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初三教案 第390期


Issue 390
Age is no barrier to our success (P3)
Pre-reading questions:
1. Do you often forget your passwords when surfing the Internet? If so, how do you deal with it?
2. If you got a chance to start your own business, what would you want to do?
While reading
What is Prompt Me Nina?
A. It is an advertisement.
B. It is an app designed by an English girl.
C. It is a cell phone game.
D. It is a slogan.
2. What made Nina come up with the idea to design the app?
A. Her father forgot the password to his Facebook account.
B. She wanted to make money.
C. It’s difficult for people to remember different passwords.
D. Her father wanted her to solve the problem.
3. Which of the following statements is True?
A. Nina made the app all by herself.
B. Nina has dropped out of school.
C. Nina puts all her efforts into her business.
D. Nina is a model for teenagers who want to start their own business.
Post-reading activities
 Discuss whether students should be allowed to start their own business at a very young age.
Sci-fi dream comes true (P5)
Pre-reading questions:
1.       Have you ever dreamt about printing a robot? How does a 3-D printer work?
2.       What would you print if you had a 3-D printer? Why?
While reading
1. What is the correct order for people to use a 3D printer?
The object is formed like magic.
Use a computer to design an object.
The 3D printer spreads the material.
Press the “print” button.
Select the proper materials.
A. ⑤④①②③           B. ⑤③④②① 
C. ②⑤④③①          D. ②③⑤④①
2. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. The 3D printer is as big as the universe.
B. A 3D printer can print on any material.
C. The 3D printer can print an artificial ear.
D. Some thieves used a 3D printer to print a gun.
Task 2
 Why does the writer think 3-D printers might be dangerous? Could you give some examples?
Post-reading activities
 3-D printers can be convenient but can also be dangerous. Are you for or against using 3-D printers? Form two teams and have a debate.
Don’t distance your hearts (P6)
Read the article and discuss two questions below
1.       What do you think of yourself? Find some adjectives to describe yourself.
2.       Do you often quarrel with others?
3.       When do you quarrel with others?
(shy   outgoing   aggressive    lazy   calm generous   honest   kind   friendly   unfriendly   humorous   independent    serious   energetic ) 
While reading
1. What did they find when a wise man and his students were visiting a village?
A. A group of family members shouting at each other angrily.
B. His students shouting with a group of people.
C. A group of people traveling there.
D. A group of family members playing there.
2. The students think family members shout at each other because___.
A. they don’t like each other.
B. they are not friends.
C. they lose their calm.
D. they are far from each other.
3. What will happen when two people are angry with each other?
A. They are far away from each other.
 B. They are too angry to say a word.
 C. They fight with each other.
 D. Their hearts become distanced.
4. What will usually happen to two people who fall in love with each other according to the passage?
A. They talk softly.
B. They shout at each other.
C. They don’t say anything to each other.
D. They talk more.
5. Which is the best title?
A. Cover the distance with love.
B. Don’t shout.
C. Shouting is bad.
D. The distance of love.
Discuss the questions after reading
Activity one: Group discussion
1. How can we avoid quarrelling with others? Give some specific suggestions.
Activity two: Conversation
2. Your friend is easy to anger and always shouts at his family members. Make a conversation to talk about his problems and give suggestions.
Key: P3: BAD
P5: CC

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