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高三教案 第502期

Fashion police target teachers (P3)

I. Pre-reading


Ø  How do you think students should dress at school?

Ø  How do you think teachers should dress in the classroom?


II. Reading

Read the article and choose the best answer:

1. What does the article mainly talk about?

A. Fashion trends among teachers in the US.

B. Dress codes for teachers in the US.

C. Why the way a teacher dresses matters.

D. How US teachers manage to dress professionally.

2. The underlined phrase “crack down on” in Paragraph 2 probably means ____.

A. regulate          B. announce 

C. remind            D. discuss

3. Which of the following is not allowed to be worn by teachers in some US schools?

a. yoga pants      b. scarves    c. colorful shirts        d. eye makeup    e. faded jeans      f. cuff links

A. a, b, d, e          B. a, c, d, f

C. b, c, d, e          D. a, d, e, f

4. Which of the following might Amy Lindquist agree with?

A. Teachers had better dress professionally.

B. It’s all right for teachers to dress however they want.

C. How you dress reflects who you are, so teachers should dress with personal style.

D. Teachers who dress in a proper and fashionable way do better with students.



1. B。本文主要谈论的是美国一些学校对教师穿衣方面的规定,所以答案为B

2. A。该词组所在的句意为“最近教师着装成为了一个热议的话题,各学区正在努力_____学校管理着视为不合适的着装。”根据下文的各个学校的规定可以推知crack down on表示“管理,控制”的意思,所以答案为A

3. A。从第二段可知老师们不允许穿戴faded jeansscarves,也不许眼部化妆,由第三段可知一些学校也不允许老师穿yoga pants;故A为正确答案。由最后两段可以看出cf都是可以采取的穿着方式。

4. D。由文中Amy Lindquist所说的话“When (teachers) look current, yet appropriate, it makes them look even more informed, which adds to their credibility as role models”可以推知,Amy Lindquist认为教师们穿着时尚得体,会使得他们看起来更见多识广的,这让学生们更容易把他们当成榜样,所以D为正确答案。


III. After reading


What is your opinion of dress codes for teachers in the US?


IV. Language study

1. Just as students are discouraged from wearing yoga pants at Minnesota’s Minnetonka High School, so are their teachers.

1) Discourage sb from doing sth:劝阻某人不做某事,例如:

His parents discouraged him from watching too much television.

2) so +助动词/be动词/情态动词+主语:表示某人也同样处于前面所述的状况。例如:

She was always a hard worker and so was her father.


2. “When (teachers) look current, yet appropriate, it makes them look even more informed, which adds to their credibility (可信度) as role models,” said Amy Lindquist ...

句中which引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面整句话。句意为:Amy Lindquist说:“当教师们穿着时尚得体时,会让他们看起来更见多识广,这使得学生们更容易把他们当成榜样。”


Helping another in need (P5)

I. Pre-reading

What do you usually do for your friends when they are feeling sad or depressed?


II. Reading

Read the article and choose the best answer:

1. According to the article, the researchers went to an Ape Sanctuary in Congo mainly to study _____.

A. how bonobos develop their social and emotional skills

B. whether bonobos know when and how to comfort others

C. in which situations bonobos become upset and anxious

D. how orphaned bonobos deal with their negative emotions

2. What did the researchers discover in their study?

A. Orphaned bonobos paid more attention to others who were in pain than bonobos with mothers did.

B. Young bonobos were more likely to reach out to help friends in need than adult bonobos were.

C. Female bonobos were more ready to reach out and comfort others than male bonobos were.

D. Young bonobos who could handle their own emotions were better at offering others a shoulder to lean on.

3. The underlined word “curb” in the sixth paragraph is closest in meaning to ____.

A. control             B. consider

C. care about             D. be aware of

4. What can we conclude from the article?

A. Humans are much better at regulating their negative emotions than any other species.

B. The way Bonobos react in stressful situations has little in common with that of humans.

C. Mother-child bonds play an important role in helping bonobos develop social and emotional abilities.

D. Children who are better at expressing their emotions are not necessarily able to control their emotions better.



1. B。由第二至四段可知这一研究发现了不只是人类拥有安慰同伴的能力,研究人员分析他们的行为发现倭黑猩猩也具备这种能力,所以答案为B

2. D。研究发现,并不是所有的倭黑猩猩们会去安慰同伴,其中不能很好控制自己情绪的孤儿在这方面比那些有妈妈的倭黑猩猩在这方面就表现差。所以答案为D。文中没有对比年幼的倭黑猩猩与成年的倭黑猩猩,以及雌性与雄性的区别,所以BC不对。

3. A。结合上文“They were found to be more anxious in times of tension and to have greater difficulty controlling their own emotions”以及下文的“Those who seem more capable of regulating their own emotions”可以推知curb的意思与control/regulate相近,故选A

