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高三教案 第534期

Return of ninja turtles (P1)
I. Pre-reading
Discuss the following questions with your partner.
 Have you even seen the TV series Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?
 What is it about?
 Do you like the series? Why or why not?

II. Reading
Read the article and answer the following questions.
1. Where is the movie Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles set? (No more than 25 words)
It is set in New York, where crime is at an all time high and there are more thieves than police.

2. What happens to April when she conducts her investigation? (No more than 10 words)
She is attacked twice but saved by four turtles.

3. What is the mission of the four turtles in the movie Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? (No more than 8 words)
To fight crime and save New York City.

4. What makes the four turtles unique, according to Jon Gibson? (No more than 10 words)
Their different personalities make them easy to relate to.

5. Why does US writer Randall Lobb think that the turtles’ mutant status contributes to their popularity? (No more than 20 words)
“Teenage” and “mutant” are connected, so their status reminds viewers of the struggles people go through in adolescence.

III. Language study
Study the following sentences.
1. Apart from their different personalities, US writer Randall Lobb told The New York Times that the characters’ continued popularity is because of the fact that “teenage” and “mutant” are connected.
句中apart from表示“除了……以外”,相当于besides。句中第一个that引导的从句作told的宾语;第二个that引导的从句作the fact的同位语,进一步解释说明是一个什么样的事实。

2. But, as Lobb noted, “they obviously want to fit in because they go out of their way to make sure that they’re helping by fighting crime.”
fit in:融入(群体),适应
go out of one’s way to do sth:费心做某事,尽力做某事(try very hard to do sth, especially for sb else)。例如:They really went out of their way to make us feel welcome by giving us the best room in the house.

3. “Every person you meet pretty much falls into one of those categories,” gallery curator Jon Gibson told LA Weekly.
Fall into … category: 属于……类
例如:Nearly two thirds of the study’s respondents fall into this category.

Keep safe online (P2)
I. Pre-reading
Discuss the following questions with your partner.
 What is the human flesh search?
Basically, the human flesh search refers to thousands of individuals working to find the identity of a specific person, through channels such as social networks, blogs, and forums, and then make public his or her personal information.
 Can you think of some times when the human flesh search has been used?
 Are you for or against the human flesh search?

II. Reading
Read the article and answer the following questions.
1. How did Internet users respond to a video of a woman stabbing a kitten with her high heels?
They got so angry with the woman that they tried to find her information, and then made it public online after only one week.

2. What ended up happening to the woman who stabbed a kitten after her personal information had been leaked?
She was later suspended from her job.

3. How did Wang Fei protest against his information being leaked after he suffered a lot from it?
He took his case to court and got 5,000 yuan in compensation for his privacy being violated.

4. When did the human flesh search first start?
It started in 2006.

5. How is China’s top court going to regulate the human flesh search?
According to China’s top court on Oct 10, the human flesh search will be ruled as leaking personal data, which is against the law. Internet users or network service providers who leak people’s personal information such as phone numbers, addresses, and clinical data will have to hold legal responsibility. Network service providers will also be held responsible if they are aware that their users have violated others’ rights but have failed to take action.

6. Why do some people support the human flesh search?
Because it is beneficial to some extent. For example, some public officials have been removed from their positions after human flesh searches led to corruption investigations. During disasters like the Sichuan earthquake in 2008, the search method also helped many people to find their loved ones.

7. Why do many people oppose to the human flesh search?
They argue that online cyber hunting is creating a threat to privacy.

8. What are you advised to do in order to protect your privacy online?
You shouldn’t put any of your personal data or others’ information on social networks or in private online messages. You can also change your security settings on your social media accounts to make personal information only available to friends.

III. Further thinking
What else do you think you should do to keep yourself safe online?

IV. Language study
Study the following sentences.
1. But what if you wanted to identify someone you had no personal connection with?
此处what if用于提出假设,意思是“假若……怎么办”,“要是……将会怎么样”,经常和虚拟语气连用,句中的动词用了过去时wanted和had,表示对现在情况的虚拟。例如:What if he didn’t agree?

