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高三教案 第471期


One clever ch-app (P1)
Step I: Predicting and fast reading
1. Can you predict what the story is about according to its headline?
  The word “ch-app” indicates that the story might be related to apps. Besides, the word “chap” means “man or guy”, so according to the headline, we know that the story might be about a guy who develops a new app.
2. Read the article fast and see if your prediction is correct.
What is the story mainly about?
  It’s about how D’Aloisio developed the app Summly and the characteristics of Summly.
Step II: Specific reading
Choose the best answer:
1. According to the article, the app that D’Aloisio designed ____.
A. was directed by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg
B. has been an instant hit in the US since it was released
C. attracted a wide range of fans before it went on sale
D. is free at present but will charge fees in the future
2. What is the unique characteristic of Summly?
A. It especially meets the taste of teenagers.
B. It offers users summaries of news stories.
C. It enables users to customize the news categories.
D. It collects snack-sized information from major US news media.
3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the article?
A. D’Aloisio owes his success to his family.
B. D’Aloisio enjoyed working on the app and had no problems.
C. D’Aloisio wants to major in Internet technology at college.
D. D’Aloisio considers the Internet to be an essential part of his life.
4. Which of the following words best describe D’Aloisio?
A. Creative and ambitious.
B. Devoted and cautious.
C. Determined and humorous.
D. Responsible and passionate.
1. B。从第二段的“it became number nine in Apple’s app store just two hours after its release in the US”可以得此答案,instant hit的意思是“马上就火了起来”。A、C、D文中都没有提到。
2. B。从第二段的“that provides easy-to-read summaries of news stories”可以得此答案。
3. D。从第七段可以得此答案。A文中没有提到。从倒数第二段的“I get just as stressed with Summly as I did with exams”判断,D’Aloisio当时也有一定的压力,并不是had no problems,排除B。最后一段说到在大学里他想主修哲学或历史,并非Internet technology,C有误。
4. A。D’Aloisio能自己研发一种手机软件,这证明了他的creative。他有了想法,然后努力去实现梦想,这说明了他的ambitious。Devoted 投入的;cautious 小心谨慎的;responsible负责任的;passionate 充满热情的。
Step III: Post-reading
1. How does Nick D’Aloisio’s app benefit smartphone users?
The easy-to-read summaries of news stories the app offers makes it more efficient for users to keep track of the world.
2. If you have a smartphone, what kind of apps appeals to you most?
Fear of fiction (P4)
Step I: Fast reading
What kind of stories do young people prefer to read these days?
Horror stories.
Step II: Specific reading
Choose the best answer:
1. What is the point of the article?
A. To recommend some popular horror books.
B. To analyze why horror fiction fascinates young people.
C. To explore how horror fiction benefits young readers.
D. To introduce how Darren creates horror books.
2. The underlined phrase “going from strength to strength” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ____.
A. failing to attract attention 
B. improving imagination
C. getting darker and scarier      
D. becoming increasingly successful 
3. Darren Shan thinks that his books interest young people because ____.
A. they are exciting and inspiring
B. they are about the darker aspects of life
C. they deal with real-life issues in a fantastical way
D. they teach people how to deal with real-life problems
4. What can we conclude from the last paragraph?
A. Teenagers feel comfortable with Darren’s imagination.
B. The more frightening a book is, the better it sells.
C. Darren visits schools from time to time to promote his books.
D. Darren sometimes changes his stories to make them less scary.
1. B。本文的中心句是第三段的句子“But what is it about horror fiction that so appeals to young readers, and just how scary do they like it?”所以答案为B。
2. D。文章第一段谈到了惊悚小说故事在青少年中非常受欢迎,第二段第一句话进行小结,之后文章又以Darren Shan的作品为例论述这类故事的流行,所以可推断出going from strength to strength的意思是“越来越走红,不断取得成功”,所以答案为D。
3. C。由第四段第一句话可知答案为CD项有点迷惑性,根据下文“A book like this can hopefully help them prepare for when death strikes at them in real life. Good horror is always about helping us prepare for the darker aspects of life”可知,这类小说让他们对将来生活中可能出现的一些困境有心理准备,再结合第四段第一句话可知青少年喜欢读这类书的主要原因还是它们对于这类问题独特的处理方式:in a fantastical way,而D项没有突出这一点,所以不能选。
