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高三教案 第487期


A tale of revenge (P4)
I. Pre-reading
   Alexandre Dumas (24 July 1802 – 5 Dec 1870) was a French writer, best known for his historical novels of high adventure. Translated into nearly 100 languages, these have made him one of the most widely read French authors in history.
    His well-known novels include The Count of Monte Cristo (《基督山伯爵》), The Three Musketeers (《三个火枪手》), Twenty Years After (《二十年后》), and The Vicomte de Bragelonne: Ten Years Later (《布拉热洛纳子爵》). His novels have been adapted since the early twentieth century for nearly 200 films.
Dumas' last novel, The Knight of Sainte-Hermine, unfinished at his death, was completed by a scholar and published in 2005, becoming a bestseller. It was published in English in 2008 as The Last Cavalier (《最后的骑士》).
II. Reading
1. Read the article and find out what the novel The Count of Monte Cristo is mainly about.
Main plot of the novel:
Beginning: Dantès is a young prosperous captain and is set to marry the beautiful Mercédès. But his fortune makes people envy him. Danglars hates that Dantès is a success as a captain. Mondego loves Mercédès, making him hate his rival Dantès. Caderousse resents Dantès for getting the luck in life he feels he has been denied.
Middle: The three men have Dantès arrested for treason. He is found guilty and imprisoned for life. Luckily, in jail, he meets a priest, Faria, who who passes on his education to Dantès and also tells him of a fortunate event on the island of Monte Christo. When the priest dies, Dantès seizes the chance to escape and then he makes his way to the island to claim the money.
End: Dantès tries to revenge after he escape from prison.
Caderousse gets off lightly because he regrets his treachery and helps Dantès.
Mondego, married to Mercédès, has continued with his treacherous ways and the life he has led helps Dantès to bring him down.
Danglars is ruined financially when Dantès’ plays on his lust for gold.
2. Choose the best answer:
1) The underlined word “undoing” in the third paragraph probably means ____.
A. basis of someone’s success
B. cause of someone’s troubles
C. a protection against danger
D. something to show off
2) What does the novel The Count of Monte Christo focus on?
A. Dantès’ desire for success and power.
B. Dantès’ ruin after he is sent to prison.
C. Dantès’ adventure after he escapes from the prison.
D. Dantès’ revenge on the men who caused his imprisonment.
3) Which of the following is TRUE according to the article?
A. Thanks to Faria, Dantès regains freedom and wealth.
B. Danglars replaces Dantès as the captain after Dantès is sent to prison.
C. Caderousse hates Dantès because Dantès once offended him.
D. Mondego is a greedy man who is ruined financially due to his lust for gold.
4) By saying “But the other two fare less well”, the author means that the other two ____.
A. are not as helpful as Caderousse
B. don’t deserve all they suffer
C. are punished in a more cruel way
D. are less satisfied with their lives
5) From the article, we can conclude that the author thinks that Dumas ____.
A. believed Dantès achieved justice
B. didn’t completely believe in revenge
C. aimed to use the novel to present the great ups and downs of life
D. believed Dantès had every right to ruin those who caused him to be jailed
1) B。由第三段该词后描述的三个人对他的嫉妒,怨恨以及第四段描述的这些人把他送入监狱,可知他的幸运与成功结果变成了导致他不幸的源头,故选B
2) D。由文章第一、二段以及下文描述的小说情节可知该小说主要讲述的是Dantès复仇的故事,故选D
3) A。由第四段可知A正确。B无中生有,文中没有提及;由第三段可知C不对。D项描述的是Danglars的情况,故不对。
4) C。划线的这句话的前一句描述的是Caderousse的情况,他因为曾经帮助过Dantès而免于惩罚了,而下一段描述的其他两人的命运就完全不一样了,他们最后的结局都很悲惨,所以这句话承上启下,表达的意思是:但是其他两人的境遇就没那么好了。Fare表示“进展,遭遇”,故选C
5) B。由最后一段可知,无辜的人也跟着遭遇不幸。由“It is a fable about the limits of human justice. Dumas seems to argue that only fate can decide proper punishment for the wicked (邪恶的).”可以推知作者认为Dumas这样设计故事情节有可能是因为他认为报复并不意味着就带来了公平公正,故B为正确答案。
III. Language study
1. The pitiful Caderousse is a struggling innkeeper (小客栈老板); he gets off lightly because he regrets his treachery (背信弃义) and helps Dantès.
Get off: 免受惩罚;逃脱(严厉的)惩罚。例如:He is likely to get off with a small fine.
2. The greedy Danglars, who so envied Dantès’ success, is ruined financially when Dantès’ plays on his lust (强烈的欲望) for gold.
