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高三教案 第503期

Eat dumplings in winter (P4)

I. Warming up

November 7 is the beginning of winter this year. Do you follow any Chinese traditions on this day?


II. Reading

Read the article and choose the best answer:

1. The author went to the dumpling restaurant for dinner mainly because ____.

A. she liked the dining environment there

B. she was invited by her Chinese friend

C. she loves to eat dumplings

D. she wanted to experience the Chinese festival

2. When the author got to the dumpling restaurant, she ____.

A. found it was not busy there

B. was disappointed by what she saw and ate

C. was offered a range of 30 types of dumplings to choose from

D. enjoyed the festival atmosphere and had a good night

3. With the fourth and fifth paragraphs, the author intends to ____.

A. show how people in the UK celebrate Christmas

B. compare the way people in China and UK celebrate their festivals

C. inform readers of the popularity of turkey in the UK before Christmas

D. explain why people rush to eat dumplings to celebrate the beginning of winter

4. What is the tone of the article?

A. Humorous.            B. Serious.

C. Curious.                D. Critical.



1. D。由第一、二段可知作者想去吃饺子,只是因为她同事提了一句今天立冬,他要去吃饺子,她才决定也要去吃,所以答案为D

2. B。从全文来看,作者去吃饺子乘兴而去,败兴而归,所以答案为B

3. B。作者写第四、五段,主要是想对比中英两国过节的不同方式,所以答案为B

4. A。最后两段作者对于自己吃饺子的经历一笑了之,她没有直接抱怨这次经历,只是强调端午节的时候不会再吃粽子,直接吃pizza,措辞风趣幽默,所以答案为A


III. After reading

How does the author describe the scene of people rushing to eat dumplings to celebrate the beginning of winter?


1. The restaurant that used not to be busy became very busy that day, which made the author feel the whole neighborhood seemed to be packed inside, all shouting at once;

2. The restaurant usually offered 30 types of dumplings on its menu but when the author arrived there that night, it had only two types left on sale.

3. The restaurant was in a mess because so many people came for dumplings. The only free table that the author was led to was covered with broken chopsticks and chicken bones in a lake of oil. When the dumplings were served, they were cold, almost empty shells, containing a little uncooked meat. Meanwhile, dumplings had been dropped on the ground, vinegar splashed across the floor and walls.


Facing gene enhancers (P5)

I. Pre-reading


Why do no two people look exactly the same, even twins?


II. Reading

Read the article and choose the best answer:

1. What did Visel’s recent study uncover?

A. How gene enhancers help shape the appearance of the face.

B. How gene enhancers affect the growth of the fetus.

C. A new cure for facial birth defects.

D. The connection between gene enhancers and genetic mutations.

2. According to the article, gene enhancers _____.

A. have a greater effect on genes closer to them 

B. used to be considered a good source of protein

C. weren’t discovered until recently

D. have more biological functions than scientists used to think

3. What can we conclude from the article?

A. As a fetus develops in the womb, the number of gene enhancers increases in the fetus.

B. The changes in gene enhancers may have something to do with genetic mutations.

C. The new findings about gene enhancers may help scientists learn more about facial birth defects.

D. Genetic mutations are believed to be the major cause of facial birth defects.



1. A。本文主要回答的是第二段提出的问题:So what is it that makes each face different? 研究发现,这主要是基因增强子的功劳,所以答案为A

2. D。由倒数第二段可知科学家很早以前就知道基因增强子的存在,但是认为它们是没有用的DNA,因为它们不能产生蛋白质,所以被认为没有什么生理作用,但是现在科学家们发现它们影响我们的面部特征,所以BC不对,D为正确答案。第五段只是提到了基因增强子能远远地作用于其他基因,但是没有对比它们对远近不一样的基因影响的大小,所以可知A不对。

3. C。由最后一段首句可知C为正确答案。


III. Language study

1. According to Visel, these DNA pieces act like switches, turning genes on and off and therefore determining whether a certain facial feature develops in a fetus while it is still in the womb.



2. Understanding this may help scientists learn why and how things go wrong as a fetus develops, leading to facial birth defects such as cleft lips.

句中why and how…引导的从句作learn的宾语,as引导时间状语从句,leading to…用作结果状语,说明胎儿在母体内发育不良的某种结果。句意为:了解这些有可能帮助科学家发现胎儿在发育过程中为什么会出错以及是怎样出错的,从而导致出现像唇腭裂这类的面部缺陷。


Keep it together (P6)

I. Fast reading

Read the article and answer the following questions:

1. How did the author react upon hearing that his parents were getting divorced?

His heart plunged and he thought that his life was going to fall apart.


2. How did the author help his mother when she got divorced?

He did his own laundry, made dinner and did extra chores around the house.


3. How does the author think his parents’ divorce affected him?

He now recognizes that although it was hard, it had a positive effect on him. His mother gave him chores and duties so that he would learn to become self-disciplined and trustworthy.


II. Specific reading

Read the article and choose the best answer:

1. When the author found out his parents were getting a divorce, ____.

A. he didn’t feel surprised at their decision

B. he was deeply affected and worried about how his life would become

C. he tried to tell his parents not to split up

D. he was relieved that they were going to begin a new life

2. What qualities did the author develop after his parents’ divorce?

a. a sense of responsibility            b. self-discipline

c. distrust      d. care for others     e. a strong will

A. abc            B. abe       C. bce        D. bde

3. By describing his decision not to drink alcohol, the author wants to show that ____.

A. he doesn’t like to have fun

B. he doesn’t like others pressurizing him

C. he tries to be different from others

D. he sticks to decisions that he thinks are right

4. The main message that the author wants to convey is that ____.

A. you can turn things around as long as you work hard

B. divorce may not only have bad effects on children

C. life is a struggle, so you have to fight

D. there’s no point in blaming others



1. B。从第一段的My heart plunged…I thought that my life was going to fall apart.得此答案。

2. B。从第二段可知在父母离婚以后,作者学会了自力自律,有了责任感。从第四段可知,作者坚持不让自己染上酗酒的恶习,这体现了他的坚强意志。

3. D。从第四段的“I am always determined to be an individual and not participate in anything that I feel is wrong.”可以得此答案。

4. A。文中作者描述了父母离婚初期他觉得他将度过最糟糕的时光,但是随着自己的努力,他发现他也因此受到了锻炼变得更加优秀。尤其是最后一段的“…success, and that hard work, determination and self-discipline can turn your worst time into your best time.”这句话点出了全文的主题。


III. After reading

What lesson can we learn from Kevin’s story?



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