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高三教案 第490期


Family drama (P4-5)
Read the text fast and answer the following question.
What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A. To introduce the history of Downton Abbey.
B. To describe what the hit British TV show is about.
C. To promote Downton Abbey among tourists.
D. To analyze why the TV show appeals to viewers.
Key: D。本文主要讲的是电视剧Downton Abbey广受欢迎的原因。
II. Scanning
Read the text again and choose the best answer:
1. The underlined word “riveting” in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to _____.
A. fascinating          B. peaceful 
C. practical               D. controversial    
2. What is the main reason for the TV drama’s huge success according to the text?
A. The touching love story.
B. The relatable characters.
C. The elegant table manners used on the show.
D. The glitzy lives depicted on the show.
3. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the TV drama according to the text?
A. It is set at Downton Abbey at the end of 20th century.
B. It focuses only on the lives of the aristocratic Crawley family.
C. The lives of the Crawley family have much in common with ours today.
D. Viewers can learn proper etiquette for formal dining by watching the show.
1. A。这一段里Liz Winstead认为讨人喜欢的人物是该电视剧成功的主要原因,她接着说:如果你能使把特权阶级的庸俗的生活变得_____,那就表示它的创作与表演非常出色。根据句意可知riveting的意思与mundane相对,故选A
2. B。由最后一段的首句可知B为正确答案。
3. D。由第五段可知D为正确答案。
III. Language study
1. The show follows the ins and outs of the family and servants living at Downton Abbey.
ins and outs 全部细节,详情
I don't know the ins and outs of the matter.
2. Many viewers have found themselves caught up in their struggles.
catch sb up in 使某人陷入,使某人沉湎于
The fireworks caught everyone up in the excitement.
3. Liz Winstead, reporter with The Guardian, believes the likeable (令人喜爱的) characters contribute a lot to the success of the TV drama.
Contribute to 导致,促成
The dry weather contributed to the failure of the crops.
Take your breath away (P5)
I. Pre-reading
1. What do doctors usually take if they want to test you for something?
A blood or urine sample.
2. What are the disadvantages of blood or urine testing?
It takes a long time to get the result.
You might get an infection during the blood test.
You may get hurt if the person who performs the blood test is inexperienced.
II. Reading
Choose the best answer:
1. Which of the following is TRUE about breath testing?
A. It is more often used by traffic police than by doctors.
B. It has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for years.
C. Some animals can detect early signs of cancer better than medical equipment can.
D. It is not very reliable because breaths may change throughout the day.
2. What are the advantages of breath testing according to the text?
a. It is lighter.           b. It is quicker.
c. It is more economic.
d. It is as reliable as fingerprints.
e. It doesn’t need a container.
A. abd           B. bde    C. ace          D. cde
3. What are the scientists going to do to improve breath analysis?
A. Study most genes in human DNA.
B. Match breathprint patterns to every disease.
C. Perfect the instruments used to perform it.
D. Prove that metabolites vary from person to person.
1. B。根据第二段的“In traditional Chinese medicine, doctors draw conclusions about the health state of a patient based on the smell of his or her breath”可以得此答案。文中虽然提到交警使用呼气检测法,但没有对比交警和医生对该方法的使用情况,A有误。虽然提到一些动物能根据人的呼气检测到一些疾病,但是没有说动物能比医疗设备做的更好,所以C也不对。第五段后面说每个人的呼气都是独一无二的,变化也不大,所以也能排除D
2. B。根据第三段可以得出d正确,根据第四段的第一句话可以得出be正确,所以B为正确答案。
3. C。从最后一段的“breath-testing instruments have to be improved first”可以得此答案。
III. Language study
uJust like blood and urine, your breath contains lots of “metabolites” - the waste chemicals that the body produces, which vary from person to person.
句中the waste chemicals that the body producesmetabolites的同位语,解释说明什么是metabolites,后面which引导的非限制性定语从句修饰metabolites。句意为:就像血液和尿液一样,你的呼气也包含着代谢物,即人体产生的废弃化学物质,每个人的代谢物是不同的。
v“Our goal is to develop breath analysis to the point where it becomes competitive with the established analysis of blood and urine,” said...
句中where相当于at which,它引导的定语从句修饰先行词the point。这种语境下的to the point经常翻译成“到达某程度,到了某地步”。
Let some air in (P6)
I. Pre-reading
Do you usually sleep with the air conditioner on during summer nights?
How would you feel if you had to sleep without air conditioning on a hot summer night?
II. Reading
Choose the best answer:
1. Why did the author decide to turn the air conditioner off?
A. To let some fresh air in.
B. To get closer to nature.
C. To refresh her memory of her childhood.
D. To reduce her family’s electricity costs.
2. When the author’s children complained about the heat, she ____.
A. got annoyed and argued with them
B. suddenly thought about her grandmother
C. insisted that they bear it for at least one night
D. pretended she didn’t hear them because she was too tired
3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
A. On summer nights, it was the author’s grandma’s soft voice that made her fall asleep.
B. The author enjoyed the time she spent with her grandma listening to the night.
C. The author thinks the place where her grandma once lived is very noisy during summer nights.
D. The author’s 7-year-old son was frightened when he heard the howl of owls outside.
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing this text?
A. To suggest that people turn on air conditioners at night.
B. To recount the days when the author stayed with her grandma.
C. To describe the many benefits the author got from turning off the air conditioner that night.
D. To criticize the fact that modern lifestyles have ruined people’s peaceful nights.
1. D。由第一段可以得此答案。
2. C。由第七段可以得此答案。
3. B。文章的后半部分是作者回忆她小时在奶奶家度过的夏天。天气一样地炎热,奶奶同样打开窗户让她耐心等待微风的到来,慢慢地作者用心听到了窗外的声音,慢慢入眠,所以B为正确答案,A不对,Cvery noisy跟文章不符。Dfrightened文中没有提到。
4. C。作者分别描写了她和家人关了空调的一个夏天的夜晚,和她小时候跟奶奶一起度过的一个夏天的夜晚,两个夜晚都很炎热,但是通过倾听窗外夜晚的声音,最终大家都能安然入眠,所以C为最佳答案。
III. Post-reading
Ø         When the author couldn't fall asleep on that hot summer night, what advice did her grandma give her?
Key: She advised the author to just watch for the breeze. In this way she would cool off and fall asleep. 
Ø         What do you think of the author’s grandma’s way of dealing with summer heat?
Ø         Could we use this approach in other areas of our daily lives?
Possible answer: When we meet with difficulties, getting annoyed or complaining doesn’t help solve the problem. Instead, you should watch for the “breeze”, cool off and then think of the best way to solve the problem.

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