2. But now it seems that they can put their minds at rest.
句中的put/set one’s mind at rest表示“某人可以放心了”。句意为:但现在看起来他们似乎可以放心了。

Find the following phrases from the article based on their Chinese meanings.
辞去工作 quit one’s job
侵犯某人的隐私/权利  violate one’s privacy/rights
某人可以放心了 put one’s mind at rest
泄漏个人资料 leak one’s personal information
负法律责任 hold legal responsibility
采取行动 take action
在某种程度上 to some extent
对……造成威胁 create a threat to sth

Teach with respect (P6)
I. Pre-reading
Discuss the following questions with your partner.
 Would you like to offer help to those in need?
 If the person you would like to help refused to be helped, what would you do?
 What do you think is the first principle of helping people?

II. Skimming
Read the article quickly and find out what the speaker thinks is the first principle of aid.
The speaker thinks the first principle of aid is respect.

III. Scanning
Read the article again and choose the best answer for each of the following questions.
1. The Italians didn’t ask the locals why nothing had been grown in their valley because they thought _____.
A. Zambian seeds were not good enough for the valley
B. nobody had ever paid the local people to grow food
C. the local people didn’t know how to grow food at all
D. the local people were too weak to work due to starvation
2. What happened to the tomatoes eventually?
A. They were picked by the Zambians.
B. They were eaten by hippos.
C. They didn’t grow well and died from the bad weather.
D. Some local people fed them to the hippos.
3. By saying “We either patronize them, or we are paternalistic”, the speaker intends to show that _____.
A. many English words have a Latin root
B. Westerners always have an air of superiority in Africa
C. Westerners are willing to help poor people in Africa
D. Western people treat people in Africa as their fellow countrymen
4. What is the main idea of this speech?
A. Poor countries should be grateful for other countries’ aid.
B. The first principle of aid is to leave poor people alone.
C. Every country is responsible for its own development.
D. Before helping someone, we should first respect their ideas.

1. C。从正文第二段的第一句“Our first project was a project where we Italians decided to teach Zambian people how to grow food.” 可以看出,作者他们这个项目主要是教授赞比亚人民如何种植食物,而最后的“we simply said”证明,作者他们只是简单地认为赞比亚人民遭受饥饿是由于他们不懂得种植业。
2. B。从“overnight, some 200 hippos came out from the river and they ate everything.”可知,所有的番茄在一夜之间被大约200多头的河马吃光了。
3. B。从“The two words come from the Latin root "pater," which means "father"…”可知,这两个词都与father有关,而父亲通常都是一个家庭中高高在上的,同时借助这句话的意思本身可以推知作者借此来说明西方人在对待非洲的事务上都自认为有一种优越感的,所以才会认为自己是非洲需要帮助的人们的恩人或家长。
4. D。从最后一段最后一句“The first principle of aid is respect.”可以看出,作者明确提出援助的首要原则是要尊重。

IV. Further thinking
Do you agree that the first principle of aid is respect? Why or why not?

IV. Language study
Useful expressions
1. But instead of asking them how come they were not growing anything, we simply said: “Thank God we’re here.”
how come:为什么,怎么回事, 怎么会
How come you didn't invite him to the party? He’s going to be your boss.

2. “Just in the nick of time to save the Zambian people from starvation.”
in the nick of time:正是……的时候
The ambulance arrived in the nick of time.

3. I was given a slap in the face reading a book, Small Is Beautiful, written by Schumacher, who said, above all in economic development, if people do not wish to be helped, leave them alone.
短语a slap in the face表示“一记耳光;侮辱”,而a slap on the back则表示“友好地轻拍背部(表示赞许或表扬)”,a slap on the wrist则是“轻微的警告(或惩罚)”。可见,打的部位不同所代表的意义也不同。句意为:我在读一本书时,如遭当头棒喝,这本书名叫《小即是美》,作者是舒马赫。他说经济发展最重要的一点是,如果人们不想让别人帮助,就随他们去。


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