4. C。通过研究中发现的失去妈妈的和有妈妈的倭黑猩猩控制情绪的不同,以及他们安慰同伴能力的差别可以推知C为正确答案。文中没有强调人类控制负面情绪能力的优势,所以A不对;由最后一段可以看出倭黑猩猩与人类在紧急情况下的反应有类似之处,所以B不对;从倒数第二段可以看出,那些能够更好控制自己情绪的孩子通常也能更好表达自己情绪,所以Dnot necessarily不对。


III. Language study

1. They were found to be more anxious in times of tension and to have greater difficulty controlling their own emotions, making them worse at reaching out helping friends in need.

本句to be more anxious …to have greater difficulty …并列,都是研究人员发现的内容;making them worse …用作结果状语,表示孤儿倭黑猩猩紧张焦虑、不能控制好自己情绪所带来的影响。


2. "The way we develop our social and emotional skills and how we deal with the emotional world around us may be shared with that of our closest ape relatives.”

本句的主语为the way we develop … and how we deal with the emotional world around us。谓语为may be sharedthat指代上文主语所说的全部内容。句意为:“我们发展社交和情绪技能的方式以及处理周围情感世界的方式也许与我们的灵长类近亲相似。”


Watch chick flicks (P6)

I. Pre-reading

What kinds of films do you prefer to watch?


Do you know what chick flicks is?

Chick-flick is a slang term for a film genre mainly dealing with love and romance and designed to appeal to a largely female audience.


II. Reading

Read the article and choose the best answer:

1. In the first paragraph, the author shows his _____ girls’ films.

A. disappointment at        B. dislike of

C. annoyance at               D. surprise at

2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the article?

A. The author was the most determined of the three not to talk about the film.

B. All three guys thought they should keep secret the fact that they had watched the film.

C. The three guys could not believe they had preferred The Notebook to Fight Club when they watched them the night before.

D. The author was worried that the fact that he and his friends had enjoyed a “girly” film cast doubts on their masculinity.

3. What, according to the author, was the worst thing that could happen to them?

A. Other students would make fun of them for not being manly.

B. Other students would find out that they had borrowed a movie.

C. The teacher would announce the matter in class.

D. The girls would sense the author’s strange behavior.

4. From the article, we can conclude that _____.

A. the writer realized that his fears were unfounded

B. the three boys finally acknowledged that they had watched the film   

C. only women can ever enjoy chick flicks

D. girls care a lot about how manly boys are



1. B。在第一段中,作者不停地重复足球,牛羊肉,电动工具这三个很男性化的词,目的就是不让自己想起前一天晚上他们看了部女性电影。由此推断,作者开始的时候对女性电影是排斥的态度。

2. D。由第二到第五段可知,为了维护他们的男子汉形象,他们虽然最终决定不告诉别人他们看了那部电影,但三个人中,Alex本来是想告诉别人的,Key是态度最坚决要维护这个决定的,作者支持Key的观点,所以AB不对,D正确。第二段的“If anyone asks, we put it on for two minutes, realized how girly it was, and watched Fight Club instead.”说明,他们其实并没有看Fight Club这部电影,只是统一口径要对外这么说,C不对。

3. A。倒数第三段的“Then the worst happened –one big mistake that we had overlooked: the person who had lent us the movie”说明,最糟糕的事就是最终别人知道了他们看了那部电影,从而觉得他们女气。

4. A。最后一段Christopher说她也爱看这部电影,说明女孩们并没有嘲笑他们,反而觉得跟他们有共鸣。所以作者的害怕担心完全是毫无根据的。倒数第二段的“The three of us denied everything.”说明B不对。CD文中没有提到。


III. After reading


1. 第一、二段里出现了两个词分别表示“适合男子的”和“女孩子气的”,这两个词分别是?


2. This sentence explains why the author and his friends didn’t want to tell others they had watched the film: “If word spread that three highly regarded senior guys had watched The Notebook together, their reputation and masculinity would come into question”. Please translate it.


3. Translation:





4. Translation:

1) I tensed.  

2) 我们做好准备迎接最差的情况。

5. 作者怎么形容谣言传播之快?

6. 除了“say”,在文章中作者还用到了另外哪三个动词表达“说”这个动作?



1. Manly, girly
3. 1) trick sb into doing sth

  2) commit the crime
4. 1)
  2) We were prepared for the worst.
5. The gossip spread faster than wildfire.
6. murmur, shout, exclaim



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