Play on表示“ 对……加以利用”。例如:I felt guilty saying that, playing on her generosity.
Daily videos (P5)
I. Pre-reading
We know that memory will slowly fade away as time goes by. So in what way do you record your life and refresh your memory?
II. Skimming
Read the story fast and find out what Kuriyama did in 2011 to record his life.
Key: He filmed one second of video every day in 2011. One year later he edited them together in chronological order and created a six-minute video.
III. Scanning
Read the story again and choose the best answer:
1. Why did Kuriyama decide to film one second of video every day in 2011?
A. He wanted to enter a documentary competition.
B. He wanted to share his travel experiences with his friends.
C. He wanted to inspire himself to do something more exciting the following year.
D. He wanted to better remember his life that year.
2. Which of the following is TRUE about Kuriyama’s work?
A. It included some pictures downloaded from the Internet.
B. His family members appeared in the video.
C. It lasted 16 minutes and gave the audience new perspectives on life.
D. It focused on interesting or unforgettable moments from every day of 2011.
3. By recording one second every day, Kuriyama ____.
A. became more creative and knowledgeable
B. successfully turned his dull life into exciting one
C. began to realize that he should have achieved more in the past year
D. thought carefully about the past and encouraged himself to do better in the future
4. What might be the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A. To call on readers to watch Kuriyama’s video.
B. To introduce Kuriyama’s original way of recording life.
C. To introduce Kuriyama’s adventurous trip in 2011. 
D. To inspire readers to reflect more on the past.
1. D。由第三段的“To document the year, he came up with an idea to film one second of video every day”可以得此答案,document在此句作动词,意思是“用文件证明”。
2. B。从第四段的最后一句话可以得此答案。A文中没有提到。由第三段最后一句话可知这是一段六分钟的视频,所以C不对。第四段里提到,他的作品除了有刺激的、温馨的瞬间,还有无聊的比如上网的时刻。
3. D。根据第六段的“Recording one second every day suddenly allowed me to easily reflect back on my life – I started re-evaluating how I approached each day”可以得此答案。
4. B。本文中作者主要介绍了Kuriyama坚持每天录像一秒钟来纪念2011年的方式。
IV. Post-reading
If you want to know more details about Kuriyama’s speech, you can listen to it at
Playing better (P6)
I. Skimming
Read the text and answer the following questions.
1. What happened to Jane two years ago?
2. What did she do to overcome her problem when she was in pain?  
1. She hit her head and got a concussion. The concussion didn’t heal properly, and after 30 days she was left with symptoms like nonstop headaches, nausea, memory loss and mental fog. She was advised by her doctor that she had to avoid everything that triggered her symptoms.
2. She created a role-playing recovery game called Jane the Concussion Slayer to help herself recover.
II. Scanning
Read the text again and choose the best answer:
1. Which of the following is TRUE about Jane McGonigal?
A. Jane suffered from unbearable pain and depression after she got the concussion.
B. Not following her doctor’s advice, Jane was left with a series of traumatic brain injuries.
C. To completely heal her brain, the author began to research the psychology of games.
D. Like most people who have traumatic brain injuries, Jane wanted to commit suicide.
2. The author discovered that when playing a game, people usually ____.
A. become more creative and responsible
B. become more willing to help others
C. avoid facing challenges
D. feel more optimistic and more open to others’ opinions
3. What does the underlined word “vanished” mean in the last paragraph?
A. Changed.              B. Returned.
C. Developed.            D. Disappeared.
4. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A. Jane’s headaches faded right away after she began playing the recovery game.
B. It took more than a year for Jane to completely recover from the concussion.
C. Though there were still some symptoms left, Jane was able to deal with them positively.
D. The game Jane created was an effective cure for her depression and cognitive symptoms. 
1. A。从第二段可以得此答案。开始的时候Jane是听从医生建议的,后来她发现这样自己痛苦得想要自杀,这才决定用自己的方法来治病,所以B不对。从第五段的“researching the psychology of games for more than a decade”可知,Jane在得病之前就已经开始研究游戏心理学了,所以C有误。根据第三段的“It happens to one in three”,三分之一大脑有创伤的人想要自杀,不是most,所以排除D。
2. D。由第五段的“with more creativity, more determination, more optimism, and we’re more likely to reach out to others for help”可以得此答案。
3. D。由上文的“went away”可以推测出该词的意思应该是“消失,不见”。
4. C。根据最后一段,玩那个她自己设计的游戏后,Jane的抑郁和焦虑情绪消失了。但是一年后头痛和认知问题上的症状才消失。而“even while I was still in pain, I stopped suffering”这句话,显示了Jane面对病痛的积极态度。
III. Post-reading
Group work:
What can we learn from Jane?

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