cover in the Great Barrier Reef has dropped by more than half over the last 27 years”可知B正确;由第二段“If the trend continues, coral cover could halve again by 2022”可知C不对;由第六段可知海水吸收大气中过量的二氧化碳会导致海洋酸化,海洋酸化导致的珊瑚白化可能会引起珊瑚死亡,所以D项的can prevent ocean acidification不对。
2. A。上文提到了珊瑚覆盖面大幅度减少,而they have been under threat …后面紧接的是导致这一现象的原因,所以under threat在这里应该表示的是“受到威胁,有危险”,故选A
3. B。由第四段“Storm damage caused nearly half of the coral losses.”可知B正确。
4. B。由最后一段提到的“we can achieve better water quality, we can tackle the challenge of crown-of-thorns”以及“its future also lies with the global response to reducing carbon dioxide emissions”可知推知B为正确答案。
Music that moves (P6)
1. B在第一段的最后,妈妈那句话的意思是:即便世界马上要毁灭你爸爸还是会拉他的小提琴的。再结合上文的“To him, it is an instrument of faith, hope and charity”可知,作者的父亲总是能从他的小提琴中吸取能量。
2. C文章分别提到了在邻居们面临虫灾和哈雷彗星的谣言时、在邻居心情不好时都请父亲拉琴从文中的By the time he had finished performing, people were stamping their feet, clapping their hands and yellingI could hear Mr Bowen whistling and yelling等句子可知父亲的音乐让邻居们释怀和开心。ABD文中都没有提到。
3. A。第一段体现了作者的父亲的optimistic;父亲愿意牺牲自己的时间在电话里为邻里拉琴,这体现了他的generous
4. C贯穿这篇文章的主线是父亲和他的小提琴,分别提到了在邻居们面临虫灾和哈雷彗星的谣言时、在邻居心情不好时父亲的音乐的力量。

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