4. D。最后一段主要讲的是Darren有时候会到学校和图书馆与读者交流,了解他们对恐怖内容的接受程度,他在创作的过程中,也会站在读者的角度去审视自己作品中的情节能否让自己接受,然后基于这些,对作品的内容进行细微调整。所以只有D为正确选项。
Step III: Language studies
1. Match the beginnings and endings of these phrases from the article.
A. To fire someones           a. strength to strength
B. To solve                   b. your gut instinct
C. To go from             c. the charts
D. To top                 d. a mystery
E. To go with             e. imagination
2. Now match the completed phrases above to the meanings below.
a) To get people really interested.
b) To be the most popular.
c) To find the answers to a puzzling situation.
d) To decide something based on your feelings.
e) To get more and more successful
1. To fire someones imaginationTo solve a mystery; To go from strength to strength; To top the charts; To go with your gut instinct
2. Aa); Bc); Ce); Db); Ed)
Keeping track of time (P5)
Step I: Pre-reading
In what case do you usually feel time moves slowly and in what case do you feel just the opposite?
Step II: Reading
Read the text and choose the best answer:
1. What is the point of the article?
A. To introduce what helps people tell time in different conditions.
B. To inform what can be done to improve our ability to keep time.
C. To analyze what factors affect the neural activities in our brain.
D. To explain why our sense of time changes in different situations.
2. In the experiment, when the monkey overestimated the length of a second, ____.
A. they would move their eyes after the time was up
B. they would move their eyes before the time was up
C. the activity of their brain neurons decreased faster
D. the activity of their brain neurons increased faster
3. According to the article, the changing rate of neural activities in our brain _____.
A. changes our stress level
B. makes our sense of time feel different
C. affects the amount of adrenalin in our body
D. affects the amount of electrical signals the brain receives
1. D。本文的中心段为“Why do we sense time so differently? To understand that we first need to look at how our brain keeps track of time.”下文进一步揭示了为什么我们在不同的情境下对时间长度的感觉不一样,所以答案为D。
2. A。由第五段的“But whenever the decrease slowed down, it corresponded with the monkey’s overestimating (高估) the length of a second, while a faster rate of decrease meant they would move their eyes before the time was up.”可知,每当这种神经元活动减少的速度较慢时,猴子相应地就会高估一秒钟的长度(一秒钟过了它们还没有转动眼睛);然而当这种减缓速度加快时,时间还没到他们就转动眼睛了。所以A为正确答案。
3. B。根据倒数第四段的“The animals’ timing varied after these neurons were more, or less, active… It’s as if the activity of these neurons was serving as an internal (内部的) hourglass (沙漏)”可以推知B正确。由倒数第二段可知A、C是导致神经元活动速率发生改变的因素之一,而不是结果,所以不对;D项无中生有。
Step III: Language study
1. The researchers then measured the electrical signals sent from the monkey’s brain neurons and found that the activity of these cells decreased between each eye movement in a regular way, which helped the monkey sense the right length of time.
过去分词短语sent from the monkey’s brain neurons在句中用作定语,修饰前面的electrical signals;在which引导的非限制性定语从句中,which指代上文中的the activity of these cells decreased…。句意为:然后研究者们计算了由猴子大脑的神经元发出的电子信号,他们发现这些细胞的活动在每两次眼睛活动的间隔之间都有规律地减少了。
2. But whenever the decrease slowed down, it corresponded with the monkey’s overestimating the length of a second, while a faster rate of decrease meant they would move their eyes before the time was up.
3. Not only did this experiment reveal how the brain has the ability to keep time, it also gave an explanation as to why, under certain conditions, our sense of time feels different.
否定词Not only, seldom, hardly, nor等置于句首时,该句子要用部分倒装,即把助动词或者情态动词置于主语前。
4. This study suggests that scientists may one day be able to control how we experience time by changing the neuronal activities in our brain.
句中suggest表示“表明”,其后面所接的由that引导的宾语从句要用陈述语气。How引导的从句作control的宾语;by changing…为方式状语。句意为:这一研究表明,科学家将来也许能够通过改变我们大脑里神经元的活动(的速率)来控制我们感知时间的方式。

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